News Scrapbook 1962-1964

IN TABLEAU: of Son Diego', Colleges for Men and Women will present the univ rsity'• 12th annual Christma1 progron,, n Yo eglnnlng today, 19 public hlga ~c-hools, thr!'e colleges d the city Park and Rec;reat on Department will offer variety of progr ms as their Christmas cards to the ommunlty. The programs range !rom an ambitious high school roductlon o the opera "Amahl and the Night iVsitors" o outhwe tern College' cla sic choral program. phasis I on mu 1c ol the sPason, both secular and r llglous. Several schools have included songs tor Ha- kkah, the eight-day Jewish 'fo'f'stivaJ of Lights, which b gan D c. 10. Many of the programs are highly trarlltional such a1< Gro smont High School's elaborate pageant, now ln its :18th year. Some, like Mar Vi.'ta High chool's panorama of Chrlstma scenes. are innovations. F_ollowlng is a Ii t of Chri ·tmas program~ to be oHercd d ring the week In location~ throughout the city AJ. ~--~----- ' ~---------- · University "M,.rry Chr,btma , San Diego'" Thi.I 11 th me• age rPnrl d throughout the cou 1t} t 11 t1 • holiday programs.

-son D,ego Un on Photo bv Al Sund Leaver and Enita Meilhaus. The performances will be in the theater of the College for Women in Alcala Pork.

'Christma! ond Ch~istion Unity,' at 3 and 8 p.m. today. Marsha Adki'1 will portray the Madonna in thi tableau scene. Angels kneeling, from left,

are Ferguson, Marilyn Wagner, Aley Boss, Juliano Oas, Josephine Connor and Hilary Lawson. Angels standing, from left, are Rosemary Laurie



uletide Greeting List By REGINA MORIN


most all are free to the public For some, tickets should be reset verl in advance. Taking ,ts theme from the Ecumenical Council, the 12th annual llSD pageant is titled, "Christmas and Christian Unity " In ·ong, tory and tableaux, students from the men's and women's colleges will portray aspect~ of Christ- mas that are common to Christians of all denomina- tions. The program will tell the Christmas story !rom Old Testament predictions to American folk carols of tht" Appalachian hills. Two performances will be pre- sented toda). at ,> pm. and 8 p.m ir the theater of the Colif'ge for Women. , Kearn~- Seven vocal groups will entellain in today's program_ beginning al ·4 p.m. in the auditorium. Fea- turC'd will be folk carols from Mexico. China, Russia and Czechoslovakia. The program will conclude with the "Hallelujah" chorus. San DiPgo--Alumni, parents and friends will be we!- l'niversity of San Diego, Collegl' !or Women -

corned today at 4 p.m. In Russ Auditorium lor the an- nual San Diego High Christmas event. Beneath a large, glowing stained glass window, religious and secular songs will be sung by the 130-voice a cappella choir. Highlights will be a candlelight procession and the finalr, "Silent Night," sung by choir and audience. Members of the PT A chapter will be host at a reception after the program. California Westem University-A 60-foot aluminum Christmas tree will be lighted by students and faculty in ceremonies beginning at 6:30 p.m. Monday on the Point Loma campus. At 7:30 p.rn. in the gym, the music department will present its winter concert under direc- tion of Dr. Robert Emile. Gro;,smont--Nearly four decades old is the gala Christ- mas ~ageant performed at this high school. Beginning Monday, the production will be offered through Thurs- day at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets are free but should be obtained in advance. More than 300 students will depict Christmas events from a medieval court

least to the women at the well In Bet !eh-em. 'Nancy Julian, a senior student, will portray the l\lfv:l"onn:i.-in a candlelight tableau that· features "O, Holy Night. , . La. Jolla - Music for the holiday season, from Han- del's "And the Glory of the Lord" to songs_ for Hanuk- kah, will be sung in the school auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. Participating will be the Red Robe choir, mad- rigal ensemble, band, orchestra and drama department. Mt. Miguel-The "St. Lawrence Overture" by Wash- burn and Bach's "Second Brandenburg Concerto" Will be played by the Mt. Miguel orchestra at 7:30 p.m. Tues- day in the gym. Solos by members of the orchestra will be featured as well as numbers by prize-winning 17-year- old percussionists Robert Garcia and Pat Mccarville. Clairemont - The blue-robed choir and 30-piece or- chestra of Clairemont will emphasize music of the sea- son in its annual performance at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday in the auditorium. Courtney Shucker will be soloist in ''A Christmas Spiritual." Orch- (Continued on e·Z, Col. 4)

