News Scrapbook 1973-1974



N Around the dioces~ tlv Jul) 26:

Dillabough. Missing from the picture, the sixth, Father Richard Dryer. These are the last class who were educated at the old St. Francis Seminary when it was situated on the campu USO in De Sales. Hall. The seminary is now located adjacent to the campus in apartment buildings, but seminari ns continue to take courses at USO. -SC

EAGER PRIESTS-Five classmates of the six being ordained this year show a cheerful outlook as they join in the joy of the ordination of Father Ni olas Reveles last Saturday. From left they are: Father Donald Coleman, Father Nicolas Reveles, Deacon James Moore [to be ordained Saturday], Father Jo ph C rroll and ather Dani I

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reer Kyoko Kat5ura, 18 will go abroad when she graduates to study anthropQlogical lin- guistic , the relat10nsh1p be- ty,,· n languag a,d tures "My parents are modern and they encourage me," she said. "But they want me to marry, so I will be a housewife, of co rse Sachiko Furukawa, 20, is ready to accept a similar compromise. She too, Is ma- joring in linguistics and cul- tures; she, too, expects that she will marry and become a housewife. "But perhaps I could find something to teach in my horn " she said. "l could teac tea ceremony, or embroidery, or flower ar- ranging." Yoko Kato 2(), is a journal• ism major, an only child and deeply devoted to her par- ents. "~1y moth 1s my ideal," she sald. ' ·sac- tive and vivid, and my fa- th r loves her ,very uch. A wife has to be loved by her husband to be happy. " Her parents have told Yoko that thPy hope she Will marry, she said. "But they also have id that it's my tiff', my decision, and if I want a career I am to have it," she added. Although lhe girls are charmed by the climate here, "so different from TokyQ, w · h is hot and smokyt,llnd wet in summer," they have found few sur- prises, few differences in cultures. "They knew what your people would be like," ex· plained 1ster Setsuko. "They w well prepared through agazine aJ;ticles. They have found that young

'.\trs. James R. Davis, ersity of San Diego Auxiliary, \llill p~esid~ at the _ann~al m~mber- ship tea on Sept. 17 at the umwr ·1t president sresidence, Casa de Alcala. -~ :-.1rs. Davis recently took over duties as head of t,he auxiliary upon the resignation of Mrs. Tho~as Brady, ~ho will soon be leaving with her husband for his new two-year business assignment in Iran. Auxiliary members and prospective members as_well as mothers of students and freshman and transfemng stu· dents are invited to the l to 3 p.m. tea . . 1rs. James S. Kinder and '.\lrs. Richard A. Barber are m charge of arrangements. Student guides will conduct tours of the \ . ·ampus following the tea. . .. "."l Mrs. Lee Bartell is chairman of hoste$ses who will K include the _Imes. David H. Garfield, Robert Bon~, Melvm :\1. Bartell, Helen Anne Bunn, Richard_ C. Levi, Thomas Holm Maurice Sims and Walter L. Wilkens. • Others are the :\Imes. John M. Hogan, Paul A. Vesco, Ralph C. Hardie, Robert C. Howard, Robert A Cihak, Dominic DeP1etri, Leo J Durkin and Bernard R. !\1aloney. Receiving with Mrs. Davis w1ll be Mrs. Author E. Hughes, wife of the university president, Dr Hughes. \II p~ nt of the

Unlverslty of an Die o School registrations for summer cour e at Al In Park cam in Paris, France and Mexico. Information: 291-6480,

011cano Community Ce lcr' ben fit from "Evening with e

medical-d ntal clinic tar "with top Me,tcan and 9 p.m, Saturday, Julr, 13, Civic to

: rbreros Continue To Add Ta lent





Theater, S n Die o. kkct~ al theater and Chi n

1809 National Ave. L Cabtl I'• parl

P.icnic Sunday, July 14. Dos P1cos, off

Hwy. 67. R;imona. Detail • 748-3802, Poway. lmaacabote Conception Fraternity, Third Ord r of St. !'ran i , 1:30 p.m. Sunday, July 14, St. Jo eph' Cathedral, Third and Beech, San Diego.

