News Scrapbook 1969-1971
PENS PASTORAL LETTER Bishop Maher indicts legalized ahortiori pl n By SARAH' co. ·Gno. • her said, a pnest could go in- The Eastern Church and the to a Presbyterian church to Episcopal in th1 country has The 400 priests of the San perform a marnagr ceremony a married pric,thood, o we Diego Roman Catho\1c D1oce,~ but tpat wasn· reciprocal. have an example to tudy. have been directed ·to preacn ,, 'ow we trv lo reo-ulale f They lack this dimension of l Se mon " on the con • · " pointing out the inlnnsic value se\'era r · ecum nism "Uidelines ,o that of the tran cendental. bey 'ent of a pa toral letter .ent they be reciprocal - what we call it e chatologv," and he t~ them by _the :'liost)kv. Leo do in other churches we ask 0 I. :\laher. ~1shop·of Sa!! Diego, be done in our own:• he ex- ,.,,._w., smiled at the word. on the subJect of abo~10n. . plained. I It is new, i n·t it. for Cath- The 12-page letter pec1f1- Does the confes,ional open oliC"i m to recognize salvation cally indicts ix bill, _intro- up problems that obviou ly of Protestant '! duced into the 1970 e ,ion of nrl'd counselin«, and what do ''Tiffi CHURCH ALWAYS he California Legi. latµr~ -by priesb do about problems held that a pe on outside the ·en. Anthony Beilen nn •o r · they recognize during confes- church wa. if baptized peal the Therapeutic Abort11n sion? as a Christian a d by bap• Act and remo~ e all cnm rlal . • Lism. If he \\ a incere in his penaltie" from abortion. ·w.~·RF. ~ou;-.;sELING ~N own belief·, then ii was a bap- One or the six bills would a moial basi, here..T~e pne st tism of desire - and I think remove state income tax cred- may _advise a panshioner _t!> we'd stress the word sincerity. i s for parcn haung more -ee him later or ee ,a ph)_ 1· •~~·-·=-•.,,-.- "But 1 ·r he kndw the Calho- h h Id the c1an 1! he feels theres an m- an two c I rcn, un e depth psychological problem lie church is the true church children were adopted or I ere mvolvPd. These ca es will understand and did nof join, t_hcn he'd be claimed before Jan. 1, 1970. bl f h t Bi hop \laher· ha I Tl'ten come to a confe ,10nal, and we all eventually . eek the pric t- respon 1 _e pr 1s ac ion~. mu t be prepared to meet hood they will be heller in- ''What 1s MW IJl eCUJ:ICntsm them. formed Catholtt:s, according to is that all people haptued as "But it':; important that the Bhhop :'liaher. Chwt\ans mak \IP the ,com- ,riest not try to take the place He ha:; reason to be pleased mumty ol llie Church . I'hey of a psychiatrnt, if a person Jabout tho e 60. Recruitment ~on't have an opportuni_ty to ncl'ds medical treatment, along to what he rails "living con- live the full nc . of the hfe of w th counseling. ' :ributed ervicc,"_ the prie \.. the Church urilll they adhere B1 hop :'llahcr was named hood and orders o! nuns-has to au the doct inc • One of the third B1 hop of San Diego by dropped. Wor;e, the Catholics bam~rs flo total accepla~ce - 0 : Pope Paul VI on Aug. 27, 1969, note a dhturbing Joss ratio or do~t_rmes) would be th~ mfal and was installed Oct. 4. He drop-out rate among those l.1~1hty of the .!;'ope-its much ,.eceived his early chooling in thev have depended on. misunderstood Iowa, \\here he was born, and · , • "He's only 1;Call b!e. when came early to California. The TIIB TOL~ JS ESPECIALLY he speaks _on fa1ln and morals bi,hop atlcnderl school in San hea\'y for Cath~l!c ~ducat1on. lo the universal Church, the .To e and at St. ,Joseph's Col- In a normal pansh, Bishop _Ma- whole Church" lege. :'.