News Scrapbook 1969-1971
From Feb. 7 To Feb. 14
ays, 7-10 WtdnMdan - •contemporary American Surreal- ism.' lhrough Morch 21. LAUOEL, 8055 Winlergardens BJVd., El Caion, .., MondC1V- Saturday-01ls, watercolors and pCJstels by 1ocol artists. LA MESA ART GALLERY, 74'17 El ca,on Blvd., Lo Mesa, 7-10 p,m. Mondav-Friday, noon-, Saturday and noon-6 Sun- days-Sculpture and paintings by contemporar-y Cahforn10 artists MARION'S CAPE COD HOUSE, 258 Harbor Orlvt, South, ~3~1:!!'a~~iJ:i;~~ri~Je7;:~~0Je-:;~teri:i~~r; ends tOdOY. McLEAN GALLERY, 1250 Prospect St,, Suite A 21 , La Jolla, 11-S Tuesday-Sundav-H. G. Stalnaker oils plus oils by other artists MANUEL'S HISTORICAL LANDMARK RESTAURANT, 2416 Stin Oie(fo Ave., 10- a.m.-11 p.m. da1lv- Set1scaPes by various artists PrHented by Old Town Galleries. MISSION RESTAURANT, 6225 M1ss1on Gorge Road, ,:30 a.m.- 8 P.m. Monday-Saturdav-Group "how by members of the Del Gardens Arts and Crotts GUIid. MIXC:> MEDIA GALLERY, ,3o Garnet St., Pacific Beacn, 10-3 Mooday-Safurday-Group show in various media.
ORR'S GALLERY~ 2200 Fourth Ave., 10.S Monday-Saturdav- "Christmos Cabinet," a collection of small Objects from various continents and centurie,, ends today; John Rogers sculpture, through March 6. THE PAPER TREE, 1338 Fitlh Ave., J ;J0-5:30 MondaY• Saturday-Leonard Wolf pottery, DeGrazia prints and litho• 9raPhs by Aldo Luongo and Ve! Miller. SAN DIEGO ART INSTITUTE, House of Charm, Balboo Park, 10-S Tuesdav-Saturdt1Y, 12:30-5 Sunday-Floyd Chand- ler and J . Milford Ellison oils and watercolors, through Feb. 28. SAN DIEGO STATE GALLERY, State campus, 8-4:30 Mon- day Friday-Student e-xhibrt, through Feb. 20. ROBERTS SCOTT ANO CO., INC., 227 E. Grand St., Escon- dido, 7:30-5:30 Monday-Friday, 9:30-noon Saturciavs-Merlt G. Barber oils. SCANDIA INTERIORS, 384f _Fifth Ave., 10-6 Mondav-Thurs- ~~fisfs"~nso:~~!~~• Pef;:u:af~tr::gs~y r~~~'i;~ March 31. SCHERTLE ART GALLERY, neor PO~t office, Grossmonl Center, La Mesa, HH Monday-Friday, 10-6 Saturday, 1·4 Sunday-Bela Bodo paintings. SECUR,TY P'ACIFIC BANK, 9250 Mission Gorge Road, 10-l Moodov-Thursdt:1V, lO•S:30 Fr1dors - Ma1el carter water• colors. SHELTER ISLAND GALLERY OF ART, 2733 Shelter Island Drive, 10.10 Tuesday-Sunday - Art Haber watercolors, through Feb. 28; Emory Stone drypoint graphics, ends Wednesday. SHOWCASE OF THE ARTS, 126 S. Kalmia St., Escond,ao, l~~~~r~:~~1:ybya~:ca~a~~[i'!fl•o~O~J:Oraiiri~d~~s;;, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA FIRST NATIONAL BAN)(, 5125 Waring Rd., 10·3 Monday-Thursday, 10-5 Friday-San Diego
. .
