News Scrapbook 1972-1973

EVENING TRIBUNE San Diego, Saturday, January 27, 197 _'Msgr. Portman to take post as head of ecumenical group


ound the diocese

Th Rev. ~I<,gr John R. P rtman v.ill be installed as pre ident of the San Diego County cumemral Confer- ence tomorrow at 7:30 p. m. at Fm;t Umted Methodist Churcb, 2111 Camin\J del Rio South. lsgr Portman, ftr Ro- man Catholic priest lo hold th offme of conference prcs1- d nt, cceeds the Rev. Mr. R lph . ,Johnson, a Cmted :\!€th t Church clergyman. l\lsgr. Portman 1s chair- man of the department of re- hgious studies at the Unlvcr- sily \Jf San Diego, pastor of Tbe Immaculata Catholic Church nd chairman of the Ecumen a Comm, 10n of the San Diego Roman Catho- lic Diocese Mr. Johnson, distric super- intendent for United ~fothod- ist churches m San Diego and Imperial counties, v.111 serve as vlre president llf the con- ference. Other 01'1ccrs v.Ul be Mrs. J HuU Sci 1lling, a Roman catholic, <>cretary, and the RH.• r. 8eber 'H. Pitman, pastor of •Central Chri ian Church (Disciple of Chnst), treasur<'r

Concourse, Golden llall, Concelebrated Mass for CCD Hel1gious Education Congress ·unday, ~'eb. 4, 9 a.m., Santee, Carlton Oaks Country Club. Mass for YLI annual meeting. J'hursday, Feb. 8. 8 p.m. San Diego, Hoyal Inn at the Whart. '(;(;J awards dinner Falht•r ltoger A. Li,chni,r \ ice chancellor-secretar)

Bishop Leo T. Maher Friday, f eb. 2, 3 pm., Univer ·1ty of San Diego, Hoard of 'l'n1stees meeting Saturday, 1-"eb 3, 4:30 p.m.. ·an Diego, (;ommumly

lralor of

He was adm,

jBlessed parish [rom 1957 lo 1963 and after rr- turnlng from his studies m Rome servP

• • • * Search weekend, Jan 26-28 for boys; Feb. 16-18, for girls, Camp Santa Soplua, San Bernardino. For boys, Feb. 16-18, Camp Caroline, near Escondido. Information: Diocesan Youth Department, 235-6347, 882-1776. 'I. oolca' Guild card p rty 7:30 p m Friday, Feb 9, St. Patrick's pnnsh hall, 3585 30th St.. San Diego. Re erva- tions. 296 3958, 295 5658 Point Loma Council, Knights of Columbus, 18th ann1ver- ary ball, Saturday, Peb. 3, Atlantis restaurant, San Diego. Details 296-M57. 0 r Lady of An els Parent r:u1ld ong-and-dance show 7 p.m. S:ilurday, Jan 27, 635 22nd t., San Diego. Public weleom Six r Ii •iou, and In) pant>hsts discu s viewpoints in lhc Church on H d K n's Telcpuls<• program, 11 ·30 p.m. ·unu:1y, Jan. 28, hanncl 8, San Diego. I l'niv1•r,it~ or San Ui go Founders Gall ·ry, Alcala Park exhibit ol wall piece b) Charles 1-:merson IO a.m - p.m through 1-"cbruar). 1-'alh<·r La\\rt·nce Battli,, a ociate pastor, St. J ·eph's Gatlwdral, gives Scripture cl.tss 9:45-11: 5 a.m. Tut•sda)S Hoom 232. Serra llaU. USU, Alcala Park Details 295-57;,l 2390229.