\fountain Viev., and St. h_er ·ay · there have been eight You mean Ca-tholic ? Patrick's Seminary in :\1enlo sisters for every 400 young- "A d th r But i[ you Park. . sters. Today there are four, don'tund~rsfan'd, then you're He will be 55 year; old an~ some schools are closmg. not obligated." .Julv 1. l'h_e .1. ters h~ve taken ~n We were back to that sub- The San Die"o Diocese he new mtere st s besides parochial J'ective conscience and abor- an D1e~o, Imperial, ~iv• apo~t~la,te w_it~ more -.:ariet_Y-. and San Bernardino, fam,ly coui:selmg, s~ci_al work position in that pastoral Jetter Bishop Maher outlines his l the with ome 500.000 active Calh- or s~per_vision of rellgwu? ed- in b socially oli s among the area's three ucatwn 10 lay gr?ups of 2 ,000 truth and fal.;ehood, freedom terms of ".~ood and evil, ·it • Reconc1 at1on 1 · 11 mamage O • include. four coun- e uca ion, d t· h 'd d k a ' , over ee sa1 . an s~e n tiom. nborn tie : pv e;:- er,1de
St ns
~lex1can . American
of the Bar- ego barnos or neighborhoods cause
lexican - Americans form the largest minority m
110" will be explored m a 10- where doy workshop June 8-19 at hv and work the Umve, 1ty of San Diego
the area. In the San Diego d1°
The workshop 1s offered to ooese, he said, 50 per cent of
lexican-Am~n- the g neral public either a
the Catholics are of that de-
can commu ilv
cd a credit or noncredit course. scent.
Those ~ho register for the
tit! d Barrio
in planning the format of the It i
cour e. under d1rectlon of American Culture, sociology course will visit, observe and It will confrue eight hours icans in their places of busi- co and "CSD SOCJclog1 t .Janet e ch day for the 10 days. To ness recreation, social agen- .J n en regi ter call director of um- cies and community meet- The cour•e m • barnology" mar se ion 291-6480. mgs, Jacot said. All activities accordmg to 11 Jens~n ~u Jacot saJd t.he prograr' 1s have been arranged throug expo e pa ' r1pants lo all !if pec1al I m£1 anre t e USD i\!exican-Am tic• I phases of actl\ 1ty in San Di S a n D:ego com re in ilvisory Committee promment Io cal me1 ran architect Henn Ja- lexlcan- 136 two un ts credit. work with Mexicali - Ameri-
,,lative fiat, h ,v on underpri\'ileged undesirable, he chr mcall the un\\anted old be p is not democr cy is good fa,cism, however," he Bt;T THE BISHOP LE women and i:irls a w through c,atholi.c docln e "If for '.ES ,ent out, p~ie 1tled to live:" "Thi ,a,d.
ill, million population.
m tead of concen,rahon on 300 and tyranny, sacred and pro-
Beside· the 400 priests who as before. the dioce e, there are serre It about 1,000 si ters. he said.
What will he do about the problem m San Diego?
. 1aher said tbe pre- the truth, her_e, doe· not free _.?2 COLU.GE WIIH- ,eminary program and week- a. woman or girl- but instead 1ocese ha\e made it es- end Search will bring 3 newly binds her to an unfree coarse . , . , . Bi hop
to provide I ters ~nd al\ are Catholic generation in- trainmg to lay roles of leadership. Al• I man Center_s, accord- ready, laymen are involved in :\1~n~r. We every committee and commis- clubs for swn on the diocesan and pa- 11·1th speCJal Bishop bout -mgle. gmg ill;Vorced men and pari,h provides a forum for Bishop Maher said only one and sisters for all parish ac- diseussion by laymen, priests, Clubber,. the rochial level here. tie to the church that A parochial council in each
they_ don t they re not obhga e~. in a Sent nc mtervie~•- underSU!f t h
,~!!n mg cL.d a k
REPEATS JUNE 4 Job Fair A ~s • -' ucc s
po~t-. ewman
'·Tne_re JS ,uc~ a thmg a;; a pnn •Pa!