SPANISH PLAZA GALLERY, 2627 San Diego Ave., 10·6 Monday-Thursday, 10-9 Friday-Sunday - DeGrazia prints, M. A, Gomez, Buck McCain Western paintings, Grace Ed- wards oils; original oils by EuroPf"0nS STUDIO 25, Spanish Village Art Center, t!!olboo Park, 1•4 Wednesday-Sunday - William Bowne oils and acrylics, throuqh Feb. 28. TIMKEN GALLERY, nortncast corner of Plaza de Panama, ~~~blaav.p:ircteJ 0 t~~~~ !~e:~~X,n',%~~1~.i~l~~~ayC01:!~tfo~=: Old Masters. TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, 220 ''A'' St., 8:30 Monday-Friday - Ed Sco1t oils of Victorian homes and early San Diego buildings. TROSBY GALLERIE:S, 7442 Girard Ave., La Jnlla, 11-• Mon- day-Saturday - European oil$, OnenlOI ar1 ob1tct , 1,ilver, porcela1n1, lhrouqh Feb. 28. u~~~.tu~~aC:AtfoE~~d~~~t::w~Cap~~ls° J:•~a,1~;t::-~ 6,000 fi le cards on the evolution of c ru::otua an, tl!lrou,11 Feb. 28. u ~!la~~ ie"a~h~ 1 ~o~:o~~-fh~t:d::::n:o~sr,:t~ Herman paintings on Mexico. VISTA ART GALLERY, 34S e. Vi51Q Way, Vitia, ri~n-4 Tut- dav-saturday-Vista Art Guild membership .show Plus flea market and book mart. WATERCOLORS, 3453A Valla1re !at., Pf. Loma, ,., •Y• SaturdaY-Frank Lowe watercolors WESTERN ART GALLERY, Julian, 10--S Wednesday-Sunday and by appointment-W. K. Peten,on oils, through Ftb. 28,
SHOWS OPENING llt011E1T BERG-KEEFE BAKER:, pa1nt1n95; Collete Gallery, S • DO Otoy LDkts Road, Cl'IUla 6:30-f :30 TuesdOV•ThUrSdov, Tunday throuwh Ftb 26 ; nc~Pt1on 7-t Fridav, SYLVIA FLETCHER, form5 Of nature; Bard Hall GalltrY, Firat Unitarian Church, 41f0 Front St., 9-4 Mondav-Frtaav, f -1 Sunday, closed Saturday: Today throuqh March 7, southwestern l•S Sunday; \111,ta ., 10·2 Mondav-F ridaY,
GALLERIA DE ANZA BORREGO. Borrego Spr,ngs, 10-4 Mon- ~ldn!~J~;d::·a~~~~r,;,~~,s~~~v5!..ku:::k s5c~~~~~Jo~~ellua:.: mister paintings and ceramics, through Feb, 28, GALLERIES OF MASTERS, 113,4·36 Orange Ave., Coronado, t-t Mondqy•Soturday, 10-t Sundays - Work5 in various med!o by qallerv art1s1s. GAl LER.Y WEST, 461:z Cass SI., Pac,hc Beach, 10 a m.-'Z p.m. Mondav-saturdav, noon-1 o.m. Sundays- works by students of local universi11u and colleges. GARDEN ART GALLERY, S102 Avocado St., El Cajon, 1-4 dally - Ed P'orter ofls. H~:.',1Rd~rry.:.1:J.'a~~~I t~Pm~~o's~,:::· e2'/i! 1 lo':nsa°;~ai''•i~i~ cox PClrnflnqs; lndetin1felv. HILTON INN, Surfside Room, 1775 E. Mission Bay Drive, 6 p.m •midniqht daily- Seascapes from Old Town Gt1tlenes. ISTANBUL, 1250 Prospect Place, 11 a.m. 11 J/J p.m. Mondoy- 7sh~6~~~•ut\1 o~i!':1·~~;:r.~~h~rfct:::~~~"!~fe~o~~~ D'Arcy JA.COBS AND WEXLER IMPORTS, 2100 Fourth Ave,, 10-S Monday-Saturday - Work, ,n various media Dy local and fore!qn craftsmen. JEWI SH COMMUNITY CENTER, 4079 5Alh St., 9·9 Monday. Thursday, 1-5 Fridays and noon•S Sun~aYS-'M Zedakah- Justice: The Eternal Challenge,' traveling Print exhibition on the Old T11tament, through Feb. 21. JONES GALLERY, 1262 Prospect St., La Jolla, 10-, Tuesday- :~:i~~:~v - Paintings, sculpture and pottery by 11allery :~~he~.;:::~ colors ; George Losey prints, and James KenKnight metal sculpture. FINE ARTS GALLERY, north end of Plaza de Panama, Balboa Park, 10-5 Tuesday-Saturoav, 12;30·.S SundoY. Free K~::~~~ra~-rf~Ja~E~YFr~:ri:k 0~:~Un1~thl
