News Scrapbook 1964-1967
SAN DI 00, CALIFOQNIA \louday, o,·. 2, 1964 tf_
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reros Decision PhibPac, 8-53, To Win Cage Crown By CHUCK S.\WYER picked in both the collegiate Invaders came back with nine MCRD had a 57-56 lead with l:niversit~ of San Diego ~on and service divisions. Named to quick points on two baskets hy 3:38 left in its game with South• the champ1o~h1p of the fifth the college squad were Cliff Groves, a bucket and a free ern Utah but Johnny Johnson's annual Holiday Basketball Ashford and Lymond Williams, throw by Ron Batso and two two free throws seconds later Tournament in its first attempt both of USO; Rod Oliver, South- gift shots by Bozman. put the utah club in front, 58- last night by defeating PhibPac, ern Utah; Chris Grant, Colora- This cut the USD edge to 30· 57, and it continued to run up 68-53, at the Cal Western gym- do College; and Lem Lemons, 29 with 3:34 left in the half. The five more points as the Marines nasium. Cal Western. comeback by the Invaders was went scoreless the remainder or Tpe Toreros grabbed a 16- The service all-tourney team featured by some rough play by the game. 15 lead midway in the first ha![ included J4u Fields, Hamilton both teams and also produced a The Marines led by 15-8 in the and never trailed again, leading AFB; Floyd Seabron and Todd technical foul against the early going as Stacey Higgins by as much as 10 points in the Ikard, Point • ugu; and Denny Toreros' bench. ran off nine points in the first 10 first h with their winning Groves and Marion Bozman, Larry Moyer and Ashford minutes. However, Southern roving to be their PhibPac. connected from the field for utah outscored the Devildogs, ge in the game. Ashford scored 17 points USO before the half ended while 24-12, in the second 10 minutes consolation champion- lead USO in the championsh p Bozman got another basket and of the first half for a 32-27 ship, them Utah defeated. battle while Groves paced free throw for PhibPac to give intermission margin. 1~~D. 63-57. In the game for PhibPac with 19. . . the Toreros their 34-32 halftime MCRD fought back for a 47· third ace, Cal Western won The Toreros built a 10-pomt margm. 47 standoff on a basket by Lou -0v int Mugu, 63-50, while lead at 30-20 with 5:39 left in the USO again built a 10-point Lake with 9:41 left in the game Ha n AFB whipped Colora- first half, moving from a 24- lead midway in the second half and took a two-point lead at 49· d-0 College, 75-69, for seventh 19 e~ge ~n two basket b at .53..:t~ a™! the~ rolled to. the 47 on a bucket by Tom Delaney. place Bernie Bickerstaff and one by1 champ1onsh1p without serious Southern Utah then got five All-tournament teams were Dick Verlasky. However, the! difficulty. e.
College Sets New Program A new program at the Uni- versity of San Diego which will allow a college graduate to get his teaching- credential and an M.A. degree while he's actually teaching will be in- augurated this summer, ac- cording to William E. Saless- es, chairman of the Education Department at USD's Col- lege for Men. By attending afternoon classes during the academic year and full-time courses in the summer, a teaching- can didate can participate in a .salaried Internship Program and, at the same time fulfill h is academic requir~ments, Salesses said. The program 1 e a d s to a California Standard Teaching Credential and a Master of Arts In T e a c h i n g ove1· a three-year period. The Cre- dential is awarded at the end Qf the second summer semes- ter and the M.A. at the end of the third. First candidates in the pro- gram will begin teaching in a local school district next •ummer. Th e y wi! 1 be re- c11!re,.., to attend o;;e!'!linars d'.'ring the acacte:n:c •·zrr as well as two more sm'f'mer sessions. Fu rt h e r details O'l the teacher e·"'ucation program may be ob•ai:,ed bv contact- ing SalesseF at the College for Men A•cala Park.
