News Scrapbook 1968-1969

What!)s • going s;...J'round h ere ?.iJ~''' ... a guide ome of the activities and events in the North Shores and the city TODAY velle Campus of the Univer-\ Sponsored by the San Diego sity. Downtown Association and undav film program, an Lect.ure. Dr. Bruce Calla• the _qairemont Art Gu Id. rt Dieoo ·atural Historv :\1u- nack ·Genetic Control of X· exh1b1t and sale runs through seu~ ·· Lake Wilderne;s" Chromosome Inactivation in Saturday. 1:30 and 3 p.m., at the m~- :Mi_ce," 4 p.m' ~oom 284, Life THURSDAY seum, Balboa Park. Donation. Sciences Bu1ldrng, San Diego 25 cents !or ad11lts, 10 cents Sta~e College. Part of :found- Play, "Our Town,.. 7 p.m., for unaccompanied children ers Week at_ the College. , Einstein Junior High School raphy." ,John Waggaman, in- Lecture, Dr. Kingsley Wid• cruiting Office, 1400 Fifth structor of photography, ex- mer, professor of English, Ave., San Diego 92101 and tension program, University San Diego Stale College, "Re- state number of tickets want- of California here, 2:30 p.m., fleclions on the Significance ed. Shewood Hall, La Jolla. Part of Our Rebellious Culture," of series, "'Phe Artist Speaks 7:30 p.m., Council Chambers, and You," Dr. Concert. Balboa Siring Quar- Conference Room, University lure of Mediumship?" Wil• tel, 7:30 p.m., third floor Lee- Hospital. Part of a series. In• lard Reber, 7:30 p.m., Califor- ture Room, Central Library, formation 295-4168. n_ia Parapsychology Founda- 820 E St. Free to public. Lecture, sociologist and au- tion, 3580 Ad_ams ,\\e. . Concert, classical Indian thor David Riesman, 11 a.m. Health i;:alf, San D1eg_o Sitar music, 8 p.m., Monte- and 8 p.m., Montezuma Hall ~le~! ~1ety an~ Won1en s zuma Hall, Aztec Center, San at Aztec Center, San Die~o ,!,._u::,:1lia!), noon to <> p.m., Ex- Diego State College. Admis- State College. Free to publlc. h:b1t_ Hall, downtown Com- sion tr. Awards luncheon. San Die- mun)tY Concourse. Free to cture, "Causes. Prob- o Chapter of Freedoms pu.~hc. •• lems and Consequences of oundat!o~ at Valley Forge, Peter and the Wolf P. P· Drug Abuse,, Dr David E oon, Mission Bay Room, Ba- pet show, 1.30 and 2:30 .m., Smith, medical director of ia Hotel._ Congressman L. Balboa Park Puppet Th tre. Haight-Ashbury :Medical Clin- endel Rivers !D-S.C.) will Arlm1ss1on charged. • ,c 7 . 30 p.m Universitv of peak. Reservations 459-1489 Folk Dancmg, 2 to :> .m., ·• · r 459-5593. San Diego Folk Dan · g San Diego College for W Lecture. ''The Ongm of Clubs. Balboa Park Clu . men th eater. ,, . Life on Earth," Dr. Stanley Free o public us ra e ec ure, It 5 a ~1iller, professor of chemis- Gla~: Glad _World f~r the try, University of Califorma TO\IORROW Physically F~t Wo~an, Irene here· 4:15 p.m., Humanitie;;- n Webb, physical fitness spec- L'b ' A d't · R 11 Lecture r. Joseph Stokes . r t 10 . 30 Cl . t I rary u 1 onum, eve e III, pro!e or of medicine 18 is • . · a.m., airemon College at the Univer ity. Universitv of California here' Rec_reation Center, 3605 Fifth in a series, the Pro- "Biolo<1ical Technical and ~lairemont Dr. Free to pub- fessors' Inaugural Lectures. Moral 0 Prdblems of Human lie. Art exhibit, 11 a.m. to 5 Organ Transplantation," 7 \YED~ESDA y p.m., La Jolla Museum of Art, p.m., Room 2722, Undergrad- '700 Prospect St. Includes uate Sciences Building. Re- Pre-school story hour, works of 22 contemporary ar- ____;;.....;;..:,;;._...;;..:~:...;._s,;_~;;.. 110:30 a.m., Children's Room, tists appointed 1.o the Insti- Central Library, 820 E St. tute •of Creative Design, Uni- Lecture, Seymour E. Har- versity of California, San a ris, professor of economics, Barbara. Free to public. University of California here, Boat, Sport and Travel "Economics of Medicine," 7 Show, International Sports p.m., Room 2722, Undergrad- rena . 6 to 10 p.m Admis- uate Sciences Building, Re- sion charged ~elle Campus at the Univer- Fiesta· 200 premif'r, Mer- s1ty. cado and Arena areas of Old Ledur.,, Dr. Gerhard Wol- Town State Park, 6 p.m.. be-n- ter, professor of physics, efiting ~ernnd annual Junior Copernicus and the Astro- World Golf Tournament. nonucal Revolution," 11 a.m.. Tickets t5 mcludes cham• Council Chambers. Aztec pagne buffet Re,ervations Center. San Diego State Col• 222-8175. lege. Free to public. Play, "Mar at/Sade,'' 8 p.m., Lecture and panel discus- Building 269. Matthews Cam• sion, "Schools: Growth pus, UnivP of California through Change," moderated here. Admission charged. Lecture, "The Risk Factors .John Cant- p.m., Cafeteria for Himself." Aztec Center. at the College. well, 7:30 Lecture "What is the Fu• lo 16; members of Natural History Society and service-1200th Tea hon~rmg San Diego s auditorium, 5050 Conrad a~mversary, 2 Ave., Clairemont. Admission Concert, US Air Forc 11 I ~pansored by Hospi~al Aux- Band and the Singing Ser- 8 p.m, downtown versily of Californ_ia here. to men free in uniform admitted p.m., Umvers1ty House, Um- 50 cents. Ballet r'estival, Auditorium. 8 p.m., Russ Tickets iharyi of th; l!,mverS1ty. Res- geants, Saturday and office. 2 to 8 p.m. today at box ervallons, 4o4-:>408. Community Concourse. For free tickets send self-address- ed envelope to Air Force Re- T E DA y Lecture, 'Portrait Pbotog-j