SISTER ROSSI RETIRES -Sister Aimee Rossi, dean emeritus, University of San Diego, and for many years a familiar figure on its Alcala Park campus, will begin resi• dence the end of this month at Oakwood, retire- ment home for the Religi- ous of the Sacred Heart, Menlo Park. She will be honored Aug. 25 with a Mass in Founders Hall chapel, followed by a reception. For 15 years Sister Rossi was academic dean of the San Diego College for Women now incorporated into USD. Her special interest has been raising funds for music scholarships at USO.


Invitations mailed to USD birthday Mr·. Alex DeBakcsy of Hancho Santa Fe, in-

designed the blue and white invitation to the event for which Mrs. John IJ . Frager is g,•neral chairman. Mrs. Adelma Liefgreen, decoration chairman, will carry out the theme of each country as t!.t•termmed by the food chosen by :\Ir . John J. Wells and the Casserole Cater r . Other La Jollans assisting are Mrs. Bob Cro by, music co• chairman: Mr. Peter Hughes, a sistant treasurer, Mrs. deWitt Merriam, co-chairman of host couples : and Mrs. John l'. Burke, publicity

Dr. Author K Hughes, president of the University of San Diego, recently accepted a check for $5,000 from Mrs. John A. Waters. The funds which will be used for financial aid to USO students were raised at a fashion show sponsored by the USO Auxiliary, and .chaired by Mrs. Waters. The presentation was ,piade at the annual spring luncheon held at the Bahia otel. Officers installed for 1974-75 at the luncheon were Mrs. Thomas J. Brady, president; Mrs. Thomas Holmes, first vice- 'president; Mrs. Ross Tharp, second vice- president; Mrs. A.H. Mikklesen, recording ecretary; Mrs. John A. Waters, corresponding secretary; and Mrs. Joseph S. Brock, treasurer. Board members elected for two years are La J ollans Mrs. Emil Bavasi and Mrs. James Casey, and Mrs. Joseph A. Bennett, Mrs. Helen Anne Bunn, Mrs. James R. Davis and Mrs. Edwin 0. Ferguson. La Jollan Mrs. Thomas Keelin chaired the nominating committee.

vitations cha1 rman for the 25th birthday party to be h Id at the University of San Diego on Aug. 28, and her committee have fin1 hed addressing, luffing and mailing 5,000 mv tat1ons to friend , alumni, faculty and -taff Mr , Emil Bavasi of La Jolla pent weeks before the ddre es were pe ned getting house number and 21p cod s in order, as istcd by another La Jollan, Mrs. Thomas Finn, director of public relations at USD Mrs. Jame S. Copley

r. and Mrs. Ross Snyder t San Diego announce the ngagement of their daugh- - ter Debra to Robert Klemme. son of tr. and rs. Allen Kl mme of Illi· nois. The bi;ide-elect attends San Diego State Unl\ersity Her nance iS a gradua c of Southern Jllinots t: ruvers1ty, Carbondale, and the Univer· \. sit) of San Diego. I-


Mrs. Alex

for the 25th b1rt day p y of the- University of San Diego to be held Aug. 28, drops invitations into the mailbox m front ol La Jolla's main post office on Wall Street. She is assisted by Mrs. Adelma Liefgr nof La Jolla, decorations chairman for tt,- event.___ ____ _

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USO eyes first win


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the two arter Spooner con- nected on t1"o passes. Spooner scored the other TD in the ·econd period, going over from the one. On the previous play he had ran six yards.

University of San Diego footballers began practice today for Saturday's game with Whittier at USO Stadi- um after reglstenng their fir wm aturday. The Torero turned back LaVern , 14-41. They had uffered three straight loss- es previously Mike Spooner directed the Torero to the triumph after ~ing tackled in his own endzone on the second play of the game. USD gamed 110 yard rushing and 135 yards pa ing. John Butler scored the •;rst USO touchdown from

NIXON AT USD FLASHBACK-Former President Richard M. Nixon received an honorary degree from the University of San Diego in 1959 when he was vice-president under President Eisenhower. This picture: taken in the "Greek theater" of the campus, adjacent to the law school, shows the degree ceremony with Bishop Charles F. Buddy officiating, and the then president of USD Father Russell Wilson. Mrs. Pat Nixon stands right, with Herb Klein former San Diego editor and former White House director of communications, half hidden by Capt. E.' Robert Anderson, USN [ret.), Copley newspapers executive, now retired.

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