News Scrapbook 1968-1969
AMPUS .CORNER News ol Son D1e~o Col/e,.qe and orea unive111t1es UNIVERSITY OF SAN DIEGO By JOH. KENNF,DY
• IS
mass on Sundays 1s sung in
"J think John wanted a democratic system, or at least a modified monarchy, not the absolute monarchy we have now. The legal structure oi the Church lost some of its absolute force. Law was still considered binding, but peo• pie began to doubt Church doctrine as law." TIE EXPLAINED T II A 'I once it was a sin to talk in church, lo be five minutes late was a venial sin, eight minutes late was mortal sin-"ridicu- "We don·t ha e 1l by a long shut >et, but I think it's com- d mocratic regime Jous." ing-th away from the legal idea, a1\ay from iormal worship. Here in our seminary, t b e
the Apostle's Creed are the same. They are Catholicism. "How to say mass has changed? The priest once faced the wall and said it in Latin; now he faces the peo- ple and says it in their lan- guage. "THERE HAVE BEE OTH• er changes. As children we memorized the catechism, never asked w h y or chal• lenged. That's changed. " ow we are encouraged to ques- tion. ··Pope .John XXlll \I anted file Chu ch or r ant to the times. oncally, 1t 11'3 based on the monarch sy ten and monarchs are not popul rn the 20tlt century,'' Swanke said.
B:i, SAU.\H CO, GUON Sentinel Staff Writer
bossa nova.
"Today a laym n h as a
licy, and
voice in church
Divorce, birth control, abor- tions, priests marrying, heart transplants, counseling vs. confessions ••. What's happening to the Catholic Church? we asked Dr. John Swanke of the Uni- versity of San Diego, the chairman of a six-week course to discuss these and other problems. sla11ing Thursday. ·· othing's happening. It's tll on!~ thing that can sta_v the s a rn e and eternall\' c11a ge - ··And the changes in t'he hurch are really superficial. "One r.od three persons in one God ~even sacram nt ,
that's new. Several commit. tees now run and dominated by clerics will soon be turned over to laymen in this dio• cese, we've been to d. "Bishop Francis a. Furey of San Diego is one of the more in the Church, and that makes real growth possible here." WITH THAT I. 'TROD-CC- lory conversation forward-looking bishops
r under oing th(• semester ordeal of final ex- ¼11 end Jan. 28. Registration for currently , as held last w~k for second semester class- will have an opportunity to register Feb. 2 and 3. Registration was a land- mark in the ever-increasing
coordination and co-education ~f the Univers!ty's College for Men and College for Women. Men and women registered to- gether for the first time in USD' history.
of ·bl k ,·il!cs of
1\e wen• ready t·
• ml
areas of doctrine in which Catholics are sha pl di d.
·ontinued on f -~~~:::::::::'.~::::::=::!~----i
The stud nts and faculty of the university will join in a concelebratcd memorial Mass for the late Dr. John Francis McGeever in the University's Immaculata Chapel at 11:30 p.m. Feb. 6. The Most Rev. Bi hops Francis J. Furey and John R. Quinn of the St Di- ego Catholic diocese will cele- brate the Mass with the Very Rev. John E. Baer, president of the College for Men. The hshed the John Francis McGeever ~emorial th form r chairman of the Education Depart- hip ¼111 be awarded annually to a senior who r e f Id o educ lion, 111 salute San D1ei;:o's 200th anniversary by ast Community Theatre's award-winning pro- { I
hallenges Be'?~!='=·" r P,w Ry ROBERT DiVEROLI will cover four areas and be up on this. They re afraid to
Continued from page 1 tin• refer~ J1er. to a non-prie l lgcts an?lher chance - bs I}: I birlo control ,u_perfi• coun elor. But. for tl1P •akc God's will, not ours. clal to Church doctiine? of the male-I emale relation- Q: Our ,uhj ct voman ha~ think ·tis. I in no wise doubt ship alone: I don't think it a choice, then. She can le~ve
or quc ion- or mimmize
the Church and try to fmd
should change.