I hird King
Of Co
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• • • Winners Named Speech Contest J mes Molekcnburr, a junior philosophy major at the Coll e for f n, Willi name,! beet Interpretive spenker at the Unlver1tty of an Diego In a conteet held recenUy on the Alcala Park c mpu~. Kntt,Je n Zawor kl nu Bobby Meler of the College tor Worn n were second and •------- - th Ir d re~pectlvely. Other Judges for the event were tin lilts In th second an- nual Orphean conte t were Dr. Robert Benjamin, chair-
straight points for a 52-49 lead before the Marines again rallied for the 56-56 tie. Delaney made the tying basket and also put down a free throw after being f o u I e d on the play for a b7· 56 Marine lead. But it only set the stage for the final Southern Utah outburst. Southern Utah actually won the game with eight seconds to play while nursing a two-point lead. Earl Severance was fouled at the eight-second mark and made both free throws. Rod OJ· iver added two charity shots after the gun for the final mar- gin. SCHOOL RECORD , Tim Cunningham had a fan-1 tastic record of 15 baskets in 21 ! attempts in establishing a new school record for the Western- ers. H 35 points were evenly distributed over the entire game, 17 in the first half and 18 in the second. The old mark was 31 set by Lem Lemons last year. The Westerners never trailed in the contest as they won their seventh game against four de- feats for the year: Cunningham poured in eight points in the first 10 minutes with four buck- ets in as many shots, all from medium to long range. CW had a 17-8 edge in the early going but the Sailors cut it to four, 31· 27, at the intermission. Dick Williams of Mugu col- lected 10 of his 11 points in the first half to keep his club in ' contention. Ho we v er, three straight baskets by Cunningham hiked the Westerners' advan- tage to 43-30 early in. the second half and they were seldom in serious trouble thereafter, STAVE OFF THREAT Muglf did cut the deficit to four points at 44-40 with 10:49 left but two more buckets by Cunningham and one by Lem- ons shot the Westerners into a IO-point margin at 50-40 to stave off the final threat. Colorado College had a 15· 13 edge over Hamilton midway through the first half in the seventh-place game but the Air- men's Jimmy Fields soon took charge with 18 points in the final 10 minutes to put Hamilton ! ahead to stay. Fields ended with 30 points and 74 for his three tourney games. '' ' CHAMPIONSHIP USO (ilt) PHIBPAC (53) Gl'PT GFPT 6 5 3 17 Bozman 3 .e 3 10 22 9 22 53 Halftime score: USO 34, PhlbPac 32. THIRD PLACE C~L WESTE:iciJ~POINT MUGGUF!5;)T tv~~~n 1 1 !~~b~on f "J ! 1 ~ CrOW!!II 3 3 2 9 Mikel O O 2 01 . Cunningham Plawski 6 o 4 12 Micho,ls 1 ij g ? ~~/~ms i l 1 } ~r9~leld gg ? g J~c"r~ b g l i Totals 26 1112 6J J~i~1, 2~ 2 ,1 s# M~s?Jft~f.• score: Cal Western Jt, Point FIFTH PLACE MCRD (57) SOUTHERN UTAH Flvnn G F P T (63) G F p T H lgglns Mr,~~:~rlh t H l: Stepans 3 O 2 6 Petersen " 2 5 1o l : 9~h~~~ce i 1 i t'cfk~is OO 1 o West oo 2 o Johnson gg 1~ Mullen o o 1 o Delaney 3 2 l 8 Total, 23 11 23S7Totals 1, 25 1663 M~~1g1~~ score: Southern Utah J2, SEVENTH PLACE .c~!-,~· COL~Ef~ T H1~JLTON :;ap T Grartf B 2 3 1B Garcia 8 3 1 19 81 MVg~s i i "Bouton -4 o 3 8 Glley 5 1 o 11 ,cuver 1 3 3 GIiiiom 2 2 5 6 erriM1ton -4 5 -4 1~ r=lelds 9 12 2 30 fiJir,~~~g j i i 6 Oouglos l O 4 2 John,ton 4 '1 , lO Totals 28 13 22 69 Totals 27 21 18 75 34 ~alftlme score; Hamllton 38, Colorado I Ashford Kullbero Mf:Ner Williams M(!lerich C~~,~sky F'er"'ee Totals o 2 2 2 Johnson 7 1 -t 15 Mims 2 3 1 7 Batson O O 1 0 Feld , o • s l 1 s 3 a 3 3 19 3 1 3 7 2 O 2 4 1 0 2 2 81~kerstaff 4 2 1 10 Grove! i r : O 2 O 2 26 16 16 68 Doyle Totals
man, Speech department, San Diego State College; Stanley Newcomb, chairman, Speech department, Cal Western; Kathleen Brophy, Dramatics department head at the Col- lege for Women, and Rev, John Cloonan. chairman of the S p e e ch department, USO' College for Men.
