News Scrapbook 1970-1972


1 000 WORDS PER MINUTE Teen rated whiz at reading CONTINUED FROM PAGE B•l means," SC'hurr said, "Well, Greg


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speed reading course," Schurr said. ··Greg also uses some sort of mental and visual filtering process. Because he reads more he naturally picks up more information, "And since he ran read faster, there i Jes cnance of forgetting what he read " The av<•rage reader sometimes for- gets part of what he reads m a book or article before h even fimshes JI, Schurr said. Bui since Greg reads so rapidly, everything fits together bettrr, which aids his memory and com- prehension. Greg, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward H. Pesely of 6015 Samuel SL, La .\lesa, 1s a •enior at St. Augustine High School, where he maintains an A-minus ,1verage. But his whole attitude toward fast reading is prclly bland. "II 's nice because I don't have to spend so mueh time on school work," he said. "That way I have more time for other things I like to do better." Gr g said he sort of stumbled into the speed reading class at summer school "because I had to take a driver training course and I needed something else lo round out my program. J fig- ur d the sperd rrading class would be the easie~t." Greg said he first d1scovcrrd his rar ah1lity when he took a home course m spred rrading in the sevrnlh grade. "I kn<'w after the first couple of les- sons lhal I didn't need the course." Greg said he doesn t think he reads more than most youths his age. "I don't rush home from school nd dive into a book," he said. ''I like books on ·cience and things t do with real- ity. There are sure a lot dumb books in the world, though." But allhough Greg finds reading a brcez , he docsn'l intend to capitalize on hlS talent. He doubts that he will go to college, and he's certain he won't bother with graduate school "I don·t wanl to go through all that. 1 w1111t to do something for fun, I'm thin~ing ahoul being a photographer.'' lie doesn't figure his talent rs wasted m photography, either. "Yrah, r read a whole book on photog raphy in JUSI a few mmules. Then can go out and lake pictures and d ve op them. That's real fun."

doesn't look at each word or sentence -at least not individually -to under- stand what he's reading." Schurr said he believes Gr doe n"l really read in the u ua !!Me l'l the word. he youth mar r e s photo graphs pages oft ·pe with his eyes. "It isn't anything you can learn in a Teen rated book-reading phenomenon Bv MONT\' ORRIS EVENING TRIBUNE Education Writer Greg Pesely has a way w1t·h words rew olhers can match. .\1avbe no one can according to on!' reading expert. TakP the other r!ay. for ex mple. Grl'g. 16. curled up with a 2§8-page hPsl-sellmg novel and read the book crivrr-to-cover in less than I minutes. Quite an improvement it seems, for a vouth who almost flunked the second grade be<:ause of poor reading habits. But GrPg i5n 't the star graduatt> of a speed cou1 P J\one, that is, ex- cept his own His teachers believe GrPg has an un- l'ommon - perhaps unique - ability to visually and mentally photograph pages of print Instead of reading words or sentpnees Greg glances at an entire page of type and registers th meaning. In recent tests with a readmg expert Grrg scored manv limes higher th;in the veteran educator had ever een. "In my 27 years III reading edueahon l"ve never seen an bing like it," said Wilson Schurr, assistant professor in charge of the lfniversity-Of San..D~o Educational Development Center. Greg was sent to the center last week alter the first few days in a ·ummer school speed reacting class at Gross- mont High School when the instructor recognized the youth·s a~ility. ' I wasn t the least bit interested in testmg him at first." Schurr ,aid. •·Fast readers are a dime a dozen these dav~ I co~ dn·1 see the point." But Schurr finally gave in. "To sta, t out I handed him a hook and told him to read for 10 minutes. J figured 1r he was really terrific he might gel a third or so of the way through the book.·• Greg polished ii off completel) in 6 minutes and 55 seconds. "I couldn't believe it," Schurr said. "I don ·1 know how he does ii. I'm sure it's some kind of genetic makeup that you and I don't have.'' Schurr decided to put Greg through a tough battery or the rugged McGraw- Hill EDL standardized reading test C'ons1dered the bes of iL, kind. "In all my years in this business the hes1 am,one has ever done on that esl 1s· words per nute. And that only happened once." Schurr said. And how did Greg fare? ' His lowest core on some verv d1fh- cult reading matter was 4.500 ·words per minute." But Greg peaked at 27,000 words per minute - nine mes faster than the previous high. Schurr said. '·Greg simply has perceptual capa bil- ity most of as don't have." When Greg reads, Schurr explamed, he doesn t look at words or sentences in the same wa v the average person or e, en a trained speed reader migli!. He takes in whole pav . "Fm rxampl1>,. 011 000·1 look at e~ch !f'ltPr in a wor