The f 1 r s t time Dr. John Swanke stood up to challenge the man in thP pulpit he was
challenge priests and bishops and they're also not on too sol- id ground to begin ~ith as far as knowledge is concerned. "We may someday need a know scnpture and religion as well as the clergy. If the man in the pulpit starts to slip, challenge him," he said. laymen's union - it may of people who
followed by a six-week course
The number o[. Cal!10lics happiness, mpport for her
authorit). But I
e ·cle ·a•tic
in each.
er ood ought to n.>c· 1, ho go to c.-onfcss1on 1s far children ..• : le Chu ch doe not le_ss than 10 years ago, a nd
Instructors and areas are Swanke (moral theology), the Rev. John R. Portman, chair-
A: She docs not leave the_ ,, Church for support. I know oi 0 ~ 1 many cases where the Church
thrown out of ch rch
o_mze that not everything its regrettable. a 1c enjoy, the privilege of c?nfes•1ons?, sad o he,'l lJ some ecc1eS1•
<: Why are Cal h olics
R:~~n r~~iol~~eg;t~~ke~ai
re tll~Y. sm- takes care of them, not only
Bnd the third tune the priest man of the theology depart-
m th Sun·• by Lorraine Hansberry. The t 8 p m. Feb. 1 in the university's College for pl y will al o be presented Feb. 2, 7, 8, Dr. J. F. M G ever mbs Of USD Succ
mng and a, 1 ~mcd of it, or Catholics.
ment at Immaculate Heart come to that -
invited him to join in a ''dia-
Q: But \\e both kuow there coun er· arc many more who ~re ~ot. \\h~t 1:~~g~ea~J 11 !;~~rout suppo1'ted, who are m dll"e are being sanctioned b~ some. A: Legall~ the husband, If sud~ a; tl'.e group Q: Divorce and rernarnage need. . .
Q: Among superf1cialit es, are th ey subS t ituli'l; met~o~~
Seminary. (dogma), the Rev. Laurence Dolan, theology in- structor r scripture) and the Very Rev. Michael D Alcar•
what of abort on?
The subject? "How much say should a layman have in
\: r~at is !nurder. ,:ftcr c~mcept on of }_1fe I e ha\e no
the church?"
e away.
rig 1t to tak
az, rector of St. Fram Is Semi- ,.,___...:::..--'-------
Knowledge Required
Q: THA'l HOLD , I. \ OUR Catholic clergymen. Is this a· he leave_s, still ha~ to suppo~ view for mere killmgs of superficial change? 1t~e family, even if he rema
nary, (liturgy J.
Swanke, professor of philos- ophy at the University of San Diego, thinks laymen should have a great deal to say about their c h u r c h provided they know what they're t a I k i n g
Plans Are Told
A: , o, DIVORCE JS FOR· was opposed to divorce and \bidden by divine law. Christ he doesn't'? Q 0 :
And in the cases "her
those w~o ha\e no chance to
"This will be no ho-hum course on religion where the instructor t a 1k s and everv- body just takes ndtes," said Swanke. ' We want thinking adults read) to ask questions ,md examine thPir faith to learn what it really means to be a Catholic " Such tupics are papal infal- hbtlit) , uthrir" v of 01. hops, birth control-: dlvor.-e, confes- sion. the "re 1 presence of Christ in the EtJ,•harist. cleri- ral celibacy, nat.iral law and forms of the M?, s all will bt! fair game. Swank said. S w a n k e says ihc church isn 'l changing as much as some people think except in what he calls ·accidentals," things like S{lyir.g 1lass in Lalin rather than En g Ii , h; meatlit Fridays, or the idea of a celtbatc priesthood.