Western.Quintet Paces Area t Teams In Weekend Victories California \\ cstcrn headed Dif'go City Colleg!' 1ook thr set the pace tor Palomar. the list ol area , 1ctors 0\'er measure of • 'aval Training Bo) er hart 20 and Smith 17 th" wcekPnd as thP We.stern- C<'ntcr. 106-51. points. NS "·nn the chal'lpionship of Phoenix took an overtime MCRD C59J Col Wot State Colle"e at he netted 24 points, mo tly William, G F PT G Fr T Ha vward 66-64. GroS~mont ,vith somc fancy hook shots Yovorskv 5 1 ~ ~~t9a~rii~I ; f: i • ' 1 t th d 1· ht t O 600 Maver 2 o 2 • V/enmhan , 2 1 10 Collcgp dumpl'CI the San D11'go O e e I)( 0 s me re;smnn J J, ,s;or, 2, J 6 State Frosh 82-62. and SanJlans. MCRD's attack was 1y { j 2{Egrf~r\v l t '.-,.=----=----===".;paced by Carl Ilunter·s 15 Malerlch 2 o 2 • O';~~d~~ t J j 1 i tallies. Fuccv 1 o o 2 Cliff Ashford was the big T•~a~ffl'me 2~~~r~ 8 : 66 L~gts 36, ~~/;} 0 2 !nti

gun in the USD attack as h<' S!ote 2,. sunk 24 points and turned in Phoen;x some fine defensive work. Ly- ~~~~'son mond \Vi1lian1s was runncrup with 14 as the Toreros \\'Oll Zesiger ,·ictorv in sevrn ~':Ji~~on third The Knights had quantity ro:f~fttime to burn as 13 players hit the NTc (5tl ~corin~ rolumn in their run. Morgon a"ilY with the Sailor~. Elhurt ~g;;!/ with 21 points and .1 ohn Bocko Barron arlded 14. ,Tim Wcstnloreland's 16 points were high for :\'TC. /i~';~~~Y Sam Thomas !f'd Grossmont ~~•;:1., to_ vict_ory with 21 points a_nd Lugor :\!illcr set the \ ietory pace o/a~'i;:11°· thf'il' tries ·

(76b F PT Palomar ! f i ~~?11'her f 5 1~ ~~/:;,-. 0 ,,, 9 6 2 24 Hollis i h 1 g;gr 8 i 2 g i~dr'e~ 0 t~fo~ci; 33, 5 , 61 vi ~::~o~r J o 5 6 Dan,,i, 18 j ~ 0~ 1 ~6ew' 6? i l ~i6~anms 88I8 Xfr.'s\o o o 2 o 5~~~!~:' 5 i 'i J~~:!'o"; 2 Lorsnz O 2 5 7 Hallinan ,4 2 2 10 Riche:,. O l 1 1 Bigg~ 8. • " O 11 Neiml O O1 0 Lochheod 19 13 30 51 Tolols Gj 3 PsiMiller 5?,

(73) G F PT

J 1l ti 2~ 6 2 2 14 l f I


-;z. '3


F>~~~~ii'N. G{ 3 P321 /? fi l j 6I 'l l o 1 10 l l l ,l J 66 7 l l 3 4l 22 20 104 1 ~

socc c106J


22. Mike

Bill B1,::gs SDS frosh.


Ho111,m, score; socc 56, NTC " SOS Frosh &62rJ P T Grosimonf

Webster scored 19 to paC'e the



Fr<>d Bover and Bia ir Smith B~g:;;,s

s. 1 8l J 2 / l 3 5 5

Christionsen l o l Calendar

O 2 0 0 0 l 8 6 A 22 3 o 3 6 O 2 0 2 I O O 2 7 , 2 18 O o 2 o 2 0



Webster M. 6 7 3 19 Riolo

O'Hare Zombri

Anderson Rvon Totals

Totals Halftime

JO 22 21 n

21 20 21 62


5core: Grossmont 36,.

Frosh 31

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