News Scrapbook 1972-1973
San Diego, Tuesday, aug s·oll Bloom's arena plans
TY.o ha ketball 'cam headed or possible post-seru;on playc, l a ·lgnment ct t g u- r 1n U.S. In ernattonal' Gold<' Gvm ton g,1t whPn thi> \ e' er.ners tangle with L'ni\·ersity of San Diego. Game time 1s 8 o'clock. "lt i::hould ho> a mo t mter~st- mg ballgame," sa) s USIU coach Bob K!6pppnbur' "Th") re going to be gning for an • "'AA i,v,~;on, play,iff berth and we're going for one in the 'AJA. · USD has a 15-7 dOrrl, the We tcrners 14'9. The ,P er 11 ilJ be hard-pressed to 'p"re~enl cre- entials worthy f a playoff pot. The winner will enhance .Its chanc· s. espe<'ial11• ii ii c;in come up with an impressive tr,umph. "We'] ha1·e to contain their front 1 m: omeh()W and krep them Jrom getting tho~e second and th rd shots,·• continued Kloppenburg. "l really feel that USO s- art111g umt i a ma1or coll P asketball team. The onlv thmg that \\ould ke~p th · out of it would be their deplh. I look for a very bruis- ing, ph) sical game." To gN the Joh done, CSIU mu t . top a team averaging 75 2 wmts per game with t~o J iors. forward Pinky Snuth and guard ·tan Wash111gton leading the way. Smith is hit- ting at an 18.4 mean and Wash- ington 16.4. The best the Westerner · can er is guard Jim Sulli\ an _and 1 • 11.7 a\ernge USJL lost its o. 2 scorer, Preston Jackson nd his 10 7 figure. for the sea- son earher this month when he ·a~ injured in a game at Whit- Iler. little .toughet chedule, the Toreros should le a shght favorite tonight. [The home court, h 1 Jwe\·er, could mjke up for that 1p favor of the Westerners. '•We're dis- c9unting the home court advan- tage for this one," says USD boss B<'rn1e Bickerstaff_ "I( they beat us, they're j~ going to have to do it with bility and execution. we·re going to play our game. We're nnt going to lier our style, even though we now they like to play a delib- rale game." Jornmg Su'.livan in USIU" 1,arting lineup will be \etera ob Vilven at the other guar 1nt and Gary .vtoms Ken rush and Bob Kuny~,: up ront. Morris re1oined th quad at the semester brea 1 d is a~e aging 10.9 m I ames. Brush and \'ilvcn are hitting nly about eight poi ts {>er con' lest with Kun. z " . u dy Sie- benthal. a 6 4 ,hman, 1 cha], engmg If\(' latter ·ith 7.0 figure Ben Thomp on . ns Pin ky Sm!Jli anti h 6 other, fresh· man K~nny, on tb 1:SD front line- !fhompson has a 9.7 aver- age and 198 rebounds !er the sec1s n, the "3tter mark second only £ ·s_ 233 caro.,....,."-__.
national Cniversity and Ber- 1iie Bickerstaff of USO di - twl'Pll Hit>ir rcspect1w team l0111ght at 8 111 L'SIU's Golden r;, rn.
Friday, January 19, _19_7_3___
oly smen ar . • to for the eason. In addition to UCSD play- ing H' the Irvine tourney, USD and USIU also are slated for road tests tomor- row mght, thct Toreros et SouthNn California College and the Westerners at Po-
gamr. ," he reminds "In that time we have held the oppo. 1- tion to a maximum 64 pom p('r game." The Westerners (8-4) have limited 12 foos to a ave.~age of 60. I points whtl coring at a 67 .4 mean themselves. Guard Jim Sulltvan contin- ues to the USIU scoring with a 14 2 average wtlh Pre- ston Jackson and Ken Brush nPxt at 11.5 and 10.9. respec- tively Bru h I ad the rt boundln with 102 tn 12 games U ll' already own• an 80 ill over <:al Lutheran on the W s!Prn(' • floor The King-
)JUlS,., ' ''\V<•· kit and I S\\C( p lh Ill :'-.AJA playof~ r,,
11L"' IJ hav~ to It tu gd into the
said Klop- penburg. ' t SD !mil a chance ,1l 1hr NCM pl yoff:s so the!'(' will be a lot ridmg 011 this game besides the usual riv• ally invtllved." USD football coach Andy Vinci announced his sch will hold a coaches clinic March 17 in which new Los Angeles Rams coach Chuc Knox will be the featured speaker. Vinci, whose Toreros opened spring football prac- tice yesterday, said the rea- son for the early start was to avoid competing with the Az- tecs for publiC'ity and to gi\e himself lime to assess hi~ needs and recruit mbre help latrr whrre it 1~ needed. The Torero head coacll add!'d his goal is to S('ll l.000 season tiekets before April I and to raise a minimum of $7,500 m the aimual tund dnve. It was also announced the first San Dieg,J County Wristwrestling Champion- ships will be held April 22 a the Sports Arena and will in- volve competitors from all over the nation as well as any local participants interested. The event will be carried on ABC's Wide World llf Sports and is being sponsored by the San Diego County Dep- uty Sheriffs Assn. The group anticipates a crowd of 10.000 for the matches.
