News Scrapbook 1973-1974

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Cl ry Students' Thri

Islam-a major religion little under to d- in We t ...

ontradif ona\ Studies

) i Icing •ne me acadetn! • credit as a cour e 1a\..el' O\ er a11 en 1 ire se-

more prec ision tl)an lig1ons At the last Judgm nt, Moslcms be- lieve, true bellcv('rs Y.111 re- gain the1 b<>d1e ' and move on to a h •avcn where he wlll find eternal truth and strPngth, live a sumptuous hf or un peakeble joy and Prsta. y, drink wine that nev r harms him and be surrounde d by lovely ''houris." Islam ha. no priests or s:,cramrnts - there is only the prophet, MohammE>d. Thr. faithful are called to prayPr in the mo que by a "mul•z21n." Prayers are re- <·1l!•d acmg '.\1ecca, with stipulated postures and ges- turPs, usually led by an 11 tma1n.' 1 Islamic law 1wnmts a man five wives concurrent- ly, providt>d he can treat thPm all equally, a provi- sion many take as a virtual guarantt·e of monogamy. Moslem abo belleve in predestination and in a "last JUdgml·nt" in which they will be callPd upon to urcount for their misdeeds and be rewardPd for their good ctel•d The " tra1ght path" offt-red a. th avenue to salvut10n re ts upon " five pillars." in other

Naturallsts of the Wes tern Hemisphere will convene for the 54th Annual Meeting of the Western Society of Naturalists Dec, 'l/. 30 at the University of Sao Diego. Dr. Ross E. Dingman uaoclale professor of blolo~ at USD, Is chalnnan of the I973 He will be assisted by Dr •. nice Farrens a d Desai ve on, professor& of blolog. THE PR RAM will consist of two Q sia, the first this Friday, is Utled "Marine Food Webs - Warp and Woof" Nu![lent accumulation a~d utluz tlcm In marine com- munities will be discussed by a panel of eight speakers chaired by Dr. Laura Cheng an~ Dr. Ralph Lewin of Scripps Jn, stltu of Oceanography. On Saturday, "The Natural History of the ~croalgae" be explored b a panel of five 10 a '8f!IIPoSlwn chaired by Dr. Nancy Nicholson of the

Allan Hancock University of California. EACH SYMPOSI to the public as

IS open


ta member scientists, from l.30 a.m. to 12 p.m. In Salomon Lecture Hal~ De Siles Hall. According to '?lngman, the program will also include three afternoon sessions based on discussion of the 110 papers to be pre ented. Among the topics are Invertebra te and Ver- tebrate Biology, and Marine lgae. MEMBERSHIP In the Western Society of Natural ts nwnbers 1,330, with scientists from the Western United States, British Columbia , Hawaii, Guam, Florida, South Carolina, Puerto RI O d Quebec. This is the first annual meeting of the Society ' ~red by the University of San Diego.

L.J. 1.. /~~r ;:;. 73

- Thrre I only one God, Allah. and Mohammed 1s ht grPat t ,Prophet: - loslem · must pray live tune daily \\1th hpads oowcd and racing .1ecca. - All 1 I ms must pay a "zakn or annual levy for support of the poor. for wh1rh a 2 per cent \lJ levy 1s usually assP Pd annually n Income and capt , - All \1osl ms must fast cturmg th month of Rama• dan, wh1rh recalls th yrar the Koran v. a revPa!ed and month- of \lohamrqect's h irah 1 Medina 10 ears l:tt r; in a llfetime evrrv '>loslem ~hould visit lrci·a. - Once

ND CHOOSING--Shoron Bollinger, o sel"'ior at he f Son Diego digs for relics in San Diego's Old Town. ' 'Iimr phul<> by Jo• 1".rnned •

USD Alumni Event Alumni of the University of San Diego will hold a Chnstmas •fass at 7 p.m. Th sday at ~lission San Diego Alcala. Thev will be gue of the Rev ·Msgr I. Brent Eagan, a USO alumnus and merrber of the b_oard of trustees, at a rece . t10n following the :\!:as~. Fne_nds of the. University are mVJted. /JA/tot/ Jl-F- 73

Mrs. William K. Buckley, left, past president of the University of Sa n Diego Auxiliary, shares a schedule of next year's auxil iary plans with new members Mrs. Roy Holmertz, center, and Mrs. Robert Bond . USD Auxiliary to welcome new members

/JA/ttJ,J /) ,f-73

Also to be honored are Dr, Author Hughes, president of the university and Msgr, I. Brent Eagen. A highlight of the luncheon will be the special performance of the USO Madrigal Singers, a musical group of D students. Mrs. Edward Varley ls chairman of the day, assisted by Mrs. Carl Aville.

