News Scrapbook 1962-1964


Toreros Set For Annual Hoop Eyent t nh erslt · ot , an J>1<'go' h ctballers will pla host for the econd annual Invl- tat onal Tournament Friday and Sa urday. Opening dC'fC'n P o! Its ti- ll n the 7 p m. openC'r Prt- d .} v. II be .PhlbPac. Or nge State will oppose 11 hoop ter horn oro- n11do. Los An"elcs Paclf'c a, d l SO will q tt a r e tr at Lo C'r$ will mr. I • at 1r- d n ght at 7 and h\o hou • r the w l n n c r will n I • l D WJ I take a :I 5 !

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QLE BLESSED - Most Rev, Fr nels J. dmlnlstrat-Or of the San Diego diocese, Ii; allfornla. re I tt,red hlstorlcal landmark

the Bishop' secrPtnry, ls at right, and Htudents of the Unlvn- slty of San Dle.i:o College for Women, who act Indian girl guldt•s at the ml,,slon, are at left. Rev. Bernarcl \loholy, (U I, of ·anta Barbara ~fission, 1, behind the Bishop. An honor guard of Balboa GPneral Assi•rnbly, Fourth Degree Knights of C11lumbu~ undc•r thi, leadership of Thoma. Kerr, faithful ru,vlgator, ll<'tcompanied the UI hop. SpeakPrs lnclud~d Bl~hop }ur,•y, .Uahol;i,, aud an Diego County Supen1~or Rob<-rt Dent. The plaque I lhown below.


AZTECS, USD ROMP Area Collegians Collect Victories Viet-Ory bells for San Df.

24 and 23 points, rcspertiq•. li. whil~ forward Al Catlin had 15 points and a rPcord 17 rebounds. Except for a few anxious moments in the first half, When Pacific gained a 32-26 lead, USD was in command. Thi' Toreros w<'re on top, ,'51-36, <'arly in· the S<'Cond half. Mark Teismann, with 14 points. topped the bal- anced Torero attack, b u t Krith Stroup tossed in 25 for the losers. Orange ::itatc led PhibPac virtually a J 1 the way as Robert Toson tallied 19 points to set the pace. Santa llon!ca rallied Jrom a 39-30 halftime deficit to tie the Knights at the end of regulation time. 68-68, It was 80-80 after the first overtime but the Cor- sairs couldn't°keep pace in the second extra session. Santa Monica provided the high scorer in the game- Tom Dunlap, with 36 point$ but he was unable ID match the Knights' one-two pu!Ich of Elburt Miller, 26 points, and Dick Dowling 20. Riverside never was' in serious trouble as it rolled to its 16th consecutive vie. tory. Six of the Ti g e rs sc_ored in double figures, with Roosevelt Lee's 14 counters showing the wav. Dennis :)3iletmtkof! had is for Southwestern.

Pgo-area collegiate basket- ball clubs were rmging las• night as far north as San Luis Obispo, where San Oi- rgo State College whipper! C;iJ Poly, 84-7:.?, to boost it~ California Collegiate Ath- letic As. ociation record to 2-0. the local scene, Uni- ,·ersity of :San Diego topped L.A Paclfic, 72-60, and Or- ange ~1ate downed defend- Ing champion PhibPac, 82-70, In the USO Invitation- al toumev. and San Diego City College outlasted San- ta Monica CC, 89-84, in dou- ?le overtime in a Metropol- itan Conference opener in San Diego High gym. On

Southwestern College llnd Grossmont College e a c h bowed in its Eastern Con- ference debut. the former losing to undefeated R1ver- ,ide CC, 76-58, at River- side, while Grossrnont tell before San Bernardino, 82-69, in Helix High gym. Oceanside-Carlsbad College edged Palomar, 61-55, at Oceanside in a South Cen- tral Conference match. The USD meet winds up tonight. with PhibPae and L.A. Pacific p 1 a y i n g for third place at 7, and Or- ange State challenging the Toreros tor the champion- hip at 9. SDSC moves to Fresno for a battle with the Fres- no State Bulldogs, who de- teated Long Beach State, 95-Si, last night for t h e i r third conference conquest without a lo ·s schedule al,o includes Pasadena at Cal Wetitern, Los Angeles Val- ley at SDCC. Riverside at Grossmont, San Bernardino at Southwe tern. and San Diego State Frosh at Palo- mar. The night"

Grossmont and San Ber- nardino were deadlocked 69-all, with 2 :07 to p I a y Wilen the visitors struck tor two quick baskets, t h e n started piling up points at the free-throw line against the pressing Griffins. Oceanside-Carlsbad raJ. o/nts in the last thn!e minutes to. break a 47-47 tic and pull a w a y from the Comets. Cal Western will be shoot- ing for its ninth straight vfc. tory tonight. The Wester, nPrs arp unbeaten this ~ea- ·on on their homp floor. Summaries, 1-4 lied for 14


San Diego tatl', which led by only 32-31 at inter. mis. ion, ripped t h e fus, tang5 with a 52-point sec- ond half. Guards Jim Bow- ers and .Jack Shawcroft hit

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