News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Support Our Advertisers-They Sup11ort U• THE SOUTHERN CROSS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1963 San Diego Welcomes New Bishop


lltnrgi<'al rec·, ption for him. Cardinal )klntyre presided. At IPft i, It!',. John Tahany of Yuca.Ipa, a~sbtant prieM, and ne:1et to Bi,hop J;e of Lima 11ari,b, Chula \'ista, \\ho sen·ed as subdeacon. I

ngeles, is shown at the foot of tile altar. Part o{ the more than 1,200 BbJ1ops, prie-.t~, Sisters, c.lvlc ll'adel"!, and faltluul who attended the colorful rites are shown In tbe foreground and background, adding to the impressl\'e setting,

DOIACULATA SCENE - lllo,t Rev. Francis J. Furey, new Coadjutor Bishop, Is shown at ""nter of the altar In the Im- maculata last Thursday celebrating Solemn Pontifical l\la;,s during the ceremony of liturgical rec,.ptlon for him. m~ Emi- nence James Francis Cardinal lllclntlTe, Archbishop of Lo11

RETURN FRO:.\J RECEPTION-lllost Rev. Francis J. Furey is shown with a Navy officers' guard of honor returning t,o the Administration Building after the ceremony of liturgical recep- tion in the Inuuaculata. on the Alcala Parle campus last 'l'hur,- du.y. Following Bbho11 Furey are Archbishop Thomas A. Con- nolly of Seattle and Hishop Joseph Dougherty of Yakima, \\'ash. In foreground is Rev. Patrick J. O'Keefe, followed by, left to right, Very Rev. Msgr. Donald F. Doxie, master of cere- monies; Rev. John Tahany, assist.ant priest, and Very Rev. John Quinn, deacon.

HIS EXCELLENCY PREACHES SERl\ION - The !\Jost Re". Bishop Is shown preachln~ the sermon at the ceremony of liturgical reception for Most Rev. Francis J. Furey, new CoadJutor Bishop, In the Immaculata last Thursday. His Excellency led priest" aud faithful of tl1e dio- cese in the liturgical ru1d civic receptions for Bishop Furey. His Eminence James Francis Cardinal l\lcintyre, Archbbhop of Los Angeles, who presided at the ceremony of reception, I.a shown on throne In background, and seated in left foreground Is Archbishop John J. Krol. Archbishop of Philadelphia., who accompanied h.irs former Auxiliary t,o San Diego,

LJ:\'I. IO.' L "'IERVIEW - The !\lo,,! Rew rend Bi,l1op is ,Jtonn repl)ing to a que.tton during a tele,lslon lnten·lew at Lindbergh Field la,,t \\'edne,day following the ardval of )lo,t ne,. Frnncli; J, Ynrf'), mm Coadjutor Bhhop, from Philadelphia. Bbhop Furey, second from rt, nd Archhbhop John J. Krol, Archbbhop of Philadelphia., al-.o replied to questions asked y Harold KN'.n of Kl IB-T\~ ( hunnel 8. The intel"\'iew wa.'I presented that e, ening on a news r~ka t by U1annel 8. Regis Philbin of KOGO-T\"s Channel 10 also interviewed Bishop

'urey upon bl!I arrha.J at Lindbergh field,


' ...


SOLEMN MO::\IENT - Most Rev. Francis J, Furey, new Cc>- adjutor Bishop, is shown seated in the I:mmaculnta on the Al• cala Park campus last 'l'hursday during the ceremony of litur- gical ,...ception for him. At left Is Very Re\', John Qnlnll, who --..-r, e

THA!lil{S \ OICED--)lost Rf'V, J-'ran<'i, J. J!'urey, new Coadju- tor Bishop or San · go, Is shonn addrt:~sing prie,b and laJ peoph, at n luncheon ghen In hb honor by tll'iests of the tliu- C'l'Stl in Hot•·l drl Co nado last Thur,day after tho ccremon~· or llt11rgll i re<>eptlon In tho lmmucufata on the Unhrrsit~- o1 , ·,u, DI i:;o 1·111111111~. \oidn~ hl thanks for the \\U.nn welcomp ac·1·orde•I him , the tunner \u,i1iary Bl,ho1, of Philaclt·lphh~ liLUtltcl th rt:at \ork ot tho ,\lo~t n \P-rf"1Hl Ei,hop durin~ bis '!6 ~ar II fir t lll hop ol' tht• dm<·t''>\l 1111d 11iccl!(cd all hi, rl!ort~ lo ahl In thr. 1·ontinucd ct,•,elopnwnt or the dioce,e. Prie ts from lhrnughuul llrn four <·ounli..,. or th... Dioce-., Joined in th fe ti c occa ion honoring the nm, Coadjutor .Bi hop.

'Ii ~.~ · .. • . V ~. Edward's parish, Corona, second from rigl1t, sen·ed a!, maste, of ceremonies at the e,ent sponsored by the priests of the dio- ce~e. Each mention ot His E:1ecellency's name brought re· peated tributes of apl)lause from the a<,sembled guests. Cardi- nal )lcluty re came to San Diego to preside at the liturgical reception for Bishop :Furey, '\\hicll nas attended by n,o Ai·cb- bishopa and aome 18 Bisbol,lllo ~. .

-cY-'Ihe ~lost Re,erend Bi..hop ,tancl~ at right and bows n..s prie~ts and lay peo!Jle joined In a great o,ation to His E:1ecclleJ11•y at the lunchMn ln Hotel dei <.:oronado Ja.t Thur,day honorin~ ~Io.,t r..e,. Franci-. .J. l''ure~, new Coadjutor ISi.,hop, left, and His Eminence James Franc!<; Cardinal 1\lclnt)·re, Archbishop oI Los An;:,eie", becond frCIID ldt. Rt, Rev, l\bgT, l\Ia;tthew ThomP15on,.,pastor of St.

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