News Scrapbook 1964-1967
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Dr, John Noakes, a ~cienllst in the special training d1vi ion of the Oak Ridge In titute. will direct the session He will be assisted m deliverin!l the lectures by Dr Adrin Dahl. al Colorado State lln1versit)· at f'ort Collins. Colo. lie has hPen senior PhHICIS( at Oak Hidg for several years. Thoma Stone. resparch ass1 tant at the In tllute, will dm·c·t the labor tor> ,es ions. !'rote ors from the College for ~!en alld prof'essors and ~{11dent from the• Collegl' for I~'" •·n will 1,articipate in the c·ourse iother Schmit said Dr. Dahl 1s director of bfology and b1ophys1c·s
ION re ea Tl' '11,jt;,1'1!1$ iM training in
unlil made good
both gifters to send USD mlo a 58-58 dead- lock , 'ick Ba rt!, ex-Hoover IIlgh cager play111g for the Broncos, fouled Ted Fields \\1th 20 active materials to students and faculty members who would not otherwise have the opportunity, according to \1olher Agnes Schmit, chair- man or the chemistry depart ment at the Colle~e for Women Jazz Festival Ge ti Standi~ Professors to Attend l ollege for l\len Bradshaw, l'urt onald Peterson 1 ra~ lor and ,\1rs. F'rom th, oh Dr . chamber quality was the rule as the John• Handy Quintet took over for a technically astonishing session following intermission. The addition of Handy's versatile alto saxo- phone to the haunting beauty of ~1ichael \\'bite' violin and the other instrument of lhe ensemble made even the mo t dormant Jazz devotee take no- ·ce. the follow rQt1.,::o.uv11l Torero C Play Her USD Frosh Cagers Face First Test ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED-Mr. and Ml'!I, Robert Pierce Wer Dull, USNR. He Is the Mn of Mrs. Earl L. Dull of Celina, Ohio, and the late Mr. Dull. Miss West attended Academy of Our Lady of Peace and will be (l'llduated from the University of San Diego College _for Women In May. Ensign Dull is a graduate of the Unlve..,.lty of Notre Dame and I• Htatloned aboard the Duncan. A .July wedding L, planned. Mission Slated In Encinitas .S. ls iUSD Auxiliary Sets fLuncheon Program Paul Darrow of Merrill, s a11, ca e11ric D a 1 r. Vista Dan and Nick . ·1ca. io have recovered from early injuries and have re turned the team to ful strength The opener against' Cal Pol}, Pomona, i the first of 25 games. Freglette cademic day, March 11, in the Islandia 1 Hotel. ynch, Pierce, Fenner and mith will speak on "Women d Money'• at a luncheon meeting of the University of 1·usn A ne\\ ~cadennc rl an nas c Jilk! ence nf 8ooal ~ecur1- oeen appomterl at the Un1,·er- t~ .\dnunistrator sit of ·an 01ego. ( al!Pge for He a s1 ted n d afting a11s \\Pn He is Dr Ste1en E. govnning the retirement~ •S· Schanes 42. He uccced r:e, terns for Ha I a;i. Kansas. oo James I B1rklc\ ,1ho r~su:n- Jersc~ and Oklahoma On the ed because of ill health national le\'el. Scltanes pa • Dr :X:hanes a nath of ticipated m extendin~ t!> • eir ,lerse). received hts Federal Social Security. La bachelors degree cum laude to public emplo~·ees. in 1943 from the State 'reach- Schanes is the !iuthor of er s College in , lontclair, two books plus articles and '.\ew Jersey. He we. awarded reports on governmental sys- the Pre.ident Wh1te Fellow- terns. He belongs to many earned his Ph.D in 1948. professional organizations in- Previous teaching assign- eluding several in the field ments include Rutgers Uni- of public administration. versity, Boston University, He is listed in "Who's Who Se on Hall and USD..<;:ollege in the East." "American Men for )len. of Science," "Who's Who in He bring a 11 ide •range of Education" and "Leaders in admini,t tiYe experience. He American Science.'' ident of \l;ntin E Schanes participated m - .\ctuan an d n litar ervice durin" \\'orld l . lie II a< discuss Ada Smyle . wllJ "Artistry In Make-up--for a Lovel!H, Natural - Looking ' beauty a and give You" Auxlllary Thurs- -· demonstration. There will be a social hour at 11 a.m., with luncheon belni served at noon. . Mrs. 11!),a r 1 R, Keller is luncheon chairman, with Mrs. John R sell co-chairman. Re e ns may be made by Elsa Lanphier, 454 004 lorla Russell 222- 205, o rgaret Whitney, 2 8116. College Stud nts /4 Teach Deaf. Children ch'itdren . The proiect began last year, according to Moira Lee , Col- lege for Women Jumor, when the need for uch teachers wn stressed at a odality meetmg Four girls volunteered, and this year a group has carried on the work. · The girls contact the parent of hard-of-hearing children, often collect the children and bring them to class at the Col lege for Women , conduct the our-long class with a variet~ of techniques. "We need plen ty of visual aid," Miss Le says, "for most of our teach - ing makes use of the organ or sight." A stand-by committee of elpers, who do no teaching ut who collect pictures and llustratitms to help the girls ho do teach, is also an im- o ant part of the project. The children are not com pletely deaf but are hard of hearing, so the volunteers need no special training for their work. "All anyone needs to Join us," Miss Lees says, "1 a big heart, an extra amount of pa hence, and slow speech and clear, but not exaggerate , enunciation." The childrt:J read lips and are "quick to catch the Word of God." Bernie Change ~lind, f o . To Globe~ rott r FIRST DEFEAT Fresno tote Tops USD, 71-61· Special to Thi San DIHo Uniion FRESNO - Fresno State last night came alive in the secon half aod went on to hand the University of San Diego its first defeat of the season, 71-61, in a game that featured four tech• nicals and the benching of one of the visiting t.a The Toreros led at the half,r--._-.._....,,......,.....,."'"-__ 35-32, and were on tCJittiUil Ted Fields was banished by_ an offi- cial with about e ght minutes gone in the second period. Fields was the second high scorer for • the visitors with 11 points. Rick Cabrera was the to individual performer with '1:1 points for the visitors. Jack Kennedy tallied 20, Vince Clemons, 16, and Ron Rt- egel, 12, for the ~inners. The four technicals \\ere called on the Torerors. STATE GFrT U, 'I 0 0 .t 0 9 2 1 20 !Hl S 24 t3 15 71 • Fresno State •
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