News Scrapbook 1964-1967
Two USD C Award Degrees To 196 Students Most Rev. Francis :r. Furey, Apostol,c Administrator, traced the source and secret of the "outstanding qualltles of mind and heart peculiar to graduates or schools of the Religious of the Sacred Heart to the "blueprint for learning" provided long ago by the society's foundress. It Is In the decree of Mother Barat's "miniature ecumenical council'' of all the superiors or the society held in Paris in 1820 that we find the basis for tha education which develops the truly Christian woman, wife and mother, Bishop Furey said. Views on Education Enlightened AddrPssing the graduates of the College for Women, University of San Diego, at commencement exercises on May 30, the Bishop said Mother Barat·s views on education were "enlightened, profound and supernatural." And, he added, "you young ladles are the beneficiaries of these views today." His Excellency presided at the exercises and conferred bachelor's ,., d master's degrees in arts and science on 144 graduates. Thirty-four young women were awarded teaching creden tlal certlflcates. Across Marian Way ln Alcala Bowl, the Bishop awo.rded diplomas for bachelor's degrees in arts and science to 52 graduates of the College for Men at exercises on May 28. Ten received teaching credential certificates. Saudi Arabia Prince Graduated Among the graduates was Saudi Arabia's Prince Snttam Al Saud, 23, w'ho received a bachelor of science degree. The prince majored in business administration and minored in economics. The degree he received was the first conferred upon a member of Saudi Arabia's royal family by a school In the Uruted States._ Saud, a Moslem, entered the USD College for Men lasl fall after completing three years of study at Cambridge University in England. I Three persons were awarded honorary Doctor of Laws degrees by Bishop Furey at the exercises. They were Sister Mary WIiiiam, IHM, president or Immaculate Heart College in Los Angeles; Mnj. Gen. Bruno A. Hochmuth, commanding general of the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego, and E . Robert Anderson, administrative assistant to news- paper publisher Jamt>s S. Copley. Sister Mary Willlam gave the commencenlent address, In her talk titled "On Growing Old," the spea str ssed three values which. h sa1d, are summariz¢ n the three words: change, chance nnd 'Choice. "Men who grow old are bent nil their hves on these. Those w'ho merely survive until superannuation overcomes (Continued on Page 3) es
l nt•r•d a, Sacand Cfou Malttr at the Sor, Dle90 under the Act of Morch Vol. LI, No . 22
for Learning moth I'll, he ha,, given or h rs If tu you , you h ve be- come part or h r Lel U!! pul It thi way Mu h ha• happen ,I in th world a In c e 1820 when Mothe U.1r ,t h Id he edu-
tre there I. " famous monument. It I the likeness or a race horse, Man O'War Erected by th people of Louisville to perpetuate the legendary per- formance or thi fine animal. The inscription on the monu- ment rca,I "The Fastest Horse This WorhJ Ever Saw. Arter a n i g h t of what might, euphemi ti ally, be called fun, a group of college stud n"' ch nged th inscrlp• tlon to read. Th e Fast st I w"" TM "" E•tt S••
ishop The world 'llay have be- come fa ster (in more ways than one) since 1820 but l am sure you girls will always keep your se c of va ue .. Th,s Is my wi h my prayer as I congratulate you. your parents other members of your family, the Religious and all the !acuity of the college on this the 12th graduation e Xe r Ci e, May God s ble ing b " th yo<. and all you do dunn a long and happy lifetime'
Bishop Furey Stresses Bluepri,:it for Learning
The blueprint for learning drawn t,y Mother Barat was stressed by Most Rev. Francis J Furey, Apostolic Admmis- n his talk at com• trat'>r, Sunday, The 1965 graduates are the beneficiaries ' of M o the r Barnt's ,iews expressed at a meeting convened by Mother Baral In Paris In 1820, His Excellency said. thought of what I should say to you gradua.tes this afternoon, it occurred to me that at least I should pay tribute to the fact that your charm and beauty are matched only by your intelli- gence and sklll. But then I thou 0 ht tha t perhaps I would b~ called an apostle of the obvious . .. On second thought, I felt that, instead of dwelling on the obvious, I should do bet- ter to speak on the source and secret of your outstand- ing qualities of mind and heart. I think I found them in the following resume of a meeting which Mother Barat convened in Paris in 1820. Miniature Council It ,vas a n1iniature ecu- menical council of all the Superiors of the new society. Tt.s chief schema had to do with a uniform course of studies for the schools of the Religious of the Sacred Heart. Here was the conclusion reached at the council, the 'iecree of the council of 1820: "These studies are to be solld and serious, to fit the pupils to become Intelligent wives and devoted mothers; to give that cultivation of mind, that formation of character, which go to make up a true woman; The text of Bishop talk: Furey's As I O,ll~e for Park
all must be stamped and seal- ed with strong religious prin- ciples and devotion to the
years ago. It was most fit- ting that the centenary of her death wa., observed all
Sacred Heart."
