News Scrapbook 1969-1971


CAMPUS CORNER -;--J~ I tJ cf 6 / News of San Die

Sunday, September 28, 1969

• 1ews On I ss



· and legal options 10 m uc ion un ,er I · d l"

d not be reconciled with the truth icies -"In the diocese or Santa


the bishop has always t · His door



raise more



•olvc the great problem of its the S€lect1ve Service S}stem. I that God has created all men ' . . Y;~~\;_ distribution in needy areas of think that is the province of law- with equal rights and equal dig- ~~~s~\t!~ 1~ 1 te~~e~~de open to



them. A man in authority would be foolish if he did not seek as implies much advice as possib)e _before t making a judgment. It 1s 1mpor-

mty." the bishop said.

the world, we can overcome yers.

1 ~ous or tomo~row•·•

"/1.s for church leaders co~n- SEGREGATION STAND

hunger and want.




Th P

•·uu!aif: i:ae'' _:_ S~pport:

"Segregation which

As far as the Church is co~- sclhng yout~ t_o follow }he die- cerncd you can never do evil tates of Christian conscience m



·ood will

come about. accepting or rejecting military t~at people of o~e race are no tant to remember howver, that of the ht to assoc1at~ with_ another c~n- dialo ue does not' mean, 'Now, t 1 ·s evi·l but we United States in their pastoral not be reconciled ,nth the Chris- Ii~ t t " ture and you s en o me. the bishops f , . .


tan. agamst ar-

111g the Pop t1hc1al mea

of ~1~t~. control, There gare those who do not be- service,

The en- 1.

B1 hop Mah r aid.

b" th



con ro 1

anae Vi e" is

1eve 1r

rom received votes or con- fidence by 59 per cent and 60 per cent of the 6,800 student voters respectively. The air of campus politics is not clear yet, however. Prior tr• the Thursday election, )1alph Brown, student adminis- trative vice president, resigned hi~ appointcment post, citing philosophical differences with Breen and Nystrom. Also in th wind, according to the stu- dent commissioner of elec- tions, is the possibility of a sec- ond recall petition against Breen and Nystrom. 1he matter of education, as it is and as it might be, is bemg tackled this week via an

I . 1 ,., 1

·• do We feel that it is a real evil. letter of Nov. 15, 1968, asked for ti_an view O mans na



C)C aca

FREE EXP~ESSION "Anyone 1s ~re~ _to


the a revision in the Selective Ser- rights. is not vice ruling that requires a man

authentic c~urch teaching._ I am al\rnys ~n full a~cord w1th





''Respect for personal_ r1_g~ts

rhvthm method, which

is not only a m~tt~r of md1v1d- himself as. an_ mdlVldual. How- tally rejecting the use of all mil- ual moral duty, 1t 1s also a mat- ever, the md1v1dual sh?uld be f itary force _ in order to qualify ter of civic action. The right of mindful of the fact _that _m _these very ir~t for conscientious objection stat- all citizens to vote must be re- days of specialization, 1t 1s not ,

the authentic teaching of the evil because it is according to! to be an absolute pacifist - t_o-

n lure ,.

chur h.




. Hum_an~e

_' In ,. di cu s_mg



Abortion db .

the po 1llve Viewpoint 1s


likel.l' that any single individual


on man is us.

. Y

ldom heard. Our Holy Father ~1ft be~tow_e man life. We honor God when that ~oth stres es the re

"fo.qual opportunity for em- has all the answers. .

