News Scrapbook 1962-1964

lbt :ian tJlit!lO Inion LEISURE THE ARTS





TELEPHONE 234-7111


Highlights of the month's fare in art, music and drama- the time, places and playbills.







• n Gretel is presented by ona O era Guild at 11 a.m. and ood Hall. • Actors' Quarter ohildren's theater opens The Princess and the Swineherd at 2 and 4 p.m. • The Public Library begins a new series of story hours for 9 to 12· year-olds at 2:30 p.m. • University of California, San Diego, presents lutenist Suzanne Bloch at 8:30 p.m. i11 Sher- wood Hall. l p.m in She

• Charles Boyd stars in the comedy, Third Best Sport at the Old Globe at 8:30 nightly, except Monday, through' April 26. • Coro- nado Playhouse con- tinues Come Blow Your Horn at 8:30 p.m.

• SanJ).i~o ate's Readers Theater e ell!s.:.Tamar' t 8:30 p.m. and again Aprll 4~ ..Mission Playhouse presents a concert at 8:30 p.m. A second concert will be given April 4. • Southwest- ern College ends Its children's art show. • Astro Players continue The Curious Savage at 8:30 p.m. other per- formances will be given April 4, 8, 10 and 11.

• Gr

mon! College opens The little Fo es al 8:15 p.m. with added perform• ances April 2, 3 and 4. • Art shows opening include the work of Samuel Karzen at the Art Center in La Jolla, Janet Adams at La Jolla Art Association, Dorothy Johnson at Southwestern Gal• lery and Betty B. Schabacker at The Athenaeum. • The Smothers Broth coma to the Russ at 8 .m. • The I eday Greater San Diego Sci• &nee fair, 1 ed by The San Diego ing Tribune in coopera• lion with education, industry and busi- ness, opens in Balboa Park's Federal a11ards ceremony. Fair continues from 8 to 10 p.m. today, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. April 9 and 10, 9.a.m. to 5 p.m. April 11 and noon to 5p.m. A ril 12. ______ lin a·,C Ell Building with an invitational 7 p.m.

S n Dieio Allied Craftsmen t the Fine Arts Gallery. J fer on Callery opens a show of ans art. • Violinist Henri Temianka gives a lecture-performance on The Romanticists at 8 p.m. in Pa- cific Beach J mar High. • San Diego State's David Loomis, Dr. Merle Hogg, Or. David Ward-Steinman and Dr. Edith Savage give a faculty recital at 8:15 p.m. mthe Music Auditorium. w op Peter

aiiJ)iego StJ epresents Arthur Mil- from The Bridge at 8:30 p.m.and again April lOand 11. • Pianist Selma Epstein performs at 8p.m. in San Diego State's Campus laboratory School Auditorium. • Flea Market West and Flea Markel Atelier present their 2nd Annual National Small Paintings Show, ...,. ___________ ler's A V: through April 30.

• Meuo-soprano Beverly Wolff and ba s-l!aritone Peter Harrower are guests of the San Diego Symphony in program at 8:30 p.m. in the Russ. • Nat King Cole comes to Circle Arts Theater for an eight-show engagement · with shows at 8:30 nightly through April 12 with added matinees at 2:30 p.m. April 11 and I2.

• Universit of San Diego features works of artists Wiffiam Knerr and Charles Rucker in a two-man show in the campus librafY, through Ai!!:l!JQ,__ • Children s art fills the Corriaor Gal• lery of the Public Library during April. in a show sponsored by the American Red Cross.

• San Diego City College presents a travel film on Central America at 8p.m. in the Russ. • San Diego Ballet opens its Ballet lnlime series at 8:30 p.m. in The Ballet School, 3255 Filth Ave., with an additional performance April 11. _ ____

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• The San Diego Padres open the 1964 season at 8 p.m. in Westgate Park with Dave Bris• tol as manager. • Pianist Dr. Arthur Lambert performs at 8:15 at San Diego State.

• More than 200 Chinese snuff bot- tles are featured in a Fine Arts Gallery exhibit. • The film Julius Caesar is shown at 7 and 9 p.m. in University of California's Sumner Auditorium.

• Wor sof Johann Sebastian Bach are fea ured in a3p.m. concert at the Fine Arts Gallery by the B ch Ar aGro p. • Shakespearean music is played m ,.,.,."'.._. an 8:30 p.m. concert at Sherwood Hali.

• r .Frank KerrnOt1e ·of the University of Manchester, England, speaks on Shakespeare After 400 Years at 8 p.m. mSherwood Hal'. • San Diego State music students of G;lbert Back and Mary Gerard perform in a chamber music recital at 8:15 p.m. in the Music Audi- torium.

• Jewish Community Center opens an exhibit of works by San Diego sculptor Donal Hord and his students. • South- western College opens its 2nd Annual Painting ard Sculpture Purchase Award Sro11. • 'Mus cMan' Meredith Willson speaks at 8:30 p.m. at Southwestern Colle~e.

• Actor Philip Hanson performs ex- cerpts from Shakespeare in a one-man show, Villains and Fools, at 8:30 p.m. in Sherwood Hali. • The Sander Gallery closes an exhibit of works by nine Sa11 Die oarea artists.

