News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Meetings Mapped By Two Deaneries

Librarian at USD Produces 2 Books Marine Corps, Blessed Virgin Are Literary Priest's Topics v CIJRI lf'S I Jlkn. dil'C<'IOI' or lihrri rif'<;

meeting of South Bay Dean- ery, Diocesan Co u n c 11 of Catholic Women, will be held at 12:30 p.m. :Monday, Oct- ober 14, In St. Mary's School Cafeteria, 1221 D Street here. A f t e r the luncheon, the m o v i e , "Perversion f o r Profit," will be shown.

A meeting of La Jolla Deanery, Diocesan Council of Catholic Women, will be held this Tuesday, October 8, on the University of San Diego campus. After Benediction of the :Most Blessed Sacrament at 12·30 p.m. In the Immacu• lata, luncheon will be served in the Lark cafeteria. :Members of Court Immacu- lata, Catholic Daughters of Amerle&, will be hostes•es. :Mr. Robert Bailey, president, ,~m preside at the business meeting after the luncheon. • • • NATIONAL CITY • A

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E:S-GAGEMENT TOLD - The engagement of their daught.-r J{athlPPn AnnP, to l\,llclrnt'I Linwood Brown lo; announ<,i•d by Mr. and Mrs. La\\rence A. Shaw of i--an Diego. The prosp<•ctlve bridegroom i~ th<' ~on oJ .\fr. and Mr,. Linwood R. Bronn of :,,;an Diego. The bride-to-be Is : graduate of of Ou1· Lady of Peace am! Is a enlor at the l;niversity of San Diego College for \Vonwn. Mr. Brown 111 a graduate of st. Ani:-usttne High School and 1<1 a studl'nt at California. Slate Polyt<'<'hnlc College at i-an J,111" Obispo. A June wedding Is being_ J>l:u~1ed /tJ-3


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College Faculty To Be Honored The Unlverslty of San Di• ,go College for Men Wlll pl'e• sent a Sherry 'l.'ea hono11ng the new facully members and their 6pouses from 4 to 6 p.m. th; Sunday, October 6, ht th mghts of Columbus :M m I Library on campus. Very Rev. John P,aul Cad•

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So1ths Sparkle Three Newcomers In USO Cage Bid The Umverslty of San Diego basketball team which O ens ~1~963-64 season November 30 against Whitti~r Colleg~ at gym, may have another sophomore-studded starting five , according to Coach Phil Woolpert. ' The former University of San Francisco mentor in his second season with the Tor- • ' eros, Is expected to field a first five whkh includes only twQ . returning l e t t e rmen, guar(i Lymond Wllliams and center Larry Moyer, Iege, led the Knights to the state junior college finals last year and also paced the Metro League in scoring. Lead Frosh

6<1; Jim Sellers, 53, and Pete Smolan- ovich, 11. They play Ventura in semi- pro league. game Saturday night. South Bay 11 Plays Host ii To Ventura ) l South Ray Athletic C I u b ,

SOl.iT.U HAY STALWART~ - Coach .Tim Rachow is flanked by South Bay Athletic Club standouts Ernie Merk,

Three n e w comers may break Into the first group. ,?hey include sophomore tnmsfers Tony Binder and Cliff A sh ford at forwards and one of the following three up tr om last year's frosh team: Rich Verlasky, Mark Yavorsky, nr Matt Malerlch. Scori:ig Leader Williams led the Toreros In scoring last season with a 13-l a,·e,.age While Moyer sported a 9.4 mark and grab- bed oft 134 rebounds. Both are juniors. Binder, a transfer from Idaho State where he Jed the Bengal frosh In rebounds ls 6-5 and 194 pounds and, 'ac- tording to Woolpert, "la quick and fast." Ashford, who was formerly ticketed to go to USD prior to last season but Instead en- rolled at San Diego Clty Col-

Verlasky and Yavorsky, both :rom St. Augustine High, combined w i th Malericlt to lead the Torcro frosh squad a year ago. Verlasky was high point man with a 15.4 average w h I I e Yavorsky scored at a 14.7 per game clip a n d Malerith followed with a 13.3 average. Other team members in- clude returning l et t e rmen Mark Teismann an d Mike Jackson, v a r s i t y returnee Ken Kullberg and fom1er frosh players Tern Hensel and Phil Price. Jerry Halsey, w h O was starting his third' year With the Toreros, h a s left the squad to concentrate on sup- . porting his family. Halsey, a two-year letterman and only senior on the fqua d, decided to forego h i s final year with the Toreros.


! will try to protect it~ lead in the SoulhC'rn California Semi- pro Football Association Sat-, urday night at Mar \·ista High against \'pntura. . The San Diego-area club 1 has a 2-0 n•cord, while Ven- 1 tura is third at 1-2. South Bay's lineup includrs 1 Ernie :'.\Ierk. former USC, . MCRD and Pittsburgh Steeler 1 playe1 ; P e t " Smolanodeh (C'X•New 11 ex i co u. and Chargers!; Bill Schlee rUSD , San Francisco 49ers); Bobby Keyes (llSDl ; Chuck Adams , !University of Pacific I: Jim Barrett ! Cal WeslPrn I. and ' Jim Sellers tCortland State. 1 B u f f a I o Rills). SBAC is '\ C"oacherl h~• .Tim Rachow of Na val Train in~ Center .



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