, sacred

rence for hu• life. Life 15 sacred! :~ 0

"The one in authority, there-

lovment, full participation in



the md1V1dua~

"Recognition. of the nght to ~ublic and private educational fore, must listen, pray over the

we revc~ence human hfe. When s?C1et) itself ha~e the re~po~si-

proper housing and matter, even take the initiative assistance in sounding out the opinions of

humun life 1s served, man 1 en-1b1hty _of preservmg and car mg object to a particular war on re- facilities

would• adequat~ welfare





ricl1 d and God is. ac~nowledg- for this gift. td When human hfe 1s threat-

others. But he must make up his

"The paramount con~1derallon make it possible for the non-pa- must be provided.

e_ned man 1s diminished and i~ th_e matter of legahled abor- cifist to qual_ify for n?~comba- I less manifest m our t10n 1s whether or not the unborn !ant service in the m11ltary or understand one hould seek to. clarify in some biol~gy ~onf1rms that there 1s no man act faithfully according to mutual problems and concerns. oneself right." wa the relation hlp betwe~n quahtahve difference ?elween his own conscience, b~t h~ also I Only by open and free exchange Pointin~. out t~~t he can~ot the .iove of hfe and the w_orsh1p the embryo at concept_1on and has a very great obhgation to of ideas can we understand the make off1c1al dec1S1ons m~olvrng of t.od One c~nnot love hfe un- the moment of qu1ckenmg; life see that he has a true and up-. rights and obligations that pre- the San Diego Di?Cese until he 1s le s _he worship God, at least 1s fully present. right conscience. Therefore, he· vail on both sides.'' installed here, Bishop Maher re- 1mphe1lly, nor w_orsh1p God un- OPPOSES GOD'S LAW has an obligation to form this Tax Support of Parochial vealed he is considering, how- les. he loves life. "Humanae "W are bound to testifv that conscience through proper infor- Schools_ ''II is paramount that ever, the changing of the name Vitae" points out and stresses the dfrectly intended aboriion is mation he receives_as a Catho_lic we receive some ta~ su~port. It "chanc~ry" as applied to his the sacredness o_f human life. tt I ed to th law of through the teachmg authority is more than likely 1t will come new office. "Over-populal!on snot a fact io t~!~fgnity of t~e human, of the church a~d t~rough his through_ the \ndividual (student) . I have been thinkin_g of ,get- at pre ent. It 1s a future fear._ Of erson and to the well-being of own religious bellefs. • to the md1v1dual school where t~ng the name of the bJShop s of• cour c, no man .c~n be 1m- ~ociety. The Second Vatican Race Relations _ Empha- the student attends. !ice somewha_t away from the perv1ous to the eimll poverty C-Ouncil forthrightly defended sizing that race prejudice is a NO FEAR OF CONTROL .idea of o£fic1aldoi_n _and m~re In th c world. , lthe sanctity of life: 'Whatever is "moral evil''. that can,:•never be "Would providing tax support !nto _t,~e ~ea of ~h'.iStian C\, OVERCOME HU. GER oppo,ed to life itself, such as entirely elimmatl'd, B1sh?P t parochial schools means gov- 1st r,, said th e religious lead · • We can spend b s of do!- any type of murder, genocide, Maher said it violates the Chris- irnment interference? No, I be- NEW NAME I reaching the mo - and I abortion, euthanasia or willful tian tradition, the Declarahon of lieve not. There may be a few "The chancery office itself am not denegatmg that spec- selt-destruction ... all these and Independence and the Con- more controls. But it depends a means where you fi!