News Scrapbook 1962-1964
ollege for Men Awci?ded Fu I Accreditation Until '67
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Examiners Voice Highest Praise For Administration The glow of prai.,e shone in I.he report. Marked progress was noted; presidential leader hip W8ll admired; teachel'!I were commended, and sturtents showed good academic promise. Tl was the report for renewal of accreditation of the College for .1en, Univcrt;ity of San Diego. It was approved on January • by the Accrediting Commission for Senior Coll g~ and Pmvera1t1es of lite Western A oc,ation or .·d1oola and Collegee. And 1t earned full accreditation tor the Alcala Park sc'hoot. The Mo t Reverend Bishop, umversity pre dent And chanc·ellor, announced that the commission a.warded accredi- tation for the 1963 through 1{167, Detailed Study of Departments Made Visiting the men's college in , ·ovemb r, a committee of exammers 'or the accrediting commission ~pent three days in a detailed study of its department&-its administrative, academic, social, and fiscal affairs, its physical !ac:ilities, and tho caliber of Its students and its teachers. Factors lhal Jtnpressed the exammera include: * Strong admmlslrath·e leadership. * Efficient management of fiscal affairs. * High standards for admission to the college * I-'aeil ti~ for superior service In the Ubrary. * Con 1dernble improvement in the 11ernces for i;uldance and coun eling ot students * Education of unquestioned ,·alues for the atudent. * Adequate programs tor tho students• • oc1a! and ath etic actlvlt,es. Strong adm1. tratlve r • · , u hae TCinforeed the orgaruzational Etnicture of the coll g An academic dean and a comptroller have been added; a competent faculty hae been provided; and an efficient pro- gram for the recmltment of staff and tor their assignment m responslbililies !or w!11ch they are prepared has been instituted. The exa'llmers commended the efforta made, to produce these results. They also paid t.rlbqte to the admini. trallon !or the new flnancial system installed m the college. They ~aJd the procedures it specifics are in practice. A reputa.ble firm of accountants review monthly financial statements and prepare an annual audit As a result the president at any given moment can determine quite a.ccurately the fiscal condition or hIB instltutlon, the examiners added. Careful Appraisal of Policies Cited The report contains a careful appraisal or policies and standards for admission to the oollege It asserts that both have b<,en substantially upgraded and sees the results m a more able student body. The report congratulates Irving Parker director of Admls,iona and Records, for hls adher- ence to high standards and defensible academic policies. Progress 111 the library was acclaimed by the examiners. The addition of a second profes.sional librarian enhances an already good sen·ice. they said. :Mentioned in the report Is the greater and better use of the library made by students and faculty. This it attrib- ute.~ to the •·supenor service·• rendered by the director, Father Charles Dollen. and his staff. Noted also are the roomy and attractive library quarters and the excellent relationship between the staff and the college faculty. Improved Services Noted The examiners commended the administration for the •·tremendou." improvement m the senices provided for the guidance and counseling of student~. They are under tha leadership of a "ell trained and qualified psychologist, they said. Further, the program. which reache~ more of the stu- dents each day, is enhanced by the addition of a faculty member from the Department of Sociology. The examinera called this a strong phase or the Student Personnel Program. Re,•ie\\ing the various departments of education, the exan11ners saw in the Division of Business Administration and Economics one of the strongest areas in the college. The division has been overhauled for the better, they said. The Division of Social Sciences is under the capable of an experienced chairman. Mathematics. in the Division of Sciences and
Dirt'<·lor of Adml-.lons . . .
Chairman, E<·onmnlcs . .
DR. JOSEPH RUANE Ch.airman, S High Prnis«• Voi.-.•d College Awarded Full Accreditation (Contlnu,·d l rum Pui;-e I) ment attracted very able stu- dents, the examin,•rs said, and young men of the high- eot caliber They vlewed the new gym- nasium with its complete array of facilities as ll.l'I Im- portant asset the swimming pool of Olympic s1z,,, the ba.sketball court whl h 1 Colle,:e In a letter to ~·a tiler John P. Caddl'n, president of the college. Mltd1ell P. Briggs, se~retary or the Accrediting Commission for Senior Col- lege• and lJniverH1lies. offer- ed his "'pe1·sonal ,•ongratu- lations on the development which the , oil• has enjoyed under yum }lip.'' ( f more than adequatP. and the other features of the gym- naslum wh1d1 I hr y <'on ld- ered 111odern and suited to the cducat onal lll'eds of the institul1on. The committee of exam- iners I n ,, I u de d Dr Ralph Prator, cha1rmnn, p1es1dent of San Fernando Valley State Co I I e g e, D1· Alex Aloia of the <>d11cat1on fac- ulty of Loyola U111vers1ty Lo~ Angeles; Dr. Ed,, 1n T Coman, hbrnry director Un,- vers ty of Cahforma al R1vcr- s1de• Dr. StcJ,hPn W. Dana, llc1cnce faculty, trmver ity of Redland. ; and D1· Sidney 1,, G dean of arts and sci- Die go Stale • • ta thematics, ts commended for its completeness and var- iety and regarded as an ex- ample for the rest ot the de- partment. In the Humanities, the committee admired partici- pation by Ltudents in the classes in English, foreign languages, philosophy and theology, Students were at- tentive and often eager to take part in discussion the members said. • Social Program Requirements in the field or General Education meet the needs of the students' and aim at unquestioned values. They provide an acquaintance with a vanety of disciplines and with useful basic mformalmn. They also encourage facility of expres- sion. it was noted. The ex- aminers' general impression is that among the students are potential members of the faculty. Additional social fraterni- ties in the college and the program of soc,al activities with the College for ,Yomen won the approval of the visit- ing educators. Other activi- L,es such as student govern- (Continued on Page S) \ ERY REY. JOH.· CADDE. , College President •
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