PE1 ER GRAHAM Jim Ryun m the rmle. We have something to sell there because the mile 1s the glam- or event and they are the best attractions going." Boxing promoter Lee Frum said the .\larch 31 fight here between Muhammad Ii and l\o, 7 ranked Ken l\orton will be ,·arrird hve \.Jo ABC's Wide World of Sports hut will be bl:1cked out J11 San D,cgo and Los Angel!' . · The card 11111 tart al 1::10 p.111. with the 12-round roam e\ent gctt111g under way about 2. :Hickey Danes has been hired as the match- maker and has indicated No. I ranked we1ten1eight con- tender Hedgemon Lewis will be line of the top attractions on the under card. Fruin said both Ali and Norton will be in San Diego to train the final two weeks be- fore the fight and t-h t the LcBaron Hotel \\111 serve as fight headquarter for the event. Basketball t'llad1e Bob Kloppenburg of U.S. Inter-
planned 11 as i t the team s 5ea on tick drive by writing letters to over 200 busmes es that never ha\e purcha. P.d season tickNs and a:JOut 250 more which haven't renewed previous purchase·. It 1s the first such pollllcal 11volvement rn support of any area profes i<,nal fla11t·h1
USO Varsity s Alumni
IM AT PLAYOFFS USD Fac""'S\,, 'Canyon Five With a post-season playoff berth now a distinct pos .ipility, Uruvers1ty of San Diego begins a three-gamP. regular sea~on home stretch tonight by hosting Grand Canyon College t in the USD gym. . The visiting Antelopes could provide a real stumbling bloek. The Toreros, now 16-7 following a bruising victory over U.S. International University Tuesday night, will be facing a club which appears their equal in almost every detail. Grand, Canyon also is 16-7 lt has the height with a fro~t Ji~e averagin_g over 6-7 with the same threesome averaging _m dou figures on an rndlVld- ual tiasis.
1\1-'l°B COLLEGE
Toreros Survive* 11 , Lo USIU R ly~ (Continued from Page C-1 l . he final wh1s le two Toreros the game'.<; C'nrl. A few mmutrs had fouled out usn had secn,earlier, when the Toreros ha~ Tommy Pavis' "1 a rut n\er lost two players on foul~ an his ey Kenny Smith hobbled two others on mJune~, Bickers- and St II W ~hingtnn forced out taff sbouted tn .his tr~ps, ·ith 'a badly bru1:sed nght "Hang m there, we ve got a ew ;ho~l C'r after accepting an el- le~~~er he explained he meant boll. he was talkini: about a few The Torcro~ were not the' healthy players not com- only casualties. USIU's Bobby lainln about th~ fouls Vilven went out with a grom n- p HoY.eter Bickerstaff had jury wtlh more than sevci" mt• ,omething' to say about the ute to play ami e\tei a dot ('dr fouls when the contc t had end we tcrncrs were ba tcre an d bl'uiSC'd. . . e :,y ·ust drm't ]1ke to pta that V1h en appears . tdehned for k d J f game " he in isled. USJU's two remaining ..~~ay~e he rUSil: roach Bob ame . . Kloppenburg) does. Maybe he Washington, drtV1ng f h had t~ play 11that way when he bandon and pa sing of \\ en ot so far behind. appeared certain he would g "We were tr>·ing to protect t, Jeri all scorer with 21 ourselves out thrrP. and we not po,nt~ H011ever, his effort bes- onl)' get the calls, but \\e g<>t ted by only one ;,he 20-pomt pro- our men hurt, too I'm sure cturtion of USJU s J1mm) Sullt- Davis ,,.,m nerd stitrhr.s, Joe \'an who Ja1d tn some ~autiful, mith got bangrd up, Stan twisting hot despite hi ~mall (Washington) really gnt an el- stature. bow in hi houlder. It was the Pink) Smith a?cted 14 most physic.ii game we have U n as the game · only 01 ei b(,en in all season " Pla~er in double figures. The > usiu o•1 , th . son uso "' o F T Torero , runnmg ctr sea. ith sG ,_: ,1 Morr1, , 2 • ' rernrd to 16-7. took another step la:-::,1h ! •·• • s,u,hJ3 ~:l j I •off Thomoson 1.7 I Kunvu 20 towards a p-0 t-. eason P a) J.Srnllh , o-o, • s II von f rJ , b rth U.IU, fallmg to 14-10, ~!~""'"\ 1i.l,· 2 2 ~~v•n 1 ,·.2 ! Probably eJ1mmaterl itself from Cosenza 5 o..i 10 i •-io , ff h Blume 2 0-0 • any ~AJA Playo opes. f.!1rnondt1I o-o 2 Dc sp1te the v!ctol'), U Tmot, " 16 • 21 'u1T 0• 1 ~i• u•,tl11',•.a 5' • f Half! m• •cou - S • • ~oach Berm Bicker ta f wa Fou "° out "-• on t< &mttn. dal Ter t;Ollt:iul-"!;1.IIIVOI" more than a little d1sturbe T - us ,...,,...,_.._u..,.,____
