News Scrapbook 1962-1964
AT ('OU>RITL RE( EPTI0~-(']111tttng at rf'<•4'ptlon marking th!' Olancellor' Ball in Ho(Pl dPI ('oronad_o la,t Satur~y night are ll"ft to right, 1.:arl J. Canto , pre-.dent of the • _an na Diego Cm;ntv Jkir ''-O<'iatlon nho \\a an u,her; )lrs. de\\ltl H \I•rrlam. ha.II chairman tor U1e -.econd Jear and originator . " , . . ..
• • •
Alcala Park
Outsfa11ding s,wiul E,·c•nt
Chancellor's Ball Retreats Set Attracts 500 Guests For Summer Dazzling black, vhite, and ;;old tr n fonued the gran,1 A hedule of 10 sunuJ1e1 ballroom of Hotel de! Coronado Into an e egant greeting fol retreats at Imma,;ulale Heart the 500 guests &l the second annual C'hancel101 ·s Ball Retreat House on the Uni Saturday night. th b ii n· p Colorful fashions of dramatic beauty added_:o e • · versity of Ran 1ego cam '-'· hant decor that marked one ti d H • A. ha.s been announced by Rt. of the outstanding 8 0 c i a I land. Gene de Pat an arr, Re,.. • lsgr William Ruby. They were accompan- Bei·gin, retreat di.rector. events of the year
Aztecs, USO To Hit Road After Game San Diego State College and University of San Diego met torlny at Robb Field, then will hit the road for baseball ac- tion. The Torero will play at UCLA tomorrow befo e con- cluding the r eason Saturday in a doubleh ad r th Orange State at Robb Fi Id SD C will go Long Beach State tor a three-game Cali- fornia Collegiate Athletic As- sociation eries Fnday and Saturday. Cal Western, which wa• playing Miramar Naval Air today at Bee ·on Field, will oppose Pasadena at the ame site Friday. San Diego City College has wound up its season unle•s It plays a makeup game with El Camino. The Knights U0-10), finished fourth in the Metro- politan Conference, b eh Ind Long . Beach !18-2). Meir(!, landings: l W L Pd. Ga Lont eeoch 11 2 .900 , 1~~~~:,i,ICI u i ::ax r;J · · 1 ~ l~ 1~ Santo Monico . , 1l .314 11 1 :a ~-.t., U :Ha H Lasr w k'J RKUltl Lon,g leach S, East L. A. O; Cerritos_ I, Son Ditto O; Sakersmleld ,, El Camino ,4, voriev 3, Santo Monica l; Lon; Bl!Qch t~n1~:'~t~' a2~:~,s~:,d 0 s1.,~~ :ci,ievsa&~~ El Camino 4-4, East
USO Quint To Tackle Tough Foes
U111vrrsity of San Diego has lined up an ambitious basket- ball S<'hedule for the 1963-64 season Th.- slat" announced by athleU,· director - basketball coach Phil WooJpert, lists games with Loyola, S a n t a Clara, San Jose State, Los Angeles State and other usu-. ally-tough opponents. The Toreros, who had a 6-19 record last season, will play city rivals San Diego State, Cal Western, Marine Corps Recruit Depot a n d ' PhibPac. They'll also play host again at the USO Invi- tational Tournament. Sched- ule: Nov. JO-Whittier, home. Oec. 6-San Diego State, home. Dec. 7 - Loyola home. Dec. 13-At Los Angeles State' Dec. 14-At Lovolo. Dec, 18-At Sari ~f~eArir~m~g•sl!te~' Santa Clara. Dec;, Dec. 27-28-Bi!hop Tournament. Jan ,4 At Santa Barbara. Jan. 10-11-USO ln- h~~!~nal. Jan. 18-Long Beach state, Jan. 21 At Son Fernando State Jan 2 • -25-Cal Pofv (Pomona} Tournament: t!Cai3~ok,o~st8!;~~m:~ate, home. Feb, Feb. 4-At Cal Poly (Pomona). Feb. 14 -car Western, home, Fe-b. 17-Cal Poly f Pomona), home. Feb. 22-0ranoe Stat•, home, Feb. 28-At Col Western. Feb, 29-At kfa"t~. Beach State. March 3--At Oranae --- - "'·===--=--..1'
led by the band which also played for dancing, Johnny Mercer, Hollywood composer and singer, made a flying ,·isit lo the ball to close the show He then con- tinued on to Xew York City As each composer S\\' mto songs which the audi- ence knew and lo,·ed. he was greeted by r o u n d s of ap- plause and on occasion .the audience joined in the smg- ing. Mrs. Carleton Lichty was co-chairman of the Chancel- lor's Ball. The d!'amatic decor was fashioned by ){rs. Carlos Ta- vares and her committee. The ushers W<,re under the direc- tion of Judge Roy G. Fitz- gerald. -~~~---
And the sold-out ball wa.s staged for the Uni,•ersity o! San Diego School of La\\~s scholarship program. It is named in honor of the )tost Reverend B i s h o p who L~ chancellor of the School of Law The dinner hour was pre- ceded bv a reception by HIS Ex c e J·1 en c y and a no-host cocktail hour. ~1rs. deWitt H. )Jerriam, ball chairman, was escorted into the ballroom by the Most Reverend Bishop. Mrs. Mer- riam, originator of the Chan- cellor's Ball and first chair- man. later was presented _a citation of honor by His Excellency for her "tireless work for the successful ball." Fo1tv ushers, dressed in barrist~ robes and wearing white wigs greeted the guests and escorted them to the candle-lighted table. Jack Cummings, Hollywood producer and program chair- man, served as master o! ceremonies. Before the enter- tainment, he also was pre- sented \\ith e. citation of honor by the Most Reverend Bishop. Five composers presented vocal and p i an o excerpts from some of their tunes. The composers were San1my Fam, \\'olfe Gilbert, Benny Oak-
The retreat program will open on the Alcala Pa1'k campus June 14 with a re- treat for women. :\[ gr. Bergin said. Other retreats June 21-23. \!en July 5-7 \\omen. July 12-14 Columbu,. Krnghts of July J!l-21 l\tan,ed and engaged couples. July 26-28- Women. August 2-4 .'.llen. August 9-11 Women. August 16-18- :Men. At:gUst 23-25 Married and engaged couples.
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