73-56, and Southern Callfornia College, 60-58. Hobert ''Pin- ky" Smith, the 6 ft. 6 1 '2 in forward who pl:,iyrd ruty sparingly last werk becau~e of 1hr flu, is rxpcctrcl back at full strength. Smith is leading the Tnn'rns w1,h a 17 8 av{'r- agr, followed by Stan Wash• ingto11 at 16 0, Ken Smith at 8.9, Ben Thompson al 8.9 and Jm• Smith ,1t 8.8. Following 1hP Cal Poly encounter, USD will travel to Whittier College ,Jan. 31, then return home to rntertam Cal Poly Pomona Feb. 2.

aVENING TRl&UNR Dl!!Datcn £AN LUIS OBISPO They ave lost two of lhcir last thtee games, a tailspin the University of Die 0 0 To- rcros ho])(' to comp Olli of ilh fly 111g colors hPrr. toi:.nght. USD\1ill bring an 11- r-ecord into the Cal Pol; Sun Luis Obispo gym for a bout with the Mustangs. Tipoff is 8 p.m. The Ioreros urn hopinv for a n•pcai victory over Cul Poly, v.hom they dr.fca1c

MSGR. JOHN PORTMAN The Rev Mr. Melvin H. Harter, former pastor of Pio- neer Umted Church of Christ, continues as execullve direc- tor. tsgr. Portman has Jong been active m ecumenical af- fairs He played a leading role m the transition from the San

Goodrich, San

lurray D

iego bu . po!it1cal and re- 1<1ou, leader. died yesterday t h1 home, 2215 Juan St. He ·as 70. A family friend ·aid Goodrich uffered a massive stroke two cks ago. Services w II be at nl!On lo- orrow m Temple Beth Israel with Cypre s View Mortuary m charge. Other arrangement were pending A native of Russia, Goodrich came to the United State· at the age of 3 and attended Coop-' er Union in. ·ew York, where he stud11>d el<'<:trical engmeering. He moved to San Diego in 1942 and set up his own busi- nc~s. a scrap metal and sal- ai:(e company at 1870 Main St. Active in the lkm\Jc1 a 1c par- ty, he served two term as e


IT' MARDI GRA Orlean yet, but m San Diego But ju ·t a in :--.ew Orleans with all its parades, carnival and merrymakmg, the Juniors ot the San Diego Social Service Auxiliary, are plannmg the same deh htlul, carnival type atmosphere with plenty of merr}makmg for their 26th annual Mardi Gras to be held ~arch :1 at the Hotel de! Coronado. les G. King of Pacific Beach, a fourth generation Calilornian will be the cha1rman of this year's ball. She has had plenty of experience for this type of an affair, since she has been an active member ol the Juniors for the past seven years. For past balls she has been chairman of decorations. entertainment and promotion .. also membership cha1rman and tr asurer for the J urnors time again ... no not in :--iew Mrs. Ch

Wednesday, Januar1 31, 1973

USO Battles Poets Tonight Umvers1ty of midsemester eligiblity of 6-lOIObispo on the latter's floor. .In San Diego is 12-5 for the season. center Fred Hicks, a JC trans- that one, Pinky Smith scored Whittier College is 8-9. fer. .bis average 17 points and rebounds, .Play- to be a little apprehensive here pulled down 10 rebounds in hls maker guard Stan Washmgton tonight in their game with the flr 0 t start last week. had 14 pomts and_ 13 assists. Poets. l The Poets also boast a 15-5 The pair ~ontmues_ to pace Whittier has enjoyed five edge in their long series with th e Toreros s_c O r ll1 g' with, Soeclal to Tho San Dlevo Union Poets have been helped by the ry over Cal, Poly of San Luis WHITTIER - But the Toreros have reason Hicks scored 15 points and grabbed 13 52 15, ~.1 147 8.6 ii u 35 2 3 9 2 9 19 3:1 5 2 2 12 2.4 6 3 11 1.6 5 0 4 6 1-2 3 0 2 4 1 SEAFORTH this season, losing their first six caught r bonlto-:-one~~Wc~~:.~~26 ro~k- 5~~~•~:::: ~rn f,sh, 2llnocod, 1, mackerel. Modic . 15-40 49 passcng~rs on 2 boots Robinson·.:,. 8-19 26 2 ho 15 1. t S. th t t· th a lffie ey ISLANDIA I barracuda, 13 bass, 87 boMo, 8 Balo f white sea boss, 82 rockflsh, 2 sheepheod, Marrinan •• 5-13 1-2 -4 ..... 5-8 · In addition to a front line O 74 mackerel. Coruso ..... 1-5 MUNICIPAL PIER - 6-4 Rod Tatum, 6-6 Berme Hos- boats caught 19 vellowtall, 49 bonito, 250 Totals 547·1181177-261 827 193 311 1271 7< kin and 6-4 Ron Van Vliet, the \1tih\lH0~1l~a11~i•a:t \1 1~ 0 ~fc11~~-auq11t 0 ~:!i. m:1184 1a5-305 6tt 168 rn '11,9, 94 om~lers qn 5 Jones . 2-4 0-0 l8:l~ ~: ll J8 10 15 19 5-7 COnteS S. mce have won eight of 11 3-4 2-5 ,., caught . stra·ght winning seasons and I 1 the Toreros. , Smith enJ~ymg a 17.7 a,erage and Washington 16.6. USO 17- ~a~'/J~~tonl~:m Thomoson . 65-117 24-<8 165 K. Smith .. 59-112 29-•0 99 smith ... 63·1'9 20-21 37 11 20 1'6 irnm l1 m lN 11 13 SO 8.1 FG-A FT-A R A F T Av,. CI C ·u has wo~ the S A ti e 23 USD played .only one game game scoring figures: times since 1922. Indeed, the last week, scoring a 72-68 v1cto- Poets are veterans at the game They got off to a rough start of basketball. . I OCEAN f/SHt'NG

