News Scrapbook 1968-1969

f" • udents Organize

New Members, Past Presidents To Be Honored by USD ~ux~il" ary "'Tl'r._..,&, .. u -~ San Diego's 200th birth! Auxiliary lun6i{eo · meeting day will be observed at the to be held at 11:30 am. Univer$ity of San Diego Thursday, Fe . 20, at the

Two Given New Posts At College u a: -,,, < C .;1.,/1-0 p Two academic appointments were announced I st week by the prestcient ofth University of S n Diego Colle e for Men. Father John E, Baer has named Dr. Henry J. Martin as cha1rman of the Graduate Pro- gram and chief' admmistrative officer in the ab ence from campus of the presid nt. Mar. tin is academic de n for the <'ollege. Dr. Jack R Morri on ha been appointed act1rw chair- mun of the Department of Edu- cation and Teacher Education Program. Morrison, an asso- <'iate profe or of education, will serve for the rema111der of the academic year Succeed Dr. McGeever The apporntments followed the death of Dr. John F Mc- Cicever, chairman of the College for Men Graduate Program and Department of Education. farlin joined the USO fac, ulty last year afler u distin- gulshed career in teachrng and administration at SL Joseph College, Rennsselaer and East Chicago. Ind. Ue was acting president of that college's Calumet cam- pu. at East Chicago from 1962- 1966 and pre ident from 1966-67. He was an associate professor of education and director of the Teacher Edu- ration program at the College for Men before bemg named academic dean He received his BS from St. Joseph's College and his :\1S and EdD from Indiana Univer- sity. Education Specialty torr1son is an . soc1ate profe sor of education in the Collel(e for Men Department of Education. Formerly, he wa an associate profes or of human behavior at the United States International 111ver- s1ty and coordinator of the doctoral program at USI Graduate School of Education His pecialty 1s counselor education and the design of educational media He has served as director of the Cen, ler for Educational Media De ign at the Umver. ity of Iowa . Other posts includ dean of tudents and director of the Counseling Center at Lock Haven Coll ge, Lock • aven, Pa., and as~i tant dean of admissions at Northwestern J University. Iorrison received his BS and , 1S from Pennsylvama State Univer ity and his PhD fr'Jm Northwestern Umver ity. Chemis ry Prof Named 'Fellow' Dr. Donald B. Peterson o the umversity of San Diego has been named a Fellow of the American Institute of Chemists. P ter. on i chair- man of the USD College for Men Department o Chemistry Fellows are nominated per iodically 111 recognition of con- tributions to the chemical pro- fession, the institute said in announcing Peterson's selec- tion. 4 /!3/6'! ;

• going on


i orders

To Curb

around here !J , .. a guide to some of the activities and events in the North Shores and the city

• ew ml'm-


Kona bers a

past presidents of the auxiliary will be hon- ored during the luncheon. Mrs. Eugene De Falco, rhairman, ha~ announced Le ter Tokar will be the guest speaker. Tokars Is a member of the board of d1- ectors o! the San Diego 200th Committee, erving as chairman of Spanish rela- tions. HI' was recently honored ha~ a Gentleman of Distinc- tion, and is rdinator o! tudents for the San Diego Evening Colleg . Hi$ topic w i 11 be "Build Up of An Event." Among those helping Mrs. De:Falco are Mmes. Laur- ,ence Oliver, co-chairman; John E. LeandeJ'S and Frank F. Rose, co-hostesses. Birthday cakes featuring the 200th seal will center each table, surrounded by golden roses in keeping with the theme. Past presidPnts wlll be given a golden rose. • ·ew member:; also will be given a goldPn rose, tied with a red nbbon bearing their name. Pa t pre. idents include '\lmes. Justin C. Evenson, E\·elyn L. Datton, Thomas W. Keehn, Richard A. Bar- her. Harry A. Collins, John A Athaide, H. Stephen King, .Tohn J. Wells John M. Mur- phy and A. J C Forsyth. • 'ew me be include . imes. John Leandern, William H. urphy, Bar- 'bara Powell, A. J. Prender- gast, Robert A. Rose, Clar- Pnce L. Steber, Leonard H. .SrrlefPr, J . T . Thomerson anrl Mi•s Vera He1ss1an.



