News Scrapbook 1969-1971
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/-<•7-6f State string quartet will perform at 3 15 p.m. today in the school's Music Auditorium. 'MUSIC FOR CONTRABASS AI\D FRIENDS' - Bassist Bertram Turetzky and other musi- cians will play a program featunng II orks by six contemporary compo ers at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in the C atthews Campu, Recital Hall PHILHAR. 10, ;JC CO. CERT - Dani I Baren- boim will conduct the Los Angeles Philhar- monic, with violini t Ruggiero Ricci as soloist, co cert at 8 p.m. next Sunda\· in the Civic Theater. • PIANO DUETS - Pianist~Ilana M,si 'CO\TTINENTAL KALEIDOSCOPE' - The Cygany Dancers will present a program of Eu- ropean folk dances a,t 2 and 8 p.m. Saturday in Russ Auditorium as a benefit for the San Diego .\ssociation for the ;\!entally Retarded. Pop LOUIS BELLSO.. - The jazz drummer will be featured with the Southwestern College Stage Band in a concert at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the Chula Vista school's Mayan Hall. CANDY CO. - The La Mesa folk ~pot, at 77Jl El Cajon Blvd., will present folk music by San Diego artists at 8:30 p,m. Friday and Saturday. IRON BUTTERFLY - The rock group will perform at 8:30 p.m. Saturday in the rnt~r- national Sports Arena on a bill with It's A Beautiful Day. ~OS~ FELrCIA O - The blmd singer-guit • 1st will perform at 8 p.m, today in San Diego State's Peterson Gymnu~ium. The show will history will be presented by the Old Globe The- ater, Balboa Park. at 8 p.ui. Tuesday-Thurs- day and Sundays; at 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, and at 2 p,m, next Sunday and Dec. 21, end mg Dec. 21. Mus·c CHILDR CO 'CERTS The San Diego Symphony will present children's concert~ with young oloi~t t 9:30, 11: and :30 p.m. Saturday in the Civic Theater. CHRISTMAS CONCERT - The music depart- ment of Southwestern College, 5400 Olay Lakes Road, Chula Vista, will presen a program at 4 p.m. today in the school's Mayan Hall. CIIRISTI,1AS CO. 'CERT - The First Presby- terian Church of Oceanside will present its choir in a seasonal program at 8 p.m. next Sunday. VIRGINIA COX - The organist. with a string trio and soloists, will present a Christmas pro- gram at 7:30 p.m. next Sunday in the First Presbyterian Church, 320 Date St. 'GOD'S SO!'/ IS BOR. ., - The First Presby- terian Church, 320 Date St.. will present the Royal Stanton oratono at 7:30 p.m. today, y;ith soloists and chorus conducted by Harold G. Lutz. GROSSMONT COLLEGE - The EI Cajon ~chool's music department will present its an- nual Cbri tmas concert at 7:30 p.m. next Sun- day in the school's gymnasium. HOLLACE KOMAN -The organist will play a recital at 4:30 p.m. today in the St. Paul's Thomas Nee will conduct the ensemble. with pianist l\limi Tung as oloist. in concerts at 3 and 8 p.m. today in Sherwood Hall, La Jolla. MADRIGAL SL~GERS - Dr. John Sheldon will conduct the San Diego State :Madrigal Singers in a program at 8: 15 p.m. today in the school's ::\lusic Auditorium. 'THE '1E SIAH' The Chnstmas portion of George Frederic Handel's oratorio Episcopal Church, 2728 Sixth Ave. LA JOLLA CIVIC ORCHESTRA - From Dec. 7 To Dec. 14 ALMANAC Dr ma be pre ented by the Old Glooe Theater on the Ca ·lu · arter Center Stage at 8 p.m. Tue,- day-rhur day and Sundays at 8: 30 p.m Fn· d , a nd aturtl , l 2 p.m. D c. 21, mg Dec 21 'CARVINAL' - The mu~1cal comedy will be pre~ented by San Diego State In lhe school's Dramatic Arts Theater at 8 p.m. Wedne day • Robert Emile will conduct the San Diego S~mphony, with violinist Zina Schiff as soloist, at 8 30 p.m. Thursday and Friday in the Civic Theater. The school UJliJVERSITY OF SAN OTEGO - annual Christmas concert at 8 its College for Women Will present it through Saturday. Sherry Harrb will portray Lili and Richard Geer, the puppete r, in thi. produd1on. 'GENER TfON' - The William Goodhart comedy about thi> generation g p will be presented by th • or-San Playrr , Lake San ~larco , at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturdays through Uec 20 'L RO, J.