News Scrapbook 1964-1967

i\lY S \. · DIEGO: Om: example of eeumenicalism In San Diego is at Rolando . fethodist Church, whOse ml'mbcrs haw been sharing thl'ir building for more than a ;rl'ar with Temple Emanu-EI. On Friday l'Hnini;-, the l'cunwnieal theme will I)(' carried one step further. The speaker at Rolando, for the ,Jewi

Telephone Firm Empoyees Buy Saving Bond Pacific Tele{JhOM employ- . ees in greater San Diego are t! quietly imwl'V~ in a publoc i;ervice not directly r,elatod to thdr · y rcspoll.'iibility to i provide telephone &el"V· lee. In coastal communities. from Ooeansioo to Poi111t Lo- , ma, tlley are d mon !rating thcir practical by 'buying US Savi:nigs Bonds. Telephone in'ltal~tion, re- ,au- and plant soen-lce center forces s~"Ving Ocea,n ide- l!Jl!d oounted. Pl nt fo m thcrn co~ ~ties ihiave ken a big C1> toward reachi their goal.

In of religion at La Jolla s I Uni • sity of California cam. pus during the winter quar. ter. The course wl11 be taught by Rev. John .\n. gell of St. James-by-I he.Sea Epsicopal Church. and ~ill be held in room 6257 of Build- ing B on the Revelle College campus. Enrollment i open to all UCSD student The class time is scheduled '.1' u e s d a y at 3 p.rn. Reg. Jstrallon and payment of a ·5 fee can be made in nc::t Tuesday's scs 11m. I Psythology of rer •ion is the second of a series f URF- sponsored courses which are planned for the entire sthool ear. Last Fall's offering was a cour~e in world rehgions taught b); Dr. Allan Ander. son of San Piego State's philosophy department The Spring curriculum wlll offer a course in ethics to be taught by Dr, Francis Mar- rolongo and a survey of the Old Testamcnl given by Rab- bi Joel Gopr The l,;niversity Rehgitjus Foundation is currently seek- ing land in the southwest corner of the UC D ca c1- pus to build a religious CE n.1 :;;

earny Mesa Surfers Are Hanging Ten \\eek. The drive the 34-man Black s Sulfmg ,1111 wnclude Saturday. .\ o 1al on beg n the dr,, c I he asso,·1at10n has been m thP le fortunate and to help existence since Ap11l. It ,1as to less fo1 tuna!c and lo help I ot€d tl1e '1110 t p101111si11g build a bcl!er na111c for !he surf club" in [he L~ Jolla ~port and the surfers, accord• Shores contest held this mg I? Jim P~rks, president spring. and K<'arny High School sen- The clothing drive is one 10 ~; of several charily projects We are trymg to help \\ hich the club plans to un- tho:5e ~~}10 need. help," said dertake this year. Another Paz ks: l11ose. children really project is to have a benefit need 1t. We will be collecting dinner in December with pro. can food, usable clothing ceeds going to Muscular Dis- an~ b_Jank~ts." trophy Tlus will _create a better The most promising surfing name ,~or s~rfing and hel~ the club seems to be getting its clubs, said Tom Bnggs, feet wet in charity activity. Kearn llle5a surfers are treasurer and freshman at han~m;: ten ' around boxes USD. of ood and cloth g tins Club members will be e_e~ .a."'M,wJ'll!5'~llect t can 01phans items com bing the I-.earny l\Iesa 01 • Lmda \'1sta, and Serra Mesa lhe s memhr1s of area this


-Son D eao and theologkal units ,hou of pani h Renaissance.

\\' men at Unlver. ity of San Di "'O. Alcala Park 1•ampu contains 1,400 . tudent in four academic





DGrowing-And Planni g of Law has a reco d 297, and 77 attend the "chool ot Th ology. The CathollC' in tit.ition is permeated ,dth a concept that, not only is knowledge important but so is moral, Christian maturity.

Let Marsha Zandi, a senior planning a career in probation work and who i pre ·ident of the women's college tudent body, tell her reasons for attendmg USD. She has found a "cla room advantage" when girls do not compete with bpys. And, she adds, there is a direct advantage for girls who seek positions of lead- ership. Last summer Marsha went to meetings of the Xa- tional Student A, sociation in Wisconsin. There she dis overed, with one exception, all coeducational in- stitutions were represented by men. "I wouldn't be where I am if I were not attending a women's college," Mar. ha aid. Marsha does, however, concede it desirable to have closer contacts between the College for Women, con- ducted by nuns of the Religious Order of the Sacred Heart, and the men's college, a diocesan school. The two colleges do participate jointly in social functions, and a move toward greater cultural and intellectual togetherness was begun this year with a cooperative film festival. One advocate of clo ·er ties is the Rev. I. Brent Eagen, director of school relations at the men's cc • lege and a counselor of potential high school appli- cants in behali of both colleges. Father Eagen sees academic advantages if, say, men students received fine arts instruction at the (Continued on a-16, C-Ol. 1)

·urrirulum. We've up-

upgraded the




H,11, who died last Dec. 12. set the pattern of USD's architec- at the women's college. and Edgar Ulrich. an ar chitect also deceased. who did much to perpetuate 1t. Spanish Renaissance flavor extends from the Col- lege for Women on the west to an Olympic-sized pool and gymna ium on the east, and to dormitories and l"niver,Jly Hi~h School on the south. A remarkable physical, re- +ur The

semblence exists between San Diego's Alcala Park, the cam- .:\fadrid's university city of Al- cala de Henares where San Diego·s namesake, St. Didi- In sum, it represents a lot of building since a ceremonial shoveful of earth wa: turned the Linda Vista hilltop --=-------~ on .\lay l 1949. pu · home of USD. and cas. once studied.


