News Scrapbook 1962-1964

11111111111111111111111111II111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 on ey Joins ear At U. San Diego By JEFF STOCKTOW Point Loma Two :r or m er Sch.olastic partments ai-e equally as prngressive.

arsh.ip, Conley said, ''I am very appreclatlve of the SSA· tor affording me this op- portunity. I hope to make the most of it. • Brentwood Bombed By CHRISTOPHER OG.AL Brentwood Andtmv Whittier Christian High beaf Brent Wood, 33-21, yesterday in the Ace1demv League at Brentwood. rr~~~~Chrlstlan . & ,: : t_f, Whittier touchdowns: Hooker 2, Good man 2, Gault. Cc,nversloru. Geult. Field goals: Henderson. Brentwood touchdowns: Corbett, Mor- neeu 2 Con\leoralons Morneau, Flelcf GOllls: Morneau. ---- Marshall Beats Sylmar BY DOUG HALE Marshall MarshaH High won a aquealicer over surprisingly touvh Sylmer vesterdav~ as the Barrister~ fought their way to a 13-0 victory on their home gridiron In non.leegue football plev. Svlmil!lr O O O 0- 0 Marshall O 7 O b--13 Mar5hall 1ouchdown$ Frank, Hug Conversion! Ark n Bishop Bree:i:es, 12-7 BV JOHN Mc.MURTIE B•shOP BISHOP Seot. i9---Bv Kor ng 12 points ~g~e v~rn;a H~~~=rJe,BiN~: .• ~i:h ferdav, 12,7, ln a non•le-,;ue football game. ~=orne (Nev.) 1 ~ Hawthorne touchdowns: Fosshle. Con 1 ¥ g i g::

Fear attended the SSA's journalism senunar at Cal Poly (San LUIS Obispo) Ill 1958 wMle Conley attended the emmar m 1962. Bot.h students are English majors. Conley graduated from Chula Vista Hlgh School last June. At USO, lle is working for the Office of Public Information and the student newspaper. He 1s minoring in philosophy and Spanish and plans to teach high school English atter he Is graduated. Conley will Join the new Intramural basketball program at usn this year. Fear 1s mmormn- in philo- sophy and history at USO. He is editor of the student newspaper and a member Of Phi Delta Chi Fraternity, a colony or Phi Kappa Theta National Fraternity. Fear plans to attend law school in Los Angeles when lle Is graduated In June, 1963. Commenting on his schol•

Sports Assoc1at1on reporters are currently attending the umvers1t of Sa'l Diego Col lege for Men on full tuition scholarships awarded through the Los Angeles Examiner-Herald's Scholas- tic Sports Association. Paul con le y, freshman, and Ralph Fear, senior. re- ported sports for the SSA from their respective home- towns ot Chula Vista and Lone Pine, Callf. Conley was awarded his four-year scholarship last June. Fear received his in 1959. Conley was personally welcomed to the beautiful campus overlooking Mission Valley last week by Father Paul Cadden, USO presi- dent. The University Is makmg rapid strides toward, be- coming the "Notre Dame of th!' West." USD's was the first law school In the san Diego area and Its other de-

WELCOME! U. San Diego president Fr. Paul Cadden greets SSA winner

Pa;.il Conley es SSA Advi$0ry Counctt member Don Cl11rhon, CIF, watches.



Conley is USO frosh,

11r is e senior

Almond, SheJtev.

Pro~r,un T oreros to Begin Basketball l'ractlce for the 19 2·63 Inter

Woolpert Sets USD Cog Preview For Booster Gro The University of San D1- one of the top performer. m ego Booster• Club will get a drills and co;1Jd drvel 1;110 sneak previ<'W of the Torero the Toreros best scon;1~ basketball t ea m tomorrow threat. The fo1"T;:er all-~lt) ni~ht at a special clinic In orward from McN1chols Hlgr the new gymnasium on cam- of <:i_nci~nati ha_s shown a lot . of dnve m practwr. ,P~~~w coach Phil Woolpert Another /i~e newcomer is will have his athletes perform L mond \\ 1!1Jams, a 5-9, 160- at 6 15 A dinner will follow pound guard from San Jose with S~otty McDonald, one- 01ty College. While at San time teammate of Woolpert's Jo ·e Williams was second a" d ex-Loyola University team all Coast Conference. c ach as the speaker. Looking well in the .early 0 The· Toreros won't open drills are returnees Russ their season until Dec. 1 Cravens, Jerry Halsey, Tony against the alumni. Caputo, Dick Madsen and Meanwhile. Mark Teisman, Larry Moyer. Woolpert plans a 6-foot-4 trapsfer from Mar- to mo\·e Rabey and Caputo quette University. ha~ been from forw11rd to_~g_u_a_r_d_. - - ~


