News Scrapbook 1964-1967

USO Splits At Riverside S~I It Tht San Dltlt Unlon RIVERSIDE -- The Universi ty of San Diego split a ,uouble header here yesterday with the Universit,Y. r California at Riv- erside, w~ the opener 8-3 and then ilropping the nightcap 1 10-7. Tom Thompson hit a three run homer and Dan Wilhelm a two-run blast in a five-run ninth inning to give Torero Dure! Carpenter, who was combed for 10 hits, the victory in the opener. In the nightcap, the h<1Tne club jumped on pit<•hcrs John Briskey, Mark Herrenbruck, Raul Martinez and Chuck

Rutledge for 10 hits, including a solo homer by Bob Barrington. < USO Is now 7-5. Flnt Gomt USO 010 011 00s-t 1J I UC Rlvtnldt 102 000 0~ 10 l Corp,pn r and TuomalnPn · Delong, Voider rngton R), .f no n THE SAN DIEGO UNION ,/Final Tributes Paid jT Bi hop B dy / By JOE STONE _People ·ol the Diocese of San/eternally the foundation stone of J Diego yesterday honored the its progress." l/memory of the lllost Rev./ The young man from M' Charles Fr-.;ncis Buddy in sol- ri said Bishop M . j ISSOU- ' . , annmg "was emn rites of gr<'at beauty in St 1as vouthful as the · ·' J I' · · prames i Cathcd;al. . lo the desert, the rive and. th~ it I ames I• ranc1s Cardinal sea he would give ch 11 McIntyre, archbishop of Los ."His bearing was ~obl~gea~ci Angeles, P:esiding, the Most his_ voice was a soft v~hicle Rev. •Fr~nc1s J. Furey, bishop which bore the kindness of 1i· of San Diego, celebrated 'he Sol- heart . . 15 f 1 c~n Pontifical Mass of Re- "Ile was designed by nature ' quwm. and blessed by God lo h

, ft, ,, hen he admini t1ator. qu1em


th<' center of these ju:~:

Nineteen other bishops from db~en all over the United States at-

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1 ct1ons."


tended Uie Mass. /OFFICIALS IN PEW

is too ~arty ~f~ 1 o~B~ddy s pla~e in history, i~ op Manning, but in to estimate

, Occupying lhe front pews in lhe cathedral were Mrs. Daniel - ~cdmond Sr. of San Diego, a, 1,tcr and only survivor elf Bish-: op Buddy's immediate family ' mem_bers of lwr family othe// relatives and close friends of the family. I Mayor Curran, Ass-emblyman/ E. Richard Barnes, R-San Die- go, and slate Sen. Jack Schradc,. n-S:in _Diego, occupied J the pew 1mmed1atelv in back ot the family. · /i Many repre•cntatives of the • · Jewish and Protestant faiths wei;e among more than 1.000 ~ho crowded the cathedral, Jin- mg the walls. Bishop Buddy, who died Sun- day in Banning at the age of 78 ' was eulogized in a sermon by 1 t~e Most . nev. Timothy Man- nmg, aux1hary bishop o/ Los Angeles. I 'FOUNDATIO~ STO'.\TE' . • ., / Bi hop l\}'anning recalled that

a-2, Col. 7)


Son 011gg U nlan Staff Photo bv Do T tlon huk to the Immaculata Chapel in Alcala Park. Bishop Furey is I acting a proces ion of eminarlan and members of B' hop Buddy' famil). r L'Y

Mass of Requiem for the Most Rev. Chal'lcs Francis B uddy. Behind him is the Rev. Msgr. Kenneth G. Stack.



Bier is c8:rried down steps of St. Joseph's Cath- e~ral following Mas·. The_ body was taken to Holy C1oss Mausoleum where 1t was entombed. Repre-

y Cherie· Bovd

San Diego l,Jnlori Photo&

i h and Pro!· f?nt faiths ~t was 1~hF~b;uary, 1937, in the an, A:;semblym;m.E. Rirh- 1 B~~~Pc~uJdyrafi_,. tthat tthe young l. J l'k Sc!J.rade attended.