By BE rII :\IOHlt

a lot. 'fbeu· m1lco are ,1 arm and bo.;ses-a vef) pel1le and pretty young wuman glJzabeth lonforte .s 21 ru1d 111tc wr de, 1g11er Ior L,e !u,te , set to open Jul)' 21. . landing u, the dusty, unfrni. bed pal JU, h r long bl k ha.r frammg her piquant face and the sun hghtmg the br1~ • 1Jrmt of her . 1ze-f1ve dre s, M Monforte looks a thoi; n she might have made a 11rong turn on the wav lo chool • \latdnn hard-I c1tted \1ork- er respond to her d1rect1on 11 becm>Jes clear :;he bclon"s nd tt c I a.,mtwOe of h r JOb dent hea1 y and \ery or1 ate h . lex can ctet: "''JS are hghtrr 11 ,~ellng srn pier in design ' , tucl> of the u1111lure a a cessorie for the hotel are 111

\11ss .\fonforte has designed and i, over. eemg thr execution o! the 111terior - 90 sleeping rooms and su1ll' . coffee shop. piano bar, dmmg room, ban- quet rooms and d1 cotheque a v.ell as irary e:,.ienor appomt menl!

\fiss \lonforte's origrnaI de signs and were execU1ed mMex- ico. The ceramic accei sori and Illes arc hand-pamted and were made m GL1adalaJara ~he cn'ated the ceram c ut 1gns to ban o 12 \\i'h t e ol- or chemes of U1e rooms th · v. 111 acccs unze. FLOR \L PA'I IEP Floral patlu are u bathroom fixtures and one~. In the bedroon s are ceramic wall conce I d lamps 1\ith hw-r1cane- hap

