News Scrapbook 1964-1967
SD Faces Aussie Five Here Tonight The Australian basketball team currently touring the United States will be the guests of the University of San Diego Toreros in a game at 8 tonight (Thursday) in the USDgym. · The Aussies are coached by Ken Watson, coach or the Aus- tralian Olympic team in 1956. ,Watson's teams have won seven national titles in Aus- tralia since 1950. The big man for the visitors is former burn star Fred Guy, 6-7, 220-pound center and for ward. Also playing for the visitors will be two veterans of the 1964 Olympic team. They are Lindsey Gaze and Bill Wyatt. Ray Watson. the coach's son, al. o plays for the visitors. Fast Game Seen The game was scheduled t week and is not o!Ttcial r. ihe roreros, but promises to be a fast and exciting game. dm, on i:; $1 for adults and 50 cent~ for students with student body cards. The game 1nterupts a previ- ously long break m the Torer- o ' schedule preceding final exum1nat1 ns The Toreros will continue their current homestand gainst Fresno tale next Monday.January 16, with a preliminary game pit- ting the freshmen against the USD alumni at 6 p.m Fresno dealt the Toreros their first loss of the sea- on at Fre no m early Decem- ber, 71-61, when the Toreros run into foul trouble, collected four technicals and had scor- ing leader Ted Fields tossed ; out of the game m the second half. Having evened their record at 7-7 with last Saturday's win over Loyola, llSD hopes that the home floor advantage will keep them on the winning note. SD has won their last three home !!limes and six of their , st seven. Fields continues to pace the Toreros with a 16.8 average followed by Rick Cabrera with 16. Gus ~lagee and Dure! Carpenter have been the Tor- eros· strong men m the re- bounding department with 92 a'nd 85 grabs respecttvely for the season . Rated Best Game ·•we played our best total ame of the season against t:oyola," said Coach Phil Wool pert "We were consistent r the entire game on both efen~e and offense. I have to take the blame for our incon- sistency, the biggest problem we've had." After the Fresno game, USD will host Pepperdine on Jan- uary 28, Cal State, Los An- geles, on February 3, San Fer- nando Valley Sta t February 4, and Chapman Febrbary 10 before traveling lo Whittier on February 11. USOC gers ollect 10th Win, 65-56 U iver ty f an D I.tile trouble 1n c lOtli ba ketba
Deanery Set To Hear Talk By. Fr. Eagen Rev. I. Brent Eagen of the University of San Diego will speak' and show slides of his trip to Europe at a luncheon meeting of La Jolla Deanery, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, Tuesday, F bruary 14, in St. Brigid's parish hall, Pacific Beach. The luncheon will follow Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament at I 1:30 a.m. in the church. Final arrangements for the Days of Recollection March 14 and 15 at St. C'8rles Priory, Oceanside, will be discussed by Mrs. James Daly, spiritual values chairman, at the meet- ing. Mrs. E. G. Rosenberry, president, will preside. Mrs. John Cochrane, Confra- ternity of Christian Mothers president, has named Mrs. John Marlin as chairman for the day, Reservations may be made by call in!{ Mrs. Wes StephPn son, 488-5617, or Mrs. Wil Jiam Murphy, 488-3638.
Sunday, January 29, 1967
Memorial Facility Dedication Set The Mehren Memorial Biol• ogy Facilities at the Universi- ty of San Diego College for Men will be dedicated at 3 p.m. '.\.'uesday. The cicnce facilities were named for the late Edward J. and ~l'e Mehrcn, who con- tributed nearly $80,0 to the univer ity, a spokesman said. Mehrcn, found c r of the Newman Club, a coll level Catholic ;group, died · 963. Mrs. Mehren died 1965. They lived in La Jolla.