A"T I ARM, 12J3 l roodway El Coton, 1 5 Sundavs-Ma ltl Carter wot1rc,1on, throu111h Feb 21 ART CENTER , 719 E Str11I f -6:3G Monday-Soturday--Con- ltmoorary Amt r,con and European pomtinu, ART AND DESI GN SHOF-, Bonsall, 1-7 Tuesdav-FridDY, 10-1 Saturdays anlf Sundavs-J J work 011.s, ena, weonesttov; Robert Fruman draw1ni,, and 011, and Alto Anders col~ Ja91s and olls, rhrouth March , . ART CENTER:, DEL MAR , ns, Camino del Mar, n.1 da1IY, :~;i~~~, \l~~'fh1erl l~~d ~~~ri 5ue:yini~~ 11':.f11:~IIS t s, All.TE Y OLLAS, 997 ocetin Lan41 1 1mptr1a1 B.ach, ~oon-Sun- ~~td d~:u~:d :ir,~p~~~~~:•'!!ai.r!01:r~pa:~~lo,F~~ip:er:;e~.i pottery, AUSTIN ART GALLERY, 3'1' 1'1fth ,he., ll:30-S Monday- Fr,dav- Th Rev. Patrick X, N1dorf, Pa1ntmgs and pattery , IEAUX·ARTS GALLeRY . 121 Elm Ave., lm~ rial Beach, 10-4 Tuesday-Sunday, closed Monday - Or191nCfl oils. by k>c::al and European artists; continues 1ndehn,t11v. BEN POLAK FINE ARTS CENTEflt, IOSJ UnP11rs1ty Ave., La Mesa l•.S SaJurdavs, Sundan- BeUy Falkensline and Garv D1Jon1, ous, Portraits and Ink drawlrl'H, through ~eb. 28 JACK IOYD AltT STUDIO, .SlSl Moreno Place, t -S MondaY- !~t~~~av- SculDtUre, 1•wetry and ob1ech of art by sludro CARROUSEL GALLERY, 541 H111nwav 101 , Enc1n1ta,, lO•S do11v-Work by Vlr91nia Shaw, throu,n FeD , 11 CENTURY' BUILDING, 3443 Camino d~I Rio South, t-7 ~:~~~Ylf~turdov Ruby Agntw wottrcolon, fhtouth CARRILLO ART CENTER, 4t~ NeWPON Ave.. , ., MOndov~ Friday, 10-5 Saturdays - Jomes Hardy woodcut,, t ntrOV• lnu and ,ket<;htt PIUS work, t,y San Diego artists. c ~!~. ~:onCf ~~nRJa~EP~~~t,~~~~n:vc•ra,lt!/~•ai.~r~:•~a~i;; and oth1r local art1tts. CHATEAU ART GALLERY, 11D 15th SI., Del Mo r. 12:lG-4 ·30 1~ 1vG:l~~~~~r~u~hdcf:",b.~~lt1-med1a snow by San D1egu,to CHULA VISTA ART GUILD GALLtRY, -4541 Swutwater lrt.O rack R Blessing j,f,, 1/ By DONALD DIERKS Music Critic, The San Diego Union Rhythm can be a part of mu- (three of his own compositions- sic that is not sufficiently ap- two of which he played twice) preciated by listeners until they and Debussy ("La Cathedrale are forced to do without it. Of Engloutie" and "Feux d' Arti- course, a program during which fice") , Liszt (Consolation in D there is only an occasional reg- Flat Major) and Palmgren ular rhythmic pulse and never ("The Sea") . a recognizable meter is rare - The performer's own compo- but they do happen. sitions were "Landscapes," a One did, in fact, take place short, sweet-bland piece in a last night at the Uni e · free impressionistic style, "Five San Diefo when aro Za Contours," more of the same, rack, a S . Louis pianist, played and the Sonata No. 1 (1969), a solo recital in the Camino which was constructed from Hall Theater. bombast and rambling lyricism. THREE WORKS Th reason for repeating the Part of Zabrack's rhythmic same usic on the same pro- lack may have been more a S gep.erally bec~~se the matter of what he programmed 1~10!11 t~ ~o new, unfam1h_ar ~nd and his misguided interpreta- d1ffJCJ.1l l_o comprehend_ with Ju~t tive approach to this literature, oi:i,e b~rmg that the hstener 1s than it w any basic deficiency gNeif a second chan~e. What the . . . purpose of ~atmg "Land- m rhythmic I susp~ct scapes" and t e sonata was in that mu~ll of th.e myt c ~Im- this case I aJtl at ·a Joss to ex- )essness w a a e of believ- piain, since the