News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Southern Cross Ent•red A1 Second Closs Mattu of the Po,t Office of
Vol. LIi , No. 1I
Publ ished Weekly By The Diocese of San Diego, California
Thursday, March 17, 1966
San 0 ie90 unde r th• Act of March 3, 1879
$4 Yearly
Plan to Spur Vocations Underway Plans for selling up a fou r. year program for boy inte r- ested in the priesthood are be- ing formulated in connection with the Pre.seminary De pa rt- ment at Un ivers it y H ig h School recently e tablished by '.tost Rev. Franc1sJ. Furey, The director of the new d e- partme nt. ~'at her Pat rick J . O Kceffe, has completed visita lion of all parochial schools i n the city and co unty of Sa n Diego and . tates the new pro- gram has been e nthusiastica l- ly received by teacher·, stu• dent , and parents. With the cooperation of the pasto r , parents club and parish or- gamzation have had the pro- gram explained to them. Father O'Keeffe used as a ba is for talk . both to the children and their parents, the idea that if the boys "th ink, pray and inquire now a nd throughout their high school years , they will come to know of and preserve a vocation to the priesthood. if God so WJII ... It 1s hoped through special cour ·cs to acquaint those in the program with the life of a priest. as a teacher, counselor, d1spen er of the sacraments and the aviour of. ouls. They also ¼ill take the college preparatory course which every student takes at Uni- versity High, Periodic Afternoons of Re- collcctton will be planned throughout the year and the boys will be encouraged to take a more active part in their own parishes, serving .\fa,s and helping their pastors wherever needed. The boys also will take part in all phases of high school activity, academic, athletic. and social. Requests have been made to dioce ·an organizations for grants to help boys who are financially unable to enroll rn this program. Private dona- tions have been received with which a pre-seminary burse ha~ been established. With the . help of the Serra Club, a lay speakers committee will endeavor to acquaint Catho- lics with the dire need for vo- cations to the religious state. Plans are being made to use the Serra Club's films in the Parish Grade Schools and High Schools of Religion. If the response warra nts it, the program will be made avail- able on weekends for boys.
Place in History_ Assured Bishop Buddy Memory to Live As Great Religious Leader ert. nd to the north the new rnc-lropolitan community, Jeal ou or rival until he would hecomr th m1 Ire of the w t Into this pocket. ltkc a pil, 11r1m. cam the ~l u our1 pre- late, rich 111 a Roman tradi, hon and 1n Hom<1n fn nd , youthful a. lhl• pru1rtl', h:tnd ome nnd nob! 1n h aring. To the di' t•rt and the river and the •a he would give chat engc For htrn the faith knew 110 frontter Hts pt cop, te t nd for proof of hts its linked with Garcia Diego, Jo eph Alemany and Eugene O'Connell, founders of the hierarchical church in fornia Yes, we may afely 1ct that the memory of Bt ·hop Buddy "111 lt,·c a a great churchman and a a champion in a chapter of sah at10n his- tory here in California Leaves Imprint Bishop Buddy 111ev1tably leaves an 1mprtnt on the memorie of his contempo- rane Hi b artng was con ub cquent grcatnc ·s. Charles Buddy was all this, and hi name nrrn stands
courage Ult(! hts ,cal Higher ducatwn. cminary training convert cru ade , 1mm1grant olicltudc, ltlcrary ventures all th sc were a •mbled to i,ut the Church of the U10ce c of S.111 Du•go prominently and progrcsslngly outd I lancing mo. t other sec in th n l\\ork of JUr1sd1ct1ons that cover the lfnilrd State Th fir t ht hop or a 1110- ce c I eternally a toundatlon rock to II progre s, a founder of a dynasty lo his ucce ·or 11111! lite prelude and cradle of
c1ou ly noble , hi voice a soft vehicle for the native ktndne of the heart. Tension and compress1011 arc to be expect• ed 1n any administration. There arc many problems to ht• faced, acute deci. ions to be made Often there 1s a mo,c begun on mformatwn un known to the l'ri t1cs o f that action Who kno\\ the ni ht in wre tltng prayer and al• (cotttmued 0,1 page 3)
Memorial Fund Set For Bishop Buddy A Bishop Buddy lemor1al Fund for educational purposes ha s been established In honor of the late '.lost Rev. Charles Fra ncis Buddy, fir t Bishop of the D10ce ·e of San Diego, tost Re, Fran• Cl J . f urcy announced this week. Bishop Furey aid it ¼as decided to e tablish the fund tn re pon e to reque t of many p rsons to do omething in memor, of Bi. hop Buddy, ready ha. been donated, Msgr. Booth said "Most of the par- 1she. have started receiving donations," he added.