. A p~r- 1s b
subJect1ve co!! c1ence.
son w_ho acts m go_od fa1t!1 with women back mto t_he fold.
a subJecllve con c1ence 1s not
4-/0• )O
culpable." 1s active in S~n Diego. so f~, tivities-both in-church affairs So a young girl, pregnant out and that_ one 1s at 3trnvernt11 and e<:umenical, he said. o_f ,~ 1 edlock, can opt for abor- of San Pie~~- But he as noted "It's nece sary that they ov• t10n .. a ~OVElJ!len amonii youth for ercome what we call 'parochi- ' . •·sne is not culpa_ble. Some- soc1~l .life tha_t incorporates alism' and go out to all the time" women and girls are af- Chnshan doclrme.. people of their area. The Sec- fecled psycho_Iog1ca\ly, so they "With all the crnes we hear ond Vatican Council ur"es fo rr.i ;1. con• 0 1e":P rontrary to about, there's a. tremendous greater unity and understa~d- mbJeCll\'e truth, ' Bishop . fa. amount of goodwill among the in" between all Christian peo- her said. . :voupg.'' He points to the pl~. Unfortunately, 1We have to We a,ked the bishop how Sea'!·ch Program of weekend begin by breaking down the free his priests are to coun~el. encounters for !~en-agers .- different barriers and building objedivel)-tO provide all m- 1 "group dynamics rn a Christian brid~es" format ion available and point formaf' where youngsters live Wh;t bridae;? .
For 3,
Iildustrv is ualll a clo,ed iloor to teenageo; lack1ng pro- fes 1 nal experienc Last year the door open r 3,000 ·ho found employment throu h the Ju- nior Chamber of Cwnmerce Job Fan· fhe 1970 edition of which is scheduled for June 4 at tqe Community Concour~ . In 1969 ome o the jobs did not end \\ith the summer. Thomas and David Knop of 3255 San Carlos Drive, Sprmg Valley, work aft r school at their Job Fair pos lions. Thoma.~. 18. a senior at Monte Vr ta i h School. says he ha earned four raises since he tarted a a stock boy and cler~ al Handyman. He says the job has helped him learn a lot about merchandis- ing and estimates he works a 28-hour , eek while in school. After graduation, he hopes to maior 1n computer pro- gramming at Sacramento State College. REAL ESTATE CLERK His brother. Dave. 17, said he was standing ia line wait- ing lo be interviewed at the Community Concourse when he was offered a po ition with the Percy Goodwin Insurance Co. Dave said he still works for the firm as a real estate clerk after school and uses his pay- check to help meet monthly car payments. A .Monte Vista junior. he is an enthusiastic supporter of the Job Fair concept. "My position forced me lo get acquainted with the area and with employers," he said. "It 1s easier to trlk to peopl,, who own businesses when you l•nve had professional ex- pt:rience. / FIR I LIKE FAIR •·Most of my friends a school looking for work don't know where to go. Job~ j:l e ~e rce, especially in Sp1'lng Vall~\." Dnve said the insurance coihpany m. to thirlk the .Job F air is a good idea too. "I am the only young person working at Percy Goodwin," he said. "But the company is going to articipate again 1 is }ear and hire another person Ill) age " Remi CJ Gonzal , 19, of I 05 Ho Ji5ter St . e~ or. said lh3 h thought the fair was d on Co . (} city youn per ons
Objeciire draft counsel