_e the docu- tacular achievement - but I do others of their like _are infamies stitut_ion ?f the !Jnitrd States. great deal on whether the tax ments and has a juridi~al back- b eve that with al\ our techni- indeed. They poison human "01scnmmat1on based on the support is given directly or in-\ground we wish to eradicate. My c I abilities we sh~'.1ld be able to soci~~y.'" accidental ~a~t of race or color. directly. in_tent is_ to have 1t called San • up some pnonhe :\hhtary Drafl - '·Should as such miunous to human "The need is there, for the Diego Diocesan Offl~e f~r Apos- !f we reallZf• our uhhgat1ons church leaders undertake to I righ~s! regardle_ss of personal good of the students. for their tolic Ministry! which JS very oth r people and by tech- counsel draft-age young men on qualmes or achievements. c~ parents and the community at much in th_e thmkmg of the Vall- large. In due time. everyone will can Council. . D • D • / N realize that the parochial "The word chancery 1s too le- an I e g O IO CeSe S eW schools are carrymg a burden of gal and formal Th_e name, San the taxpayers themselves and Diego Diocesan Office for Apos- they will provide some kmd o! tohc Ministry. elaborates more clntFe, archbishop of the Los tmgent of so_me 30 from . orth- Schirle of Napa; the Rt. Rev. strengthening and stability ?f Norte. -wa_s i)ll!l from the San ngeles Archd1occsc, will pre- e'.n Callforni~, will accompany :\lsgr. c. J . Bradley of Encino: Christian values. Unless there ts Francisco d1~cse. id at the 90-mlnute ceremony. him on his fhght he_re, the San the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Denis J. Fa!- some program set up that in a Encompassing 11,711 s_quare he Pope's notification of ap- D1~go Roman Catholic Chancery vey of Camarillo; the Rt. Rev. general way will provide reli- miles, the Santa Rosa diocese ointment will be read. office announced. They are: Patrick J . Roche of Los Angel- gion in all teaching we cannot has a total populallQ of ~6_3,400, Installation of Bishop Maher The Rt. Rev. Msgr. John es , the Rev. Robert F. Hayburn lulfill our obligations as citizens of which 75,800 ori~mally third bishop oi the San Diego Brenkle, chancellor of Santa of San Francisco: the Rev. GE!7 in a democracy that's fou~d 63,~0) are R~~an Catholics; 36 oman Catholic Diocese is ex- Rosa; the Rt: Rev. Msgr. Walter rard Fahey of Garberville: the on Christian principles and will parishes (origmally 26), l05 cl.Cd to attrac religious and J. Tappe, vicar general th ere; Rev. Dennis R. Clark of Santa not exist without them ." priests (originally 58), 22 4 s~- ijy leaders and parishioners the Rt. Rev. Msgr. James Gaf- Rosa and the Rev. Francis X. Clergy Voice in Church Pol- ters and 213 teachers. om San Diego, Imperial. San fey of Santa Rosa; th e Rt. .Rev.· Singleton of Fresno. ' Bernardino and Riverside Coun- lsgr. Charles Jackson of . apa; SCHOOL PRIORESS i , the area embraced by the the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Thomas J . . wcese and founded by the late Earley of Sa!mas ; the Rt Rev. Sister Mary '.\L . _Cla1re. a foy, Oclober 5, 1969 lost Rev Charles F Budd, Andre Tourruer of Eureka; the member of the Domm1can Or~er . · · · Rev. John F . :\lonagle, president and prioress of Santa Catalina di~n~eai:~?!~edth o~;:flow at of the San ta Rosa Diocesan School for Girls, Montere):, also I d t t el . . fl. s th} Priests Senate· the Rev. James will attend the mstallat10n of c o circu1 e ev1s1on m e • . . "all ad ·acent to the cathed al , lonagle of Bov Hot Springs_; B1s~op Maher. . 9 _J • • r · the Rev. Jerald Thomas of Occ1• Bishop Maher's fJTst Mass as The_installation o Bishop. fa. dental; the Rev. Brother Joseph head of the San Diego diocese 1er will be on the _Fea ·t _Day of ott, and Sisters Justine. Louis will be celebrated at 9:15 a.m. t franc1s of A~s1s1. This y ar and larie Cramer. next Sunday at Our Lady of - the 200th anniversary of the Clergy coming here from oth- Guadalupe Roman Catholic oman Catholic Church Ill Cah- er areas for the installation of Church. 1770 Kearny Ave. Later ftmua - th~ ~b- ervance ls of Bishop Maher include: that day. he will celebr.at_e '.\I~ss dd1t1onal ~1gnif1cance becau e Bisho? John J. Ward. Aux- for the sisters at the Umvers1ty Father Jun\pero_ Serra, fo_under iliary of Los Angeles; Bishop of San Diego College for Worn- of the states m1_ss1on,, said the Dermot o. Flana an or San en. Alcala Park. • SAN PJEGO - Rish op L<'o ing v a r Io u i< T. 1\



