News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Cage Pact Is enewed By Woolpert Phil Woolp rt, lhl tic l• bnAk tbaJl lty of
lege For Men ts Cash Grant
IS on vocation. Stoff members w.t/
Sport, editor ock Murphy
$vbst • le or h, unt,r hs return Speaking Of Woolpert, Clay Shy And Assorted Subjects Pi,:kups, p,1tl(•1 all(l puns: P!11J W~olp<'rl, hask,,tball bossman at the Univp1·sity o~ ~a1~ Du•go, rrports ~ha) 15 good c-ollege prospec:ts 11 e1 e among some 'J() Ju11101· and semor high basket- h,ilh•rs who attendNi the rt'<·cnl Unil'ersill· Jligh <;lnrn·. · \\'uolpPrt, Fure.·t Tll"ogooct of Southern California
and .lohnn~ Wooden of UCLA ·t•pplied the blackboard w o r k 1\hile Le>s Angele~ Lakers Rud,· LaRusso and Walt Hazz1-1rd deni- onstrated. "\\'ooden was quite impressed \\.-th the turnout," Woolpe1·t C'om- mcnted. "Ile said he runs two <'lini<·s each summer in the Los Angeles area and 1s lul'k1· to sci' one c·ollege prospe('l. Mo~t of the hoys at our ('link were from San Diego County-ll'hkh proH•s that basketball i.- not a dead i.·- su<' here hy any mean ·."
Yo th ins. Padres' ol rship . .\ L I'll enit~ Cil) I.Jo, of l:l out onto .Jhe !ield I w 1. ne er going to forget the . , • . . a • 0 an Die o Padre, of I 9G.·, HP exutcu 'tha l 11 asn t Cl"en • to a all game las \\"ed- scared aid . c,e. "I'm still da i:ight aud started his excited. but J'nl' getting back lege education lo norn1al ·w en asked what ·te1 en Cilaeser of :144.i tad- be "anted to be, Steve said ium Place is just coming he anted to • o to a high back to earth today after win- c sc 001 ik \ ~~nf the t hPcond award of the ohs and ud · · ener;l ~c1::g~j aure . re e scholarship and be an in ntor g1 ants. Fi1·e hundretl dollars · h 1
Students to Tour ... Alcala Campus i; Two groups or ·students ,.,. w ill visit the campus of the g Uni vei-s1ty o! San Diego this ... Sunday, August 22. ! One group from San Mar• z cos is composed of high S school students from CaU1- "' ollc, Congregational and . "' Methodist churches in the
CA.SH GRA T PRE 'ENTED-Very Re,·, .John Pa.ul Cadden, president of 'be University or San DIP,tO C'oll,•ge tor Men, rlJtht, ls ,.hown acceptln,t a $1,000 check fl om Ralph L. Ullum, art'a ale. mana,ter for thp Gulf Oil Oorporatlon, as Rev. I. Bre1,t Ea,:-en, di· rf't'tor of chool relation, at the colleKt', look,i on at left, The unrestricted cash ,rrant wa• one of ISM ward, l4>tallnK $.i95,6f>O that Gulf will distribute this year to a.• many unlHr Illes and rollege1 undt'r Its Aid-to-Education pro,tram. Institution., ell,:lble for dlre,·t 11:rants ar., tho e which are privately operated and controlled and whJch obtain a major portion of their financial support from non-tax sources.
