News Scrapbook 1968-1969
Bishop Helps Draft Letter At C,onference
SAN DIEGO - In modern dipped in a thick solution of armle.s, when a soldier loses spake!, placed over the origi- a weapon or a piece o1 equip- nal mastic and around all ment, he usually has to pay sides of the block of earth. for it This was allowed to harden Were they more lax in i.he for 45 minutes. Jerry teaches h1Story and archeolo- Guth and Chris Harper, re- gy at t.'te University of San corded all steps of the exca- Diego, doesn't .!mow. vation with thei1· cameras. He does .!mow that someone The bottom of the block of !~ft three perfec~y good e.r- earth was cut through and the bllery s.words behmd when the bloc containing the weapons ga1T1~on moved elsewhere· wa.~ gently placed on a hard- wood tray. Two Years Th t" t· For two year,- a USO arche- e E"n ll'e opera ion ological cam. hl"aded by Dr. three and a half hours• Ray Brands·, fonne1 Se11 a • Museum hl'ad, ha~ bel"n ex- Bad Shape cavating an area t the mis- Artt>r drying out the earth sion, to the east of the church. fo1· a week, the archeologist'l Members of the team have carefully separated the dirt come up with com_q, pottery, from the blades. After being and tools. Best of all, they burled for approximately 115 have discovered the remains years, the steel of the blades of an extensive system of was in terrible shape. rooms used for storage, sleep- In !act, 1:hey were so cor- ing, and cooking. roded that it was feared that Student e.rcheologists Rich- they would collapse if lifted, ard Cadler e.nd Michael Fox unless coated with .some bind- dii The Provost of the Univer- sity of San Diego, the Most Rev. Bishop John R. Quinn, was one ol the six co-authors of tht> statement the Roman Catholic Flishop5 issued from their Washington conference Saturday. Bishop Quinn, who return- ed to San Diego Monday WRS one of the committee of s1 bishops selected to draft the document on "Human Li£ in our Day." Jt is the annual pastoral letter from 200 American Bishops. The pastoral, deals with contraception, the draft laws, wars, weapons and the fam- ily of nations among a variet of troP.i('al problems. Bishop Quinn said yeRte1- day: "'l'he pastoral letter set out lo clarify the relalionshil} between the love of life ano the worship of God. There i evidence that many men find difficulty In reconciling their love of life with worship of God "It is a statement which is an overall defPnse of life I deals with influl'nces m tllr- family and in international relationship• which attack life and are inimical to it," he said to arilllerymen for protect,on against caval• ry. Other items found during the two-year "dig" include Chinese pottery, old coins, tools, buttons, and scores of other items. THE RESTORED swords found <;luring e1 he style of the Valley were patterned on that old Roman short sward. They we (. () 0- CONCERNED about the state of being of hi 1s Willie Moore, who hos started a "Proje Concern" for X:di~rst~atCh I;;H USD Trainer's Goal fellow man meter presented to th c institute by the Col. Frank C. Wood :t:oun~a- tion. Device uses light to identify chemical compounds. RESEARCH TOOL - David Sintek, a laboratory assistant at the San Diego Bio-Medical Research Insti- tute, works with new spectrophoto- San Diego, Thursday, November 21, ' Social Security Card Replicas ;!Burned Here Eleven members of the San Diego Young Americans for Freedom burned copies of their Social Security cards yesterday to protest compulsory participa- tion in the program. The demonstration was staged during the noon hour in front o the Social Security Administra- tion office at 3211 Fifth Ave. Gary Lane, 22, a University of San Diego law student residing at 4792 Mt. Gaywas St. and chairman of the group, said the Y AF is opposed to Social Securi- ty because the program is deep in debt, eliminates freedom of choice and returns less money to most beneficiaries than they put into the fund in payroll de- ductions. "We think Social S e cur it y should be voluntary, not com- pulsory," Lane said. "You can get a much better return by in- v e s t i n g the same amount of money in private insurance." Lane noted that burning the cards is not a crime. , He said photostatic copies were burned rather than originals, because o' fees charged by Social Security for card replacem~nt. YOU'RE ,\LL WJ~T. PROF-University of Sa.n Diego tudent ·, paying 10 cents-a-throw, tos bucket. of water yesterday at willing professors in an effort to raise money for a philo. ophical re- treat this weekend at ~acred Heart Convent in El Cajon. At left, the Rev. , cal Dolan splashed; Novembe:r
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