''Opportunities, Unlimil-

e.d" ~nferenre f o r Southern Ca ifornia university and college irdent leadrr will be held Sat- rday at the nivrrsity of San Diego. Th Republican national and I a t e central committees are stagmg the conference to inter- est Students in politics and pub- lic affairs. GOP National Chairman Rog- ers C. B. Morton, who will give the keynote address, said those who attend the conference and later p r o gr a ms will receive practical Ideas on ways they can s1gnilic.antly influence the course of ev nts by active par- ticipation in partisan politics. POTE 'TJAL LEADERS Invitations were sent to those who, "on the ba is of scholastic achievement or assumption of respon 1bility in extracurricular activities, have been cited as having a potential for leader- ship,'' !\lorton aid. They wer" extended to stu- dents of all political persua- sions. Rcgislralion will begin at 10 a.m. to the conference, and a d m i s s i o n is free , Morton said. Rear Adm. Leslie E. Gehres, USN, rct., ch i rm a n of the county Republican Central Com- mittee, will welcome the stu- dents at 10:55 a.m . Ronald Fuller, executive as- sistant to the Board of Supervi- sors, v,ill outline th purpose of the conference at 11 a.m. John Bain, of the arts and sciences division of the Hcpubhcan Na- tional Committ e, will p ak on "The Concept of Total C:itizen- Morton fill give his keynote address at 11 ·16 a.m. Dennis C a r p e n t e r. chairman of the state Republican Central Com- mittee, will outline part, organi- zation and polil1cal involvement at noon. Career seminars are sched- ul starting at 2 p.m. One will be on communications, with Pe- ter Kaye, blic affairs director of KEB~ , as moderator. Panelists include Edwin Gray, associate p r es s secretary to Gov. Reagan: !<-;dv, ard Nicie- jewski, chie editorial writer, The San Diego Union, and Wil- liam E. Roberts, of a public re- lations firm. Dr. Harold Haak, professor of public administration and urban studies, San Diego State, will moderate ·a panel on business and professions. Panelists inc·lude Ted Jardine, vice president and branch man- ager, Pacific Outdoor Advertis- ing Co.; Kenneth H. Lounsbery, city pro ecutor, and Dr. Gay- lord Parkinson, former state GOP chairman. Ed DeBolt, executive director of the state Republican Commit- tee will moderate a panel on government and politics. Partic- ipating will lbe Robert J. Keyes, assistant to Gov. Reagan for community relations and Darryl Wold, special assistant to As- sembly Speaker Bob Monagan , R-Tracy. Sen. R o b e r t Dole, R-Kans., wm present the ''Case Study of a Candidate" at 3:30 p.m. ship'' at 11:05 am. KEY 'OTE AT 11:15