AT OBSEQU IES - Religious, civic, military, and busin ess leaders Charles Francis Buddy, first Bishop of San Diego, who died unax- pectedly March 6 in Banning while on a Confirmation tour. Hundreds to overflowing last Friday in a final great tribute lo Most Rev. of the fa itfhul failed to gain admittance in the 1,250-seat cathedral. from the four counties of the dioc ese fi lled St. Joseph's Cathedral
Requiem for Bishop Buddy Gardinal, 21 Bishops, 400 Priests Attend "Yes, we may safely predict that the memory of Bishop Buddy will live as a great churchman and as a champion in a chapter of salvation history here in California." These words epitomized the eulogy delivered by Most Rev. Timothy Manning, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, at the ob• sequies for Most. Re,· Charles ·--------- --- Francis Buddy in St. Joseph's diocese is eternally a founda- Cathedral la t Friday tion rock of its progress, and His Eminence James Fran- the prelude to its subsequent cis Cardinal McIntyre, Arch- greatness," Bishop Ma nn ing bishop of Los Angeles, pre- said sided at the services. Most "Charles Buddy was all Rev. Francis J. Furey, Bishop this, and his name stands of San Diego, offered the Sol- linked with Garcia Diego, emn Pontifical Mass of .Joseph Alema ny and Eugene Requiem. O'Connell, the founding Some 20 bishops and more bis hops ofCaliforn ia. than 400 priests attended the "His episcopate stand s as a obsequies. Hundreds of per- proof of his courage a nd h is sons were unable to find ac- zeal," Bishop Ma nn ing said . comodations in the more tha n " Higher educ a tion , semin- 1250 - seat cathedral. ary tra ini ng, convert c ru sad es, Bishop Buddy died sudden- solicitud e for immigrants and ly in Banning on ~1arch 6. He the li terary ventures of Bishop had arrived the previous a Iler- (continued on page 3) noon in the northern area of ~finisters or the Mass ii (continuedfrom page1) eluded the first three priest ways for one in a uthority the whom Bishop Buddy orda i nec ultimate lonely respon si bility .\lsgr. Kenneth G. Stack, aclir of the final "yes" or "no " p resident of Extension Vo Surely it hurts; s urely human unteers, Chicago, served 1 emoti on s need ventilati on . deacon; Fa th e r Leo L. Davi Times we re when these hu- chaplai n at Card ij n Cent, man contradictions were con- h e r e, was su bdcaco n ; an spicuous like a vapor-trail Msgr. George ~f. Rice, r ect in the clear air a bove. of the ca thed ral, ac ted as is a Msgr. F,;uge ne A. Gilb, s ect soothing healer; a littl e dust ta ry to Cardinal Mcl_ntyr e, w scattered over the swarming maste r of ce remomes to t bees quiets their un rest, and Eminence. Chaplain s to I the dust of the gra ve sil e nces Cardinal included F a th c the unquiet memory. The di- Dan iel J . O'Donoghu e, past vine trust of authority is car- of St. Mary Ma gdalene a ried in earthen vessel s. God J oseph N. Stadler,, pa stur wills it so -, for thus is our St. Charles, Imperial 8ea, faith tested und made strong, Msgr. John F. Purcell, VG, Fcharity flowers and peace was assista nt priest to Idrops fair on the vineyards of Em inence. the Lord. One man in the cen- " Th e fi rst -v·11,rro1>• of te rofthings sistant priest. Msgr. Donald Dox ie was master of cet Soothing Healer But these do di ss ipate - charity of priesthood th e monies at the ~fass. the diocese fu nctions several days. Bishop Furey, who had beei M aposotolic administrator i the di ocese a n d coadjuto bishop with the right of sue cessionsi nceSeptembcr,196: automatically succeeds a during the ne~ Place in History Assured emory O Bishop of San Diego. .
Mission Set At. St. Rita's Father Stephen Gibbons, OSM, and Father Dominic Albino, OS:\1, priests of the Serv1te Order will conduct a two week .\fission at St. Rita 's 5124 Churchward street, start- ing on Sunday, .\larch 20, the Fourth Sunday of Lent. The first week of the l\1 ission will be for women. The second week. ending Palm Sunday, Ap r il 3, will be men's week. Mission services will in- clude daily Masses at 6 and 8:15 a.m. and at 6 p.m. A brief instruction will be given after each :'If ass. Evening devotions consist- ing of se rmo n and Benedic- tio n of the Blessed Sacrament will be conducted at 7:30 p.m. During the women's week a special Mass will be sched- ul ed at 9:30 each morning.