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JUB11a sl e plann d and camed Juana 1s tamed deep cha•coal out det-orations for manl ~chool orown. Bedsteads are crowned p gram . B) the lime she had m angular callop . The des1,.11 duated at 15 ·he had set of the chairs. called by anous her mmd on an I k-nor decora- names including "n1011k" and tmg career •·gondola " can be !•aced lo • I wanted to to the l,n1- 16th centur) Spam and I<'ranc v tf) of I " ." she said. Half moor cun e down to form 'But, my parents fr. and legs L d up to huld the at n :\1 Hel!t 1r f nforte of Ti• KEEPS LOY.\LT\" JU ad im two \ ounger In keep· I( 1111 11 hrr I ,a , 0 i:;te1 and btu er nt c-ded me 1 1 r 011 r 0 f' h p to et an exam I fo1 th •m. I · exico, ta d h m cl t d Cl t be II U\ ertlll(' onyx ,uuud II B.i a , ye v I s u re ° Calif rma for ba•hroom pu a k1 derga•trn teacher. man° counter - and add d SCHOOL CLO F..O cni.rmmg v.ood figures of chr "A n~ar later, the setiool I dren, carved and pamted m T - wa attending closed h fa. Juana or the alls thPr a rreed that J rm!ld1o7c Each b droom hung th 'thi: Uu.jvi:rs1•v of San D1 gn,, J• four ongmal watercolors o wa, close to home and I eould Mex1ean landscapes and commute ' cenes, pamted by Reve1e a Commutm me r.• ea\mg T juana ani honf at 5 a m. flll'h da\ Lo he The GuadalaJa a leran If . . , . add bright notP of 101 to tll ill e of pasm.., tlu ough long extenor of the building In •11(' trnffi1; lines a• tl,e lxlrde1 1n bordering the buildmg and el tun to make 8 a.n cla.,;sc,. into 11alk-ways. \ltbouc-h t \I a; atteuding Tiles in . Iiss ~f !orle s e classes conducted m Engiish sign ahu bonier oue of the un- for thl' f rsl tune she com- u:;ual outdoor fun-feature pleted her fow·-year under- the swimmrng pool with a graduate 1,ork a semester do\\n bar at one end. ahead of her classm:.tes. Then. he \ent on to fimsh a year's . fATIJRE ATTHLDI:: study at Kew York School ol In- l\lature in her ab1Ji1tes erior De 1gn m s x month., • fonforte abo es a mature She remem!J()r her time , 11 attitude lo\\ ard t e opportumt Uruted tale sciJoob as ·the she has been g1\'e mo,,1 happy years " but the in- "I telt really e. ted whe1 I luu1ce 11a not ron:; enough got the JOb,"' she . a1!i 'This 1 tu dim1m h her pT'de m the art the kmd of ehanee every perso an craft manshtp or her, a•1ve just ou( of the chool \\al's .\Iex1cu. for. ·I decided ti at 'I e hotel ·Besides JU st bemg able liJ must be . 1ex1can," she said. ,wrk, there 1s the 11onder ul · Mex co llas a lot lo oiler and feelmg of di:scoverrng what I much to be admired. ' am really capable of domg. CLAS !CAL TYLE "I am still ncn·ous but a~ Tlie hotel, de, 1b 1 ·d bl' Jorge go along I can see 11 hat I ._ n Ca,ta 15 a t\\1,-:;tor buiidmg in 10:11~.take form all(f 1 am :;a 1s- clas ieal lexican colonial ied styll• shellerE"d b) ;,. red tiled Wit! all of lhl' cx~Hem nt root and built arolllld a huge and re11 ards, :'lb Monforte patJO R'lOlll O{)tn on portico, do!·not r~gard 1n:_c11~r design tramect 111 a ,err s of wide arch- m,_ a~ a 1le-t1me caner •J luok upou work as one , .

"Ornanized" Social Li[


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de Dr. and :'lfrs, Leon Ourslau d . Dr. a nd styles oitt·n are confused." :;be 3 rs. Joseph Telford, and 1e,,srs. and '.\Imes._ James Gillean, said. '·Spanish molils a:-e Iar~e. er' Paul Wolcott, Ivor de Kirby .and Gene Schne1pp. · Another group will include t>r and :'11r,. Robert Callicott, mdr. and Mr.. Howard Hill, . and \!rs. Michael Hallahan, 1Ir. and .'.\!rs. Sidney Ross, Mrs. Sally Bl!Ch, Griffith Rogers nd ~fr. and '.\Irs. Donald E. Seaman. The San Diego Opera Guild's se ies or countywide parties, in connection with the promotion . eason tic et sales for the opera eason _i arking some imaginative parties. Mr. ~nd Mrs. Jame Wa ner of Bonita Wood· ga\'e a colorful wme ,tastmg party for this we . The party took place indoors and