INVITED TO FIESTA - Most Rav. Francis J. Furey, left, and Auxiliary Bishop John R. Quinn accept first tick- ets 10 the 11th annual barbeque and fiesta to be held June 22 at the University of San Die&o campus under sponsorship of the San D1eiio•lmperial Valley Chapter, Knights of Columbus. The invitations were preSBnted by Louis Alfano, ticket chairman, second left, and Gustave Kirchhoff, chapter president, ria:ht. The fiesta will be the Kni&hts' way of salutin& San Oiea:o's bicentennial. Spanish costumes or fiesta at- tire, strolling mariachis nd other entertainment and 11ames will comprise some of the day's festivities. Dennis Parra is a:eneral chairman. ------------------------

Unit Formecl By Teachers 0 1~~~1°D~'I, ,,,, A program for inkgrat1on und exchung or ideas and equipment b ·twe n Catholic high chool nd college I ·v I ·c1cnc · dt•partmcnts hus been 1nithted at th University of 'un 01 go. ed Wilson, St. Augu tin High 'chool ·c1ence teacher, wu. 1 ct d pr 1dcnt of the Assoc:1allon of i nee Teachers of Cutholoc Schools (ACT 'J, t its or!(nnizat111n m eting . The a. · 't"Uon Is formed of th · 13 high I ols in the San Diego d1oce , which includes R1vers1de, Sun Bern rdino and Impcrml cotmlte , and th two und rg,·aduate colh.•ges ol the USO Mov • pw rd "This is a t p in th right direction," Wilson . aid "We h pe that we will continue to move towar updating cience educalton al all levels, from th elementary school through the college level. A(,'TS will strive for b tt ring communication between all level of cience education." Edward Warren, an assistAnl professor of phy ,cs at USO, said, "In addition to improving the relations between the facull1e or the member school., CTS will seek lo im• prove the coordination of cur rtcula b twe •n the m mbers The first job ACTS ha t upon is the pooling of purchase or- ders and centralized purchasing for member schools and setting up an equipment pool and ex- change delivery s rvice." Other Officers Elected vice presidents were Father Ronald Mendonca, prtncipal, Marian High School, Imperial Beach, mathematics; ~'ather Richard Smith, chairman, science department, St. Augustine High School, physics; Cmdr. Louis J. Kulot, chairman, the chemistry- science department, University High School, chemistry; and Father Benjamin Carrier, USO, biologist and chaplain, biology. Warren was elected chairman of the committee for grant reque ts. Other members fo the committee are Miss Peggy Cunningham and Miss Linda Lovic1, Convent of the Sacred Heart, El Cajon; Father Henry Planinsek, Notre Dame High School, Riverside; David Gor isch, UnIVer ity High School, and Sister Anne Raphael,

rprep'r~~~; Face Tests The Catholic prep baseballers have been busy and the teams have really been 1n ·ttff compel1lion m their respective league races. Marian ha· yet to lose a league game m the Palomar loop. Their last game Friday, was a 7-2 victory over Army- Navy Acad my. Coach Ray Plutko said 1t wu the best game his team has played all season The Crusaders are currently 2-0 m the league and -5-1 over- all. Tomorrow, '1unan takes on\ Ramona in Imp nal Beach and next TueHday the Crusad- ers will face league favorite San Marcos Umver ·1ty is also in the running m the Western League. With a record of 3-2 the Dons are only one-half gume out or first place. Their over-all record is 7- 4. Tomorrow Univer ·ity hosts Madison al Robb Field in Ocean Beach It's the ftrsl m ting of the two clubs this year. On Tu sday, the Dons begin the second r nd of league play in a home contest against Pornt Loma With St. Augustine, however, it's another story. The Sain ts are doing well everywhere but in the Eastern League. The best thing that has happened all year was the St. Augustme championship in the limited d,v1s1on ol the Lions tourney. The Samt knocked off Coronado, Mission Bay, El Centro, and Santana in the finale to win the title for the third year in a row.