country, Roman Cathollc sem- inarian~ will be onsurcd pennanent deacons I a step to- wards the priesthood) in a public ceremony here tomor- row The Most Rev Leo T. Ma- her, bi hop of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese, will ton u•e nine seminarians and one lay candidate for the diaconate at 5 p.m. in Im- maculata Chapel in Alcala Park. Tonsure. from a latm word meanmg "shearing " was for l .400 ~'ears conferred in pri- vate until Vatican Council II made it a public ceremony. List of Candidates Candidates for permanent deacon are seminarians Francis Bloom of Los Angel- es: Jo~eph Carroll of Carpin- teria Richard Drver of Whit- tier· James ~iles of Balli• more: . 'icolas Reveles of Oceanside: Donald Coleman, Charles Hoch, James Moore and Louis PJJlain of San Diego. and layman Dr. Ray- mond 0. Ryland of San Diego, a former Eoiscopalian priest and now professor of religious st11dies at USD. In the tonsure rite a layman becomes a cleric by having portions of his hair cut to sym- bolize this renunciation of the worldly life. He is also in- vested with the surplice, litur- gical garment clerics wear. One of 5 Steps In the 17th century, the Western church formally in- stituted tonsure as a sacred ceremony in which parents offered their sons to the church, a rite adapted from the ancient Roman practice of trimming servants' hair. Monks also cut their hair to show they had pledged their lives to God. The tonsure ceremony to- morrow will be one of five steps leading to the preisthood for the nine seminarians. Bishop Maher will cut the hair of each in five places in the sl a e of a cross. •
Job air's Resul
of having a baby she does not want and cannot provide for. Bishop Maher analyzed free- that we dom as he sees it for the Sen- The analy~is helps ex- And I think couched in terms of democracy
so that together, relate to one another
out all allernatives -
"WE HAYE CERTAL BIA· ses to overcome, so
Catholics can make. rational de- and learn how to cisions about abort10n, d,vorce, others.
ai ed By Y_ut s Conti nued) •"-O, )()
He was plca,ed that so many can sit down and discuss things• Unel
birth control, and the draft.
there is no ·'long-haired youn;; men" at- on a higher_ level or theologi_cal plai~ why his pa\;toral letter is
•·For. abortion
counselmg except therapeutic; tended an ordmat1on Sunday understanding. all other is immoral and we in Oceanside for an hour and !he beginnings are hopeful," and freedom: can't advise what's immoral." a half. 1 Bishop ~faher said.
"Freedom itself comisis in
He attended the Second Vat- recognition of a higher value.
Besides youth. another ma- 1
But in counseling for draft
• The exper nee with ,'olar h laugh ho to dres o ht Ill with an office. lt taur;ht me how o apply for a job end how to w and communicate with other people of alt races. "Today·~ Youth Tomo,- row' ~•uture" i the slogan for the 1970 Job li'air, in which young people betv.;een 16 and 21 will be interviewed by pro, · pective employers m the Com- munity Concourse Convention • Hall
e roes th~n
gol)d hut fel getting bettlr job
As soon as a higher value is
said the pric~ts jor priority that's new for the ican Council for four years.
decdon he
He repres~nts the diocese in rejected, human power be- for mmonty the Ecumenical Conference of comes the supreme authority. San Diego for all religious de- And the worse threat to free-
~ave an. obligation to give all S_an Diego Di_oce,e w1H be. to
c n-Am
students ,fmd leadership
rnformat10n -
have a right to all. Catholics· groups, }le said. can be con cientious objectors, "Sometimes the counseling has "qmte a few" priest is not entirely objective. American priests he said. .
and notes that dom is a world in which the
There are no black priests nominations -
. here, an~ although San ~iego every parish can be represent- stale or society or the indus-
1rial oroups are the onlv jud-
l\ieXJcan- ed there.