lie late basketb 11 s



l ,. tor th UIUvel'l!lly

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athl Uc pro ram under

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Die o 118 th Torero h

h ad coach Phil Woolpert. F Ive I tterm n retu, n to !orrn the nucl u of th!., ca.son' cng aqund, Led by 111st y r'II high s or r, Ru H C v ns, "ho tallied 26/1 polnte In 20 nmea tor a 13.3 v r g , the Tor roa alno will have reiumln for- \llrd Tony Caputo ( •2, 180), forwnrd Dick .Mad en (6•2, 1 0), 'enter Larry foyer 18-6, 20-0), forw r

the newly built CSD gym- nasium on the Alcala Park campus. 1'"r hman candl

Wical 16-4, 201), and for• wnrel Jerry H I y (6•5, 205). Cmv Ill!, at 6-3, 180, Cap- uto and ,vtc·,l nre a nlor11.. whll 1:1 ls y Is a junior and llfoycr Is a 11ophomore. Newcomers to the Tot ro camp are Wnlt Casey, a guard, 6•0, 1711: forward Mike Jnrkson, n 6-6, 21 II-pound tran t r from Los Angel ll Valley Junior College; r n• t r Bill Jones , :6·6, 170 pour,dR, a trnn~ter from Gr smont CoJJege; and Ly- mond Wll Rmll, a 15-9 guard prospect San Jose City College. Ken Kullberg, a non•let• terlng holdover from s a.eon, i.,, al o on the pre• s a.son roster. Woolpert, returning to the coJJcglate ranks after a brief Rtlnt a.s head man with the Snn Francisco Salnta or the protea lonnl AmerI n Bil.II• ketball League, wlll bring a record of two National Col• leglale Athletlc Association championships to the Uni• verRlty of San Diego. The new Torero mentor made the~e two marks whlle at the University of San Francl!lco during the 1954•55

dcr Coach John also w!ll open slonll the snme day,


Cunningham n In e eligibles vying for postlions with more e,cpecter Monday, Pr spects Include Paul Con• Icy, 6·0 forward from Chula Vlata High; Joe Flax a 6-2 guard from Napa. High hool; Bob Gannon, a 6·2 forward from Servile High In Costa Mesa; Matt Male- rich; a 6,-3 forward from Bishop O'Dowd High In Hay- ward; Richard Nance; a li·ll guard from St. John Vianny High In Lo~ Angeles; Phil Price, a 6·6 center from San Diego High; Joe Snares, a 6-:1 center from Point Loma. High and Dick Verlaski and Mark Yavorsky, both 5-11 guards from St. Augustine High, The Torero varsity will play a. 26-game schedule, be- ginning December l against the USD Alumni. The frosh will open a 20• game schedule the eme night against General Dyna- mlca•Astronautlcs. 11-tl

GROOMING FOK COMING SEASON-University of San Diego ba~ketball aspirants go through conditioning drills this week In preparation for the coming cage ~ea,,on. l!'rosh team candidate Joe Flax leads the park up the i.talrs of USO Stadium. The Toreros, under Hea

4 'a1111n1s ~linsfrel 'Mirthquake' Due To Open Tonight M1rthquake, • which may very likely become a tradition at the Umvera1ty of San Diego College for Men, will open at 8:30 tonight (Thumday) on the More HaJJ stage on the Alcala Park campus. The Americana-type min• -------- revised, r amped, re,italized edillon of "Minstl'l)l