as ?e~n put in trust at the LS • ahunal Bank until Steve reaches I8. The a,, ard il"as presented in the na111e of the Padres, b,1 _ F_ather I B. Eagen of I he L nn e1·sity 01 San Die 0 0 Father Eagen also pn•• s~nted ·1e1e ,,ith a sc hoot catalogue , ·J 1•. a sitting there an
n of honors at •ntranee and 11cholarshlp ran for the Fall 11eme • ter at USD'11 College for n were announced by Very R v. John Paul d d n pr ent o! the col• 1 gr Hon at entrance are 1twarded to tre hmen tu• d nts entering from gh school with markedly Rupe• rlor record! of achl vement Edwin C lllU, Jr., n 1 5 i;:r duntr of Unlver<y High School, and USD's ppll• cant with th hlghe. t grade point average was warded thl! distinction. H ls the soo of Mr. and M . Edwin llHf of 4034 Park Blvd. Hl11 major nt USD wlU b" pre• med. Scholarship gr a n t are awarded to outstanding stu• df'nts of d monstrated abll• I y vho r..celve tlnancla.l sl6tance to attend the col• ege of their choice. Schol • lu'Shlp recipients are: Arthur T. Doyle, eon o! Mr. am Mrs. Samuel B. Doyle, 3.'l.'U Granada Street, Los Angeles, a graduate of I' ter Noster High School ln Los Angeles. He pl.airs I major In marketing. f chael W. Harmond, son of Comdr. and Mrs. Dolan . Harn\ond, 416 Pomona, ronado, a graduate of unfve ity High SC'hOOI He plan to major In biology 'Mtcha I Humphrey, son of Mr and :\11'!1. Bruce C. Humphrey, 5313 Le-a Street, Sa Diego, a graduate of tfnlv r lty High School and stud n body pr sldent. Hf' pl to major In biology. J Lombardi, on of Mr l jGroup to Hear Professor Talk . Prof,·ssor A. Paul Theil n it:man of the Depart'. m,•rrt of Political Science at the University of San Diego College for Men, will ad- dr!'ss the American Legion of La Jolla Thursday, July l 5 His topic will be "Our American Society: Notes at Raudom." He will tell how a political scientist views C!tnTenl problems such as j uvenile delinquency a nd the r ight to vote. He also will dis cuss the true mean- ing of democracy. Theil, who r esides with hlj; wife, Betty Lou, at 2952 Honors Court, ls a graduate ot Claremont Men's College and the University of Okla- homa. 1.1Jie . also spoke to the ~erican Legion post in El ~ aJon r ecently. The La Jol- la talk will mark 1,000 'per- sons to whom Theil has spoken s ince coming to USO la st Septembe r . RSITY OF DIEGO z n "" 0 .,. ... :c <:: - .,. Cl John F. Kennedy, of La Canada High School pre ~ented by Father I. B. Ea gan. dean or the school or journalism. enned ·, center, an ad a High IS presented a ·p to Univer- School, sit, of , Die~o. Shown with 1nm are William ue , ft. JJrinripal of Marshall High School, chairman of IPA Advis- ory Council, and Father L. 8. Eagan, University · of San Diego. Coffee Set Today For Bazaar Unit \lrs. Paul A. Vesco wa, to be ho te, at a coffee this Style Show Aids Named Chairmen have been se• lected and have been mak- ing preparations for the distribution of tickets to the University of San Diego's College for Men Alcala Guild's sixth annual benefit Luncheon and Fashion Show hed•.•1ed for Saturday, Oc• tober ", in the Palm Room of the U.S. Grant Hotel. Co-chairmen of tickets, Mmes. Dominic DePietri a nd John L. Wilper, have appointed a rea chairmen, includ ing Mmes .. Pa ul A. Vesco, Mission Hills; Wilber Hildreth, Kensington ; Ralph Q. Heintz, Point Loma; Harold Dermo d y, North Shores and La Jolla; wn. per, Clairemont; Michael De Turi. B u r I i n g a m e; Ernest P. Tovani, Serra Mesa, and J er o m e S. Sherry, El Cajon and La Mesa. "Fashion Portraits," theme of the show, will open with a cocktail hour at 11 :30 a. m. followed by luncheon and the showing of the latest in fall and win• ter fashions by John Hogan. The Pauline Gleason en- semble wiU play the back• ground music for the social hour and the style presenta • lion. Mrs. William H. Murphy is chairman of the benefit . THE SAN DIEGO UNION matter. 1 go J aU,"'tt':"t,lJ••.tc'.r~.11 ~TTED SHORTS: Full of the good nei£ D sp11 it, a . new l'<'slauraleur in Pacific B , named his place Casa Al To A each C'11stomcrs wPre M . • nes. mong his the J like an II d ex1':an group who pronou d an we, e eagee to know wha1 ';or . mPan~.... Campaign literature for o , "' candi~?.te lists the finance ehairman as D~e ~o , Goo~E1ch,:._Fie is, too: an onorary ~~g-r~e_f~~m THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, JULY 22, 19' •
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