\· It's not a Catholic prob•
: Absolute),, Jbjq1.,lf
_Q: Do you _belie1 e h! _sus- revers~d' P?licy of put- lei~· if he doesn't. Jt's a U.S. tam ng fi with medlc.,bons 1ting \\1Ves aside. Sre :\fatthcw economic problem. hen no cure is possible'! ff 19::H'. , , • , . ,'. \\ e refused to do so we are in I also support the Church l , SIX-\\ EEi\. COURS.I<. TO "ffect tak·n a1,ay life. stand on divorce with natural di•i.:u~s tiles,· and r.tlwr ques- law. It's not possible to love tions will open Thursday a1 tient a ervicc when ~osts are two people in one lifetime 8 p.m. in the USO Col,lege fo~ drammg his famil) 's liveli• the ,1 ay one man or woman Women, J'.loo1~ 13~ Spon~ rs hood. '!hat I evil, to keep him s11ould lo\e a male. an· th~ J?ioce an Ecmiiemcal ali e unna urally. man should ot a C?mm!,s1on and µi~ Diocesan Q: nd heart transplants- until a 0 e 25 or 26, a an L1_turg1cal Comm1~s 1 011 ol San re the evil? until age 22-23. They irre not Diego. : 'I h ar manclou . By p,ycho!ogically sta!Jle l1cfore Ihe course 1s open for reg• all means from the moral tben, and can't be prepared. iotration. c.-oncept ,,e should transplant Q: Yet \merican oung- Partidpants, bes.1de~ Dr. all the or a is we can to sus- Fters do not wait until that' Swanke, are the Rev .John ta n life age to marry. Let's assume Portman, chairman of the Ec- Q: Ye m t1ally the trans- the case of a )Oun~ woman umenical Commission; the plants are no• satisfactory. who did not wait. has perhaps, Rev. :Michael Alcarez, rector ~lost pat ens die If you can five children, and her hus- of the USD Seminacy; and the support ' em morally, by band cruelly maHreats the Rev. Laurence Dolan, pro[es• can )O' not support the arti- whole family. Should she not sor of ,heology. ficial kidney on the same have a chance to find a man' Dr. ~wanke's area of spe- grounds when we learn from who will provide loving care, cializa :on is ~thics. His d?~· each experience? for all of them? toral d\s ertation was a cnt1• , • cal a alysis of the meth J s _A: IF ,\ F; _S~ST~L' LIFE : SHE JIA~ S , ~-S FRO:'" emplo ed to ·oh-c the prol.J· with an artif1~1al k1dne fo_r the bad experience. hey will !em of contraception. the sake of science and soc!• affect another marriage. ·, -~---L.. ety, then society should ac- Q: If she is normal and bal• cept the financial strain-and anced. healthy in attitudes, c·all it scientific research. ·the scars would heal quick!,, Q: What of priests and mar• wouldn"t they? riage? Is he ·ssue not basic? .\: In 99 percent they \lill \: That's also superficia I. not. It's too risky to allow a The firsi Pope \\35 married, second marriagr•, , and p~lestl) celibacy dates AJ~o. she sets a bad _exam- only from the Fourth cen- pie for her children if she - , . We a-re not dom" the pa-
ractice of chal- in the middle
Swanke's lenging priest
Se r v Ices are ~nding at Pittsburgh, Pa , for Dr. John F. McGecver, 56, of 5740 Er- l nder Dnve, chairman or the Univer ity o f ....""""....,-,-.,..,..,. S·in Diego de- partment o f 111..r"<:::MIIII..
e r m o n s hasn't !topped · ce he c me to San Diego ugu t from Hammond, He alrc.-idv has 'called" his preacher twice on scriptural interpretations and has every intent100 of d o i n g it again whenever the situation war- rants. Problem Discussed ' Llly people have a right to peak up and nnt take every- thing blindly," Sanke said in an mterv1ew. ··catholics don't have to be- heve ever} thing they're told without question but they also sh o u 1d knov., enough about their religion to talk about it intclligently," Swanke added. "Laymen always have had the right to challenge priest~ bishops and even popes," sa:i! Swanke. chairman of an adu theology course that begins Thursday at USO. "If we could get more Cath• ol1cs lo speak up we"d have a he a I th i e r 1 more relevant church." he said. ''We don't wa t robot Catholics We want active Catholics. Course to Begin "God wants I o v e r s, not s!lives," Swanke said. The adult theology course that b e g i n s next week, he said, should help Catholics be- · c o m e more knowledgeable about their relegio and more construclivelv criticaJ·of it. It is designed, said Swanke to combat ¼hat Catholic theo- logian G r e g o r v Raum has called "creeping infallibility'' in the rhurch. "That's the idea tnat anv- thing a pnest or bi hop says • omehow makes ·m just as i n f a I Ii b i I e as the pope," Swanke ~aid. Okayed by Bishop The coarse is sponsored b} the Ecumenical and Liturgy commissions of the San Diego Roman Catholic Diocese with the approval of Bishop Fran- cis J. Furev. A six-week survey course, meetmg at 8 p.m. Thursdays in the USD College for Women, Mass to Open ):'~.~PJ!~Y-0ft,. OCEANSIDE - Most Rev. Francis J. Furey will cele- brate a Pontifical Mass this Sunday. February 9, in St. Patrick's Church, Carlsbad. to open the 22nd annual district conference of the Young La- dies' Institute. The Mass will be followed by a breakfast at 10:15 a.m. in the Elks Club, Oceanside. The one- day meeting here will be at- tended by delegates from the YLI in the district. Theme Guest speaker will be Michael Neuman. director of' development at the University or San Diego. He will ta lk on "The n1versity of San Diego a nd the Future." Mrs. Richard Smith. presi- dent of thE: Stella Maris Insti- tute. will be host to the conference of the day will be Mother . Cabrini , patron of the sick a nd discouraged.