Samuel Dikel, Mrs. Michael Gleason, Mrs. Robert Bond, Mrs. Harold A. Baily, Mrs. Joseph Chemali, Mrs. Gerald Schmidt, Mrs. William R. Stark, Mrs. Barbara Kohler, Mrs. Milan Brandon, Mrs. Charles King, Mrs. Michael W. Murphy, Mrs. Frank Giglitto, Mrs.Margaret Franklin, Sister Genevieve Lane and Dr. Patricia A. Lowry. 1'113

A Christmas buffet luncheon for members and honored guests will be held by the University of San Diego Auxiliary at noon next Thur- sday at the Lighthouse restaurant, Harbor Island. New members to e welco d include Mrs. John Brophy, Mrs. James S. Kinder, Mrs. Ward F. Moore, Mrs. John Batko, Mrs. Melvin Bartell, Mrs. Helen Ann Bunn, Mrs. Richard Levi, Mrs. • Nathan Maylor, Mrs. Alvin • : Scbrepfennan, Mrs. Maurice Sum, Mrs. idney Smith, Mrs. EmilBavas rs. E.J . Stelter, Mrs. Louis E. Alfano, Mrs. Roy Holmertz and Mrs. John Mazur. Others will be Mrs. Lynn Deaton, Mrs. Lester

u,to ,sr Hector Garcia plays '" • Jock Glenn Gallery continues San Diego Small Images I974 photography tow I foad Gallery conlinues esey Shaw pomlings anti 0$- semblages. UCSD Rec,tol 1-ioll. 8,15.

I Mar so Galvony sings Tosca for Son D,ego Opera, opening in C,v,c Theater, 8. • Son Diego State ( Saxophone Quartet plays m Recil I 8 Confm ,r.g H, I, N.

La Jolla choir to sing at Mass for USD atu.le!


i..,Yo:J:iiu 1,'I, - 7.3

A Christmas concert will be presented tomorrow at 4 p.m. in the Camino Theater at_ the University of San Diego. It will be open to the public without charge. The USO Madrigals, di- rected by Debbie Cuyler will sing carols. Gilbert Sloa~ will conduct the un- 1vers1ty Choir m a medley of ChrJStmas selections. .Mozar t' s Brandenburg Concerto will be performed 1 by the Solisti de Alcala a 10-member chamb 1 er orchestra. Dr. Henry Kolar direct$ and performs with the ndent-faculty string ensemble.

Members choir from M_i!f !ffar

, ,.. HJ\. t> tv USD s Alcala Tri o Goes Visiting ThC>tkala Tno from th '


Blumenthal, Mrs. Annabelle A. Davis, Mrs. Harry Lee Smith, Mrs. John E. Novak, Mrs.

li niversitv of San Diego will

h I ro mont Col~cge next Sunday for an 8·15'p m p( fo rmance In th F mo Arts Recital Hall · 1 \ 10hmst Henry Kolar, cellist Marjorie Hart a'ld niani st .ana i\lys1tor-all m mbers of the lJSD f I.ii ~- ol)('n lhl' ve ntation with the Sonata No 4 r~ Etk· Will Al. o programmed are Tno c'>O. 2 in the F~rm of a Smor. Opus 98, b) \'in<·Pnt d'lndy and Trio in F ~1lnor OpuUl6te5 by Dvorak • , s ,

two-day seminar on the basic. prind ples of Roman -Catho1 ''ism and Prote - Y\ tlsm has been scheduled for 1:---\ D!j(;, 4-5 atthe University of 1 .San Diego Ecumenical Center for World Religions. Seminar leaders are the '-.... Rev Walter J. Burghardt, -


FAIRER . SEX: Females at USD Law School a bc,)asting; 91 per cent passed the bar exam on Uieir first try , compared with 63 :per ce~t of: th(' male s\udents. (No big lbmg, the gentlemen say; there were 205 men only 11 women.) '

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