News Scrapbook 1964-1967
ig y Fearful, Woo/pert, Too; tage Set for Aztec-USD Tiff By RICK SMITH
The Aztecs entertain Uni- versity of San Diego tonight and Cal Poly of Pomona to- morrow. Varsity games start at 8 with freshmen teams from each school competing in preliminaries at 6 each evening.
Coach George Ziegenfuss' At.tees have an 8-4 record, winning their last five, and lead the CCAA with a 3-0 mark However, they could be 8- 6 come Sunday morning. USD is 10-6 and considerably im- proved over last season, when .it dropped a 70-69 decislon lo State. Cal Poly is 7-3, but has won its last five after playing its fir ·t five without seven men who were scholastically ineh- gible. State split with the Broncos la t year, winning, 86- 75, and losing, 96-68. "It's hard to get up for ·our conforence games and then face teams just a strong out- side your conference," aid Ziegenfuss. "USD will l'Je up for us They're not in a .conferenpe, so this will be a big game. for them We've seen them p~y II couple times, and I'm \ cry impres ed. He (coach 1:,bll Wooipert) has a good team. Woolpert returned the com- pliment, saying. "They've come on real strong the last few weeks. (Larry J Meek is a much better ball player than heo s been. He's .stronger and moving with a lot more au- thority. And so is (Al) Cat- lin.'' Cal Pol,r was 23-6 last sea- son, defeating Fresno_ State or the National Collegiate J\th- letic Association College DIVl- sion regional championship.
town rivals in the lJSD g,\ Ill. 0th 'I' l ' D pla) PJ'S are Lymond Williams (3l anrl Cliff /1. hfoni (4) . Torcros "on. :i3-49. (Storv on Pa 'C a-:l!i). . .
• 1ps
Bishop Fur Honored by USO Afum Most Rev. Francis J. cy, Apos tolic Administrator, was honored at the second a ue.J reception of the Alumni sso- clatfon of University of San Diego' 8 College for Men last Saturday at the University Club. dthPr honored guests were Very Rev. John Paul Cadden College !or Men presl ent ; Rev. Vincent J. W a I t rs, e:ocecuttve a ss I s t an t ; Rev. James I. Blrkley, acad mlc dean; Irving W. Parker, ea.n of admissions; Rev. 'William Phillips, dean of stud nt.s, and Rev. I. Brent Eagen, direc tor of public relatio . O!{!cers of the Alumni Asso- ciation, Which numbers over 100 active members, a re ran- clsco P. Marty, president; Rob- ert Keyes, V1ce president· Wall) Keough, secretary, Robert Baker, and Terrance lain.
In 2 Overtimes
Tliurs., Jan. 28 · 1965 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA BEAT CAL WESTERN I oreros Rally I or 53-49Win1 By CHUCK SAWYER Trai:ing_ by nine points with eight minutes to play, University of an Diego roared back to claim il~ third straight victory of the Sf'ason over Cal Western University, 53-49, before a near-· ca,iacll) crowd of 1,000 tans in the USD gym last night. Pr or lo the Westerners tak- ' - - - mg t 1e1r 9-point bulge. the lead- on seven occasions during that er~h " pf the contest iooked like 1 lime a ~eismograph m a violent/ Substitute guard Mark Yavor-/ eart~1quake. It changed _hands sky came into the game for the 13 times mto the early minutes Tort•ros as they trailed by 45-36 of the second half and was tied and promptly put in five straight points on two baskets •and a free throw to cut the / margin to 45-41 with 7 16 left on the clock. THE SAN DIEGO UNION
Alan Fay hit a pusher from the left corner to bring the Tor- I eros within two points and Ly- mond Williams connected to ,kno_t .it at 45-all with 4; 55 re I l mammg. Tim Cunningham's two free throws gave the Westerners an-/ -other brief lead at 47-45 b11t }'ay got down another two-point- er for USO for another tie at 47-47. F'ay was fouled on the , shot, missed his charity toss, but Cliff Ashford rebounded the shot into the basket for USD to put his club in front to stay at 49-47. The Toreros then got two free ;throws each from Fay and Ash- Iford for a 53-47 edge which was more than enough lo overcome 1 two late gift shots by Cunning- ham. Fay, a surprise starter. shared the game's scoring iead with 14 points. Ashford addedl 12 and Bernie Bickerstaff 11 for lJSD. Center Steve Crowelr con Iributed both a fine offensive ,and defensive game for the Westerners, matching Fay's 14 I i points and knocking down nu- merous would-be USD buckets. The win sends lhe Toreros' season record to 12-7 while Cal Western fell to 12-9. The West- crne!'s play next at Cal Poly of San Luis Ob is po Saturday night while USD's next outing is a home game with UC of Santa Barbara Monday night. , Rich Wasser dribbled the length of the court with two sec- onds left last night to lay up the winning bucket as Cal West- ern won the Freshman game between the two schools, 48-47. USO (53) CAL WESTERN G F P T (49I G F P T Ashford 5 2 l 12 Lemom; A 2 3 10 Mover 1 J 3 S Woodson 5 2 1 12 Williams 1 1 4 3 Crowell 3 8 3 14 Bicker,raff 4 3 " 11 cunnln~h'm 3 7"' 13 For 6 2 2 14' Michaels OO 4 o Yovorskv 2 1 t S Rozutis o o 2 o Price oo 2 o Teismonn l 1 , o Kullbf'rg O O ? O Totals 10 13 19 53 Totals 15 19 11 49 utt'!~.m~ «o e Cal W e s t e rn 26, CAL WESTJ!RN )JSD F ROSH [47) F OSH (4') G F P T G F P. T Keo-, 11ev O • 3 1 Allen , 5 5 Wone1 " o 4 8 Fields 5 3 o 1 Sr'own O O l OWi9htmon O O 4 f lJ ~~b~if,°a" t : l 1! Gr~ 3 J J 9 Mo(.kiman 2 1 2 Totals 19 10 17 48 Ff~fg~ 19 1 ,o 1! -1? ut81fi,~ih Sff.'e -Cal Wesf Prn Frosh 24,
the University of San Diego's College for Men Frank Ponce, Miss Jane Leonard, and Very Bev. John Paul Cadden, president of the College for Men.
to basket. Toreros won in two overtimes, . in Peterson Gym before 2,953 fan,;. Tor~ros, from left, are Larry Moyer, Ken · Kullberg, Bickerstaff, Cliff Ashford and
Lymond Williams. Aztecs, from left, arc Bob Mackey. Al Catlin, Jack Shawcroft, Meek and Jim Bowers. USD now is 11-6 for season. Stat'-' is 8-5.
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