Y WILL LIE IN STATE PUBLICLY ishop's Remains Ta To lmmac.ulata Chapel The remain or th Mo I Rev The c 1, p ,1 B dd , foun w, h people who follo11ed Bi hop celehraied. fen women and ch!I- :\lass of Requiem Coram Pon- the Immaculata Chapel 10 Al- dren were pre ent to pay re- tifice will be sung in the Imma- cala Park yesterday. spect to the memory or the culata for the nuns of the dio- The body will It in late pub- man who was their spiritual cesc. Jicly th re until 2 p.m. today lead r for nearly 30 J ears. At n· JO a.m. today the entire wh n It will be taken to t. ------ student body of St ugu ·tine ,J eph's Cath dra' It will he 1n • coo,., New, s,rnco High School w II attend a lem- t e p11bl1 ly untl the final S \Cll \IE'.liTO fhe onal Ma for Bishop Buddy in rtl tom ow m tie c th • \, rmhly ) c trnlay hon- the gymna (um The ma, W\ll d I ored th mrmor> ol (h1· b. concclcbrated by eight ,\u- \lo,t Hr.1. Charle F Ruri- u finian pr, 1'e facu ty, dy, fir I Catholic bishop o[ all of 11hor:1 1 r ora med b) n Di go, in a re olutrnn 81 hop Buddy hich was pa"ed unani- FOR CHILDRE.:", tnOUSI). The rt· olution, lnlrvduccd by · e.mblyman E. R1ch- a nca ly filled oul of B1 hop Buddy wt i be C' rlcs Franc dtn b1 hop of th n Die o Furey m the recitation of t~e At 11 a.m. a Solemn HJgh thohc D1oee , wcr taken to Ro ary.


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. 11s me the peo-

1 pie_ of San Diego, Imperial . Riv- counties, and became their first F bishop in history. ''The fir ~t bishop of a dio- cese,·• said Bishop Manning, "is ers1de and San Bernardino ,

, p dAt R'f .


, I es'

inal Respects et ishop Today 1\ 1 t B 0 ddy in St .Jo,eph ·s Cathe- 1rtal respects to .the O op U ev. Charles Francis Bud~y. dral. rounding bishop of the San Die- The cathedral bell tolled ow- o, Catholic Dioce e. will b! ly a the body or he bt~hop paid today b~ the peopdle 1 ofdt~s armed from the lm:naculata four-county diocese an ea e of the Catholic church from Chapel in Alcala Park. It _"as to over the nation. lie in • state . publicly m th': A cardinal and 20 bishops wiU cathedral until the final ntes be pre,ent in t. Joseph s today. cathedral al 11 a.m. when the The cross bearer and the can- final Solemn Pontifical :\fass of die-bearing acolytes yesterday Requiem is said. were children. altar boys of St. The ceremon,es will end Joseph's. They preceded the about 4·15 p.m. after en- open casket to the mat~ mi•:; tombmenl in Holy Cro s :\lauso- where 11 11as placed on a lilted 'ii s· h Budd" died Sun- catalalque, the body facmg th e eum. 1s op , . day in Banning. congregatwn. • 1 esterdai at 2 p.m. 1.000 In his sermon during _th~· . arochial ·chool children of San :.Ia ·s . the Rt. .Re:• _i\l. gr· . bie O County attended a Sol- Franklin F. Huro_- supe11nten· g :.1· •s o[ Requiem for Bish- dent ol ,,·hOQls Im the diocese, emn ' a, _ _ --- - reminded the children of how Bishop Buddy \'isited school playgrounds during tbe lunch hour and sat and talked them The bbhop·s great~st con- tribution to the Catholic clul-

Fo Bishop (Colttioued from Page a-1) I ~-........l-J., memory he' will live as a great, 1 1 , churchman. ·1 Listening with bowed heads ' 1 were two :Navy captains. and two commanders, chaplains