idiom is quite mg the old; fa. d ncept familiar and extremely eclectic. that_ rhyt~.c h~ens~ a deep There is a good deal of Liszt feelmg g nd-m-han · Zabrack, along with Debussy, Zabrack Ji I a Ye d Zabrack Barber, Prokofiev, Ives, Cop- land, et al. STRONGEST TALENT I docent lours at 10 and 11 a.m. Tuesday.Thursday, 2 p,m. Sunday and by appointment- Paintings by Mexican artists from gallery's permanent collection. Richard Allen Morns 'Heads' ends next Sundav. (Above Is his ' Una.') Chines• i~:,~l~;qoA~1t:·• s1t~}:;,6 ds~g~ Sowinski, Ma ry Leiman and Paul Weber plus the Cnarles Fries Historical Collection. LA GALERIA DE CALIFORNIA, 1161 Ave~da dt la Playa, ol 0 ,~: 11 tcv]~o~ d.:~r~~r:~;ic~ 0 rA~~~c~fio~. 'U'ar7i"J~~k~ son bronzes, JOhn Clymer oils, Harvey W, Johnson oils. LA JOLLA ART ASSOCIATION, 7917 Girord Ave., l ·S dailY- Ht len Hill-Peter Parkin oils, watercolors and acrylics. Hfl'r- b9rt1 8 . Turner, pure egg 1emp1ra and 01 ts, ends next Sunday LA JOLLA MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, 700 Pros- PKt sr., 11-5 TUtsday-FriOay, 12:30-S SaturdOYS and Sun- carved lade, through April 4. K:_~-oEJs A:VT ;a11i~ERa~dt! 21 lvanhOe Sf. La Jolla , t -4:JU C E. Morton oils, demonstrations IJILDING, 194-6 EL PATIO J~i~;sday-Soturdat - eSP'ERAN •o BUILDING 343! Camino del R,o South, , ., ~~~:i~~!,a:~::i:.. -::,~n~J.Woods landscapes and marrne EVE'S GALLER :(094 Fairmount Ave., 11 -S do1lv-Rooert Clel~ one-man show, lhrou9h Feb. 21. I ST UNITED METHOOIST CHURCH, 2111 Camino del Rio ~~:'~ia'"Jo~a~l~a~; of gallery artists prestnttd by Yet, for all of its old-fashioned flavors and by now exhausted idiom, there was often a touch- ing lyricism in Zabrack's music. He displayed a free-flowing mel- odic knack that has a faded charm and a character of sad- ness. This seems to be his strongest talent. As a performing pianist, Za- brack had a nimble technique, but he seldom produced a true pianissimo, or a beautifully sing- ing tone. And, since he did not play any work in a large form, it was not possible to know how he could cope with musical de- signs on a grander scale. From l-Js program, however, with its short, programmatical charac- ter, one would guess that longer standard works, with their need for directed momentum and rhythmic drive, would not be his thing. Composer, Pianist Will Pl y At USO Composer and pianist ,J ;u. J I rt,{,z,u.,, ,_ Indiana University and at Webster College. For his program here to- morrow Zabrack will play two of his own compositions (a sonata and a piece entitled "Five Contours"), a Haydn sonata, an intermezzo by Brahms and Debussy's " Sunken Cathedral." The final Monday night concert will be presented Feb. 22 by the Acala Trio. ment. He made his concert debut as a soloist with the St. Louis Symphony and has since appeared as a soloist with the San Diego Symphony as well as with the Chicago Symphony and the Los Angel- es Philharmonic. He currently is engaged in private teaching in St. Louis and Springfield, Ill., after serving on the faculties of the Chicago Musical College at • I I ' Violinist To Ploy Twice At Jewish Center Harold Zabrack will perform at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the University of San Diego's Camino Hall Theater in the second in a