150 for arlults, :I-II • Geralrl for _children under L servat10ns.

Waymon , c>xecul1H' director, &.\e. PncP, , Citizens' Interracial Comm1t- 1 l

r ·, ~,




. Stiver Bay Kennel Cl b s lee, 7:30 p.m , Rose Room,

CLUBS .1/ 10 Auxiliary At USD To Lunch Loh r lLy of San D i ego Auxiliar~ dll o b r v e San Diego' 200th Anniversar\' at a I ncheon meeting Thur day at 11 :30 a.m. 11t the Kona Kai, Club :'>ic11 member and past pre ident w i 11 be honored. Le ter Tokar,, a l)Wmber of th board or directors of the 200 h Anniwr:ar) committee, will . pea • :.1rs. Eugene de Falco is chairman, a isted by ~Ir , La u r c n c e Oliver, \Ir . John E, ~anders and Mrs. 1". Rose. Birthday cakes decorated with the 200th eal v.111 be erved. Yel101v ro- ll pre ented to each pa t pr dent. They include ~Im . Ju ltn C Even. on, Ev- el} o L. bat·on, Thomas \V. Keel :i, Richard A . Barber, 11 m \ . Co 11 in , John A. Athairle, H. Stephen King, John J. \ lls, John :'.I. ~lur- ph) and \ . J . C. Forsyth. USD Hands SDS Double Setback San Diego ball to get in its flfsl two games of the season Y terday and the Aztecs could have used some more ram ~~ivysit* 0 f ed P. dts s 4 ii rife a S aJ ~1th field to sauare the for• recor • after Josin a ovo a last week. ""Three walks, a triple bx and a successful ou- ble stea by the Toreros with two outs gave USD three runs in the final inning of the opener to pull it out. • "'Sy ~,IJ..'/D Re e Cl alier \I alked follow- mg i hree-base blow to set up the double theft. A four-run burst m the sev- enth inning of the nightcap gave USD a 7-3 lead and enabled the Toreros to old off a three-run 1 ninth innmg rally by the !\ztecs. Son DiQI St. First Ga~ 100 0-3 7 2 use . . . .. joo ooo 3---11 s 1 Von Oy1 ond tale had to resort lo Sunday


og College for Women, Universi- K tleman, 286-9543 m., ty of San Diego, Al O next ti , 239-01_49.

r:hth annual_ purebred downtown Community show, starting 8:30



alk, "Vietnam

n- four Wednesda ·s.


for Defeat,"

course. Many rare breeds ~ ;;:;:.:.,.:.;.;~?.-~~~---7strategy


\Jc on view.

Peter Stark, a former Green in Vietnam. 8 p,m., Beret

Concert, contemporary mu- sic, Pauline Oliveros, "The

Plays by George , Berna rd Bayview Terrace School, 2445 ying Alchemist," a perform- Shaw-see yeS t e rd ay s hSbng. Fogg St., Pacific Beach. pon. ance of her ~wn mus\c, 8:_30 I FRIDA y sored by Truth About Civil p.m., gymnasium, Umvers1ty Turmoil


/part of


Galleries, p.m. tomorrow and 2:30 p.m.



"The Provost, Protest, and


7917 Girard Ave. "Up With People," musical "Vietnam Gift-Pac," 8 p.m., performance, benefit

Plays by George Bernard Other Problems," Dr. Paul

II c I 1urphy, 'ni\ersily O •

S It

f o r Sha,,-see previous listing, :11usical plav, "West Side

1 R

eve e

a man, prom~ '

and George



Commumty Story " presented by San Di- dean of students . ego St .ate C~!lege, 8 p.m., of California hE're', J 2·30 p .m., c·hamber music Dramatic Arts 1 heater, af the Torri', Pines lnn Donation



Concourse, downtown.


plu art e_xhibit; 3 p .m. Pa~Hjc ~ollegr . i\1 o :\Janh ,i, 6 and ISI. · ~each \\oman s C'lub, ,10.:,0 1. plus Ip m. matinres fomor- Concert,

t' sa-


ro_w and :\larch 8. P~bltc aad· che\sky in an e\enmg of el PC·

So!~da? Rd. :, to pub(tc. \\ orkshop, G,rapholo~). an~ m1ss1on , a 7:30 p.m, ... Cahfo~n1a Pa!a• Scholarship Grapho-Therap, _tn • ct1on, to