Education Circus,

by the campus Cu'tural Ar ts Board Speakers today included l\ngela Davis, the controversial phi- losophy professor from UCLA. and Harold Taylor, author and former president of Sarah Lawrence College. Tomorrow's of- ferings include a panrl of stud nt body presidents from through- out the slate, and Friday has b en planned as a "Learning R<'vival" celebration. The college's grading sy~tcin l e.i.og studied by an ad hoc subcommittee of the Faculty Senate's Academic Policy and Planning Committee and the pos 1b1Jity of Instituting a credit-no credit system to replace tradit10nal Ir er grades is among the subJects being discussed. U.S. INTERNAT/ONAL UNIVERSITY By LANCE CLEM A movie program featuring a series of rec1 ntly released films is being sponsored on the Cal We,;tern camp , by Lower Divi- sion Council, the freshman- 9phomor r !alive group. The films will be shown Sundays in Gold<;n rn. The program's first Trng was "Planet of the A .'' Coming films will be announced. Th LDC plans to meet soon to VJluate freshman ori- enlatl week. The meeting is

designed to give planners a critical look at the value of the week-long orientation pro- gram. Intramural sports activities are highlighting Saturday mornings at Cal Western. All dorms have organized teams. Flag football and volleyball are scheduled for fall com- petition. Long a popular activi- ty, the intramural program in- volves several other sports in- cluding soccer, basketball, and

LANCE CLE:\l swimming. The Cal Western lecture series was announced last week. The program will begin at JO a.m. Oct. 17 in Boney Hall with Mrs. Helen Colton who w11J speak on "Our Sexual Behavior and Our Mental Health." Admission is free. Senator George McGovern, D-S.D., is also scheduled later in the year. UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO By BELITA TAYLOR The political sc:ence club here will be host for two speakers, Rep. John V. Tunney, D-Riverside, and Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin, D-San Diego. at 12:15 and 7 p.m. respectively, Friday. Tunney will speak at More Hall at the Law School. Van Deer- Jin will speak in the Rose Room at the CoUege for Wom- en.

Giant Steps

"Th n w nwar n that we huuld concentrate on the lhmgs In common, rather th n ou~ qisagreements, and the n of am n a a person, a ch!lcl'of God, are giant steps appy about h whole picture. Howev r. I don·t th nk nyone sh uld be o innocent a to suggest that unification of fail } 1 11r und the corn . You and I are not going to sec that day, Thcr are many di!fer and difflcult1es. The greatest hm1tat1on to th adv,mce o m would be false 1roruc m " we hav reco tak n b the Chrl "l am trul) ian brotherhood.

"\' uth Involvem nt In Rell ion standard of morality, a w.iy of h Christi nlty Is not for the faint-nc.i cowardly or the timid , preci ely followers calls them to exert the [ul n God and thcrr kllow men. But he c God and our neighbor -





u e Christ m inviting his of their powers to love us to do this by loving

Tunney will speak on Viet- nam, the Middle East, and the draft, and Van Deerlin will speak on problems affecting lo- day's youth. "Seascapes," a program of poetry readings, film, music and art, was held today in the student lounge at the College for Women. English professor Denver Sasser planned the af- fair, which was sponsored by the English Department. "The Dutchman," a play written by Black contemporary a hor-playwright LeRoi Jones, will be put on in the stu-

in the spirit of

and ourselves, too -

Christ. Concern For Youth "I am not part1cu


r e]Pbrates his iirnt ties which make up the dio-

orrled bout the church holding the granted that there will always be the d1 1dcnt and the disaUected. I some 1mes think that the more pr sing que Hon Can Democracy and our labor ~ons, our colleges and our unlver 1t1es, our present commercial struc- tures, our communications media, our cybernetic culture hold (Continued on b-4, Col. 1) est of pcopl .nt la