the world during
past week.
there was educational
A few week
ago a very
= J-m,m~r- if
beautiful new •eries of com-
,. were 11nticipated at memorative stamps was is- that co u" c i I meeting 145 sued by Vatican City. The years ago_ Mens sana in cor- occasion was the centenary pore sano -Education must of the birth, 700 years ago, fit one for life-Educate the of Dante Alighieri , It was whole human being, the en- the year 1265. He is the ever- tire person-Character train- lasting glory of his father- ing is essential in true educa- land and one of the world's
ti n-etc.
greatest poets. "Suae gentis imperitura gloria-Populorum dives poeta." It ls fitting that we observe the anniversary of his birth. He sang of Heaven; he wrote .divinely; he had a genius for putting words together. But it is still that we keep the of the death of Mot~ She does not sing o'i Heaven; she occupies it. She cloes not n V!',J"sary Barat. enjoys them in the Beatific Vision, Hers was a genius for this reason, she Is 11ttending the graduation exercises this write of divine things; she putting souls together. For every graduation ever to be held on a campus of her own years ago Dante Alighieri was born to this world and left It a better one. One bun- Sophie Barat died world. Her spirit, her ex- ample, her inspiration, her intercession in Heaven will always make this a better world in which to live. I am sure you have heard it said "The Sisters are al- ways ,;_ couple of steps ahead of you"-no matter what you are trying to say or do. This to this Religious. S e v e n hundred dred years ago Madeleine afternoon. Her Spirit Lives spirit will Her pervade
Profound, Supernatural
It has
Mother Barat's views on edu- cation were "enlightened, pro- found and supernatural"' and that, quite easily and skill- ft\,lly, she communicated these to all her Religious You young ladies are the beneficiaries of these views today. They are truly enlight- natural ideas of what real education is, and must be. Some of ·you may not even you do not profess the Cath- olic Faith. But you have been influenced by devotion never- theless. You have been influ- enced by the Religious of the Sacred Heart, by their obvl- ous qualities of m ind and The beauty of the King's daughter ls from within. Do you know that their "secret is devotion to the Sacred Heart? Hence, the spirit of that devotion per- vades these graduation exer- cises today, and it is the spir- weapon" St. Madeleine Sophie Barat died at the Motherhouse of the society in Paris on Ascen- sion Thursday, 1865, 100 views teachers. ened, profound and super- believe In devotion to the Sacred Heart. There Is no reason why you should if heart. it of Mother Baral.
196 Awarded Degrees by Two Colleges (Continued from Pag-e 1) them are governed by one or all of the antonyms of change, chance and choice: that is, by caution, by drift, and by the closed mind." Sister Mary Wlll[am's address is printed on Pag·e 8. For ..e Durtor of Laws c;('gree, the nun was cited for her <'L\J/tributions to higher education anct the contribu- tion of her re)i!j'ious order to the educational edifice' of the San Diego diocese. Hochmuth and Anderson, a retired Navy captain, were recognized for their civic con- tributions and their disting- uished military careers. The prince and his wife It ft .San Diego by automobile for '.Iew York City where they . ·ill board the liner Ile de F'_rance for a visit with her ,., otl1er in London. The couple , ' er will d r i v e to Saudi ahJa. : ' '11 cir three children were 1" n back to the oil-rich dom enrller last week. country is ruled by the ·e\ brother, King Fnisal. h pr nee saiu he planned to \, o:·k for r rogress among the nation'!-;, .{ht million :·mb- jects upon hi:,; return. As pn,sident and chancellor of the university; Bishop Furey commended the gradu- ates, their faculties and par- ents, thanlied Sister Mary William fo ier address and congratu lated the three re- cipients of honol'nry degrees for their marked contribu- tions to our ociety's welfare, The Bishop's address to the graduates of the women's college is printed on page 1.
(Continued on P
e 3)
Heart Unit Awards search Grants
•wol\lEN'S COLLEGE RITES-One hundred and seventy- seven received degrees and t.eachlng credentials In ceremonies last Sunday at the College for Women. Principals and guests at the rites are, seated left to right, Most Rev. Francis J.
Furey, Apostolic Administrator; Rt. Rev. Msgr. James T. Booth, Chancellor; Rt. Rev. Msgr. George M, Rice, rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral, and Very Rev. John R. Quinn, rector of Immaculate Heart Seminary.
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