News Scrapbook 1964-1967

1 CHAPMAN COLLEGE FALLS · D Wins, 6 I For Victory Ma 'k By JOHNNY McDO:iALD . Senior Lymond Williams paced a quartet of players who hit i double f1gur s la t night as the University o( San Diego out- scrambled haprnan College, 65-61, for a new school victory record. As a USD gym crowd of some A h[ord connected on four, Fay 1 000 cheered the Torcros ·took hit two and Williams closed with the lead with f've minutes left a s ngle charity toss to assure n the fir t half and held on the usn victory. from that point to ,ain their 15th CliAP .,,AN P T uso cm 6 F P T tr1un ph against 11 losses. ~gigP•"• ! ! i 'f;~/g;'J' 6 1111 • d h ld 3' 5 o J l The 15 \\ ms toppe t 0 ~~~•~:'i~n t ; ! ~gr:f,ch , 2 f chool mark of 14 e tab(ishcd ~,~rth.llree O ~::,o;J,.•; , l durm the 1957-58 campaign. f.';;;s,:,c,;g, l ! ,I l~~t~.c,r~u 8 Tl f \V1lllams, one of four players Totah 20 11 21 ,, F~!,ats 22 3 2l 2~ l; closing out Car Ce rs at VSD,, urt~ti'o'sH•ciu,uspH:3PM_~~·~~~sl made his shots count as he bag- G F P T 1111 G F P T k Allon O 1 1 1 Harl 8 3 5 19 g d 15 points. The 5-9 playma er Cobrtro 7 4 l 20 Sotho, 0 0 2 0 t d · f Wlghtmo, I < 3 6 Stewert ? ? , 6 guard conncc e on six o seven Mosklman 3 o • , Frali

I Alcala Guild Sets Hollywood Trip , The Alcala. Guild of the University of Sa.n Diego Gol- lege for Men will sponsor a Hollywood bus tot.r, Wednes- · day, March 17. The' bU!I will leave at 8 a.m. from the ~ml• nn.ry parking lot on the unl- vcr ty c a m p u s, returning home at approximatelY. 9·30 p,m. Included in the ,day's Itin• eraey is a vl.9it t9 Forest wn MJm1orlal Park In Glen- dnl and a 2½-hour guided tour of U n I v e r s a I Movle S,tugj Ou 1.$ will lunch at a Vt!-n AA a.m~ , and have dinner. a Arnold's Fann· houac, n Bwna Park. Retrerv1LUona will c I o s e March They may be by calling Mmes. J o h n L. Wllper, 276-0879, or Frank J. O'Connor, 276-2299. Mrs. Jo- Reph ,.f, Hiel is co-chalnna.n ot the event.

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TALK SLATED-Dr. Andre T. Vince, assistant profe 1'0r of political science at the University or San Diego Col• lege for ))ten, will address members of Father Thoma B. Au tin Council, Knights of Columbus, at a meeting at 8 11,m. Thursday, March 4, at Sl50 :\fe'l:l Road. Dr. Vince will dlsc-u, thl' origin and bat'kground~ or human right In general and how the P right Wt're Jn- terprded by St. T h o m a s Aquinas as th.. Dl\'lne Law fllipf'<'ially In thP Catholic point of ,,1.. w. He al•o will dl,.,.u,,. th,- dilfrrrnt rPa•ons why human rights are not n,,eepted in totalitarian Ide- ology,