' who were honor guards at the casket; i:nembers of the Knights ; of Columbus and Knights or St. ,Greiory in full ceremonial uni- ' forms. and the well known and ! the unk own of the area. They heard a minister of th Mass read from the first epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians: ' "Death is swallowed up victor . ;; "Wliere, O death, where is oyour victory. Where, O death, is your .sting." persons came to pay final respects to Bishop Buddy while the body lay in state in the Immaculata Chapel and in St. Joseph's Cathedral during three days be fore entombment, officials of ' Benbough Mortuary said. 1 A mortuary attendant said 200 persons were in line to pa,s the b'er at I a.m., Thursday, in the Immaculata in Alcala Park. A c urch spokesman esti- mated 250,000 persons have at- tended . asses for Bishop Bud- ' dy in the four county diocese. ' Following the rites in the cathedral the body was taken to Hol;v, Cross Mausoleum where it was tombed. More than 12,000

arcl Barnes, R-. an Diego, ' and eo-authored bv o I her member of the ·an Diego ounty delt·gation, aid "Bi hop Buddy has left bt>- hincl a rich legacy "hich ,1 ill b a source or ln,pira- ation and guidance to th e people of S,m Ilic o for 01eeo un,on Photo by C, R. Leorn Francis Buddy, founding bishop of I San Diego Diocese. Solemn Pontifical · Mass will b~ ceebrated trufa-u -------

Proces~ion enters St. Joseph's CathP- dral at childrens' So I em n Mass of Requiem for the Most Rev. Charles

Final Res-pects Set·- For Bishop oday (Continued from a-23) Ms~~-.Donald F Doxie. Rev. Harry A. Clinch. auxtliary V1s1img bishops lo pay final bishop of Monterey-Fresno; the respects are: :\fosl Rev. Merlin J. Guilfolyle. T!Je Most Rev. John Ward, auxiliary bishop of San Fran- aux1hary bishop of Los Angeles; c1sco. the Most Jtcv. Timothy Man- The illost Hev. Richard II. mng, a~1Liary b1~hop of Los Ackerman, bishop of Covington, tngeles_, the_ :\fosl Rev. Floyd Ky.; the Most Rev. Leo c. · Begin, bishop of Oakland; Byrne, apostolic administrator t~e Most Rev. Marion F. Forst, of Wkhita; the Most Rev. Rob- bishop of Dodge City, Kan.; the ert J. Dwyer, bishop of Reno; Most_ Rev. .Joseph P. Dougher- the Most Rev. Hugh A. Donohoe, ty, bishop of Yakima. bishop of Stockton: the .\1.ost The l\1?sl Kev. Francis J. Rev. Leo T. Maher, bishop 'lf ; Gre_en. b1sh of Tuc,on:_ the.Santa Hosa: the Most nc~. Most Ke, Ad '11 .J. Bell. bishop .Joseph .M ;\luellcr. bishop of _of Sacramento, the .\lost Hcv. Smux C1t_y, Iowa: the i\lost Re~ . Thomas C:. 1 1lf auxiliary bish- Alfredo Galindo !llendoia bi h- > op of Seattle; the i\lost Rel' op of Tijuana, and the nt'. Hev Alo) sius J. \ 1llingcr. bishop ol Harold L. Bo\\'en. retired Epis-1 l\lont:rey-Fresno; the Most copal bishop ot Colorado.

dren, .\lsgr. Hurd ·aid. 11 as his Confraternity or Christian Doc- • trine. It is a program by 11h1c11 Catholic children II ho arc un- able to attend parochial schoob may get religious education m the parishes lajor mini ,ll'r, ot I he .\lass today. to be celebrated by the Most He,·. Francis ,J Fure: . now b1shup of San Diego .. 111 t _e presence of Jarics r rnnc1s Cardinal .\lclntyre, archbishop of Lo .\n 6 cle,. will be: , Assistant rrie,t · to Cardi- l nal • lrlntyre. the Rt. Rev. i\f gr. John F. Purce'!. chap- \ lain: to the I cardinal Rev. , Daniel O'Donognue and the - Rev J11 eph '.\. Stadler mas• : tcr of ceremonies to the card!· . nal, the Very Rev. .\!sgr. Eu '. gene Gilb: assistant priest, the · Ht. Rev. Msgr. George , I. Rice. 1 Deacon ol the .\lass. the Rt. Rev. Msgr Kenneth G. Stack; . sub-d on e Rev. f



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