MURRAY D. GOODRICH ... civic lead r

an D1e~o Central a runoff


chairman of



Committee and wa \\ , a member o eand1da e for mavor m 1963. the 1960 ctJunty grand jury He losing to Frank Curran. had been president of . the Goodrich was active in civic Health Foundation of San Die;?.o and fund-raising a tivit1es for County and a director of the vanolls, causes. He was named Sheltered Workshops of San " '.\lr, ll•j Diego bf 1959,'' "Up- Diego. Inc.; the Gui and Boys lifter of he Year" in 1971 and Club of San Diego, Inc.. and was honored in 1972 by the •'a• Theater and Arts Foundallnn of tional Conference of Chrutians San Otego County He wa, an active member of ion's hi hes national a ard, Temple Beth Israel ,and was Gp_od, Kh and Je\\ with the, or mza-

Proceeds from the Mardi Gras are u ed tor Bavside Settlement House and Camp Oliver ta camp for youngsters l in Descanso opera led by the Sisters of Social Service. The Kmgs have four youngsters ... Teresa. six; Kristen, five: Paul, three and M1chalyn, one

Murray Goodrich Services Planoed Goodrich was a member of Democratic county chairman, of the zoological Society of San vari_ous speakers spo~e of his Nathan R. Jerald. t\Jrrner ex- mission and allocations com- ecutive director of the National mittee of the United Crusade. Conference of Christians and . He was active in the Navy Jews, said Goodrich " ...kept to- Leag~ and a sponsor of the gether our struggling organiz~- San Diego Symphony Orchestra tion...We couldn't have done 1t Association. without him." He was secretary of the state Rabbi Joel S, Goor of Temple Board of Pil\Jts Comrmss1on for Beth Israel said "he is prob- San Diego Harbor, a founder of ably one of the most honored the Hebrew Home for the Aged, men in the community." chairman of Bonds for Israel, Of Goodrich, state Sen. past president and campaign James Mills, D-San Diego, said chairman for United Jewish, at the dinner that "Murray i5 a Appeal, co-founder of the guy who never turned his back county Heart Assl:>ciation, on any man with a problem or chairman of the University of a cllmmunity with a worthy San Diego's Hall of Science. cause." .. building fund and past presi- Goodrich is survived by his dent of its boosters' club. I widow, Sarah; a daughter, At a testimonial dinner, given Rachelle, both of San Diego, Goodrich after he retired as and two ,l!randi-hilnr<>n 'I 'J_.'fj 7 :> "II•· -- W1N"' rr (Continued) . achievements, Diego and a member llf the ad-

Continued on B-5.