! r ar t Mahony Virginia Conway, Lynn Horbetz and Frank Cherry Entrant In the conteBt picked el ctlons from litera- ture and attempted to com- municate their m ea n Ing through v rbal Interpreta- tion. Molek nburr'a subject wu "Vanity."
THE SAN DIEGO UNION 7:;;,~,;.;..---:B r a ch 3-Ga e Montana Trip mhe Umver. ly of San Diego, and rebounds with 56 Center rldm a three-game win streak, Larry Moyer and WilUa"ms head will trn v I to Montana this the list with field goal per- week nd for a brief road centages of .528 and 522 . t h ~lark Yavorsky who has . oa Plul 1 \\ o o I P e r t' s played in only five games he- r re , rccer winner of the cau e an ankle injury is C V. e tern Ila, fay tourney, expected to return and "11i' Jom I e C rroll College at He- the traveling squad. A hford, r tu~day ; :I 111 ropow Williams ~loycr and Yavorsky w1 h garr. , ,_a :i t 1on,ana y,111 be Joined r: the trip by U \ r ity at \Ii .. ula, Jan 4 guards Dick Vena ky and B II d Montana tale Coll 0 e al fcree; forwards Alan Fay and eman, Jan .. 6. Bern IC Bickerstaff and centers Fornard Ch!£ hford and Ken Kullberg and Phil rd Lymand Williams ram 0 d Pr' ce to th holiday's all-tourney (Coll11• GamH Only)
Big Spender
team, pa ·e the Toreros with :\~foid 19 8 and 13.5 paint averages for 1~~~~°:'k'v ht games against college op- T,1,mann po ition. Only points and victo· f~~~tau r1e~ scored against coLege foes v~r,a kv are recognized by the allonal ~. c:e Collegiate Athletic Association. :ti,•,y;~~~ Ashford, a 6-3 junior, leads in, i•;:~~w,k, free throw percentage with .84218!~on!~\~ 1 h 1• P8 , 55 ,, 8 JS 5 20 4 ll B 29 8 21 8 16 6 9 8 5
S:b,~A1 ~gi •
The deposed kin reputedly I one of the riche t men in the world mainly from otl royal- I es paid to him by American oil companies. Saud wa a generou p ndcr dunng his reign and Fai al ob-! jcct d to It. Saud had fie ts or ncrn.:an limousines, rented out entire hotels on his trip broad and often be towed gold watch on airline hos'tesses. Faisal, a reformer, claimed that Saud was too lavi b with udl Arabia's oil income and that the money should be poured mto projects to improve th lot or the nation's six mil- 11 n people. Wins Power Struggle Faisal became the real ruler last February after he defeat Saud in a power struggl Immediat ly, Fai al lmpo ed an austerity program, Gone were •~Jd's fleet of cars-he was p rmitted to keep one-and the a d palace household or 5,000 s , ves, pensioner , prince , courtiers and guard Sourc s close to Faisal say he had pressed !ear that IC Saud remained in power two more years the socialist tide in the rab world would have wept Saudi Arabia. Faisal's toughest problem at home Is to liberalize a nation bound by tradillons and to bring it lnto th modem world. lI has earmarked the equivalent of $180 nulhon for health, edu- caLon and commurucatlons. m, oal i to bu ld 100 new schools every ye r.
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sented gifts to the Christ Child in re-enact- __ e_n_t_o_f_t_h_e_Thr_..;.e..:...e..:...W_i..:...s..:.e..:M..::..:.;en..:.·______ L
of his residence with children from St.
