News Scrapbook 1969-1971





102nd YEAR


• I

ra, To Retire Toget


~tanee as th~ , orst if) football. He al•o has been cr1t1ciz,d for his lack of entllu 1asm at m<>- ments when the football was not in play. To this, Mix has replied he preferred to pre- serve his energy for more use- ful purpo;es. To underline how succc•sful he has beP,n i this regard, his name 'l::s bPe I led on Lvery AFL All-Star team and he has pl~yt:d m each of the league's All-Star games. A year ago, he was named by a national publication as one of the two best 01f··nsive tack1es in the game. Boh Broy;11, then of the Philadelphia Eagles and now

chapter in San Diego Stadium Sunday when he plays against the Boston Patriot~. A y;eek later, the Chargers are to con- clude their ~eason here against Buffalo in a game which Gillman said is to be dedicated to Mix. His number. 74, is going to be retired, Gillman id, and he also 1s going to present• ed with a gold I atch by the. AFL as one of h 9 players who have played throughout its 10-year tenure. "Hopefully," said Gillman, "we will have someone close to :'\,!ix but no one ever shall wear the No. 74." Deacon Jones, the great de- fensive end of the Los Angeles Rams. once described , !ix'

the next

will be made couple of weeks."


a throwback to the game's be• But his measured tread has possible for an offensive line- ms plans to resign were told :Ylix and the San Diego ginnings. carried him to every honor Gtllman, at a meeting of the s p o rtscasters-Spo1;tswriters Association at the Casa di Baf- In resigning, Mix said he was following a plan he had instituted five years ago, when he began studies in the law at the Univprsjty of San Djego. "1 want fo clevofe the rest of my life to doing something useful, ' he explained. "What it is I can't say but a decision tea neral manager, · fi restaurant.

By JERRY MAGEE . h h s n· is lime wit t e an Chargers spanned the decade of the 60s and yesterday Ron Mix, a player who seemed man. from some other, earlier era of football, ended it. He re- by II . . iego

l\lix, 31. confirmed he is in- terested in a political career. Friends reportedly have been urging him to run for a state office in California. Mix, a , ·o. I draft choice of Uie Baltimore Colts after his senior season at USC, was signed by the Chargers even before Gillman joined the then Los Angeles franchioe in J96(L !\'rank Leahy, the club's first general manager, signed him, Gillman )e~terday recalled. " d lighted to kMw we were going to have a top, top talent," said Gillman. former coach's expectations. His ca- reer is to have its semifinal Mix fulfilled his


Jr · resignation is to be ef- fective at the conclusion of Il 1s ~1ix' 10th year with the Football Ll!ague club. No player has served the more distinction. His hightop shoes, his labored manner of getting into a stance and his almost mechanical movements after coming out of it have made him resemble American Chargers as long, or with precise, this season.

------------ - -"

(Continued on r-5, rol. 4)


(Continued from page

and an in piralton to the offen- si1 e line," he said.

of the Los Angeles Rams, was fix said he could feel no sadness in leaving football be- the other._


. •


.. 1


m_ ever) thmg . Ferguson ilh me d .· . uung a rookie. ·

ov.e the



. .



o exc1tmg he ' the older phase" of how

ca_use thmks

game, helped me with plays and on techniques he has been invaluable to me. I hate to see him go but bv him bemg the best, he has instilled in me a desire to be the best too " the _center. Sam Grune'.7en, an .~•ght_-) ear ve!- se~. He ah\ays has been the epitome of the offensive line- man. Always, no matter hov. tough over him was, or how b_1g or how quick_. or was, he ii:ot the J_ob done He blocked h•m: He 1s the model of the offensive lmema~." In recent weeks, Mix has taken lo ~earing low cut shoes. In the fmal _tw? games, he said he Is thmkmg about re- verting to the h_ightops which have become his trademark. They are a mark of ex- eran." To me._ said Grune1- h?w dtfftcult the technique CHARGER CHATTER W:3ller_ is not certain whether fix will ~tart again~t Boston but he said he definitely will open against the Bills... Pa- 1rio_t publicist Jack Nicholson arrived yesterday and began pas.,in~ aro_und ballpoint pens. The~ re like our club," he explamed. "They start slowly but then they begin working." · · • The Pats have lost re- serve_ lmebac~er :\farty Schot- enhetmer with a fractured - I th ' · n. e. veteran , Charger of- fenSive hne, :\11x oldest co.- league_ is cellence.

