News Scrapbook 1964-1967
DOTTt;)) SHORTS: The> rnmitv lwlWl'l'll ic<' ho<'k- y player· and figure:> ska1c:>rs showed up the:> other <' r!nmg at the Mbision Vall<'Y Ice An•na. A hOC"key u,·k sma:hrd 1hrough th(• glass trophy cas<' of th<> :.:p. Figu1 e Skating Club. "Almost as bad," moaned a figure ka ter, "as wha I tlwy do to thi' i<'<'." . . . am<' Gatnl': A marriage li<·Pnsc was issuer! to Rl'ne R. Chamnngn<' ans comr. ll'Otn the Paris-trained hands of 0\111C'r•dwf G orµ:1 llatura.... Classifi<'d ad rrom ulrurbia: "Wuntl'r! Lazy bab sit1C'r with <"ar." m ETTfl,: The visitor at Clayton offi<•rs in I OGO, 1hr Timc-Lifo station, t red t a wall ma11 of the world stm·k with multi-rolorl'd pins. "What in thl' world is thai map •Pl'"""d to say'!" he asl,cd. H1'Jllit'd Brarc: "That's our 1•111pirr, Ur, J.u<•P.'·' • "OTEP, I): .Jan!' Schmaus· of Coronarlo, an avirl bumper stickc1· react,,,·, nrarly hustl'd hr.1· · hc-11 . trainm to rr·1cl 1hc fin<' pl'int on a <'HI' in rron1 or hrr. What it ·aid was "Whal in h··· a1·c• you looking , t ~" .. , Tlwn tlwrl''S tlw ::'l,fo;sion Ilills couple who nearly clrown(•cl h"fon• t 1e <'Ould shut orf llwi r .nutoma1k ice maker. Tlw 1hcrmostal wrnt on the 11ink Instead of d1urning out i<-e <'Ube·, it k<'pl dumping wate1• at 01w-minutc intervals.... Travel agent Russ<'ll Lannan was ummpres ·ed wi1h his r ' n tour of Russia: Poor foo,I and poor accom- modations, "which )Oil havt> to r peel over there," an no frePdom to wander. "We Wf'l'f! neV<'l' out of ~i ht of our se< urit:-,- guard." )IE-'10 FRO. I Ol n ~IAN FRIDAY: Dear!':, M. Jack (111'1' .Johann) Br.sta, an ex-Krnul, phoned from !hr Okona eluh on Univf'rsity, which he now opcr- at<'s. He's new in town. Artrr interrupting himself t pour a beer for a eus1orner (he tends bar from 1 to 9 p.m.), he told me 1hat ht> has one of the best singe, in town - his wifr Paulette. After· 9 o'cloek h<.> himself becomes Jack , the Keys ... The Magic Violins (Mondragon D1 I. on) have done so well al the Kona Kai on Satili·A nights that Manager Bud . Ales.sio has hired them. o Sunday nights at Mister A's. COL .J\L 'IST'S CARO( s:EL: The R<'V. Ken Gra nt's sermon at Ls Mesa United Presbyterian Church \\US delivered in lltP b1•st shO\~ biz fashion. SpPaking on "The UnspP:11,able Thin~s of Faith," he Jost his voice and had to haw• someone stand in for him. . . . Overlooked sol'ial notes: the Saturday night "Se"'er Party" Cal Westem's Universit: LodgP. The occasion °"as to celebratP the install;i.tion of new plumbing in tl1P building. ... Dr. a 1l , 1rs. Howell Wiggins \\ on first 11rize in a WashiDgio • D.C. Crip- pled Childrt'll's Hospital rharity: a .round trip to Istanbul. GREI'~. CRISIS: Consternation spread along Ivan- hoe Avenue after merchants discovered qils driven into three flowering eucalyptus trees. A ,·ontractor was blamed. The La Jolla Town Council was alPrtecl., and gumshoes summoned from the Park & Re- <·reation Dept. "Und ala1m," decided Bill Stud<.>· baker. "The tr<'es art• hi dmg from a disease we call gumosis, probably brought on by a lack of air a d food. It's not a r . Ult of the nails, which appaMtitly were put in mime ago." f{appy en- ding: the city's best tr uilge ns have gone to work on the trees.