three-part Mon- day night series scheduled there. Zabrack was a Fulbright Fellow in Germany in 1955 ;,nd '5G and concertized in West Germany under aus- pices of the State Depart- formed here as a soloist with the San Diego S~·mphony in December , 1969. Opus 12, :,.Jo. 2. Miss Schiff, 20, is a protege of J ascba Heifetz. She per- Violinist Zina Schiff will present tWD programs today at the Jewish Community CN1lcr. 4079 541b St.. with pia- nist Jlana 11ysior as lhc ac- companist. Al 2 this afternoon Miss Schiff will play Jean Marie Leclair's Sonata in D Major, Ernest Bloch's '·Baal Shem Suite," Dimitri Kabelevsky's Concerto for Violin and Saint- Saens' "Introduction and Rondo Capriccioso." She will repeat the program at 8 tonight and also play Beetho- ven's Sonata m A Major, ·------- ... From Feb. 14 To Feb. 21 play at 8 p.m. Wednesday in the Army-Navy Academy in Carlsbad. HAROLD ZABRACK - The pianist will play at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Camino Hall The- ater at the University of San Diego. Pop BILL COSBY - The comedian will return to the Convention Hall for a performance at 8 p.m. Friday. IN THE ALLEY-The Escondido folk theater, 340 E. Grand, will present singer Sam Hinton and Curt Bouterie at 8 p.m. today and the Frontier Constabulary and the Smith Family at 8 p.m. Friday through next Sunday. JAZZ ENSEMBLE -The San Diego State en- semble will perform at 4 p.m. next Sunday in the school's Recital Hall. THE MIRACLES - Sp:mkey Robinson and the Miracles plus the Four Tops will perform at 8: 30 p.m. today in the Sports Arena. ORGAN OONCERT - Organist Jim Hansen will play for a silent film and a group sing at 2:30 p.m. today in the Southland Music Cen- ter, 3459 Imperial Ave., Lemon Grove. Also ... 'RUMPLESTil,TSKIN' - The Puppet Play- house, 3903 Voltaire St., Point Loma, will pre- sent the play for children at 2 p.m . Saturdays and Sundays beginning this week. 'THERE'S A GIRL IN MY SOUP' - The Ter- rence Frisby comedy will be presented by the Coronado Playhouse at 8:30 p.m. Frlllays, Saturdays and Sundays through March 20. 'SNOW WHITE A.ND THE SEVEN DWARFS' - A new adaptation of the fairy tale with Sneezy and, the gang at Actors Quarter, 480 Elm St., will be presented at 2 p.m. for chil- dren matinees Saturdays and Sundays through Feb. 28. Dane UTAH REPERTORY DANCE THEATER - The company will perform at 8 'p.m. Tuesday in the Palomar CoJlege Dome, San Marcos. Music ALEGRIA ARCE - The pianist will perform at 8 p.m. Wednesday in Mayan Hall of South• western College, Chula Vista. DONALD ERB - The Cleveland composer will discuss the relationship between classical and rock music at noon Tuesday in the Mat,. thews Campus Recital Hall of UCSD. EUGENE GOLDBERGER - The baritone, cantor of Tlfereth Israel Synagogue, will sing at 8:15 p.m. Saturday in the Jewish Commu- nity Center, 4079 54th St. LA JOLLA CIVIC ORCHESTRA AND CHORUS - Thomas Nee will conduct the en- sembles In a performance of Anton Bruck- ner's Mass in E Minor at 3:30 p.m. next Sun- day in the La Jolla United Methodist Church, 6063 La Jolla Blvd. JAIME LAREDO - The violinist will perform at 8:15 p.m. Friday in the auditorium of Grossmont High School for the Grossmont Community Concert Association, accompa- ni d by his wife, pianist