News Scrapbook 1972-1973


EVENING TRIBUNE San Diego, Thursday, Augusi 31, 1971 USD names 6 to board of trustees The University of San Diego has appointed six new members to its board of ©



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trustees, it "as announced yesterday by the .\lost Rev Leo T. .\faher, chairman of the lloard. ew appointees arc: Dr. Earl Robert Crane, a · S u Bernardino denti t and cofounder of the Children's D nlal Clinic there. He i al o p sident of the California St le Society of Orthodont- is ·. -Mrs. Frances Harpst, of Coronado, seeond vice pre ·i- dent of the board of directors of Coronado Hospital, a mem- ber he West Coast chap- ler of Horsemanship for the Handicapped and vice presi- dent of the Sacred Heart Church parish council. -Phlllip Gilligan, Los An- geles. president of the r: !win A. Tomlin Co. of Los An~eles. He is past president of the Southern California ,'l,,lortgage Bankers. -Charil's Grace,• a S,,nta l'\lomca businc~~ consultant and investment analy,t. Grace is a trust~e and dire,·- lor of numerous charitable anlf educational institution', including Grace Institute and ' the l'-assau Center for Emo- tj_onally Disturbed Children. -Arthur H. Kaplan, pre~i- dent of KB Management Co., Angeles. plan is also a ' tor of the U.S. National k, Westgate California . and the Hargram Ser• s Corp., and a trustee of Crippled , Children's cho La Co ta fonner lecturer m at Han'llrd, le Stanford and :;>;ew York \· ty, He is founder of Kratter chair in Modern opean History at Stan- , and JO scholarships an

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US names 5 more ft oboard of trustees J l FIV MORE . ap- graduate of the USO School g pomtments to the University of Law, Kaplan is president .. 1 of San Diego Board of of the KB Management Co. I/" ('I Trustees were announced Los Angeles, and a direclo; / I~ ' !his weC'k by lh_e chairman of of the U.S. National Bank - ~;c. the board, Bishop Maher. and the Westgate-California Tht•y are. Corporation. ' Mrs. Frances G. Harpst of Kratter is founder of the V' ·Coronado, Philip Gilligan of Kratlcr Chair in modern '- Los Angeles, Charles M. European history at Stan- Grace of Santa Monica, · ford University and of 10 l Arthur H. Kaplan of Los scholarships at Brooklyn w Angeles and Marvin Kratter College and Brandeis 1'v of Rancho La Costa. University. He is a director V' They bring to 19 the of the Institute of American number named to the 35. Music and a member of the member board. U.S. Committee for the U.N, MRS. HARPST is vice-

"\ t \ that if it h u ur•·e"• ful," aid C'ook, "it \\ill ,upport lts,.lf ln thrt·e yl'ar- 11~ hope It 11ill h ,, tahlishNI - thar, a"umlng tlwn· is a marginal tt•t'pt 11cc at be I tor thl• first l1\0 year,. bulll tht• pro;:ram on lht· hasi

president of Sacred Heart church's parish council and :as Coronado co-chairman of Stewardship '72. She is chairman of the Meals on Wheels program and a director of the Coronado Hospital Gilligan, a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, is president of Edwin A. Tomlin Co., Los Angeles, and fo5mcr president of the Southern California Mortgage Bankers. Grace, a consultant and investment analyst, is a trustee and director of charitable and educational institutions, including Grace Inslilule, La Salle College, .\1ount St. Mary's, Maryland, and Seton Hall University. , PATIIEH OF A 1972


Thursday, August 31, 1972 USD Football Squad Breaks Camp Today A two-week practice period at drills. A couple of ankle ·aval Training Center ends sprains. two wounds requiring this afternoon for the Univer- stitches and a pinched nerve sity of San Diego football appear to be the extend of the squad. The 45 Torero gridders hurts. are ,to break camp followmg to- As is the usu~! case, the days workout and return to the team's defense 1s ahead of the USO campus. offense. Defensive coordmator USO will hold evening drills Bob Korzep, linebacker coach in its newly lighted stadium be-1 John Hamels and defensive g:nning tomorrow night in pre- back coach Tom Walsh all had paralion. for the season opener praise for the showing by their at UC Riverside Sept. 16. pupils. j Despite some heavy hitting Defensive ends Cornell Stan- for the past week, the Toreros ley (220 ), } Outlaw (216) :nan~ged to_ ~s~ape serious .in-, and Mark Stillion (236) all were/ mrv '" the 1mt1a) phase of fall impressive in pass rushina

A singing

Marvin Kratter

1 Friends of the Family, a Del Mar-Solana Beach church-singing group.

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