When we met he was work- aes of o-ood and evil. -
there are
•·not enough,'' the bishop sarn. ing with San Diego Interfaith " "The"o-uarantee of freedom
and that's a problem." I· F\'.\ITLY RELATIO 'S cou·n,el 'when a marriaae· i"
ADDED THAT ALL Hou HE to_ ir?n consists in always being able youn~ p.riests of SJn Dieao are o~t deta!ls of lease housmg m to appeal a~a~mt huma!' a~- thonty to d1vme authority m the human authority Lmda Vista. Wr> asked . "" . " · ". . ._ ·. - . if loss of which the 1 eopar~1.zed, B1,hop :\laher _,aid stud~rn,, the Berlitz cour~e m reconc1hat10n-that somelnnes Spanish. . -·n b 'udged" priests and nuns could be I t · · In a counsel:ng program for clo•ed or reversed if the Cath- wiH ) !lot ~.pai•ual but psychological i e aht compass1ona e, · g fo · · ·' 1 ar ·na . h h f t d d d " l sub- all e ni " olic Church would remove celi- th _a, e 1 re er- }oungs ers w O , an nee e ·oun,e ;a.l~ b I problems, he said, Dr._ .John bacy requirements and allow je~~te 'con~:~~e a~/ non- are made. Onlv afte! all nean r u,ed-Lhe spmtual,. Si, ~nke of :USJ? re])orts ;:,O pe_r "living contributors" to marry. culpability. ls)Cholo 1cal .and counselmg-!cen: partmpat1on is from m1- How pol'.'erful in San Diego, And he's warm, not _pom- , the pou< is we wanted to know, . . , . recommend a nonty group~_. do pne oepara un. . . The press ior n~w p~ionties movement for pastoral renew- 1 and ,ocial ,reforry, is ~emg met al that would permit priesb to Honest mouth that's neither ~1a~e" 1011 > reoa 1d,n,, _rearm,, O?~ the t;SD hill ' 11th a newx reaffirm celibacy or to change stern nor appeasing. h1ld Pn n the Catholic faith, hi 0 h - n,e apartment comple their minds without disgrace? he -aid, "re peel~ the con~i- for_ se,_uor c1t1ze!1s and _a con- The bishop said the pastoral STREXGTH VERGING ON core of both parties and !nes solt~ahon of social service ag- renewal movement is not fierceness in his eyes matches t~ mform l~em of obh~:t10n~. ~nc1es C~th~hc and non-~~tho-. strong in San Diego, but that best his denuncia!ions of ~egis- 1'11e Catholic partner 1~ obh- lie t~~t 1s m effect an Ol!t· we have a "normal percentage lahon he cannot m conscience nted to rear children m the reach program becau e orig- here" who feel it would be a ac<:ept. C';1th~lk f_aith. but it'~ left to inal. offices downtown will be positi\'e move. He is modest, admits his 111s . md1v1dual cons~1ence to retamed. . golf score could be helter. It ll hat and no wntten pro- And. on the hill, apartment~ '1'HE HOLY FATHER HAS He is boyish-proud about a n . e is demanded." are being cleared for 60 new poken emphatically on it. It's basketball the University High He ,aid the second part of preseminarians, all first-year closed matter as far as tbo,e team pre ented to him after a :!Jal ~oncern;; the marriage college b_oys, the lJrge,t _group who want to be pri~sts are game he couldn't resist coach- , orm ' or contract, and allows m the history of the d1oce e. concerned. And the bishops of ing from the bench. • !he Bishop to dispense with a· i\lost came from Ca(holic high the United Slates in their ofii· He smokes cigars. !)fiesc·s witness in mixed mar- schools into the eight-year pro· cial capacity as a Conference And he's accessible - a call 1 ·iages. Formerly, Bishop Ma-,gram, and whether or not they of Bishops have reaffirmed to his office puts you t hrough. celibacy," he said. Outsid e the wide windows of c',i'pable hands. . ~he "lew ~~e~tivea on ~ar~ . . "The value of tbe dedica- bis cream and br own office a tion of a person in celibacy class of USD students meets focu•p;; attention on 1.he next on the lawn, and never dis- Jife, where there's no marri- turbs him. age. Therefore, priests are HP has patience, when con- alrady pointing up the eternal versation with a vi ·itor delays life by calling on people to his schedule. look to life everlasting." The only reminder lbat this But would it reverse the man represents ecclesiastical drop-away trend? authority is the enormous aine- "We wouldn't have the in· thyst ring he wears on his spiratiqn. lived out through right hand, earved with a the kingdom of God. Even a cross on one side, a miter· on child is inspired when he sees he other new and old tr. ta- a dedicated ,i,ter or priest." menl symbols. and a staff or But L that hild especiallv crozier that_ symbolizes the au- concPrned with celibacy, or thority and rule or a bishop. even aware of it? That power will be tested "The child is r oncerned with soon when California abortion dedication, givi up much. proposals go to the llOte. •
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