Ruth Laredo. JONAS NORDWALL-The organist will play at 9: 30 a.m. next nday on the pipe organ of the Fox Theater, B St., sponsored by the San Diego Organ Group. ' OF VIOL S AND VIOLINISTS' - Eugene Sacks, a cellist with the San Diego Symphony, will discuss the violin at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Jewish Community Center, 4079 54th St. MARJORIE ROHFLEISCH - The harpsi- chordist will present a faculty recital at 8: 15 p.m. today in the San Diego State Recital Hall, ZINA SCHIFF - 'l'be violinist, accompanied hy pianist Ilana Mysior, will play at 2 and 8 p.m. next Sunday in the Jewish Community Center, 4079 54th St. PAT STRANGE - The violinist will play at 8:30 p.m. next Sunday in UCSD's Matthews Campus Recital Hall, accompanied by vari- ous chamber music groups. YUJI TAKAHASHI - The pianist will per- form at 8:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday in the Matthew, Campus Recital Hall at UCSD. VIENNA CHOIR BOYS - The Austrian chor- us will sing at 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the Civ• le Theater. HEINZ WUNDERLICH - The organist will ALMANAC Drama 'ALI BABA' - The play for children will be presented at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturdays in the USIU Center for the Performing Arts, 350 Cedar St., through April 10. 'PURLlE l°ICTORIOUS' - The Ossie Davis farce will le presented by the MarVal "J" Reperteory Company at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursd1y in UCSD's Revelle Campus Dining Roon1. vue will be piesented by the Patio Playhouse, 373 Hale Ave, Escondido, at 8:30 p.m. Fri- days and Saturdays through Feb. 'J:/. I 'BLACK COMEDY' - The Peter Shaffer play, paired with Harold Pinter's "The Dumbwait- er," will be presented by the USIU SPA Inter- ,national Company at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday in the Center for the Per- forming Arts, 350 Cedar St. 'Tll1'~ CAltl!.'TAKER' - The 'A READY-MADE FAMILY' '!'re J. Tobias comedy will bl presented by the La Mesa P\a)'ers at 8:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays through March 6beginning this week with a 2 prn. matinee Feb. 28 in the Bm Polak Fine Arts Center, 80:3 University Ave., La Me- sa. Harold Pinter ttlay will be pre- scnlcd in a reader's theater format by the UCSD Orama Department at 8 p.m. Friday, Saturday and next Sunday in Building 2D of the school's Muir Campus. 'THE Sn.VER com• -The Sidney Howard drama will be perftrtned at Actors Quarter, 480 Elm St., at 8: 30 p.m. Fridays and Satur- days through Feb. 2', 'TOMSAWYER' - The San 'THE FACE OF VIOLENCE' - The play by Jacob Bronowski will be performed on the Old Globe Theater' Cassio Carter Center Stage at 2 and 8 p.m. today. 'IYE' - Th multi-media play by David Cun- ningham and ssociate i being presented at 8 30 p m. Fridays and Saturdays ln the Ano- maly Factory on UCSD's Matthews Campus. '0:'11 THE CUSP' - The original musical re- Diego tunior Theater will pre- sent tt\ play for children at 7:30 p.t. Friday and Feb. 26 and at2:30 p.m. Saturday, next Su!fay and Feb. 27-28 in the Balb,i. Park Puppet Thea- ter. ---------------------------------,--------------------------------------------------------------------·
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