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The five member colleges of the Catholic Colleges of South , ern Caltforma are Loyola nirersity, Immaculate Heart College, Marymount College, lount St Mary's CoUcge, and the University of San Diego. Rev. Peter F. Covas, CSSp, prinicpal of Notre Dame High School, will welcome Ute group The panel moderator , ill be Rev. L Brent Eagen, director of school relations for the University of San Diego. Panel members and their topic s are Sister Joseph Adele, CSJ, d irector of admissions at Mount St. Mary•~ College, "How to Select a College;" Gilbert Swift, director of ad- missions, Immaculate Heart College, "Admission Require- ments:" .\lrs. Irene Kelly, director of fina ncial a id at Marymount Colleg "Fil};in- cial Aids" a nd M J,; L lleur-
Deanery Set To Hear Talk By Fr. Eagen Rev. I. Brent Eagen of the University of San Diego will speak and show slides of his trip to Europe at a luncheon m~eting of La Jolla Deanery, D10cesan Council of Catholic ~omen, Tuesday, February 14, in St. Brigid's parish ha'll Pacific Beach. • The luncheon will follow Benediction of the Most 1 Blessed Sacrament at 11:30 a.m. in the church. Final arrangements for the Days of Recollection March 14 and 15 at St. Charles Priory, Oceanside, will be discussed by .\frs. James Daly, -spiritual values chairman, at the meet Ing. Mrs. E. G. Rosenberry president, will preside. Mrs. John Cochrane, Confra- ternity of C 1ristian Mothers pre ident, has named Mrs John Martin as chairman for he day Reservations may be made Y calling Mrs. Wes Stephen::J on,- 488-5617, or Mrs. WI• . , 11am Murphy, 488-3638.
. •
To Pre icle O ·er Dedication )lost Rev. ands J. Fur~-Y, chancellor of the University of San Diego, will preside at the dedication ceremonies of the Richard and Grace Meh- ren Memorial Biology Facili- ties of the niversity of San Diego, College for Men, Tues- day at 8 p.m. Dr. Curt Spanis, chairman of the biology department and director of the pre-medi- cal program, will open science facilities to the Mehren fam- ily and other honored guests. -:\I embers of the Mehren family wi be present and will be honored at a recep• tion following the ceremon- ies in the •lurray D. Goodrich Faculty Lounge. rembers of the administration. faculty and the1 ~pouse• ·, ill b?. join• ed bv other nored guests includini: ~!rs. . J. Forsyth, president of the Um\ersity of San Diego Women's Aux- iliary. Mrs. Frank Helkenn, president of the Alcala Guild, and Ed Brown, president of the Alumni Association.
eux director o( ad Loyola University, Catholic College."
fhe college represen tatives will be ava ilable aftc the \Jro- gram in classrooms Iv ·rnsiver individual questions on l~ir respective topics and coll~t s.
In App_reciation Pastor's Night at Game
er way at
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Pa tor ' , 1ght Ill the Ball Game ha been ct hy the 1''ac• ulty As oc1at10n of the Univer lty of. n U1c o It will he the h1ghltght oflhe ba kethall i:ame between the USD Ton•n" ;1nd Fresno State ut 8 p.m th1 Monday, ,January 16, rn the S gym
6:45 p.m in the new • tud nt Lounge at the gym. They will be seated in a r erved e on and entertained with re I' h ments during halftime. "We want.. the priests to know m appreciation that they are partners with us 111 the great project of Catholic higher education m the Diocese of San Diego," 1''ather J. Vincent Sullivan, president of the D Faculty A sociation. said.
The theater of San Diego College fg11,}f~.. n will be 1>me the setting for a unique theatrical expertem:e at 8 p.m ~Ye day, February 14, The Inspiration Players, a nationally famous re li,::ious touring repertory company, will present Rostand's classic 1 'Cvrano de Bergerac," the humorous, yet msp1r1ng, tale or the :nan with the long-
WEDDING PLANNED - Mr. and Mrs. William S. Fox, 4594 Normandie Place, La Mesa, announce the engagement of their daughter, Rene Esther, to Daniel A. Wilson, son of Mn and Mrs. Thomas H. Roberts, 5067 Gasconade- Avenue, San iliego. Miss Fox is a graduate of Mount Miguel High School and attended the University ~f San Di~go Co oe for women. Mr. Wil$On was graduated from Umvers1ty High S ', where he served as student body president He is a junior at iversity of San Diego Colle11e for Men, where he is affiliated Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity and serves as its treasurer. The ing is planned tor June 17 in the lm1J1aculata.
e t nose m c111ssic literature. The Inspiration Players per- form their plays without sets. They use a minimum of hand prop. and a maximum effort to costume the show with an eye to color and authenticity. With the play reduced to its ba < es cntials, the beauty rd poetry, the excitement and humor, and the time! s me ages inherent m "Cyrano" stand on their own merit The Inspiration Players is
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