.,o tronic mu sic, 8 p,m , Monte-

) .50. .Pro( e';ds

zlec Crnler, San

colle,,,_e s D1amat1~ •. Ails zuma Hall ,

Astrona Anders To Ge USD Honor , // It< ol V.illt 1m /, dt•r, one ofth thrc astronaut whomnde th ('hr, tmu trip ,mrnnd !ht• moon , hus accepted an rnv tatton to r •1v an honorary cl • •r • • of Uoctor of Sci •n('e from the nlv r 1tyot S n Du• o t i:n1du 1t1on ceremoni May31 . Ill' informed thl' univ •r 1ty thut speciul pernu ion will be

Fund l 1chts Diego State College. Tickets psychology Foundation, 3o80 may be res_erved by calhng on sale at rloor, $1.!i0 to gen• Adams Ave._ the box office, 286·6?33, be- eral public. _Sundar film pr~gram, San tw_een 11 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. Lecture, Dr. Winifred 11 g• Diego,: atura~ History., Mu- dail) , , ,. , ., gins, a sociate professor of ~eum. Island m D~r_iger and . Pia), A :\Ian s a . 1an, an- art, San Diego State College, B;;ds of the Prame Marsh- h-war dra_ma by Berto.Id "Fifty-five Years of American es. 1:30 and 3 p.m., at the Brech_t, presented by San Die- Art." 7:30 p.m., council cham. n:iuseum Balboa Park. Dona- g? City College, 8:30 p.m., hers, Aztec Center. San Diego hon 25 cents for ad_ults 0 Little Theatre at the coll~ge. State. Admission free . cents for unaccompanied chi!- Tickets a n d reservations Concert "Woodwind Music dren to 16; members of the available by calling 239-78.54. of 1769 ,.' 7·30 pm 'third- Nat~ral History _Society and Also lomorro~ and March 7 floor lectur~ room, 'central servicemen admitted free. and 8, same time. Library, 720 E St. TO:\IORROW SATURDAY Talk, •·Reflections on Law Children ·s pla.,·, " Sleeping series; and Order- The Position of Beauty," See listing above debate between A. L, Wirin, the Greek Intellectuals Under :11usical play, "West Si e chief counsel for Southern the Greek Junta," by Dr. Or- Story"- ~ee yesterday's 'l• California of the American rin E. Klapp, at meeting of ing. Civil Liberties 'nion, and Ed World Affairs Council of San Plays by George Bern rd Butler, former city attorney, Diego, noon, Town Room, Shaw- see previous lislin noon, :11ore Hall, Tlniversity Town & Country Hotel, Hotel First annual Chicano tMe of San Die"o Circle. One in a series. ican-American ) student co 1me for Concert, contemporary mu- ference, Aztec Center, San ch ildren 10;30 a.m . Chil- sic.. William 0 . Smith, _cl~ri- Diego State College, starting dr cn's R~om, Central Library, net1st. 8:30 p.m., Bmldm~ at 9 a.m. Co-sponsored by the 820 E....,;~' ;...-------..J 09, }lalthews Campus, Um- Mexican-American Youth As- \ersity of California here. Ad- sociation and the niversit · mission free. of California here.

requ r cl to e n,,hlc him to he c <·u , d t mpor11r1ly from h1 duties a a rnf'mher of lhe h11 k up crt•w for th· polio 11 moon lnncltn • fli ght t that lime The a Iron mt, m a tc·fe phon t·onver ntion w th Mo st H v Fr nc1 J Fur y, chanc I lor of SD, 11d he wn look 111g forward to conung to the un1vcr 1ty lie I o told lit hop Fur y thut 11 medal romm moratrng !'op John •· 111 which the