A discussion group on the Catholic religion is meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesdays in St. Charles Borromeo Hall, 2802 Cadiz St , under the Rev. John Odou. F a t h e r Odou, member of the University of San Diego faculty, is moderator of the Information Group Movement, IGM, which sponsors the ses- sions. Weekly meetings will continue indefinitely, accord- ing to 11rs. Dominic DePietri of the IGM.
education. H t!i d Th u r S· day m St. Lo111s, :\lo. :\fcG • v•r, nationally known in his field, u!fered fatal compli- cations f o 1-
11 Ollll('('d ro1· USU produ ·tion Tryout fur the Cnv 1 ity or 'nn Di o prodt1cti n of il1ember or the Wedding," by Car on Mccullers will be held F'eb. JO, from 4-6 p.m., and Feb. 11, 7-9 p.m
McGee\Cr lowmg . urgery for cancer. He al o was head of he USD graduate level teacher educa- tion program .and professor of education He h held all the pos1t1ons since 1 • .McGecvcr wa dean -of stu• dent ~rsonncl at P a I om a r Colleg , San Marcos, in 1963- 65. Before that, he was chair-
Jqtin Francis M ·Oeever 56, chairman of the !ton de- partment at the mv r ity of San D i C g o, di la night from complications following surgery, the USD public rela• t1ons department eport~d to- day. .,Ir. McGeever, I a n de r Drive, s also in charge of the gr lluate level teacher-training rogram a t the universilv. B ore coming I he 11 as de of stut!ent p •r nnel at Pal ar College, San :\larcos, from 1963 to 1965 and was c h a i r m a 11 of the grau 1ate teacr r 1ducat1on program and as ocia'e profc,• :Jr in the gra:!uate program at West Carolina College:, Cul- lo II he e, i\.C. from 1965 to 1966. Degree Earned He earned his bachelor of science degree in education and a masters degree histo- ry at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh. He wa cted all-American basket I play- er in 1933. I! attended Um · s1ty of California at Los An I s and received his doctorate degree in education from Teachers College, Columbia Gniversity. Arlic•lcs Publishtd He IS I Stl'd m Who's Who in American Education and has published ~everal tticles in national education Journals and II rot c tw books 011 edu- " lion He is Stirvived bv his wid- o_ w. Margaret; a· daughter, Kelly Ann McGeever of the home; t ·o brothers arid a sis- ter f u n e r a I services will be held early next v.1iek in Pitts- burgh and burial 11 ill be in Hom lead, Pa., his b i r t h- pla ' Anderson Funeral Home in Homestead is in charge.