his life could be



Pro football has aJloy;ed me to grow up," he said. "Col- much of my llfe, time and m- terest that I was not aware of what was going on in other areas of college Jtfe Pro foot ball has given me·a chanc~ to broaden my human rela- He said he was grateful to have learned the meaning ,. f what a pro i all about Ani- body can be a pro ,, he ex- plained . ·Any time a person has a devotion to duty to his complete capacit}, that per- son is a pro. The ultimate pro," he added. '-is our gener- al manager. Sid Gillman.,, Gillman termed :\fix •·an ab- solutely great, great player,'' a sentiment which has echoed by the athlete's pre·ent coach Charlie Waller and bv other; who have been 'associa.ted with legc footb~ll . co~sumcd _so ltonships " Waller said he has been hopeful Mix would return for an_ 11th season. The player said there is no likelihood of "If I desired I think I could play three more years and hopefully perform well but public service often is a mat- ter of timing," he sai!I of his political ambitions. He said that when he signed a two-year contract which termimates at the finish of this season he in- this. "He has bern a great pro lwc>n )las played with pnde and intensitr and we will mis;; him a great deal ., said Waller. '·I would like to who To replace Mix, the Chargers have been preparing rookie Gene Ferguson, 6-7, 292, out of , ·orfolk State. They call him '•Giant Cat. "The 'Cat' has been making excellent progress for a rookie," Waller judged. "He has. been do~ a fine job agamst some fine defensive ends." During each of his Charger seasons, Mix has ·erved the same line coach, Joe :\fadro. '':'l'aturally. this is a great loss," Madro said. "Mix has been a great pro, a pro's pro, and no doubt he is one of the greats at this position, re- sourceful, energetic and with good judgment." Madro wished to underline one other point. "He always has been a great team man Mix formed the club of his in- tention to retire.

Stoff Photo "'0 C',hargers. Looking decision are Mix and

Katht>r ine True, members of a com- bined high school chorus that will sing Chr istmas poems set to musit·.

Dr. Robert Emile discusses a chil- dren's concert score with Rosie Pris- kos, Cindi Lillard, Dana Holston,

nist hildren

Young Violinist, Pi Will Perform For

T,10 outstanding )OUng mu 0 i- The performances wt.I begin the San Diego Symphony Or- cians will star this Saturday m at 9.30 and 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 chestra and narrate tile concert children·, concerts spon~ored b} p.m. Saturda} . . . Also on the program will be a the San Diego Symphony Or- Also on the program 1s pianist combined girls chorus from chestra Associatic,n. . 'icholas Reveles. 21, winner of Crawford, Helix Hoover and Zena Schiff, 18. the youngest !He Young Arti. ts -Cowpetttion .ML Miguel High Schools. pupil of famed l"iolini t Jascha in, 'ovember. The chorus. under the direc- Heifetz, will be the oloisl in one Reveles, a mu~ic student at 11011 of Dr. Emile, 11 ill present a movement of Mendelssohn s the llmversit of San " 11111 Ceremony of Carols, a collection Violin Concerto in E Minor be t e so 01 I e irst move- of old Christma puems written Opus 64. at the v.cekend concert ment of Bart ('i Concerto, ·o. L by Benjamin Britten and set to i11 the Civic Theater Dr. Robe Emile will conduct music. High school mu 1c directors who re helping the girls pre- pare or the concert are Dr. Alan ank, Crawfnrd: Robert



left :'Vltke




ha_nd_er, last week suffered a ha1:lme fracture of_ his left in- dex fmger _but he ts expected lo_ be available Sunday. . .

Like Waller, Madro is hoping have him back but when a Mix decides to play another man in his position gets a season. ·' It no longer is a chance to get what he wants w~man's pre_rogative," Joe in life, I can't blame him for of changing one's mind. taking it. its . ,~rerybody's pre- ''He certainly has been a 1 r_ogc..a_t_1v_e_. ----- -===,; credit to the game, always loyal and hard working and a very co-operative worker."

Rue, HeJix; Robert .,ooper Hoo- ver: ancl Robert :Boucher, Ml. :\ligueL Ticke will be available al the Civic Theater bJx office be- fore each performarce. Other children·s ~oncerts are scheduled Jan. 17 Feb 7 and \pr l 4

C-hula Vista Pair Passes Exam for Bar CONTINUEO FROM PAGE B·l about eight years ago He was taking a night course at the University of San Diego until l an illness kept him from at- tending classes. After that he continued his studies at home through a correspondence course. '•California ·s one of the few states where you can study law at home," he said. '·Studying al home requires four years of study until you can take the bar exam It only takes three years if you are going to school." Prompted by Hu band . Ir·. P elps said she be- cam interested III studying law through her hm;band's in- sistance tha l she had a talent for II. "He'd ask my opinion on something he was studying and tell me my answers were very good," she said. :\!rs. Phelps, who taught in an elementary school here for ty;o years, took a law school


aptitude test for prospective San Diego, Tuesday, D :::-:-c~-::ar students at the USD Law --:-------ec_e_m_e_r_l_6_,_1_96_9_=:1--:....:.:

,. :.1/.::·~~:::-<---~;._

School in 1966.

"Both my husband and I were eligible for the August exam, since he completed his studies in May, but he didn't

don't you take it in August for

Graduates with Honors On the basis of the test re- sults - which put her near the top - she was given a schol- arship to the law school. In June Mrs. Phelps gradu- ated c~ laude after com- pletinger three years at the @w school.



practice." He


Mrs. Phelps said ~he will think he was ready," Mrs. · probably join a local law firm Phelps said. rather than opening her own Finally Says Okay office. "He kept saying he wanted Phelps said he has no defi- to wait until March to take the nite plans because of his sur- test," she said. "So I said why prise at passing the exam. ~-====:c--~c...__.....:;:__:__:_~::...__ _J

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