News Scrapbook 1962-1964
rr oreros' Schedule iT oughest in History Th re's a battle brcwln at the l nlvel'sity of San Diego k tball gym and lt might JU t explo!I s ·o,·ember 30 at 8 m t the earn 1te. • 'forero h ad coach Phil \\'oolpei t commente•l this week th t up1rants for atarllng positions on the varsity cage team re • aging a r al battle !or po 1Uons" with c en le r Larry 1\Ioyer, 'Thtre'a a lot of compel!• for,vard Mark Teismann and lion on the court," said the guard Lymond Williams."
22-Gaint• t~ard Torero Yea rlings Face Rugged Test Coach John Cunningham's tretthman cngers from the Un_l· ·t of San Diego will their work cut out for them ~his vern Y ,, t ke the most a.mbltious season as the Torero yearlings unucr a schedule In the school's h!S t ory. h •t t st CUnningham, a former all-CIF pei former w , e a .
CAGERS TO OPEN THIS WEEKEND CW, T oreros Boast Veterans Ry ROGER ('ONLEE 1\ i t h high hopes and the froRh tonight at 7:15 in the USD gym. Only s ta rte m1ssmg
from a Cal We tern team which won 16 games, the National Association of In• tercollegiate Athletics Dis- trict 3 title , and a trip to the N A I A tournament in Kansas City 1s forward Joe Treaster. He was grad• uated. That leaves t a rt I n g guards Jim Hefner a n d Ashley Joerndt, forward Lemuel Lemons and center John Carlyle. Steve Cro- well, an awkward but learn- ing 6-8 freshman last year, should be quite a bit bet- ter this season . Guards Tim C u n n in g • ham and Art Dean saw considerable adion f o r coach Bob Kloppenburg and should be of even m o r e help now Kloppenburg is hi:.h on three sharp newcomers, 6-4 forward Andrew PiercP. from Phoenix JC, 6-5 Cha ·le Mayfield of Phoenix JC and 6-4 freshman Dick Wood n from Crawford High. Kloppenburg starts his sixth year as Cal Western's pilot. He's had four win• ning seasons. Schedule~. Univ. of San Diego Nov. 30 - Whittier, home. Dec. 6 - Son Diego State, home. Dec. 7 - Loyola, home. Dec. u - Af LOYOia. Dec. 18 - At Son Jo~e State. Dec. 19 - At Santo Claro. Dec. 21 - At Alameda State. Dec. 27-28 - Bishop Tournament. Jan. ,. - At UC Santo Barbaro. Jan. 10.11 - USO lnvitotlonal. 1~~: 1~ = ~~"?a~1~~~~hesra'vre. Jan. 2•-25 Cal Poly (Pomona) In- vitational. Jan. 31 - Los Angeles State, home. ~:g: }:: c':,f 1~o(l~Lf~.,~~:;:,\ Feb. 1, - Cal Western, home. Col Poly (Pomona), home. Feb. 22 - Orange State, home. Feb, 27 - At Col Western. Long Bead'! State, home. Feb, 17 -
lineups full of returning tal• ent, University of San Di- ego and Cal Western open t h e i r basketball seasons this weokend . USO will play host to Whittier College Saturday night, while the Western, ers open Friday night at home against their alumni. On Saturday Cal Western travels to Los Angeles State for a game they ex- pect to he one of t h e i r toughe t of the . eason. Phil Woolpert, coach of the national-champion Uni· vcrsity of San l<'rancisco teams in the 1950's which fea•ured Bill Russell . starts his second season as head- m an of the USD Toreros. They f i g u re to improve greatly on last year's 6-19 record, despite a beefed-up schcdul . The Toreros have C'ight members of last season's quad back. Principal mem- ber of that cast is Lymond Williams, 5-9 playmaker guard who was USD's lead- ing ·corer. Other returnees a centers Larry Moyer, 6-6', and Ken Kullberg, 6-7; forwards Mark Teismann. 6-4, like Jackson, 6-6. and Jerry Halsey, 6-5, and guard Walt Cas!'y, 5-10. mon:;- the nl'wcomers in the USD camp are a couple ol gems, 6·2 Clifford Ash- ord from San Diego City , College and Tony Binder, 6-5 soph who played for the Idaho State frosh last term. Rich Verlasky and To m Hensel, 6-4 forward M a t t Malerich and 6-6 pivot Phil ;I? Ice. to 19 regular- game s , the
