News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Kloppenburg Sees T oreros p B,ggi ByPAULCOUR
Phil Woolpcrt. "We're glad to get over them. They're big and strong, can rebound and shoot and U1e .1uards do a good job "I ~as particularly worried about Re (Ji111) n the ·clos- ing min . II ' the kind of ball pla r !Jo can beat you with his hooting. But, Sher- idan ( Bi 11 J did a good job on him." Reserves Praised Woolpcrt also gave pals on back to reserve forward Jim Wilke iiOd center Dure! Carpent r. Carpenter, the 6-5 opho• more grabbed nine bound~ nd hit on four-of-nine field goals and ooe,.for-one at the free throw line for a total of )]Ille points. Sheridan, ~hooting now with more aban- don than he has all season, potted 13 points to follow Ted Fields, who got 18, in the U D offense. Ri :)< Cabrera had 10. L.A.'s Edge Small The Toreros stayed almost even with the big Diablos on the boards, the Slaters getting only one more rebound for the night, 4 48. Toniglit, they'll take on an- other CCAA club, San Fernan- do Valley State, in the USO gym. Cal W ern takes a flossy 16-6 record into tonight's clash with Cal theran.
ego at Alcala nark. Church, o! Span· ·h colonial design, was built in 1957. The
Ecumenical Forum At USD We
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dents a )lieved first 1101101 s of 3.76 and abO\ e and 13 students iecond honol'6 of 3.51. _Tho.e freshmen eccnmg first honors were: Charles E. Brumfield, Anthon R. Caruso, Donald Cihak An- thony Jungman Phillip L. Keogh and Robert J . Mc- Clure ·ophomores H•re: .John F. Beckman, Ricnaqi J. Davis and Arthur T Dovl . Juniors ,1ere· John Adams and Robert E. Osterme~ er. Semor were Stephen A. Colston. John M. Con1·erset, Stephen A. De ales. Robert L. Miller, Rob-er I , ha fl· iro, and Joseph A. ; cliJicn. • Peter F. Gumina, i. acfuale i;tudent, also recei ·ed iii st honors. Those rece11 lng l!ono1s were fre hmen : .John K. DnwnPy. 111110th: ,T. Ga ner, E, erett P. Harr•. Ja<' H. Kaufman, John P Lo o • ~ki, George J . Rahe, Richar P. ~cb orf, GI • . Sch11• ber , and Gary • umpter 'fhe sophomo1• receivin second bono a Frank D. Heiken Junior were 'i '1P liam E. Bachofner, Richar Duncanson a n d Frank Stachyr. Seniors were John A. Rotstart and Richard A. Scherer.
GRADUATES RETURN - Three graduates of the San Diego College for Women,_from left, M~ritrAn_gleton, Gay Guzinski, and Tica Doyle, recently visited the Alcala Park c~mpus and 1mmed1ately Jotfled n a re- search project being conductt:d by Mother Bernice Farrens, chairman of the Biology Depa . The three students are continuing studies toward a Doctor of Medicine degree.
3 Students Visit at Alcala Park 'I;hree former science stu- dents of the an Diego College for Women, Mis11es Gay Guzin- ski, Marita Angleton, 1111d Tica Doyle, spent their recent semester break in the science lab on the Alcala Park campus. "You can't keep a good scientist away from the tab," said Mother Bernice Farrevs, chairman of the Biology De- partment at the women' college. She warmly welcomed the return of her former stu- dents, all are continu- ing their science research in various graduate schools, since they helped her to carry on some research she is doing in biolog)< in Radiation Chim- eras. Mother- errens began h r .current sBt.udy last summer when she received a National Scien
USD Wins 2 From ebels
San Diego, Cal. UNION (Daily1
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Baker) Garcia, Utc.hero1 Stcond Oomt
USO 010 D-S 11 110 0--4 I , Nevada Southern l I L T,dmm 1s Ond Baker: CrQH, Brozakas (5), un qu st (5), Garcia (7> and Lund. . . 013 001
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