ThP La Jolla C'iviC' Chorus thP chur 'h of Ou~ La d Y of sang a thrPe parts of thP :\fass Guadalu , 177,0 KParny Ave. in Spani 5 h - thP "Lord Have The )nass w:111 1:>e specially Mere~•." "Holy. Holy, Hol~·.'' o'.fored r mmonty con:1mu- and '"Lamb of God." Apart mties. His second Mass will b_e from a few silent sPclions in at the chapel_ of the Umvers1- Latin, the entire ceremony IY of an Diego College for was in English, in conformity \~omen, at 11:3fl a.m. for the with current liturgical prac- s1sters o! the diocese. tice. At installation ceremonies The entire Mass and lnstal- yesterday, Bishop M a h er Iation will be sho\'l'Jl by KOGO spoke on the theme of hope TV in color at 6 p.m. tonight. and love. The Apostolic D el e g at e, ". ry care will be devoted Ar c h bis h op Ramindo not to providing crutches for preached. the crippled, but to providing Concelebrants in the Mass ways in which the weak shall in addition to the Apostolic be able to obey the com- Delegate were: Archbishop mand: "Rise up and walk." Hoseph McGucken o! San "I shall never view any per- Francisco, Coadjutor Arch- son as an IBM card, nor as a bishop Timothy Manning of mere social secw·ity number, Los .Angeles, Archbishop nor as a sociological case ... Francis J. Furey of San An- not even as a soul, but as a tonio, Bishop Leo T. Maher, pe1·son. Bishop John R. Quinn, Rev. Bishop Afaher. was greeted Raymond Maher, brother of b. more than 1.000 children the new bishop. anrl hu reds of ch·ic and 1 e- Also conc<'lebrating were li~inu~ repre.c:pntati\'Pi;:; \\.'hen DiocP~an Con~ultor~: Rt. RPv. he an'i\'Ps at Lindbergh F"ic>ld. )fsgr. John F. PurcPll. Rt. Friday ThP bishop was offi- RI'\'. )fsg1·. John Bradle~·. Rt. ciall~· in,ta/Jrd by the Apos- Rev. )fagr. Daniel Ryan Rt. tolic DelPgate to the Gnited Rev. ::Vlsgr. Peter Lunch, ,·ery Stales. the A1ost Rev. Luigi Rev. I. Brent Eage. Chancel- Raimondi, at St. Joseph's lor o! the diocese, Very Rev. Cathedr yesterday in cere- Msgr. Donald F. Doxie, Very monies starting at 11 a.m. Rev. Edward Creighton, Rev. Among the crowd o! more Thomas Maloney, Rev. Don- than 1,000 persons at the air- ald Kulleck, Rev. Peter Mi- port representing civic and re- naugh, Rev. Rudolph Galin- ligious organizations and pri- do, Rev. Thomas Meagher.

first Mass here m 1769. He was a member of the Franciscan Or- drr. cathedral cere- mony, Bishop Maher will be honored at a Jun heon at El Cor- tez Hotel. or.e µ,an 1.000 per- oru . includm repre ·entatives of ach parish 1n the San Diego dioce e, are expected to attend. Archbishop Furey. who left here early in August to head the San Antonio archdiocese, will return to serve as one of the concelebrants of the installation of Bishop Maher as his succes- or Concelebranls will include Archbishop Joseph \IcGucken of an Francisco, Coadjutor Arch- bishop Timothy Manning of Los Angeles; the :\fost Rev. John R. Quinn, auxiliary bishop and ad- I ministrator of the San Diego I diocese; Archbishop Robert E. Lucey, ret , of San Antonio, and the R aymond Maher, pas- tor of .B d Sacrament Catho- lic Church, San Rafael, the bish- op's brother. Also concelebrating the Mass will be members of the San Diego Board of Consultors, Bish- op Quinn, the Very Rev. I. Brent Eagen, chancellor here; the Very Rev. :\tsgr. Donald F. oxie, the Rt. Rev. 'dsgr. John F. Purcell; the Rt. Rev. Peter ,Lynch, the Rt. Rev. Daniel J. Ryan, the Rt. Rev ~,gr John J. Bradley, the Rev. Edward Creighton, the Rev. Thomas \1aloney, the Rev. Donald Kul- leck, the Rev Rudolph Galindo! and the Rev. Petet Minnagh. OTHER PARTICIPANTS The Rev Thomas F. Meagher, representing the San Diego Diocesan Priest· Senate, will be a concelebrant. ;\fcDonald, bishop of San Fran- cisco; the Most Rev. ,Joseph L. Federal, bi hop of SaJt Lake City, Utah; the Most Rev. J~ Following