USO mtntor. "Nobody can alt on thtlr past laurels this sea.- on. Starters are stlll to be determined on who gives the :most or their overall talent, "Becau•e of the offense we are Installing this •ea a on , ach pla)er Is going to have to le1.1n all pnsll,ons and t'1o who ar most effective will be seeing a lot or action," TI1 Toreros have been go- In th ough workou ta al nee October 1~ in prep ration for their a.son opener against Whittler Coll ge, November :io, at USO gy '"The overall team peed Is :much better than yeal', especially "1th the addition of c 11 ff A hford and Tony Dlnder," Id Woolpcrt. "We hnv a. faster and quicker team with th e t ·o along
Augwitlne High and a f t e r r, that a standout with the Uni• veraity of San Fran c 1 s co Dong, is in his sec,ond year M frosh m en t or with the Toreros. 'J'he first-year cagers open , the l'.ason with Southwestern College in the 6 p.m. prelimi- nary affair to the Tore r o varsity )ash ·1th Whittler College, tuH y night at USDgym. The frosh )lave .gam(' with freshmen- teams fro m lclan Diego s tat e , Loyo}a, Loong State, Sa.n l<'crnando Valley, Los Angeles Sta.te, Cal Poly Pomona, Cal West• ern and Orange St.ate besides contests with Oceanside JC, t e San Diego Naval Train· Inf c en t er and California Elec;trlcal Works. Cunningliam's squad w 111 play some of the above teams twice to give them a 22-game season schedule. The Torero freshitlen w
The latter three were atart-
come up with a big front court this season. 1<:xpected to see much action are for• wards Alan and Barry T<'ay, both 6-5, 195-pounders from Beverly Hills High; g u a r d Bill Fe1Tee, 6-1, from St. Ig- natlus High of San Fran• clsco; forwards Larry Gaddy, 6 . 4 from Sir Francis Drake High of San Anselmo;' John J~merson, 6-4, from St. Augus- tine High of San Diego; Steve Wojdowskl, 6-4, from St• Adalbert High of Pittsburgh; Dave Goldsberry, 6-3, from Granada Hills H i g h , a nd guard Bob Rosene, 6-0, from Burroughs High of Burbank. The Toreros finished with a 9-11 record last year. Following the S a tu r d a Y game Cunningham's c re w will tnke on the San Diego rState frosh December 6 at 6 .m. at 'USD and tho next evening will m e e t Loyola rosh at the same time.
t season's Equad
ers on I
which complied a 6-19 record. "That year of experlence ha.s cerlalnly h e Ip e d the tlu·ee," said Woolpert. Ashford and Binder are both sophomores with Ash.. ford transferlng in from San Diego City College nnd Binder from Idaho Stale. Moyer, Tel ann and \Yll- l1ams are Juniors. Other squad members mak• Ing bids for Etartlng roles In- clude guard Rich Verlasky, Mark Yavorsky nd Tom Jferuel; forward., t • rate- rich and Mike J Phll Price. All are sophomores except Jackson and Kullberg who are juniors. In aummarizlng this sea- aon' 1 squad after three weeks of practice, \Voolpert com• mented that their "defensive play should be considerably Improved and the offensive play appears to be more ef. fectlve. • \Vhlle we are not a. fast break team, the squad has been reacting to the break much better than last eea- n." The Toreros will be em• barking on what appears to be the toughest schedule In the chool's h I s lo r y with games against such schools as San Jose, Santa Clara, Loyola and UC Santa Barbara of the West Coast Athletic Confer- ence; San Diego State, Los Angele:< State, San Jo'ernando State, Cay Poly of San Luis Obispo and Long Bi!ach State of the California Collegiate Athletic Association; and top Independents Cal Western. Cal Poly of Pomona and Orange State.
Second, year at helm T o r e r o s will appear in three tournaments this win- ter, including their own USD Invitational, Jan. 10- 11. The varsity crimmages
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Up from the frosh a r e guards :',lark Yavorsky,·~"~ ~-- -------~
Msgr. K n Chu aVista I --=-=-='"'.I Pastor, Dies , '""hc Rt. Rev. Msgr. Patrick J. e my, 58. pastor of St.• R e o' Lima Catholic I ch ir Chula Vista, died yest£' da\' ir t-is bed in the recto ·.