• • •

• • •

E~Terythiog New Basketball Drills Started by Toreros A new coach, a new gymnasium, and a new athletic outlook greeted candidates for the 1962-63 University of San Diego basketbaJJ team Monday with the opening practice session. Coach Phil Woolpert, a two-time college basketball coach of the year while at the Uni- ~------------ versity of San Francisco, mont ·College and out~tand• takes over the Toreros' cage ing high jumper while in fortunes as USO concen- high school, and Lymond trates on building a sound Williams, ju n i or transfer basketball program under trom San Jose City College Woolpert's guidance. and a 11- Coast Conference The Toreros will be using first team pick last year. the newly constructed gym- Tune for Alumni naslum for the first time The Toreros will open their with all home games sched- 1962-63 season December 1 uled to be played there. against the USD alumni. Since the university dro • While Woolpert has a great ped football last year after Interest .In having the Toreros six years of competition, the become a. member of the Toreros are concentrating on West Coast Athletic Con- basketball as their main ath• ference which includes San letic endeavor. Jose State, Santa Clara, USF, Six Return St. Mary's, Pepperdine, Uni- Returning for another sea• versity of Pacific and Loyola, son with the Toreros are sen- his main interest this season 10rs Russ Cravens, Tony is to concentrate on teaching Caputo, Dick Madsen and his system of play. Charlie Wical; junior Jerry Defensive Game Halsey, and sophomore Larry "We will concentrate on ' Moyer. playing a strong defensive Cravens was the top point game," said Woolpert, who Is getter last season with a generally ·regarded as one of 13.3 average and also led in the outstanding exponents of rebounds ,vith 172. defensive basketball. The Toreros were 6-20 last The Toreros will ply their season. abilities against such teams Top newcomers f o r the as Whittier, Loyola, S a n USO varsity Include 6-6 for• Diego S tat e, Pepperdine, ward Mike Jackson, a sopho• Orange State. Cal Aggies, more transfer from Los An- Nevada, Cal Poly, Pomona, geles Valley Junior College; San Diego Marines, Cal West• 6-6 center Bill Jones, a soph- ern, and Weber CoJJege of omore transfer from Gross- Utah. Cctober 15 Jasak Gets Role In 'Mirthquake' <:emor Bob Jasak will take over the role of Ute inter- locut~r-the gentleman who keeps the show moving- during the University of San Diego Masquers presentation, "Minstrel Mirthquake II," lo be ~tagcd October 25, 26, and 27 on the

iCollege Will Present · 'Stage Door' Nov. 16, 18 ; "Stagr Door," a three-act Grant Richardson, Donald Mc• , play by Edna J.'erber and C!intock, Edward W i c k e r- 1 George S. Kaufman, will be sham, Marsha- Adkins, Joyce presented at 8:15 p.m.• ·ov. 16 Murray, Pamela Alesch, Rich· and 18 in the theater of the ard Styvaert, Gerald Miranda, University of San Diego Col- Jack Limber. lege for \\"omen. Also Eileen Farrell, Jo Anne The play. to he directed by Morrison, Georgia Butcher, B. R. VanVleck, ran on Broad- Jeremie Owen, Dick Gray, way and was later made into Joe Gillon, Marianne Cusenza, a mot on picture. It deals \\ith Betty Schiappa, Diane Alanis, the lives of 19 aspiring young Kay Lundy, William Wilster- actresscs man. Terry Kettenhoffen. Performers will inclurle Bev- Also Kathleen Zaworski, erlee Cendali. Ray B u r g, Barbara Ellis, Christine Cam-

~trel show, au original pro• duction by the USD Masquer Society moderator, Rev. Leo Lanphier, will be complete with tambourines, castanets, bra,sy band, and Mr. Tambo and (r. Bones, along ~ith the ine,·ltable Mr Interlocutor. The production will run through Saturday n ght. The original "Mirthquake'' fir appeared on the USD stage five years ago. Thi.1! is the fir~t reappearance since that time. Seniors Jim DeSantis (Mr. Tambo), H a n k Acquarelll <. Ir. Bones l, Herb Sullivan C\fr. Snowball), :Mike Mc• Devttt lllfr. Rastus) and Bob Jasak (.Mr Interlocutor) \\ill have the lead roles. Two former 1tude11t8', John Bowman and Bill Bourque, will make guest appearances. Bowman, an English instruc- tor at St. Augu tine High School, will recreate the role of Shufflin' Sam from Ala• bam' tonight and tomorrow while Bourque an in tl'Uctor at Cathedral High. will take over the part Saturday night. Frank Ponce I assistant director, and John McGee Is production manager October 25

Jesters Set For Staging Of Comedy University High School will p r e s en t the new three-act comedy, "Operation Touch- down," by Rev. Leo F. Lan- phier. at 8 p.m. November 2 and 3 at Sherwood Hall in La Jolla. The play features a. cast of 18 Jesters. "Operation Touchdown·• is a bright comedy of life in a Ca.tholic military school. Be- sides humor in abundance, it has some s c e n e s or high drama. Lead roles are played by Paul Harrington, Bill Tincup, Bill Hall, and Hank Steffes. other cadet roles are played by Tony Condon, Bill Logan, Tim Flanigan, Chris Hwnes, Bob Naumann, Joe Arnett, Mike Simpson, and Bruce Frye. Pete Daly plays the role ot the academy football coach, with Howard M o ore, :Mike Samuels, and Richard Galli- gan taking the part of facul- ty membem. Gaylord Sisson does the comedy role of the school handyman, and Ralph Giblon plays a sports an• nouncer. Howard Moore ls produc- tion mannger and John Ready is stage manager. Father Lanphier is direct- ing the play while Re,·. Char- les Cheslow is handling the business details, a,,sisted by John Downs. October 25