>E' - The French comedy will be presented m the Stagehou e Theater at Gross- moni College, El Cajon, at 8:30 p.m. Thur ·day. Friday and Saturday · 'CUBA DUBA' - The Bruce Jay Friedman comedy y; ill D pre. ented m 1lssion Play- house, 3960 Yla ·on t., Old To\\lt, at 8·30 p.m. ridays and Saturdays. • ALTZ OF THE RE • IJOR • - 1 he Jean ou1lh omedy v.1ll be presentea at 8 p.m Thur clay through atur- day and Dec 18-20 in the Palo- mar Colkge Drama Lab, San l\larcos OF OUR TEETH' - Thornton Wil- der's 1mp1·e stonistic oven1cw of mankind's also include thp, folk duo o J1mm Seals, le/I, and Dan Crofts. Also... DR. DEA. - The hypnotist will I ad a b ne- fit show t 7 p.m. Tue ·day m the Civic Theater for the alvatlon rmy. FIESTA 200 - Arts and crafts shops, films , dance and a variety of stage aclivitie cele- brating the city s 200th anniversary take place on the Old Town grounds open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and 10 a.m .-9 p.m. Fn• days and Saturdays, through Dec. 31. 'SMALL O:'IIE' - The P11p1wt Playhouse. 3903 Voltaire St.. Pt. Loma. will present the Christ- mas how at 2 p m. toda , Saturday and next I I I p.m. next Sunday in TheatPr, Alcala Park. Opera SHORT OPERAS - The Northshores Adult School will present Giovanni Battista Per- golesi's "La Sena Padrona'' and Mozart's "Bastien and Bastienne" at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturda; in the auditorium of Pacific Beach Junior High School, 4676 Ingraham St. Dance ~----<=' BALLET CALIFORNIA will be pre ented at 3: 15 and 8·15 p m. next Sunday in San Diego State's Peterson Gym- na ium and at 3 p.m. next Sunday by the Escondido Or- atorio As ociation in St. :\la- ry's Catholic Church, Escon- dido. The company will pre cerpts from •·coppelia" and The ;,,;utcracker" ~t 2: 30 and 8 p m Saturday in the audito- t ex- dido. and at the same times next Sunda}' in the auditorium of \ladi,on High School, 4833 rium of Grant hool, Escon- ~unda; NEW THIS WEEK ' PlIPPE.' f, CHARLIE 'YOlI'RE A GOOD the Puppet .\larie Hitchcock, - BROWJ\"' Lady. will include characters from the comic strip ·Peanuts" in her annual Christmas sh()W at 1, 2, 3 and 4 p.m. today, next Sunday and , ~cc 21 in the Balboa Park Puppet Theater. Doliva Drive. The San Diego MONTEZ MA QUARTET - --·-------------------------------------------------------------------- Cursillo Planned To Open New Year • . -c._ Cl?P~ o y r, /. The next San Diego diocese Curs11lo for men will be held at the D1vrne Word Seminary, Riverside, starling on the evening ofJanuary I It will end Sunday.January 4. The Curslllo, which is a "short course" in Christianity, is de- signed to give participants the opportunity to renew their faith and to make 1t more meaning- ful in a materialistic world, Newman of All Hallows par- ish, La Jolla. / C-3 C-4 • I T n Az age Semis The .University of San lJ1ego Torcros will begin play in the Aztec Invitational basketball tournament tonight, Thursday, against the Aggies of UC Davis at San Diego State·s Peterson gymnasium_ Coach Berme Bickerstaff has named his probable starters with All-American candidate Gus Magee at the pivot position and backcourt spots to be manned by San Diego City transfer Oscar Foster and returnee starter Neal Schram. Forward positions will go to returning starter Jeff Fi lzenger. leading scorer for U1e Toreros last year, and University of Portland transfer Bob Scotian. Johnnie Otis, San Diego City transfer, and Gie Simpson,' a freshman, also will see considerable action. Against UC Davis 1 the Toreros will be meeting a team they have met two times previously . The Toreros won in 1962-63, 52-50, and in I961-62, 60- 58. Following the Aztec In- vitational, whicb runs through Saturday, the Toreros will have a one-week layoff before con- fronting Pepperdine College in Los Angeles on Cecember 11. said Gabriel Harkay, named rector of the Cursillo. Harkay, a member of St. Columba's parish, San Diego, will be as- sisted by sub-rector Michael - Father Eernard Cassidy, SJ, will be spiritual director, and Father Thomas Byrne of Notre Dame High School, Riverside, will give some of the spiritual talks. Father Robert Callahan of All Hallows also will par- ticipate. "New Year's Day is a most suitable time to go o a Cur- sillo," said Father Ca sidy. "I really cannot think of a bet- ter way for anyone to start the 1970s. This will give men a real opportunity to be reminded of what life is really all about, and give renewed meaning to their religion." Harkay, who has attended several Cursi llos, is a mechanical engineer. Newman is director of development and public relations at the University of San Diego. Spirit Renewal " We hope that the men of San Diego diocese will take this opportunity to start the next decade with a renewal of their Christian spirit," said Harkay. " They might be surprised how much it will help them in everyday life. A Cursillo is not a retreat, nor