News Scrapbook 1970-1972
-c,,: · o TIW..6- Alcalti"4M•b. ~-~.2•')/ • series to end SAN DIEGO - The Alcala Trio will complete the series of three Monday evening concerts tonight at the University of San Diego with a recital of 20th century chamber music. The trio composed of faculty members will be joined by clarinetist Daniel Magnusson. The concert will be at 8: 15 in Camino Hall Theatre. The members of the Alcala Trio are Henry Kolar, violin; Marjorie Harl, cello, and Ilana Mysior , piano . Kolar !s chairman of the USO music department. The program will open with Trio, by Douglas Moore, for violin, cello and piano. It will be followed b y Serenade Sarcastique, for violin and cello, by George Steiner Als~ to be performed is Danus Milhaud's Suite, for v10lm, clarinet and piano. The concluding work will be Paul Hindemith's Quartet, for clarinet, violin, cello and piano.
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to teacl1- USD class Otto Lang, Holly11 Oil pro- ducer and director, will pre- sent ,. communication a1·ts cour ·e during the Umver~1ty 0£ San Diego summer sessions. Lan" was associate produc- er fo; "Tora! Tora! Tol'a!", which r e1ved five nornina• tions ror the 1970 O:scars.1 Long d1reclecl the f1Jm1ng se- quences in .Japan. 'l'he c-ot1r ·t, t 1tled r'ilm <\nah.,is: An ln:1~ht Into :Vlo tion °P1dure ~1akin;:,'' 1111! be offered Tue ·day evenin:i:~ fr 11 6 to 9 1.3 durin:;: the reg- ular . uc-weck se,s1on, ,June 21-JuJy 30 The, one-unit credil course 1 c; one of 103 COlll' e.,. offered during three ession:; of the USO summer program. The first session runs from Juoe l to ,lune 19, and ~he third from Aug. 2 to ug. 20. Born in .\u,lria, and edu- cated in al,bur;i.. Yienna and r.erlin Lang i~ 11011 a • S. citizen'. Uter ~-cars, un-kr contract 1 0 T1\ent1e1h-Century F'ox, Lang i~ director of ,-iho- t.C>gr.a.phy Ior Copley Produc- tion~. h Lang produced. sue. , p,1c· tur~s a~ "VI\ e Finger~.. S y Stan., and '·Call orth ~ite iii,, fie dJrPcted the Lowell Thoma c1nerarna fe~; tur& "Search ror Parad,~P which V:2R :i! ed 'O lnd1a. Pak.i t.n a hnur, epal Honza and the 111ted SI~
,,, •... t:ill't!5?
. it of San Diego cheerleading squ~d, STUDENTS CARE - Members of the ~n~~er~t~er funds for the United Co~mumty above were among those who worke h' g the football team's cars. Besides the Servides campaign Monday - by wasd featured the auctioning of the Deans of soliciting of contributions, the cam~u: dr~tudents officers and the bask~tball_ team. Men and Women of USO, the as~oc1a r! Ro er Mussenden, captain, Kath!e Whitcher, Cheerleaders, from l_eft around s1gln, a Ta~sie Ryan and Therese Hawkins. Pam Steffy, Pam Leighton, Barry yons,
DOUBLE THEIR MONEY - Leonard J. Zanville, left, area representative for the Sears- Roebuck Foundation, presented two checks totaling $600 to University of San Diego library director Father Charles Dollen and Academic Dean Henry J. Martin last week. A portion of the award, double last year's grant, will be used to purchase books for the USO library.
Wathan-Brown ledge vows in Catholic rites -. L -y..;?.;;, 7 / ,mcy Bro,\n dau.,.1tPr of ,1:.,Jiei 1e1E> J o 111 C'uni.h i" :u,·. and 11~!. Haske D Bro \D n~in. R te.I-ta D1tthenner .~ oi_ San Diego. bec~me lhe / TonJ Bro~n, biotfier or th<· b.:-rde of John D \\athan re- bride. rently at Ble \ed Sacrament · C~tholic Chur 11 n ·.n Dieo-o A rPcep11on fvr '.!;jO "Ues, " ·.1a held a he \edne,d Mrs ~Lary '' ...1n~n o! p._. C'lu 1 J ;!lo , 11 th E' ddm , c:-iflc Be...: 1 and Jl!U \\'atnan of Ce,dar Rapid.~. lo 1, are parent5 or the bridegroom Tne ch I gown of ,. hlte chiffon and fact
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The Independent
Thursday , November 5, 1970
Paulist Priest To Conduct 1-Day Teach-In lj....._,,..,_ I/<>
.\l.tss rut.. Bro1rn lltlended !:er i.1ster is maid of honor. Bridesmaids were BeL1 Benedict, Betn Fogel and \frs. Allen Ha.,>er Best man 11· • D~ lie()_ge ) a1 of : SURPRISES were in store for student archeologists at USD. Richard Coyer, left, a junior, and James Craft, a sophomore, study the floor of an extensive structure in the San Diego Mission which was not shown on any ar- chitectural map of the old buildings. The hole in foreground leads to another floor about two feet below. t SD UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO tude1,ts at USD in ecolog) 7 iu1it_ '.lore than 50 Jaw students first step we are estabhshmg ha1 e JoinPd the newly form- a central depository for _en- ed lll\er·ity of an Diego vi r on mental publ!ca- J,;nv1ronmcntal Law Society. lions. These publications will According to David Diehl, be available to interested pre 1dcnt, the society's pur- groups and individuals. po s include research, in• · "Em ironmcntal groups \P t1gat1ons and analysis of have a tendency to react to the legal con,1dcrat1011s sur- immediate problems on an round111g cm 1ronmcnlal and emerge>ncy basis. Our group ecological problems m San \1 ill al o look to the long- D1t"go. ran~e problems our society nm t meet in order to li\e in \ prl' 1dent, Diehl said he balance , 11 th nature," Diehl ,1oulrl e labh. h an active or- stated. DlC'hl resides at 2881 amzallon to a1rl local groups Whitney st., erra fesa. n 'their light to afcguard Jhe cnHronment of San Dz- Other officers elected to ego County. head the group are Kent Wilson, 6396 Dwane St., vice pre ident; Susan Taber, 1309 Goshen St., Linda Vista, ecr tary; and James Warrng, 015 Cape May Ave., Ocean pool of pectal1zcd Jc •al ta! efforts to pre crve a l vable, hN1lthy nvironm nt. ent I aid citizen n th 1r \s a Beach, treasurer. .:.__~----
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