BELITA TAYLOR dent union here sometime next month, according to Pam Sammon, the director-producer of the play. Sammon is pro~ g the play at his own expense. The play has been the subj c of much discussion and debate on campus during the past month because its controversial dialogue. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA By ROGER SBOWLEY A large student turnout was on hand Friday to hear UCLA assistant professor Angela Davis describe her current diffi- culties with the university's Board of Regents. Miss Davis, a graduate philosophy student here last year and a member of the

10. 1., r News of area universit,es and San Diego State College. UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO By BELITA TAYLOR A new organization, '·Students for a Free University," is now in its embryo stage on campus, according to Jeff Conine, spokesman for the group The organization has five goals. The following are two main ones as told by Conine: First - Establishment of a

Communist Party, has been put on notice of dismissal by the regents. Students ap- plauded her efforts to retain her teaching position. A new attempt at improving relations between the adminis- tration and students was taken Monday by the campus news- paper, Triton Times, and campus radio station, KSDT, when Steve Landau of the Times and Don Bright of KSDT held a 45 minute dialogue with Chancellor William J. McGill. Matters dealing with a wide range of subjects from the campus beach to Miss Davis' problems with the regents

press to communicate to the general student body he prog- ress being made by SFU in the area of student rights at USD. Second- ,Emphasizing that a student is an entity with cer- tain capa llities and potentia)s which b ture should be allowed t grow and develop with a m· imal amount of re- straints. Accord' to a recent House Council flyer, coeducational visiting at the College for Men apartments will begin today. The new ruling was adopted by a joint student-faculty com- ~t on the code of conduct, and approved by the adminis-

vate groups will be the red- robed Bishop's Boys Choir and Knights of Columbus. James Francis Cardinal Mcintyre of Los Angeles pre- sided at the Saturday instal- li!tion and celebration °of Mass. The ofkrtorr prncession oi l wine was carried lo thr al- tar by a uniformed policP- man. fireman and nurse. Also m f he p r n r es s i O n products rcpre•Pntative of the natural weaJth of California. while teenagers carried repre- sentations of the life or our times. including a book on so- cial justic•p and a mod<'I surf- At thP installation, the nrw bishop was greeted by a fam- ily. a prie ·t. a nun, a doC'tt•r and a papal knight represt- gifts or water, hrrad an rl wen~ youn child en carrying board


.,, , ,

were discussed. The media representatives plan to have lunch with the chancellor on alternate weeks to insure that communication channel remain open. A new newspaper may appear on campus soon, published by the Associated Moderate Students. The group, which reportedly considers itself as the antithesis of Students for Democratic Society, asked the campus Communications Board for $896 to help pay publishing expenses last week, but the board chairman said financial dilliculties may make such an allocation impos- sible. Meanwhile, the Indicator, founded in 1966 as a coalition of two older papers has stopped calling itself a newspaper. It now is described in its bylaws as a "journal of leftist opinion."


5: lff f

Laze row Renamed



Herbert Lazerow, law profes- sor at the University of San chairman of the legal panel of the San Diego Chapter of the American Civil Libertie lfnion. Peter Clarke, president pf the local chapter, said L zerow will serve for the 1069-70 academic ·.=.,,-------=--- year, Diego, has been reappointed

The hours arc: londay-Thursday 4 to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 4 p.rn. to 2 a.m.; and Sunday 4 to 11 p.m. The annual autumn informal dance will start at 9 p.m. Satur- day at the Stardust Hot I, according to Dennis O'Neill, associ- ated students social chairman.

Other participants will include ~-~--- lhe :\1ost Rev. William J.

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