Leading the scoring produc- tion is 6-9 freshman center Bayard F'orrcst ·-with a 16.3 figure He is a former prep All-America who earned that honor with a 27-point aver- age. Jim Irvine, and 6-7 senior idv Santa Cruz are hitting al a ·12.3 and 11.0 clip, respectiwly. Tonight's nv ls have played six common opponents and !M res ltl,; ar11 in- conclusive to say the least. Northern Arizona j'or ex- ample. · Grand Canyon lost to NAU, 73-56, then woq 7~64. USD fell to the sam izona cluo, 79-73, then prev I d, 62-55. Although nursi1tg _numerous bumps and bruises after the win over USIU SD is ex- pected to start its usual line- up of 6-6 Pinky ~mith and 6-4 Ken Smith up forward, 6-6 Ben Thompson at center and 6-4 Stan Washington and 6-1 Joe Smith at the guards. two games. of the regular season will be against Californi State University, San Diego,, Tuesday and UC Riverside Fnday March 2, both on the USD floor. Toreros' officials yesterday revealecl the NCAA College Division western regi nal playoffs will be either a f u or si~eam affair with the CCAA ehampion hosling the meet. Riverside and B:1k ersfield are currently leading the CCAA with 7-2 marks with Cal Poly of Pomona 6-3. Another entrant will be the Far Western Conferc t'e ehamp1on with Chico St te and UC Davis_ t)le top c lenders. It is believed South- ern Colorado College is al- ready assured a spot as an indPpPnifont entrant. A fourth team could com!' from L'Sn, Scatt le Pacific and the l'nivers1ty of Puget Sound. Th I tier (11•0 are prcscnlly l~-7 and l~-9, re- . 'i; The Toreros' final
By CHUCK SAWYER f~ Thirteen can be an aw'ull) /4 unlucky number. Especially if it represents the shooting percentage for a ba - kctbatl team in the first half of ny game. Taking ad\'antage of that act, University of San Diego fought off (and fought is putting P'iY,.,"11~'il'I 1t mildly I a second-half come- back by U.S. International Uni- \'ersllr to stop the Westerners~ last night in USIU's Golden Gym, 66-56. USIU could get dpwn on three baskets in 23 lt New USD house,. tha·n°a home 1 .,. 1 a more several events are already scheduled for the home. THEY INCLUDE a series of dinners for a new $100,000 USD fund-raising campaign and a reception for 1973 USD graduates, families and friends. On the northwest corner of the campus, the home was built on land pre viously owned by the Religious of the Sacred Heart but donated to USD with the consolidation of the university last year as an independent Catholic college. THE FIRST new building on the University of San Diego campus in nearly two decades is t only a home for the president and his family, but a hospitality and entertainment center. Before 1971 when Dr. Author Hughes, Jr. 'was named first lay president, there was no need for such a center. The priests who had served as president before him were accom- modated in campus apart- ments. Although the Hughes family moved in last week, • USIU cul it to six, 46-40, and seven, 50-43, before the Toreros ran olf eight straight points for a 58-43 lead with 4 08 remaining and the issue was settled. But ii the game·s outcome was dedder1, Ihe battle of el- bows and knees wasn ·t Before I (Contlnuect on C-5, Col. .2J l'. IU's Bobby Vilven (22) and K rnlhde uncl r tne ba~t ..
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