News Scrapbook 1962-1964
USD Cagers Look To '64
Schumacher In Recital AtUSD "HP is ablP to makt> thP keyboard sing and that, God knows, is a talPnt as lrr•as- urablP as it b rar<'." Thus wrot,· rrit ir Jay S. Harrison of 11w J\'.Pw York Herald Trihun<' about plan- i st Thoma. Sc·humacher, who will be hl'a rd in rc-cital at the thratPr of the Uni- versity of San Di<'go's Col- ll•g for Wom,•n, Saturday <'vPning at 7:::o. The con- c,•rt is free. Schumach<'r, who was a prize winner in t11e 1962 llusonl Competition in Bol- ?ano, Italy, has ,·0111·,..rtl?:Pcl widely in the United States and is slat,•d to mak<' a for- mal N<'w York dPhut ln Town Hall l)<'Xt month , A nativ<' of Montana, thc> young artist attPn,l<•d the Manhattan School of Music and thp Juillard School, tlw l a t t <' r und<'I' an alumni seholarship and tc·aehing f<'ilowship. His pl'Ograrn wili inc•lud<' Mozart's 'Sonata in F Major, K. 3:32," SdtuhPrt's "l m Jl r om pt u 111 E-J<'lat Major, Chopin's "Sonata in B Minor, Op. 58," Al· bc•niz' "Evo<'ac!on" and "F.:l Puerto," and Debussy's "La 1Prrasse de audiences du c•lair du lunc>," "Minslr<>ls" ;ind L'isle JoyeusP."
MOOT COURT 13 Students T Pkia
'nin•rsity of San DH•go ha completed its basketball sea- son with a far from impres- sive 6-l!l rC'r·nrd, but 1 · Ol"P• ros of coach Phil Woolpcrl a re look mg ahParJ tn hr>tt<'r th111,:: next sea. n. usn will Jose only nnp pla '· C'l', sPninr Cravr•ns, from its starting Ji\e. Three or the t am's top four scorc1 are JJresently ophomores. C ;uard Lymond Williams (5 . 91 !I'd the race with 325 points ovrr thP 25-game route for an av- erage o! 13.1. Jctr Hal e a 6:P guard h thC' who will return n l 0th r sophomor Larry Moyer, a mann 1lke Jack on. Ken I morrow But llPreml nt , Jut y members In moot court trial will he d nts from rour ,·ollegcs thl ar w1tnc net i;-hing the ledurt'. ,imihtr an n~rnardino. Ri\"er-,ide. and Im_~ ,honn at the --ame Ihm• b<'l,m ~our,'"" art' bt-iau; ghcn :111 \ ))art of the cla,, of H5 ' - l)f,OIC\TED •-.fl DE T 1>ro,pc1·tiw1 tPat'hl'r, for th!' Parish <,rade :,cbool o! Religion iu n Oh-go h ,hown ,i.s m,•mlw,.., Ii trn to a lecture b~· Slst<-1 " 'tr' (olumba.. OP. during on!' of thP tl,ice-a-neek eH:rting ,ion, at the l:ni,er,lty nf San Diei:u, Shier Columba i, perlal (·ountie,. Tl e , 0111111t·tini;- th.. ,·our,e, !ht> end of \1,r1I \\ill be ghen, to h.•ar·h reliJ{ion da-s~ for ehildrPn or el<'m..ntar rad..-. "hen ,chool, reo)lt'n nPxt ptember. Meeting Slated By Alcala Guild The Alcala Guild of the University of San Diego Col- lege for Men will hold a meeting at 8 p.m. Monday, January 21 m the Lark Cafeteria's fa c u l l y dining room on the Alcala Park campus. Members will hear a talk on the art,; of beauty. Make• J up, figure control and pos- 11 ture will be discussed. J - I 7 · <,,S AZTEC, USD RUGGERS MEET Rugby teams from San Diego State and the Uni- versity of San Diego will battle this morning at 11 o'clock at Aztec Bowl to kick off Southern Califor- nia Rugby A. soclation competition. The Aztec", under Coach Frank l\.Iattaroccl. are 2-1 in pre-season play and are picked as one of the fa. vorites to win the college division o! the SCRA. USD, with coach Ed Cederberg at the helm, has a young team made up of former Torero foot- ball players who remained in school after the sport was discontinued at USD. • • • • C lasses Attract 145 For Teaching Rol es Cla.,ses have ~tt,acted 145 prospectl\·e teachers fo,· the Parish Grade School of Religion in San Diego.• fsgr. Franklin F Hurd, diocesan director, announced. The group, rep1·esEonting 27 parishes in the city, will be qua!,fied lo religion classes when school reopens next " * September, ::11sgr. Hurd added, Classes are conducted two evenmgs each week at Uni- versity of San Diego's College for men. One evening is devoted lo study of the various cateche- Ucal terhnique~ employed in teachmg chilifret1 or the ele- mentary grades. Sisler Mary Columba, OP , Sister Mary James, OP and Sister Jude Mane, OLV:).[, are in charge of lh1s part of the program, Clagses on the second eve• ni ng are devoted lo doel1 ina I mstruct1on. F'ath,•r Charles She8lo, faculty member ot Un iv e r s i t y High School, tea,·hes the r·o11rse in Chris- tian Dochine. Similar courses a I e un,k ' way in the co11nlt
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