News Scrapbook 1969-1971
S_unday, April 26, 1970 __________
Highlights of the month's fare in art, music and drama - the times, places and playbills.
K y to Continuing Performances: C- Coronado 'Cactus Flower'
E-Globe Carter Stage 'Enemy of the People' K-Mission Playhouse 'Exit the King' Ph-Globe 'The Physicists' P- National Company 'Promises, Promises'
• Soorano- Duvat Br we
Herbie Mann, Jimmy Smith
J an St?ne p an ,I)
~e d ·sar. 0
• Obo1 t Donald Hvder olav :30. • Gros,mont Col ege opens CY· rano de Bergerac, 8·30 Stage- house Theater. • San Diego Mesa College opens Carniva l!, Aooll1ad Theater. 7 . . . Conlin uing: E in CP,nfrat Pub 1c L.brary
, I "!her'
• Ai ha 0Mega P aver op " The Dark at the Top of the Stairs, 8:30. • UCSD presents Music by Cornelius Cardew, Revel e College Cafeteria 9. • UCSD ex penmen!~/ theater continue Abra- xas, Matthews Campus 8 30 . -Continuing: C,E,K
• P~ter Swan son d rects woodwind con- cert at Ce~tral Pub •t library. 1:30... Cont- inuing, E
Eva Clover play rn Central Public Library, 7:30. • Paul Brach speaKs at Fine Arts ~a 'ery Copley Aud1t01 iu~. 10:45, • Jewish Community Center opens 'Fabri sand Threads' studc~t show ... Cont nu1ng. E
r on11 11 on
1, iw
• Harp chord, I
p dY f r UCSD n She wo 1rl Hail, 8 30. • University of Judaism Players per,nrm ~t Cr,wford High Schoo 8. • Boy Scout·Fair set for Del Mar fair ·ounds ... C0n tinuing: C,E,K
• Melrssa fiart opens ,~ Promises, Promises, C,v- 1 rr.eater, 8:30 • Pia- n s L e o Podolsky plays at Central Pub- I 1c library, 7•30.
• Buckmins- ter Fuller con- duct, la Jo la Muscu ~f A1t r, m 1 a r. • Buffy Ste-Marie at C . We tern g 8 30 .. Contrnu10 C.E,K P
• Oliver Ma:- cofmson plays in Ibsen's An Enemy of the People on li.obe's Carter Center Sage. 8 . . . Contin- u1rg: E,P ~-
• Fine Arts Gallery c nt nu~~ s ws of Chine e eram c , art sa1e and rental 1 ,nrx . • Scandia Interiors con nues sho •1 of Mary Moller 01 ~nd acry' cs •.. Cont nu 1g. E,P
• Central library presents Carolyn Lasker, prano; Carolyn Carey, French horn; Earl Schuster, oboe; Michael Redd, bas- son, 7:30 ... Continuing: E,P Public
• Pianist Van Cliburn plays in Civic The ater, 8:30 al o fr day. • Car rouser Ar• Ga Jery continues Virginia Shaw watercolo ,.
• G i. C modern dance program . dent center 8. • ~tis 0 ·on Playhouse continuc5 Exit the King, 8·30. • Palomar Col er 0 Dw· 0 hl Boehm Gallery contrnuP. Contem- porary California Artists Exhib- it ... Cont 1U "g C,K
!lulhwestern Col e e or,en3 We Bombed in New Haven, May- an Hall, 8. • Clairemort Art Guild opens annual Starving Art- ' ists Show, Horta~ Plaza. • Phil- lip Schaeffer Gallery continues John Guerriero paintings.
• Central Public library presents UCSD Madrigal Singers, 7:30.
eghborhood hou e contin~e 8,30. • San Diego Art ·sti' .,+p o 1n- ue Helen Petre MarJe McDonnell woterc l1nu1ng: C,K The American Dream,
• The
an D egn
vestment Clinic set 1 or CIVlc Theater 7:30 • Palomar Col- lege opens student art show art sale and art f efd day.