a workshop. It is something quite different, and gives a great new 'charge' to the rundown batteries of a person's religion." Registration forms may be obtained from Father Cassidy at Christ the King Church, 32nd and Imperial , San Diego, telephone 233-0700, and from 1''ather Byrne at Notre Dame High School, Riverside. The Divine W.ord seminary is at 11316 Cypress Avenue, Riverside , reached by La Serena Drive off-ramp from Route 91. The University of San Diego and Tahoe College advanced to the s mifinals of the first Aztec Invitational Basketball Tournament by , tue of first-round victories last night before a crowd of 850 at Peterson Gym. I -- ~ _. -- 'The Toreros defeated .the Uni- and continuallv scored on short 1 trsity of California at Davis jumpers. The ~gg1es came back gles, 80-76. after the Samts to clos..-. the margin to 73-72 with nocked off the United States In- 1·16 left but slick passmg bv tarnalional un=versity, 911-84, in Otis and Scotian m thi> final tije opener. minute iced the game for the c'fhe two v;ctors will meet Toreros. tomght at 7 o"clock preceding Scolan hit Otis for an easy 11)! other sem1fmal match be- layup which resulted m a three- t'::'een San Dipgo _State and the point play with three seconds l01vers1t_y of Califorma at San remaining to culminate the scor- D!cgo. Tipoff for the latter is ing. s~hedulcd lor 9 The UC Davi~ rally was led by Consolation games will be at 2 forwards Tom Cupps and Al atid 4. Steed. who scored 18 and 15 n a game marked by many )points, respectively. early turnove,·s. the Toreros Tahoe College tooK the open- sflot _well enough :vhen needed to ing contest by continually p 11 it out. The highly touted To- thv.arting USIU attempts lo raros, who came rnto the tourna- take the lead late in the game. rnen~ as the favorite. were led in The Westerners took a 40-39 soormg b~ forward Bob Scotian, lead into halftime due mainh· to 'I\ ho tallted 20. _Center G_us the fine outside shooting of ·for., lllagee followed .with 17 while ward Larry Crowell, who picked I guard Johnny Otis added 16. up 18 of his 28 points in the in- Following a 5-5 tie. _USD ilia! stanza. Guard Larr, pulled out to consistent six and Weddle. who r nished with 24 1 eight-point leads and went into points. garnered nine before the the intermission with a 42-36 ad- mterm1ssion. v~ntagc .Scotian tallied 15 in the With the game tied. 46-all. the / first period. &lints put nn a burst which! After the Aggies pulled to a eventually netted them a 67-55 momentary 48-46 lead, the 6-7 lead with 11 minutes remaining. Magee took charge for the To- The drive was led by forward. reros. dominated both boards Larry Stevenson. who finished ,~.,.,, History Gr up Plans to Honor USO Author James R. Moriarty, history professor at the University of San Diego, will be honored for his recently published book on California Indian Religion at the Dec. 13 meeting of the San Diego Historical Society's In- stitute of History. The book, "Chinigchinix, An Indigenous California Indian Religion," is based on the records of Father Geronimo Boscana, a Franciscan mis- sionary at San Juan apist- rano from 1812 to 1826. ''Chinigchimx was a prophet whose revelation was the cen- ter of the new religion. This religion was founded on a group of laws which required fasting, self-sacrifice and ab- solute obedience," Moriarty said. Je. uit lobbyist I or farmhand Bis op Quinn Ge s Added Bla~lr tUnion Off "~-..0 ll, .. 61 ers TalK .. Louis . Smith. co,founder of Operation Bootstrap." a Los A~geles self-help organization, ~ 1 11 speak at the University of San Diego, 2 p.m, Wednesday December. 10, in the College fo; Women Theater. The talk is open to the public. "Operation Bootstrap " cele_brated its fourth year in business at the end of November. The black economic development organization is currently manufacturing and m_arketmg the Shandana Doll with the assistance of the Mattei Toy Co. . The USO Black Student Union is spon oring I with 24 points, and guard Her- bye White. who tallied a game high of 29 markers. 22 of which came in the second half The Westerners pulled lo with- in four points at 82-78 ith 3·05 left on the shooting of Crowell and Weddle but consistent board play by center Bill Colbert and i steady ball-handling bv guard Sam (Super) Robinson kept the Saints on top, Robinson finished with 20 points while Colbert pick- ed up 15 in addition to a game high of 12 rebounds. • •
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