Mrs. Brugman Mass Planned. A Solemn Mass of Requiem will be offered a t noon Friday in the Chapel of th e Immacu- la ta for th repose of the soul of Mrs. Mari e R. Brugman. Officers of the Mass will be he r son, Rev. Leonard J . Brug- man, celebra nt; Ve ry Rev. John Paul Cadde n, archpriest· Rev. F ra ncis J . Rigney, dea'. con; Rev. J ames Ganahl , sub- deacon, and Mr. Donald Kim- ball , ma ste r of ceremonies. Rev. Leo Davis will preach the sermon. Rev. John McDonald SM, will direc t the schola and the <;ongregational s inging. Mrs. Brugman died Feb- ·uarv 25 in Davenport, Iowa.
who died March 6 It will be u cd for scholarships and ft• nanc1al a. 1stanc to. tudents in Catholic schools and pos- sibly for building funds for the. e institutwns Sendina Donaltons "People actually were send• rng in donation to be used for whatever Bishop Buddy would have liked done," Rt. Rev . l\l"gr. James T. Booth. chancel- lor, said "One of Bi hop Buddy's pct proiects wa. educat ion," Msgr Booth sa id, "so it was decided to tart an educational fund" A "surprising amount" al -
Bishop Buddy was the guid ing light in the establishment of the Umversity of San Diego. The university includes the College for Women, College for Men, School of Lal\, and School Theology. Those wishrng to contrib• ute to the B1 hop Buddy , temorial Fund may do so by making checks payable to the Diocese of San Diego and sendmg them to Most Re, . Franci. J. Furey, Bishop of the Diocese of San Diego, or to the Chancery, Alcala Park San Diego 92110.
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Fr. Shipley Slates Talks The diocesan office of the Confraternity of Christian Doc- rinc announced that Rev. Wil- liam Shipley, chairman of the Philosophy Department at the University of San Diego Col- lege for Men , will give four lec- tures on pre-marital sex, mar- riage, and birth control at More Hall, the Law School building of the University of San Diego. All lectures will begin at 7:30 p .m. The schedule of lectures : Thursday, March 25 - "Sex is for Life and for Love." Thursday, March 31 - "Pre- marital Sex." Thursday, April 14 - "Re- sponsible Parenthood vs. Con- traception." Thursday, April 21 - "The Role of Sex in Growth for Love and Growth in Love." These lectures are being of- fered for the CCD teachers in San Diego County and for any other interested persons.
•1s op _
A Great Churchman
Charles Buddy wa s enthroned in th is same sanctuary as the first Bishop of Sa n Diego, he fashion ed his own epitaph. These a r e his very words: "In the mid st of all , our re- joicing this morning there must neither be misgivings nor fa lse notion s about the futu re. One thought stays with me: soone r or later the ring that now encircles thi s finger will encircle nothing but du st and as hes." Epitaph Verified Today this epitaph is veri- fi ed in our eyes. We commend hi s mortal remains to the kind earth;_ we present his memory to be ens hrined in the hearts of those who have known and loved him; that which is sym. bolized by hi s ring to see en- trusted to his successor, for he takes to wife this diocese as a man hi s brother's widow. His soul we commend to God. May he be united to his fellow-laborers and friends who have gone before him in the sign of faith a nd slee p the sleep of peace. To th em, O Lord, and to all those who rest in Christ we pray you to grant a place of refreshment, light and peace.
400 Priests In Attendance (continuedfrom page 1) Buddy p ut the Churc h in the Diocese of San Diego in the forefront of American dio- ceses." The text of Bishop Mann ing's eulogy is pri nted elsewhere on this page. Survivors include Mrs. Dan- iel Redmond, Sr , sister, young- est and only survivi ng member of the immed iate Buddy family and severa l n ieces add nephews. E ntombment was in Cross Ma usole um.
CARDINAL PRESIDES - His Eminence James Francis Cardinal McIn- tyre, Archbishop of Los Angeles, presided at the Solemn Pontifical Ma s of Requiem for Most Rev. Charles Francis Buddy, first Bishop
of San Diego, bffered by Most Rev. Francis J. Furey in St. Joseph's Cathedral last Friday. Some 20 Bishops from throughout the west and south attended, along with more than 400 priests.
Like the proverbial pebble cast into the center of the pool, all the content of it is affect- ed for weal or woe. Th e re is no shelter from its discontent, no diverting from its enduring love. Bishop Buddy was such a man , designed by nature and graced by God , to have been the center of the jurisdiction's movements for now thes e 30 • years. NoMan Justified What he is in th e s ight of God is not ours to j udge. In God's sight no man is justi- fied. The last farthing of our failures must be paid before we can enter into the joy of the Lord. It is for this inter- stice we plead r prayers and sing our requiems. On February 3, 1937, when
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