Um16v) fare well To !)el Charro 7-1--~-TL rs. Jo I O'Donnell Cornish of La Jo_lla entertained guests I night at the ••finale'' poolside dinner dance at Hotel J:1 Charro. which will be demolished to make room for a new facility She honored I>r Author B. Hughes, president of m ~nd Mrs. Hughes and included Dr. and -~rs. Delwyn · Schnieder, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Collins, Dr. William Engle, :'.\,lrs Viola Beck of Houston, Dolph Brockman of Sarasota, Fla· Mr and Mrs. Charles C. Dunn and houses guests, Mr. and M~• Neison Turner of, Miss May Mahoney of Tuc~on Mr. and Mrs. George A. Pflaum, ne~comers from Dayton, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Judson Corms~. For Mrs. Pflaum, youngest daughter of Dr: and ~rs. ColJmt, and Mr. Plfaum the evening was nostalgic. Theu- weddmg brunch 16 years ;go was aal Hotel de! Charro and they had not been there smce that time. Mrs. Cornish will accompany her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Judson Cornish, and children m a lea~d mo- bile home in August to Pentwater, M1rh., where they wtJl v1 it Mrs. Judson Cornish's parents, Or. Van Meter Ames. rormer oean of philosophy at University o[ Cmcmnah, and Mrs. Ame:..

on their patio, with each area featuring d1 erent wrne!> and moods relating to the operas Lo be pre nted. The season will open with "Aida" Oct 18. and wil e the world premiere of "l\Iedea". ·ov. 29, "Romoo and t" next February. and, in March, "Daughter of the ~egiment" starring Beverlv ~ills. Dr. and .\1rs. Keith John n or Foothill. Opera Associates, will give a champagne party Jul 29 as part of the serie . Coronaclo Baptisrn 'roclay Dr. and :Vlrs. Robert T. Plumb or Coronado will give a small brunch today following the baptism of their grandson Austiu William St~ber born :Via~ 6 to Mr. and ~'!rs Paul J. ituber of Elkins Park, Pa. The baby ha. a brother, fatthew. who will be two ~ears old Aug. 14. fr. d Mrs tuber and the chil- dren are summering here. In the fall Mr. tuber'will return to ·las. es at Temple Medical School in Philadelphia. Mr. and !rs. William Tuber of South Lake T~hoe, paternal grand- parent. of the children and Mr. and Mrs. William arlow Stuber, great-grandpare . are here for th ceremdh '. Prior To Ren it Per{ormance \.I gr. John Portman chau-man of the dcpactrfieot of rcli: ~u ·~ , hosted a ocktail party in his apartments al the Univrr ily vesterday before the per ormance of '"Ok- lahoma'' at the Vail v \tus1c Theater, El CaJon, hicb bene- fit d the San Diego County Ecumemcal Conference. l\,Jrs. J. Ht•ll clulling. chairman of the event, was among the guests. Th Rev. Charlr.s Dollen, umversity librarian, entertained

roup Plans Performance '!'he U D Opera Workshop Deegan and Sister Columban v. ll pre~ent excerp'.s from j Tierney, S.H.F., s ladies-in- 11\o ope1 3.5 and a complete wait1J1.-. to the Queen f the p "formance of \Iouirt ·., "The . _ h " Director and the Prima Don- 1~ l. I"{ nas·• at 8 p.m. today in the Henry P;irre!J's "Dido and t'-- school'· Camino Theater. Aeneas" will be represented 1 Ilana Mysior has prepared by scenes sung by Dolorc · r-1 the per ormanC'e and will ac- Humes as Dido and Mis - r{ <-'tmpan on piano. I Swaun as her lady-in-waiting. I The program will open with Miss Deegan, Betty Her- / r- scen~s from Mozart's 'The rick. .Jean Karlan and Regina ;\lag1c Flute," featuring Bet- Birkner will sing the ladies in t v Louise Hernck as the the short Mozart opera with Queen of the •'tght Dan Charles- Birkner as the direc- Gr i,graber a, Tamino, tor. J Tarantino as Papa a o William Ja Jure! will ~ _ Lll _ u_r_a _ ch_a_n_e__ .0on _==a----pr..coa..;v==1d==e;;.... Ji;;;;g.. ht-in_g~ a-n..::::. ds.:....ets for_ J aae S 111. :\larguerite the performance. - ._

:..!::=-:::....::..:.::~--__:;_--~ --7 ! guest a· did Mr. and ,'\lrs. Kenneth Carson of Coronado, Sev- eral other l11 ' were formetl for the performance.

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