• 1ng,.

lannin near the border

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possibly double again to reach 12 in 1967. :\!er instruction by diocesan priests and ay teachers has taken on a broadened quality by rep- resentative of the Verona, lanst and, most recently, Carmelite orders. USD's School of Law 1s the campus' only coeducationa institution. It i ac ed,'e by state bars of Califofllla and , cw York and · ap- proved by the American Bar A ociation. The school offers a three- year full-lime day program and a four-year part-! me, or evening, school. Both ead to the doctor of laws degr The Rev. Mother Ro alie At the College for

~A:\IGING TE:\f-Kathe Comas, (left), secretary of the Black'sS~rfing Associa- tio~, check~ stock of can goods collected by Tom Briggs, treasurer, and Jim Pai ks, pr~s1dent. The bo3 s are "hanging ten'' (fingers) around boxes of food :nd clothmg dona~ed b:1'.' Kearny l\lesa residents, which in turn will be donated f n an orphanage m T1Jua11a. Tbe drive began Wednesday and 'II ill continue or 1\1 o weeks.

The e students would the same courses as meri- Lans only in their native lan- guage for the first two year . They \>OUld make the trans1- hoo to Engli h upon becoming take


NOTEPAD: R. H. Breen donated $200 to the Univ. of San Diego Auxiliary's horse show, for prizes, and came away with a bigger prize for himself: a new automobile. He had earlier been asked to donate a ne himself, but pleaded that he couldn't afford it • e skin and scuba diver who isn't afraid of s a shark in the eye is Carl Kuchnow, a grad e student at Scrippg Institution of Oceano- graphy. He does that all day long in his laboratory. The sharks are live, but are strapped into position in a shark cage.

THIEF LOOTS ROOMS AT USD Tbeft of $200 rn ash, books and Jewelry fr m student liv- ing quarters at Immaculate Heart Sc.>minar;, Univer~ity of San Diego, 11 as reported ta police. A priest aid someone had ransacked desks and drawe:s 11 • several rooms.

I ,

The third anhual Bishop's Re- ception of the Uni'Versity of San Diego College for Men Alumni Association will be at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 22 in the University Club, ill provide members of the associ- ation and opportunity to meet and honor the Most Rev. l<'ran- cis J. Furey, apostolic adminis- trator of the San Diego Catholic Diocese. Members also will meet members of the college admin- istration and the vice chancellor and secretary of the diocese, the Very Rev. Msgr. Donald F. Doxie, who wB! be guests of the association. The administrators are the Very Rev. John Paul Cadden, president; the Rev. James I. Birkley, academic dean, and the Rev. Leonard J . Brugman, chaplain. Bishop El.Irey is expected to iQformally describe his experi- ences at the closing sessions of the Ecumenical Council in Rome which ended Dec. 8. Faculty members and wives of association members also have been invited to the recep- tion·,-~~--~-------- 1333 Seventh Ave. David E. Cox, president, said the event association



he San llic o Dons, an AAU five, la t night took advantage of free throws to defeat the Univer ity of San Diego Frosh, 5 53 at the loser's court. The Dons hit 11 of 17 charity' to ses compared to a seven for 19 e 'ort by the Novilleros. Joe .Johnson led the winners 11 th 18 points with Billy 2\lorc- land chipping in with 14. Jim Wilke hit 19 and George Ander. on 15 for the Frosh. S.D. DONS \ftp T USD FROSHG(ili T 101'1'\Pffll J O 2 6 Crowford 1 OJ 2 M 0 :8~;b 3 : f 1 / ~~k'e0 " J 1 1f Moytje,Jd 2 0 1 A Al'l'dtr on 7 l 3 15 Gretnwooo o 2 o 2 Cleave 1 o o 2 Mor& and 6 2 2 14 Oail 3 1 1 7 Nowd n 1 0 I 2 Thomp1n:n 1 1 1 3 • Tot<1/1 n 11 12 ss Totals 23 713 SJ , Ha Him, ICOl'e USO 28. s.o. Dons 26.


rr Jou'rl' lool, 11

cliffrrrnt to 1lo, takf'

for somt-lhin

XOTEPA~: The Rev. I. Brent Eagen, director of S(_'hool relations at USD, is a graduate of Loyola, and his rounterpart at Loyola, John Cashin, is the hus- band of a USD graduate. . . ·. The March of Dimes he dquarters 1 ceived back a contribution from Coronado' orman _and ~ally Kroll, five days after it had,P11JPJ~ out sohc1tahons, from Zurich Switzer- Jana . Insuranceman Gene Wright sent Christmas g~eetl s to a policyholder, PFC Daniel B. Gadow, in Viet _Na1:1, and :eceived a reply from the Naval IIo~pital m San Diego, saying "you gt1ys came pretty dose t_o paying off." Gadow has a fractured liver, torn diaphragm, punctured lung and hand grenade- torn knee.

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