News Scrapbook 1972-1973

USIU, USO Ba To Standoff, 7-.7 I\-\,_ - l'l,, 8) U1CCK SAWVEH

Injured Smjth Joins Tor~r9; 7 Cage Workouts University of San Diego bas- ketball forward Pinky Smith has rejoined the team after missing six days of practice be- cause or an ankle injury. "Ile worked out yesterday and he ·s a bit ru ty but he'll be in good sha?,e in a couple of days," said ead coach Bernie Bickerstaff


USIU at Torero stadium. Paving \ ~Y for Sintay gain were blockers Ron While (71) and Mike Keefe (52).

USD's Henry Sintay (14) picks up eight yards and a first down in first quarter action last night against

I To Renew

USIU, Toreros Battle To Frustrating Tie, 7-7

Ry OIU'K SAWVl.;it

Four foothall co ches showrd

'·We are 4 1 for the season

they are" the ucd . · We know the

e as

Sport casters- the . ;i




portswritcrs ,\ oriat1on 11eek- coach con a lot to the USO Tw of them came d1sgu1sed program, b we aren't looking public relations men eacli past it We ha1e a !

laud the Westerners' passing allack and their standout r,,.

o, Monday, November 13, 1972

togethrr Satur- ce11er, Dwight McDonald. SO Stadium in a '·Our pass1ng defense has San Qiego col been our failing much of !his Hi. torv tells us season," Vinci explained. ''We ct on only five really were burned by Los :\n- ns. geles Star a team beaten by have cros.~ed USIU. Our defense will have a bl'fore _ on tough job with l\lcDonald." y of . The LEAOIJ\G l "DEPEI\"DE:\TS tlkn called Cal • We're happy to haw our lour v clones," the USD hoss Hr tone, 28-18.

Cal We ern f ct the Aztecs of admit ct,

''but we feel there

an Diego late met t~re1> times was at least one game lost that between 1961 and 1965 ".'1th the we should have won. We just A,~ecs and USD excahngmg ran out of gas against Laverne. b, cks once, tn 1961; With our small rosier, Ji s kind SaturdaY: mg t s E'llgage of frustratmg m 2 ghen s1tu- ment cam a 1tlle . h1stor r· atio to look around a the value For teams involved, bench and find there's nobody Jt cam a lot more. there to put 1t " \'1nc1's 'f r os are m the here an• her i'ncentive for ir t ar of an mterscholast1c a U D \\in Sa day. accordin11: progr, m after three seasons of to Vmci. '·You know who's got club football, the school havmg the best record of anv of the dropped the gnd sport after the Southern California independ- 1961 eason. ents?'' he asked. "USD and Avictorr over li'SIU wouldn't USIU," he 11uickly answered hurt a thm(l for the Toreros' his own que !Jon eason which already must he "That:s a heck of a rec ons1dered a :uccess with f ur 4-3, for the leading indep . 1ctor1e in seven tries - . Ollle- ''You can bet we'lll be trying to hrng few people believed pos- improve ours Saturday night." 1ble at the start of the c,im.

stor Lost

Stand ul tackle Cornell Stan- bright spots in their young I ne- ley, defensJVP captain of the up. Cmvcrsit} of San Diego football Junior quarterback squa_d, will be lost for the Tu- ly has become the : rero s final two games of the . . . season following a k11ee inJury time passer, tossing suffered in ;ast w('llk's 7-7 Uc light end Brnce e ith United ates Inter- split end Mike I b natnnal Univcrs !y. man halfhack Head coac Andy Vinci made had a couple of thr announcement yesterday as efforts and 220-pnund Stanley . Azusa will have a couple of was the team's top pa,s rusher mcenl!ves going m the Satur- and his loss could be a big e- day encounter. The Cougars ,tor against the physicial A~sa have an 0-3 mark ;1gainst USO, eleven. Stanley was iniurcd losmg to Torero _club umts 19-18 'car in the first quarter ~n 1969, 35-31 m 70 and 41_-31 1n agamst USlU and never re- 7L In add1twn, this will be iurned to action. Surgery was their la ·t game of the ·eason. not r ired but the damage 'T'he teams have played ftve will t at least a month to eommon opponents. Azusa dc- heal. feated Loyola. 19-9, and Po- First yf'a head mentor Jerry mona. 48-14, while losing to Cal Sconce is t ggling through a State Los Angeles on t M 2 6 won-loss record at Azusa blocked punts, 21-10, La \1:mc, bu the Cou ars have some, 10-8, and Occiden ·I, 4-13. USD went through preparations for Saturdav·s match at Azusa Pacific. · The 6,1.

Tie se~ves as victory

Stott Photo of S;in Diego tmight at USD Stadium. McDonald has 46 receptions for 720 ya,·ds and ))Ille TDs this season. Kickoff tonight is set for 7: 30.

l:.S. International University end Dwight 11cDona lrl, shown scol'i;1g his first t0tl<'hclown of 1hc season, hopes to get some more against University

cDonald Match rosstown Duel

Editor \Vill Speak Erwm D Canham editor-in-chief of the Chnst1an Sr,:1enc~ :'llonitor. will be speaker at the din I ellng of the Wot~d A fairs Council of La Jolla on Th in Founders Hall, lmversitv of San Diego. A no-host c ail hour at 6· 0 will precede the 7: 30 p.m. dinne1 Hosts and hostesses will be Dr Author E Hughes. mm er ~ity president, and \lrs. Hughes. and Dr and Phillips. Dr. and \!rs. William J Doyle Dr. and J .• ouri and Dr. and 1l rs. A. :VI. L1v1ngston. Dr. and :\1rs. Doyle will have \!rs. To,rnsenCI l\fr and Mrs. Robert \Iyer, as their guests. Guest or Dr and '\!rs. Livingston will be '.\lr and '\lrs. Lee Bartel Dr Oscar Ravin and retired Rear Adm. and \! \!<:Carl 1 ....:.....-~~--------~~.._...~

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