October 10


USO Cagers Stress Defense in ~'~~!.~ 5 ., ... ""'" The hopes for a auccessfulhouw etrong a defense the will rest on basketba.ll season within the next few weeks. I t Toreros can mu st er d gave up an average of 71 po n 8 Last year' cage squa t 11 coring 117 p~,e~r~c:::on::_t::_:e:::•..:_·________ per game wb e wllt be playing approx!• mat ly the eame achedule. The only dirterence is that th y will be under the ".'11~• portant to Woolpert? Saye Phil, "Offense easily motivated 10

. us, Francesca Halligan, Don- na Brower, Mary Williams, Kathy Steves S ·]via Malanga, Virginia Conway and Millie Sturz! cctober 2 luso Frosh Cagers Slate 18 Games Coach John Cunningham's University of San Diego frosh basketball team will play an 18-game schedule this season, most o! them preliminaries to the varsity contests. Eleven candidates are go• Ing through their paces dur- ing practice sessiona at USD gymnasium. Top candidate after one week of practice ls center Joe Soares, who was a stand• out performer at Point Loma High School, gaining Western League player of the year honors last season. Soares, at 6-5, has looked good In both the shooting al!d reboundJng departments. Other cagers showing pro• mise Include Matt Malerlch, a 6·3 forward from Bishop O'· Dowd High or Hayward, Calif.; Paul Conley, all-Metro League guard from Chula Vista High; Dick Verlasky and Mark Yavorsky or St. Augustine High, both guards, and Phil Price, 6-6 center of San Diego High, October 25

Torero Nine Loses, 11-8 University of San Diego's baseball team, playing under the colors ot Westgate Tuna. in the American Winter Base- ball League, dropped its first game of the season last Sun- day to Ryan Aeronautical by an 11-8 margin. Coach Mike }farrow's nine are 1-1 for the season, having won from Astronautics the previous week. Three returnees .from last eeason's aqua d have been 1harlng mound d u t i e s for Morrow. They are Pat Barry, Mike Heminger, and Tom i,oddard. Goddard proved to be the most ertectlve Sunda.y, work- Ing the last three Innings and limiting Ryan to one run of.f one hit. Other team members in- clude first baseman Roger Stutnebea.n, llhortstop Ron Cady, third baa em a. n Bill Clucas, ca.tcher Fran Vogel, and outfielders Bill O'Connell, Tom Ferrara, and Ed Guit- errez.


the players wUl naturally work a.t It. Defense, while equally Important, ls less rewarding on the surface and conse,; quently Is harder to learn. ,voolpert spend• around 40 per cent or the practice 11e•• e1ons on offense and the rea t on defense. Commenting on his team's progrca• thus far, Woolpert commented this week "We need a lot of work before we can put a team on the floor. Some of the boys are looking good alrea.dy and could bulld Into a represen• tatlve squad." -

ance of one of the nn.t1ott s fine t defensive coaches 1n Phil Woolpert, USD's new nth! Uc director and basket• ball coach. Wnolpert, a graduate or Lo ola Unlveralty ot Los A;gel s and former coach <>t th Unlve111lty of San 1, nclsco, waa twice nai:~ college coach of the Y while at us~•. ·ome ot the top clefenalve play r n pru!esHlonal bask• etbnll w re tutored by Wool• rt lnclu

October 25

More Hall stage on campus. Re\'. Leo F. Lanphier, Mas- que1·s' moderator, wrote the original v er s i on of Mirth- quake which is based on an old-time minstrel show. The first presentation was in 1958 under Father Lanphier's di- rection. Other lead r o l e s include Mr. Tam b o, Jim Desantis; Mr. Bones, Hank Acquarelli; Snow b a 11, Herb Sullivan;


,vashington Brown,


Mike McDev!tt.

Gentlemen o f th e chorus include Roger Mehlbrech, Mel Kemme, Pat Smith, Frank Ponce, Gary Morgan (solo- ist), Jose Cachuela, Noel Hall, Mike Hughes, John Kel• ly, Joe Collina, and Tony Moynian.

October 23

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