o in the USO point parade with 1234 and 1.174 points re- ctive y. Other sem rs pla;1 ing their final game f the Toreros were centers Larry yer, Ken Kull- berg and forwa Mark T'ls- mann. Th was the f fth and final attempt for c ch Phil Wool- ~rt•~ cagers in their bid to reach , ·o. 15. 1'1: s tr1umph end· ed a 1 o s 1 n g treak of f o u r amcs. Chapman w led in coring by Steve S:.mmon and Jo~ Cu- c nella ,,ith 15 and 14 pom ·•, ~e pect1vely l ~h-scmng Larry \11tcb !tree. \\ ho has averaged lj 9 pom for the Pan hers. was eld to n ne markers while 6-6 cen r Joe Knox r eked up nly t'ir e free thr \\ D LE\D T HALF Th scor see-sawed during the r t 15 minutes before the To forged ahead, 18,-17. \\, ak. !ch adding new life to t. •t k mU1 three straight bucket , th Toreros managed to lead at II ha time with a seeming y comfor 1b :\3-21 ad- \'llntab • However Ch a man moved quickly into con enfon in the second half behind the shooting of Simmons and oon trai!ed by only six pou:•s, 3G-30. From that po nt until the conclu 10n, USD's margm wa none too comforta- ble. Although L 'D managed 41-32 and 4~1 bulges. Chapman man- aged to retaliate Cucinella, a boy from Escondido, hit one from the 1de and connected on t o f e throws A follow shot by the same 6-2 ,i.;:nor {ol"',I ard brought the \isi- te'"S to within two points, 58-56, with l ·31 to go. However, Chapman was forced to foul as USO played a control game and free throws gave the home town c rs their cushion.

Worksnop Is Planned At College


Workshop Slated 1 ti workshop !or prospective The administrators are the •1co ege students and their par- R ents will be held at 7:30 p.m. ev. _James I. Birkley, 2W'arch 10 in More Hall at the acadenuc dean of the College for University o! San Diego's Col- Men, and Irvi11g W. Parker, lege for Men in Alcala Park. dean of admissions and The Very Rev. John P. Cad- records. den, president of the college F~culty members also will be ~a~d the purpose of the workshop avatlable to answer questions, 1s to answer questions that our th ~ Very Rev. Mr. Cadden expen nee shows us are most ~d. perplex g to prospective col- .....,,,..,..___ lege U nts."

iA:mong the most perplexing )?roblems facing high school students today are obtaining a good college education, pay• ing for it, and extending in· dtvidual spiritual lll\d moral valU('S in the process, accord- ing to Vr,ry Rev. John Paul Cadden, pr !dent of Univer- s ty of an Diego's College for Men. Students and their parents will have an opportunity to explore these and other prob• lems at 7:30 p.m., March 10, when the College for Men spons<:,rs a College Workshop in More Hall on the Atcala. Park campus, Fathet Cadden Bfld. Open to All Th

He sajd the_ works!: p will in- clude discussions of, atlmission r;Cquirements, financial aids and "the importance o a complete higher education." Following remarks by the Most Rev. Francis J. Furey apostolic administrator of Sa~ Diego,. and two of the college's admirustrators, there will be a question and answer period.






Evening Tribune

February 22, 1965


USD Slates Pre·p Parley A workshop to prepare high school students for college will be conducted by the Universi- ty of San Diego's College for Men at 7:30 p.m. March 10, the Very Rev. John Paul Cad- den, college president, said to- • day.

increasing difficulty in gaining a good college education," Fa- ther Cadden said. . "This workshop is designed to answer the questions that our experience shows us are most perplexing to prospective college students." Speakers will be the Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, apos- tolic administrator of the San Diego Catholic Diocese, the Rev. James I. Birkley, academic dean of the College for Men, and Irving W. Park- er, dean of admissions and records.


All high school students and their parents in the .county have been invited to the work- shop which will be held in More Hall at the College, Fa- ther Cadden said. "One of the great problems facing high school students and their parents today is the

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,D-Mo t ~. Francl J. Furey, nw,r-fram,·d ttlle fron1 th tomb of

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po tolll' dmfnlstrator, left, I~ shown n Diego de Alcala de Henares to ll~~lon San DI go de All'ala. The relic was lass at the tomb or St. Dldacus In Spain last

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, Th~ pn:-:·tou~ llt-m will be di pl y,:d Jn th ml,,lpn museum.

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