b1. hop had g1 n Col. Anders Just before the fli ht to the moon , wn now 01ng b.ick to Hom agam, for presentallon to Pope Paul VJ. Th• medal 1· hetng tak n by Col Frnnk Horman on his iioodwlll visit to Europe. Hor• ,nan 1. ked for a memento or th 11ight which h , a a Cath - oli<', could suggest for the !'ope nder told Bi hop Furey· "When Frank Borman asked me for a suitable memento I gave him the medal you had given me. Although I did not want to part with it, I thought thut endmg it to the Pope was 111 a ood cause," Via the Moon So the medal, which came from Home with Bishop Furey, 1 now return111g to Rome from . an Diego - via the moon. nder · grew up 111 La Mesa, wh re he attended St. Mar- tin"s Church, and served as an altar boy. HI parent·, Lt. Cmdr and Mrs Arthur Anders live 111 La Mesa which recently honored the astronaut on a v1 it to San Diego, La t Saturday the La e a Chamber of Commerce named William Ander as the "La Me a Man of the Year," Spec 1al gue ts at the awards din ner were Cmdr, and Mrs. An- der who represented their famed son. USD Names Head Of Graduate Program Qr. Henry J. Martin, academ- ic d an at the University o( San Diego's College for !en, has been named chairman of the college's graduate program. Dr. Jack R..Morrlson, an as- , oc1ate professor of education at the College for Men. has been appointed acting chairman of the school's Department of l!:du- c· a t I o n and teacher e cation program.

,..u,.r f'lii arcecu ,

B ~


Fiesta By Ko SAJ\· IBGO

- The 11th of C-..olumbus tie ta plan.

annual Knight barbecuP a n d were off and

Lec•ure, ''The Crisis on Col- lege Campu es." Ed Butler, former San Diego city attor- ney, at meeting of Downtown Democrats, 7:30 p .m.. Ander• son-Borthwick Auditorium, 530 B St. Open to the public.



SUNDAY Children's play, '·Slee Beauty. " See listing abo

wr ck, Representarh·es of 21 San Diego and I mperial Valley Councils met in t he Knights of Columbus Li brary, T;ni\·pr. slt.v of San Diego. Spa rking • .r une 22nrl P\'Pnf \.\-/ls grn- e1'41 chai ·man, n <'nn is E Par. ra , Who introduce d his five co- ,.ha 1rmPn D~e to the size of this •eai ·s !lesta ti,'e co-chai.nnen " '!'re p1cked to coordmate th" ,·ar,. ous events They are publlc- !ty, John. ·ooney of El CaJon, special e,·ents , Joseph O"Con nor; an attorney from Pomt Loma, Fooct and Manpower· Joeph Trasher from El Cajon ; Barbecue Preparation, Fritz Bengelli of- El Centro, and Joseph La Rocco, who will handle the buildings and pur- <:hasing, aJ o from Point Loma.


·how, b)


rts Gall;:er::'.y::',.,..~'ffl:i,;,,+:.::;;,.;:;;~m'll!"~:ff(e





San Diego Through

:lfar h 19. Gall ery r------


open 9 to 4 p.m. weekdays

Defensive driving 'course, closed weekends. sponsored by San Diego Coun- Annual Purim ty Safety Council, four week- Temple Beth 2512 ly two-hour classes, sta1ting Thi r d ,\ ve .. beginning al 11 today. Registration may be a.m with a carnival. accomplished by callrng 224· l nter denominational youth 3533. . choir festival. 7 p.m.: sanctu- Lecture part of sene~l, arv of First United Methodist "The Faculty, Their Work Church 2111 Camino del Rio and Their Views," Dr. James South. Youth choirs from 15 Arnold. chemistry depart- churches Open to the public. ment, University of Califor- · nia here, 12:30 p.m., Torrey i\JARCH 3 Pines Inn. Donation $1. Lecture, "Some Curriculum Concert, piano duets, Co- K rinne Brewin and Eva Clover, Innovations." Dr. Gerald . Hammer and Dr. R. Harold plus a vocal recital by soprano ~cEowen. assistant profess- Jean Stone, 7:SO p.m., th i rd ors of industrial arts, San Di- floor lecture room, Central Library, 820 E St. ego State College, 7:30 p.m., Talk, on legislation pertain- Room _30~, Chemistry Geol- ing to raw 'lk, fluoridation ogv Bu1ldmg _at the_ ~l!~ge. and other subjects, Howard Photographic exhibit, Ph~; C. Long, executive vice presi- tography by Harry Callahan, dent, • 'ational Health Feder- Montezum~ Hall, Aztec Cen- ation at meeting of San Die- ter, San Diego State College, B 0 h h tr of the fed- 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. go .eac c ap e I Catered dinner concluding eration, 7:30 p.m,, Hornble nd ·annual Purim festival of Tem- Hall, 1721 Hornblend Ave., I · h p ·n B ach Open to the pie Beth Israe, 6 p.m., m t e P~~licc e · temple social hall, 2512 Third festival Israel.