Feb. 29 - March 3 -
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A.t Orange~ S-'-'
T eW ek's Openings STAGE: Old Globe Theater opens 'Night Of The Iguana' at 6 :30 p.m. Tue~doy. Jew,sh Community Center opens 'Strange Bedfell ows' ot 8 30 pm. Th o. Un ivers ity of Son Diego's Alcolo Players present a concert-reading of 'Antony and Cleopatra' ot 8 :30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday. GALLERIES: Art Center in La Jolla opens o show of sculpture ond jewelry by He rbert Londegger Wednesday. Lo Jolla Art Assoc iat ion opens o show of works by Robert and Amy O'Toole tomorrow. Orr's Gall ery opens shows of works by B1 org Lorson and by o group of Califo rnia artists Tuesday. Jewish Community Center opens a group show today with o re- cept ion from 2 to 5 p.m. Southwestern Gallery opens a show of works by Bertha Thoyrr Saturday. CONCERTS: Son Francisco Opera Company pre:;ents 'Queen of Spades' ot 8 p.m. Thursday at the Fox Theater. University of California at Son Diego spon sors a concert by the Amadeus Quartet at 8 :30 p.m. Saturday in Sherwood Holl. Cloiremont Community Concert Association presents pioni:;t Regi- nald Stewart at 8: 15 p.m. Saturday in Clairemont High School. Coronado Community Concert Association presents o 111ohn con- cert at 8 :15 p.m. tomorrow by Julian Olevsky in Coron High School. Lo Jolla Chapter of the Military Order of World Wars will obser11e Veterans Doy with o 2 :30 p.m. ser111ce 1odoy ot the Bo lhoo Park Organ Po11dion. •
;\lsgr. Kenny's death w a s discovered at - a.m. He had not complained f illness and was in good spmts when h" retired Thursday night. an a~- sociate said He was a diabetic and un.1 derwent surgery for removal I of his right ]er;: last summer. Celehrates )lass He celebrated his first< Mass since • la · Thursda:,· at ' his church 293 H St. He cele- < braled the Illas~ while seated 1 by sr ecial dispensation of the 1 Most Rev. Cha1 !PS F. Buddy, bishop of the 'an Diego Cath- olic Diocese. He was born in Durrow, Ireland, and was educated at Cullohill • ·ational School and St. Kieran·s College in Kil- kenny Ireland. He was or• dain~d in 1933 fn Kilkenny and in the same year was as- signed the assistant pastorate of St. Francis de Sales parish in Riverside. {- -i.- 3 Assignme s Told Msgr. Kenny was later as• signed as pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Indio where he re· mained until 1944. He was then named pastor of St. Rose of Lima Church. I He was named a monsignor in March. 1961. :'\1:sgr. Kenny was a fourth degree Knight of Columbus: and was former chaplain of' the Kmghts of Columbus As- sumption Council. He was responsiblP. f o r ' building the church, school, convent and rectory at St. Rose of Lima He had just ,1p- proved plans fnr a n w church huildin;i. Msgr. Kenn\' is sun'i\'ed h:-· a brothrr in Ireland Sr.rvil•Ps Plannrd The rosan will be recited at 7 tonlgl1t and tomOITOW night in St., Rose of L i m a Church. Children of the St Rose of Lima School will sing at Solemn Requiem H i g h Mass at 8:15 a.m . .Monda~. The rosary also will be re - cited at 7::lO p.m. Monday. Bishop Buddy will cele- brate a Solemn Pontifical Mass of Requiem at 11 :30 a.m. Tuesday in St. Joseph's Cathedral. Offiec of the Dead will be recited by priests of the diocese at 11 a.m. Tues, day. Burial will be 1 Holy Cross Cemetery rtya1 •SulliYan & Bradley Woolm,, 1 ,Iortuaryl is in chargP, I
I~<: h'.mu·, ol the Joni ,tu!lent ' Jlarent. lor t\\u \\eek,. Th~lr \hit 1, part o 1ht• 1110:,:rarn d«•..,1(t"ned to fo..,lf'r ~uod relations ht>h\ een lJ1t' hi u counl.ri01,.
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