CAMPUS .CORNER News from Son Diego State College and area universities. UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO By JOHN KENNEDY A serie, of tndenl-faculty dialogue will be launched hf're Thursda}. Graduate student Charles Smith is the coordinator. The firs of four dialogues will focus on "Planning a Day of Awakening." Participants will discuss the possibility of a sus-

pension of the normal schedule for a one-day e x c h a n g e of ideas and views between the fa cu 1 t y, adminlsb·ation and students on the status and fu- ture of the university. Other dialogue topics have not been chosen. The purpose of the pro- gram is to create Interaction and understanding b e wt e e n students and faculty. Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraterni- y saluted San Diego's 200th anmversary in a two-day com- memoration celebration. The frate nity's celebration began with the raising of the 200th Annivesary Flag in the Rose Garden of the C o 11 e g e for Women. An auction of TKE

JOH.· KEr-;'.'lEDY brothers was held yesterday afternoon . A "Spirit of '69 Parade" and a "Happy Birthday, San Diego Sing" that featured the fraternity's chorus marked the celebration today. The state qualifying speech championships were held her!! Fridav and Saturday. About 400 students from 50 Southern Cali- fornia high schools participated in the competition. Speech stu- dents and facultv of the university served as judges.

by Dr. Paul Weinberger, pro- fessor of social work, 7:30 p.m ., Council Chambers, Az- tec Center, San Diego State College. Carnation Festival and Starving Artist Show, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Horton Plaza, downtown. "Woman of the awards dinner. 7:30 pm., Palm Room. P. •. Gra Hotel. Information. 444-26 0. Carnation Festival and Starving Artists Show, down- town Horton Plaza, all day.

,:,;;:,;i(;;( or Plans Recital -Henry Kolar, or 4715 Glacier Ave., San Diego, will be presented in a ·iolin recital next Sunday on the University o Colorado campus. The former concertmaster or the San Qiego Symphony Orchestra, Kolar is ow on leav~ from thd faculties of the 'Cniversity San Diego and Mesa College He is working toward a doctor's degree and is conductor of the Colorado University Youth Symphony. /-'I,(,,~ , Wednesday, April 30, 500 Students Invited to GOP Meeting Five hundred college stu- dents from Southern Califor- nia campuses have been invit- ed to a Republican student conference here Saturday at which Rep. Rogers C. B. Mor- ton, R-Md., the new Republi- can national chairman, will speak. It will be Morton's first ap-- pe ce in San Diego since he II chosen by President N' to succeed Ray Bliss as chainnan of the Republican :-;ational Committee. Dennis E. Carpenter, chair- man f the Republican State Central ommittee, and Rear Adm. Leslie E. Gehres, USN, ret. cha rman of the County Repul)ltban Central Commit- tee, a I s o scheduled to spe t the conference. Re · tration for the meeting at the University of San Diego will art at 10 am. orton will speak a ~a.m U. S. Sen.: Rqbert Dole, R- Kans., will speak at 3:30 p.m., telling of his successful cam- paign last year to wcceed re- tiring, Sen. Frank Carlson, R- Kans. BOt:LDER, Colo.

SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 196!1

Academy of Our Lady of Peace. Attending the first grant requests committee meeting were ACTS president Wilson, Capt. C. P. Callahan, assistant superintendent or schools or the San Diego Diocese, and Mrs. Martha Bagby, grants and foundations officer at USO.


ett who bought the profe sor, said he plans lo make him lake a genetics qul:i in his_place. The highest bid, 12, came from another fraternity, whose members called it an Investment in "sweet vengeance." A campus patrol officer was on band to restrain over-eager coeds.

Tau Kappa Epsilon members at the u~i,ersity of Sa_n Diego sacrificed a day for the frate~mty_s coffers,_th1s week by allowing themselves to be ' auctioned off for as little as 25 cents. Dr. Ross Dingbman, chairman or the biology department, was captured and sold for 70 cents-"a humbling experience," he said. Brad Hack-

-Staff Photo by Fred Gates " prn111 rli11f1" la~I nir,11t, 8pomored hy Univer,ity of an Di- i\11 i/iory, u>crP {/r<'CtPd in die C'rrynmnco Club by fvlrs.

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