USD Week Draws to Busy !J!~ :lfat,/4, Alumni of the Universifi; of San Diego will CO)lcl ude their first joint Homecoming Week this Saturday and Sunday, March 1 and 2. USD College for Men, Col- lege for Women and School of Law alumni will hold a re- ception at 5 p.m. Saturday honoring the university's Executive Committee, which governs the area of joint con- cerns of the three colleges. The law schbol alumni will meet with the committee in the faculty dining room, De Sales Hall, while the other alumni will meet in the Rose Room. College for Women. A buffet dinner for all alum- ni will be held at 6:30 p.m. in the College for Women dining hall. The Homecoming game of USD vs. the University of Cali- fornia at San Diego will begin at 8 p.m. in the 'SD gym. Students will ·hold a ·'Cham- pagne Dinner" al the Lark cafeteria at 5 p.m. Following the game , the students will hold the Homecoming Dance at Le Baron Hotel Sunday's events for alumni will begin with a Folk Mass at 9:30 a.m. in the College for Women Chapel A Family Brunch at 10.15 a.m. will be given in the College for Wo- men dining hall.

Concert, Rey de la 'lorre, classical guitarist, noon, Russ Auditorium, San Diego City College 1425 Russ Blvd. Tick- ets and reservations a,ai!able by Calling 234-8451. WED ESDAY San Diego Chamber of Commerce, '·Keyman" lunch- eon, Town and Country Ho- tel. Address by Gordon Luce, state Secretary of Business and Transportation. Lecture, l'Objectives and Functions of the California State Employment Service," James Nicholson, manager of the service's Department of Employment, 7:30 p.m., Room 60, Education Building, San Diego S ate College. Cone¢, tenax Quartet, 8 p. ., ontezuma Hall, Aztec 1 enter, San Die o Sta~ Law forum first of series, talk, "Practical Aspects of Municipal Court Procedure," Municipal Judge Richard Don. ovan, noon: More Hall, Uni- ersity San Diego. Admissi demonstration for high school students, 7:30 p.m., North- west YMCA, 8355 Cliffridge Ave., La Jolla. Information available by calling 488-9021 or 453-3483. Three one-act plays by George Bernard Sha\\'., 8 p.m., Salomon Little Theatre, Cali- fornia Western Uni,ersity. Also tomorrow, Ffiday, at- u Lecture, second rn series. "Cities in Crisis," Carrol W.

Toreros Win Over Chapma V A i y er it x of s~p ~eS!i fought off a ate rally y ap- man College to score a 53-56 basketball victory in the Tore- ros' gym last night. Trailing by three points. 29-26, at halftime, USO caught fire to lake an 11-point lead with four m i n u l e s gone in the second half. Chapman battled back to ,:ut the deficit to four points but could get no closer until the li-1 nal margin. Jeff Felzinger dropped in two • free thro~s in three attempts, one of them on a techinical foul a:,:ainst the \1:1tors, to help the , Tor er o s prevail in the final 1 minute. USD , now 9-16 for the year, ends its season tomght in a home game against UCSD. USD won la t mght's fresh- . man game, 72- ' USO (5'] HAPMAN (S

0 0 .-The La


The rock group, JOJOed by


the Creedrnce Clearwater Revival, the Convention Hall nt 8.15 p.m. I• rid.iy. TE I \\0. DER - Th blind ul m r , 11 h ad a how t 8 p.m. tod m th gym- 111 play

"PhntQ USD STUDENTS HAVE SNOWY HOMECOMING ~/..1AY't P. coming festiviii by importing ;i sn ct • mo I ain of • now. John Kenn dy i cat t in ,hr mi Idle as shovels are used in a snm • 1ght. 1 n Diego yesterday 1 a lcala Park. Students an Diego livened up horn ·.;,.~......; _ __,; _________ b r.

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