ol. 1)



ther fore Mrs. Krng·s interest in the welfare of all children has been reflected m six years volunteer sen ice to Bayside Settlement House and Camp Oliver. was gra_duated from llniversi u;_ pf §ap where she was student body president her semor year and a member of Kappa Gamma Phi scholarship society. · She ha many commumt\ mterests as well as the Juniors and fin.ds time for ·a hobby "too , . designing and tre, ting clothes tor her- children Mrs. David Fleet is planning a :'-lew Orleans type luncheon at 11;30 a.m Feb 6 at her home in Point Loma m honor of San Diego area press women. past Mardi Gras ball chairmen and Queens and past pre idents of the Jurnors. Creole Jambalaya, salad with l\ford1 Gras dressing and pee n tarts a la New Orleans will be featured and prepared by Mrs. Fleet and members of her committee ... Mrs. Robert Lowell. Mrs. Robert J LeRibeus, .\1rs. Edward Streicher and Mrs. Arthur C Johnson .

,( ;of 13 Shakespeare group slates performance The New Shake~are Com- pany of San Francisco will present two performances in the San Diego area this week. On Thursday at 8 p.m. the group will perform at Mont• gomery Junior High School, 2470 Ulric St., playing Bertold Brecht's "Thee Pe11ny Op- era.'' On Friday at 8 p.m. they will pre,ent "A Mid- summer , 'ight's Dream" in the Camino Theater at the university of San Diego. Both performances will be open to the public w1lhoul charge. The New Shakespeare Com- pany, directed by •targr1t Rome, is a group of 26 young performers who perform weekends in Golden Gate Park.

1/,.,q f -,3

Dt:VUI t:D TO COMMUNITY, RELIGION, PAR1 l Civic leader Murray

. Goodrich dies alter stroke Goodrich, a native of Russia, came and a past president and chairman o the United Jewish Appeal. 10 the United States as a child of 3. He •uended Cooper Union in New York, th

count,.· chairman of the Democratic ,\ family friend sai h. h Go ,., re,ult of a ma,sive s o ·e w 1c rich suffered about two wee ·s ago. Goodri

ho \' • 'Tr .,a, ·'



o nc , w

~urra\ D.

Sau Dicg·o m 959 and a tireless worker or the communit), hi,; political party and his reh ion. died yesterday in lus Service· will be conducted at 3 p.m. tomorrow in Temple Beth Israel. Cy- press ViC'W Mortuary is handling ar- A memorial fund is being established at the temple and the family asked that an appropriate donation be made m heu Rabbl Joel s. Goor of Temple Beth Israel de. cribed the civic leader as "probably one of the most honored men rangement . of flowers. last honor was accorded earlier this month when the executive com- mittee of the County Democratic Cen- tral Committee adopted a resolution ex- " rat1·tude for h1·s leader•hip ' pre:;smg g O Goodrich, 70, served two term=s....=a:".,_:__ · \hs ion Hill home. in the community." Hi

For many years Goodrich )lelped raise fonds for and supported growth of the University of San Diego, a Catho- lic Jnstitulion that was the lifetime project of his close friend, the ·1ate Bishop Charles F. Buddy. Goodrich was active in the United Community Services campaigns and was a cofounder of the Hea1t Assn. He was a member of the Zoological Society of San Diego. He had been a president of the Slate Board of Pilot Commissioners for the Port of San Diego. Goodrich's birthday was March 17, St. Patrick's Day, and he was an un- failing guest at the annual Friendly Sons of St. Patrick dinner He had planned to attend this year's dinner and had a scheme to get Coun- cilman ~laureen O'Connor into the stag banquet to lead a toast.


· 1 nc, eiectri·cal eng1·~eerin_g. movi·ng to San Diego m 1942. he e ablished a scrap metal and salvage company at 1870 Main St. Goodrich was active in Temple Beth Israel and was honorary life president He was a member of the county grand jury in 1960. He was president of the Health Foundation of San Diego County and a director of Sheltered Workshops of San Diego, Inc., the Girls and Bovs clubs of San Diego and the Theatei: Arts Foundation of San Diego I' Act , of the temple. Goo.drich was active in the Navy Leaaue and a sponsor of the San Diego 11 ;nhony Orchestra Assn. He was a founder of the Hebrew Home for the Aged, chairman of Bonds tor srae , S\ I 1 countv. •



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