Gampuses Quiet 1 At 8 rea Colleges Most Students Depart, But Some Plan For Protests Downtown, At NELC B KE: lIUD O S°· lr·') 0 Education \\riter, The San Diego Union Campuses at all eight of the protest against war m Southeas closed colleges and universities/ Asia and for discussions of the. m San Diego County were gencr- general campus unrest m the ally quiet yesterday as most s!u- nation. dents moved from dormitories Closed, in addit10n to USI and left for their homes for a 1· ar_e UCSD, San Diego State, long weekend • IiraCosta, Palomar So~th- we tern. llesa and San Diego Student meetings were held at City colleges. both UCSD and San Dlego State/ L'CSD and San Diego Slate to outline plans and try to s ·mu- hare resident s udents and the late part1cipat1on in two protest dor~iiories and'sume cafeteria events scheduled today and to- facilrhes were let!~t open. morro11. !'WAR RESEARCH' ternat10nal Umv~rs1ty ordered/ Center on Point Lorna for today. all three San p1ego camp_uses They also were urged at ye:ter- closed l~te ~\ednesday mght. day's student meetings to take Dorrrutone were shut ~own and, part in an antiwar protest t early 100 stude~ts who could noon tomorrow in downtown San not return to their homes were ni go placed with faculty members c : • _ and friends in the area. . Howeve1, the students protest The only colleges in the mg war-related research at the count) still open are the Cmver-. I~boratoiy center _v~ted last sit! of San Diejo and Grossmont night_ to ignore the hm1ts ~et by Co lege in El aion. a police_ department permit ~nd Special meetings are sched- march m a loop m the outside uled today at both of those/lanes of Catalina Boulevard. The school~ in connection with the (Continued on a-2, Col. 6), I ~IEETINGS TODA y Students _have. org~nized an , aval Electronics Laboratory Off' . ls 1 ~ 18 f U 'ted St tes In- e:irly mornmg l'.1ckelmg at the o m . a
(Continurd from Pai:e a-1) !me of march would cut acros. htPO requested to nrn,nta111 the traffic to the facility. normal traffic flow on public At a San Diego State meeting, roads . \\e recoi:mze uled to gPt under wav iii r, 30 their nghl to protrst but such a.m. today · I protests must hr ronducted 'I he poi ice par a tl ( f)<'rmit pPacrfully and legally. ' Students from San Diego State march in a picket line on the, ycstcrda;, fanned out into, the east side of Catalina Boulevard community to talk to citizens from 6:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. I about their ~iews 111 co~nesl!on The students, from San Diego \\'Ith PI0lrst1_ng thi> war m Cam- State, City College, Cal WestPrn, bod1a and Vietnam and campus and UCSD also resolved to dis-. unrest. perse if ~rdered to do so by The:r 11erc urged at a morning police. rally at the C.rrck Bowl to A normal work day is sched ~hoppmg C(•nters and the dow~- ulrd for NELC, said Capt. w.n. l?wn an'·1 to express their pos1- Van Qrden, commanding off- hons ,md concerns. they pledged that the march •:~h' ha1 e 110 i,1uarrel w_,th 11ould be nonviolent. It 1~ ~c:hed- thc~e ~tudents. would have allowed them to "We do empha.size fhat our re. 1 sponsibilities are to prevent dis- go ruptions to !he ordcrlv eonclucf and , other gatherings to talk oi work here and to pre1·ent about !hell' concerns rrg 1rdmg carnage tc, property." he said Ith~ 11ar situation, war-related ·•The protesters will not hel rPsearrh on campus. the slaying allowed on government proper- of four students at Kent State ty. San Di~o city police have~~ty a~d~ther problems. memt,ers '.'ere volunteering. to to neighborhood meetings icer UCSD students and faeulty
Earth Day at University of San Diego brought a whole week 1 s activities witli it, including an air pollution display from Smoking Research in the College for Men. Mass Media Commission member Belita Taylor shows Dr. Gerald Sperazza and students the lung spec- imen. ~ , )Q..-~ - - .~-~ ,,,o
USO. horns doing eanta ta by Orff The University of San Diego chorus, directed by John A. Williams, will perform Ca rl Orff's cantata, "Carmina Burana," at' 3 p.m Sunday in the campus theater in Alcala Park. The performance is free. Guest soloists will be Alan Pitt, ba ritone ana Ron Lelem, tenor of the San Diego Opera. Student sopr ano soloists will be Mary Annn Capps, Dolores Humes and Linda Orsi~o. Music will be by pianists Marsha Long and Nicholas Reyeles, with Lloyd Corle on tympany. I• Gt• 10 ~tY Tt~5 Ni/1
me t omc
chool costs and
bu aome clothes. ' The mon } was not all that int ted h r. he hketl her Job we! enough to .,.,ant it back, and was hk~d 11cll enough that she was rehired. Although 11 is her second umm •r at olar und r the her
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