~rey blesses a nativity scene o~n_ th_e_la_wn ___ V_i_n_ce_n_t_tl_e_P_a_u_l_S_ch_oo~I._Th_e_s_tu_d_e_n_ts_.:,p_re-_-=,,,m
Teaching Course Advanced
! during
EVENING TRIBUNE A12 IFAN,dDll!GO, CALIFO~NIA • n ay, Dec. 18, 1964
parttime seminars during the school year. The first of the full time seminars starts next sum-
sat.• Dcc.19,1964 SAN DIEGO, CALll'ORNIA
Graduate men the education depart- mer. University of San Diego wiil students will be_gin_ teaching in a m1;nt of USD's C?lle~e ~or M~n,j Sal1;sses said stale teaching begin a program next summer local school district next fall. said the school district m wh1ch ·certificates w!ll be awarded which will allow them lo ge an They. ill earn state teaching the studems will teach has not successful students at the end of students at 'Cnder the program, edm:a!ion man of
W ittier Whips USD In Overtime Special to The San Diego Union WHITTIER-Cliff Ashford hit a torrid 37 points for University of San Diego here last night but they wern 't enough to prevent· the Toreros from dropping an 88-83 overtime contest to Whittier College's Poets.
the second summer semester,
and masters de- yet been picked.
He said the student-teachers and the M. A. Degree, at the
ear.! start on the teaching pro- grees while teaching.
--~- William E. Salesses. chair- will attend full time seminars end ot the th;rd.
EVENING TRIBUNE B10 SAN DIEGO, CALll'ORNIA • Friday, Dec. 18, 1964 }' 3 Toreros Knocked Out 1 By Injuries team visits Whittier tonight without forward Mark Teismann, guard Mark Yavorsky and reserve forward Alan Fay. Teismann, one of the team's most reliable performers, will be out for five weeks with torn knee ligaments and Yavorsky and Fay have severe ankle sprains. Coach Phil Woolpert said he would start Bernie Bickerstaff at Teismann's spot. Cliff Ash- ford is the other forward, with Larry Moyer at center and Ly- mond Williams and Dick Ver- lasky at guard, Tipoff is al 8. EVENING TRIBUNE Dispatch WHITI'IER - San Diego's basketball University of
USO led through three-fourths of the game, at one time enjoy- ing a margin of 15 points. How- ever, the Poets came back with five players hitting double fig- ures and it took two free throws by Ashford with 16 seconds left to produce the overtime via a 75-75 deadlock. Whittier ,then grabbed a quick lead and held it the entire extra session in outscoring USD, 13- 8. Larry !\toyer and Lymon(! Williams scored 17 and 14 points, respectively, for the Torero cause but Bob J arvella and Joe Barnes each canned 20 for the Poets to pace their highscoring fivesome. The loss was the fourth for USD against two victories. USO (83) WHITTIER !88) GFPT GFPT Ashford 13 11 -' 37 Jenum s .c 5 1, Blck~rstoff 2 1 5 S Jor'velto 7 6 4 20 Moyer 8 1 5 17 Johnston 1 1 1 J Wlllioms S " , l4 Barnes 8 -4 2 20 VerlaskY 3 O .( 6 Welster 6 S 1 17 Ferree O O2 ORoss 6 2 4 14 )5,~ 1 1 ~,i~ g ? Colburn o o 2 o Totals 33 17 27 U Totals 33 21 19 81 Halftime score; USO 35, Whittler 25. Regulation time score: USO 75, Whit- tier 7S
US Quintet Htays Whittier Special to The San DieH Union WHITTIER - The injury- riddled University of San Diego basketball team will tangle with Whittier College tonight on the Poets' floor. Tipoff is set for 8 o'clock. , Coach Phil Woolpert's Toreros· will be playing minus the serv- ices of forward Mark Teis- mann, out for five weeks be- u e of torn knee ligaments, and m3y not be able to use guard ~lark Yavorsky and re- serve forward Alan Fay. Both have bad ankle sprains. Woolpert said he will start Bernie Bickerstaff, the Rio Grande transfer at Teismann 's spot along with leading scorer
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IUSD F hW . ros In
Cliff Ashford.
The University of San Diego Larry Moyer, who tallied 18 freshman. basketball team de- oints and his best season effort feated CALEWO, 76-67, last against Long Beach State, will ni_ght in the USO gym. Ted g~ _at center while Lymond Fields, with 15 points. paced W1ll!ams and Dick Vcrlasky USD which trailed 36-33 at will start at the guards. Ver- halflime. ' ' 1 lasky will replace ailing Yavor- sky.
Most Rev. Chari d , bi ·hop or the • an Die o Cathoh Di c·P. c, 1 pre. entcd . rpri e g1, t, n portrait or himself, g1v n by Univ r ·ity of an Di go . tud nt bodie m recognition of the 28th nnni crsary of hi
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