Equi p111ent To U. of San . iego Ryan Aeronautical Com· pany this week presented electronics and testing sci• entific equipment • to the University of San Diego's Department of Physics. J.R. Iverson, vice presi• dent of Ryan F.lectronics and Space Systems offirn,J- ly presented the equipment to Dr. Gerald Estberg, chair- man of USD Department or Physi~
tury. The Eastern Church still can change husbands like she allows priests to marry. Christ can shoes. or house , or Jobs. did not demand cel1bacv from Q: You·re sayinl! she mu~t his priests, 11 of the 12 apos- do penance the resl of her ties we r e married. So it's life'' hardl) divine I \I A: l\"o, that's I 1e wrong Wa) Q: What of cor rs~10n to a of putting it. ·o one expects pnes-t hidden br'1 1 nd a cur• her to do penance-Just play tain, in this dav of personal b) the rulrs of the game. encounter talkm things Somcl1mPs you lo e We're all through, h est confrontation sorry Just as in the .success- -is conf sion stlll valid rn ful happy marriage when the its present r,itual form? husband drops dead - she , lost. . A: CO"'FES~ION IN BOX Q: S '(•J1t,cl11ILcl USD , On Cities in Crisis' A six-week course on "Cities Science departments of the Universit of San Diego are offering two in-service courses for science teachers in the spring semester. "Chemistry for life science teachers" is sponsored by the San Diego City Unified School District, for which two credits will be given. The instructor will be Sister Agnes Schmit, PhD, professor of chemis- try at USD. Registration for this course will be 3:30 p.m. at the College for Women. Classes Ifill be at 4 p.m. Tuesdays. Registration fee is $10. · "Electronics for science teachers," also a two-u nit cred- it course, will be given by Ed- ward B. Warren, assistant pro- fessor of physics at USD. It is limited to six teacher-stu- l dents. Times of class will be ar- • ranged at registration. Regis- tration will be at 6 p.m. Thurs- , day, February 6, at the Col- lege for Men. Registration fee I is $30 per unit. The fourth in a series of films for science teachers will be shown at 4:30 p.m. January 30 in Room 101 of the College for Men. A coffee at 4 p.m. will precede the showing of "Mod- ern Holography." USO faculty will be present to discuss con- cepts presented in the film. Atomic Energy Commission films on radiation biology are shown every Tuesday evening from 6 to 8 in the audio-visual room of the College for Wom- en .. ·--------• to be translated sufficiently into concrete action." in Crisis" will be given at the University of San Diego be- ginning Wednesday, Febru- ary 19. Lecturer each week will be Carrol mon, execu- tive director o Citizen's In- terracial Committee. the course will cover the whole spectrum of the urban crisis which, he waJned, "is the acceptance or rejection of the black mi- norities and the inclusion of them as full participating citi- . zens." According to Waymon the "crisis of the cities is one that has nothing to do with physical conditions. Money and funds are irrelevent. Numbers are irrelevant. Air and water pollution or other physical conditions are not the ca use of the crisis." "We -will solve our city problem Clnly when we solve our race problem, which is the whole problem in black and white," Waymon empha- sized. "Here in San Diego we have potential for a model city, and, yet, for the moment, it is the Mississ ippi of the West." He is encouraged, however, and added, "San Diego can move in the di- rection of a model city. "The great propT"t!ss in the City of San Diego is the shift- ing of philosophical positions and attitudes to recognize our racism problem. The City of San Diego has made more progress than any other Amer- ican city, although this has yet He said ---- 71t.7°" ,l.. 1 1.M.~- -s/ 6/ University of San Diego Receives Sears Grant _KEARNY 11ESA - Th elmow1ting costs of education. pro- lege !.or Men has recel\·ed an grams, he cited as an exam- unrestr cted educationiil' grantlple, have built in costs that must be bome by the private from the • ear~ • Roeburk instituti"on fr ·t . om Is own .oui-- Foundat10n. , , ces of funds. The S.100 grant , '.i.~ part of l:nreslricted grants, he ad- a $1 million di,tribution of ded, enable private colleges to grants nation • \\lde b, the allocate the funds; according _. . . • , to then· greatest needs, l'ath- foundauon said. L. J. /'.an- er than to a specific progra ville local . repn,srntatn,e o!J USD College_ for Men wr::~ the foundat10n. nnP of two pnva universi- The Rev. John E. Bae t', ties in San Diego 10 partici- pres1de11t of USD College fo1• te. in the grant p ogrnm. The Men, on accepting the grant othrr was the United State~ noted that tmrestricted grants Internationa l'ni ersity. Thlr- such as the one from the ty · two coll ge. and univerni- Sears Roebuck Foundation as• ties in Ca!Jfornia ,;hared in sist privately supported lnstl- grams totaliug . 67,500, Zan- tutions such as the University ville ~am. of ~n DiPgo in m<>eling th ----'- 6 9'. uruver:;.::_:: ;-;: £::r. 1 D~ego Col- Certain scholarship • Dr. Manuel H. Guerra, assist- ant professor of Spa h litera- ture at the University of South- ern California, will present a talk on the contemporary Span- ish theate'r at 8 p.m, Feb. 5 al the Univer ity of San Diego's College for Women theater F ebr. Jar'\ u q ry
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