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• Indian-born Zubin Mehta conducts the Los Angeles Philhar- monic in the con- cluding program of the orchestra's four- concert series here, in the Russ at 8:30 p.m.

~--~n ..e01l, i 1&1final 8'Y-111•1~"Btsta Taverns · ;;,cat 8:30 p.m. in the Museum of Man's Sl Francis Chapel. • Afilm program on pop art is scheduled at 8:30 p.m. in Sherwood Hall. • Universify of San Diego's College for Women jl_resents The Miracle Worker at 8:T5 and again at 2 p.m. April 25 and 8:15 p. n. April 26.

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-lnemus,cot red in achamber concert at 7:30 p.m. in the Public library. • Chula Vista Elemen- tary School students exhibit art at the Chula Vista Art Guild show, through May 5. • Art Center ;n La Jolla rloses its .exhibit of 90 works by prim1foe Latin American artists. • is

ssoc!atton irresen local artists' concert at 8 p.m. ir. Grossmont High School Auditorium, featuring violist Larry LMfoon, pianist Robert Farris and tenor Ralph Wrighl • The la Jolla Art Association opens an exhibit of water- colors by Robert Landry, through A rq 30.

• 'The French Masters' are discussed at 8p.m. by violinist Henri Temlanka m Pacific Beach J nior High School. • Films on the P cit c-'Manureva' (about Tah1tij and 'Hong Kong-Singapore'- are sho11n at 12·30, 120, 2:10 and 3 p.m. at the Museum of .Man.

• More than 50 watercolors by nation- ally knm•m artists are exl11b1ted in San Diego State's Fine Arts Gallery. The show, 'organized by Prof. Cal fortbrook, continues through April 26. ·

• The year of the Bard has its official beginning today-the 400th birthday of William Shakes eare.

• Th Art Center in La Jolla opens apep art show. • Sher- wood Hall Orchestra performs at 8 p. m. in Sherwood Hall. • San Diego State's David Ward-Stein- man performs at 8:15 m the Music Aud'torium.

And Set For May

1-Son Diego State', Readen' The- ater presents 'Ulysses.' 2-The New Christy Minstrels per- form at The Russ. 5-0ld Globe Theater open, 'A Far Country.'

• "Dego Uli on, 3rd Annual lllitler way at 8 p.m. in the El Cortez Hotel'.s lnterna- t:onal Room. Additional clinic meetings are May 11 and May 25. • University of California, San Diego, presents an all- university faculty art show entitled Artists of the University ot California 1963-64. lnvestnrent Clirtic g ,

• Coronado School of Fine Arts dis- plays paintings from different periods in art history in the Coronado Collectors' Painting Exhibition, through April 30. • San Diego Art Institute show of works by Helen Hill, Helen Jones and Stan Newcomb continues through April 29.

• 'The Kid Brother,' starring comedian Harold Lloyd, is shown at 7and 9:15 p.m. at the Ken Art Cinema as part of the University of California Extension's film series.

• Music for darinet and string en• sembles 1s performed at 7 :30 p.m. at the Public Library. Instrumentalists. include clarinetist Peter Swanson, violinist An• thony Swanson and pianist Gerita Hanna.

~UTHEltN CROSS, THURSDAY,.APRIL 9, 1964 Auxiliary Arranges Sea World Party The Woman· • Auxiliary of the University of San Diego Will spon.•or a benefit party, "A Night at Sea World," April 11!, Mn. Ada Smyle, chairman said. Proceeds will go to the univer11ity, Mrs. Stephen King, president, said. The affair will feature a no-host cocktail party, a tour 8 World, a buffet • upper ~--------- and dancing. Party houn are chairman; Mrs. Francia :r. from 7 p.m. to midnight. Reservations, which rJose Burns, lnVltatlons, with Mn.

Baseball Aztecs


Beat Rain, USD, 4-2 The rams came yesterday, but not before San Diego State College's baseball team safely had tucked away a 4-2 victory over University of San Diego on the Aztec diamond. The game was called at the end of the top of the sixth inning because o~ the precipi- tation. Perhaps sensing this at the outset, San Diego scored all its runs in the first two innings. USD took a 1-0 lead In the Cirst inning on a single by Ron Bennett and Dan Wil- tered with a run in the bot• tom of the first on Eddie Mendez' double, Michael Mur. phy's single and a double steal. They wrapped it up in the second on Tom Cassie's double and singles by David Flesner, Mendez and Mur- phy. The Aztecs, now 10-5 on the year, play host to Air Force Academy this weekend. One game is scheduled Friday and two Saturday. USD, 4-9, on the sea son, has a game at Point Mugu Naval Air Station Friday and two at San Fernando Valley Stair Saturday. Score: uso .. · ,\i 0 o~il=? f l S~~ix Innings rain) Ahern,GGoi.sf">bM"a',v,. ((i)) ~~fflr ~l\ GrePn; e, , McGhee. t-f -1

R s Tharp, co-chairman; Mrs. A. J. C. Forsyth, host- -· an~ Mrs. Chari•• Baumgarten, treasurer.

April H , are being taken by Mrs. Patti k Enlighl Other committee chairmen mclu(le Mn Joseph B. Mullen. co- •=----------~ ~ -q


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