PRECIOUS MOMENT - Little. Margarita Capella is shown ,ece1ving first Holy Communion from Ms11r. Donald F. Doxie in the University of San Die11o's Colle&e for Women Chapel. It was an unexpected event for the little girl a she earlier in the month arrived here from her home in Bilbao, Spain. She had been taking instructions there tor torst Holy Communion when she learned she, her mother, sister and brother would be able to join her father here. Her father is a professor at the Colle11e for Women. Far From Home First Communion Received by Two Dressed in long, nun-like white rohes and veils Thai and arganta Capell~ received then' first Holy Communion from sgr. Donald F Doxie October 12 In the chapel of the Umver 1ty of San Diego College for Women. The unusual dress is typical fir t Communion attire for chi! dren in Spam ')'bais, 6. and .fargarita. 8, arrived in the n t d State from Bilbao. ain, 0 o r 4. They were ce ain the) ·ould miss their flr t Commun n d Thai and ar rita are the
Great Chan11e
time of great
"1 h1
10 edu higher eek to
nd challen part1cul rly
chan e CJltion,
Protestant Gives atholics Lecture
education We mu t the constant ta c nf Iran ,tion nd have courage lo maintain what i. good L1kew1se we mu l em- brae nd fo ter the n w. 'Th great challenge for higher educ lion.' Mother lorn continued, 1 io devel- op the per onal relalto hip of teacher and tud nt \\ 1 h will fo er rowth.andfr th" 1othcr :.torri al o an- nounecturn lo the fac1...lty m the history department following two year· as a !ay m1 ·ionai, m Africa She hold a B. and an ~I A. from the San Diego Colle'ge for W.>men. "ince her return from Africa, \!1 s \lonahan has taken grad- uate work in African hi. toi,· at the l:niver ·1ty ofColtfornia at Los ngeles. Dr Albert DeLeon, wh't holds a Ph.D. from the Univer sity of Santo Toma· m • nila I , will be a member of th polit1cal . cience department He h attended graduate school in public adm1mstra 10n at the American niver sity UCLA, and the Universll} of Southern California. He has' just cgmpleled a year's ntern- ship in teachmg h1stoi,· at Beverly Hills Hlgh School un- der a team teachmg program. Exhibited in Spain Sebastian Capella a paint- er and designer who special- izes m portraiture, will join the art department. He has exh1b1led at the Mu:;eum of Fine rts m Valencia, Spain. find m this
children of Mr. and , :'drs Seb~stian capella. Capella, -who came to the Cnited States J6 mopths ago to fulfill con- tracts In watercolor and portraiture in the Fa!J.brook area, ;oined the faculty of thr collegP, fall. He teaches water color and anatomical drawmg in the art depart- ment. Attend School As the family planned to jom Capella in the Unite State , Thais and Margarita were attending the Convent o'f h Sacred Heart in Bilbao wh their mother also had stud The children were prepa to receive their first Communion with their c on the Feast of Our Lad Pilar, October 12..
The t:nivers1ty of San Diego debate tea rn competed recent- ly at San Fernando Valley tale College in the Pacific • outhwe t Collegiate Forensic A sociation's first speech tournament. The team, consist- ing of W Fenlon Srnk and Everett Hari,·, won a superior. ratmg for outstanding dcbat- inl( and was one-.,fseven teams out of 107 awarded undefeated medals. The tournament attracted entries from 48 colleges and universities in the We. t. Among tho ·e repri;sented were use, UCLA, University of Arizona, Loyola, Redlands, and Idaho Tomorrow (Friday) the school will be represented at a tourname11t at San Diego late College. Dunng :\ovember, CJSD will attend tournaments al Loyola, University of Oregon, and the Univer ily o{ California at Santa Barbl\l'll :\ow m its sec- ond year or l'orensic compet, lion, USD competes 1n at! of' the major col e~iate forensic· tournament The debal fil,ilm is coachei:l by Fred nlte , chairman of the · s Department at the Col e for Men.
Men's Col ege Joins In Summer Program
Some 200 guests attended th_e annual banquet of the San Diego-Imperial Valley Chap- ter, Knights of Columbus, at the Hanalei Hotel recently. ~onored were Most Rev. Fran- cis J. Furey, who was the prin- cipal speaker; Stale beputy Francis J . Weiler and Chap- ter President George A. Tasch. Highlight of the event was the presentation to Bishop Furey of a check for $5,000, representing the proceed s from the Knights of Columbus annual barbecue Guests includ~ State Sec- retary Albert Gonsalves, State Treasur.,r Roy Sweeney, Stale Advocate Francis Driscoll State Warden Melvin Lackey: Past State Deputies Lambert J . Ninteman, Fred felletier, and Delor Bombadier. Local officers present in el uded Regional Deputy Mark Fabrizzio, Area Deputies Fritz Binggeli, Frank Krenach, and Gus Kirchhoff, and District D~ ~ties, Conrad Nagengast, W11l1am Smith, and Alonzo Lovell. The Fourth Degree was represented by Dan San- ford, newly a):>pointed Master of t~e Southern Jurisdiction. Albin J . Seifert and Ninteman wer~t:o-chairmen.
eii KPRESENTED -: Rev. I. Brei\! Eagen, director of student acti- 1 at th Unoversrty of San Diego College for Men is presented check by Mrs. John M. Murphy, president of the Uni~ersity of San "Piego \IXilJIQ The cneck represents the first returns from the BW ·• · d f d 11 as, organize by the Auxiliary as a party-less lo cover the Auxiliary's annual contribution to the iletense Loan Scholarship Fund. Mrs. Harold F. Tebbetts, right, was chairman of the recent Homecoming Luncheon sponsored by the Auxiliar,r at the Hana lei Hoterin Missiort Valley. artyT u~ raising co lege's N
ANNUAL BANQUET - Attended by 200 guests, the annual ban uet of the San D1_ego-lmperial Valley Chapter of the Knights of Colum"iius ~as staged m the lianale1 Hotel here recently. In one of the high- lights of the _event, George A. Tasch, chapter president who was toastmaster, 1s shown pres~ntmg to Most Rev. Francis J. Fure a check for $5,000 represenlln, the proceeds of this year's Knights of Columbus barb cu ~. Bishop Furey was the principal speaker.
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