News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Bis op Wi I Ordain

Saturday ites Set in Imm culata At Alcala Par E'ourt n emlnarlan~ v.111 1 c:. lo the priesthood I> the Most R verend B hop at 10 a'm. th1 day, F~bru "Y 9 in the lmmacul ta on th Uruver t • or , an Diego's Al I Park campus Six or the ordinands co e from Immaculate Hea1t 8cmt nary on the Alcala Park campus· two com<' from the Son or the Sacred H rt House or . tudl on t te cnmpu • th!ee ll be ordained Augustinian Fathers: l\\OWill be ordained e1-v, ~·ather , and one will be ordained a. Conventional Franc c The six Crom Immaculate Heart ·emma, · are Rev J Joseph Buttimer, Rev. \Vl!liam H Co !iron Rev. George F. Hardy Rev. William Phillips, Rev John f .·proul, and R • Jo eph .\la\\1cke Th two from t.he e -ona FaU • Hou Rev .J eph ~1 Leone F 'CJ, anti Hc>v Francis FSCJ, Three Augustinians Named The lhree Augustin an are , nthony .M Valeo, OS P.ev W1lllam P • lahcdy OSA a R<'\'. V. llrr P \'ogel OSA. The two erv1tes are Rev. Fredenc:k OS. I and Rev. Mark !If, Romero O,'111 R v. Ralph Vala, OFM Com \\Ill be o d tual Frarc1Scan Father. The Rev Mr Buttimer, son o! Mr id lrs. John Butt!• mer, completed preparatory studies With the Divine Word M, lonaries at Duxbury Masa ; Conesu.q • Y ; Epv. orth Iowa: :>larcnl co, l1ch.. and Ray Saint Louis, fi. s He com- pleted hJ~ theological course at Immaculate Hr rt Seminary. He will offer his First Sc, emn Maas Sunday, F bruarJ 17, rn St Clement's church We t Somel"\'llle • !ass. v.hr1·r R Rev l gr. Robert P. Barry Is pa.qtor Native of San Bernardino The Rev J\Ir Cornelison Is the son or Mr and Mis Jarr t ,I Cornell or, of 6952 Del Rosa A~enue. San B r a.rd o, where he was born April 18. 1936. He wa.s edu at d i San Bernardino public schools and entered the .-ev<'nth gra e m St. Anne's School lhe1e when 1t was opened m 194.S, H graduated from St. Bernardme s High School In 1954. The R v Mr. Cornelison entered St. Franrls :llinor Semi• nary El Cajon. in 1954 and completed his theological studies at Immaculate Heart Seminary. He was awarded a Bachelor of Arts degree from thP. San Diego Coll ·ge for Men in 1960 He will offer h• First Solemn :lfass this Sunday, February 10, in St. Anne's church. San Bernardino. Assisting hi!'!'\ 'as archpriest w;u be Rev. Thomas O'Toole pastor. Rev Donald Webber will erve as deacon and Rev. John Harmon as uh deacon. Re\'. Ben)am,n J. Ca1rier of Marian High School w II preach the sermon. The Rev ~fr Hardy was born In San Diego :11a1·cn '· 1937 He 1s the son of lhe late Rett )\J. Hardy and Mrs. Hardy who now reside in Imperial Beach. His father al

USO T oreros Try for 3rd At PhibPac l niver ti o' Sar D1°go third win o! the ea on tonight when it take on PhlbPac at 8 on the lat- ter's court in Coronado. 1 Onf' of the Toreros' two previou. tnumph was a 73. 54 decision over PhibPac la t month Coach Phil \\ oolpert's col- legian are h ping their hoot- 1 In w JI giv them bet- 1 ter ervicc than in la~t atur- day' 64-61 lo s to 1 a r I n c < Corp Recr1 It D pot. In that • game, the Torero connected on only 23 of 68 trie. from - th floor for a chilly :l3 per C<'nt p Ph1bPac, which has lo:st only to Cal Poly of •·an Luis Obispo, U D, Palomar Collegi• :i. alumni and San Diego State e fro ·h carry a 13-4 record 3 Into the conte t. Among the echicvemenl~ of coach H. D. Koons' Invaders l are a . ccond-place fini ·h rn. the Holiday Ba.·ketbal! Tour- nament and the <'hampionship • In la t week' USD Invitation- al. USD is 2-9 for the eason. ; /-//-{,':,. bid for it

MCRD Triumphs Over USD Again Marine Co1·ps RPCl'Ull Depot madP 1( three' for three' over University of San Diego in basketball last night with a pul8ating, 48-47 victory in the TorPros' gym. USD enter- tain · Cal Poly of Pomona to- night at 8. The Marines succes ·fully stalled for the final 42 second to protect their one-point mar- gin. MCRD led throughout most of the second halt, but never by more than six point Russ Cravens sparked a last-ditch rally by the Toreros wltb three baskets In 3½ min- utes. His first two field goals knotted the tally at 45-45. Then, after three points by Marine cott Iverson, Cra- vens' t hot from the corner produced the final score. Bob Mealy of :\1CRD t o o k scoring honors with 17 points, while Lymond Williams was high for USD with 14. In the preliminary, Local 89 of the San Diego Municipal League downed the USD fresh- men, 76-60. Varsity summary: MCRD (41) USO 147) GFPT Mealy 6 5 3 17 Telsmann Sellers o 2 3 2 Cravens Iverson 3 3 2 9 Mover Adams 3 0 3 6 Wllliam1 Anderson 1 o 1 2 Jackson Blackwell 2 l 2 5 Madsen Gaines O o l OWical Lake o o 1 o Perry 2 3 2 7 Totals 17 U 11 41 Totals Halftime score : us 025, --- . GFPT 3 3 l 9 3 2 2 t 2 1 2 ! 6 2 2 ,, 0 0 3 C 2 0 2 ' 3 ' .. ' ,,, 1647 MCRO 24.


'tne mouuuuu

Wives Elect Mrs. Price

Wives Club of the Univers- ity of San Diego School of Law have el ted new offi. cers. Mrs. Ronald Price will suc- ceed l\Ir . George Marinos as president of the group. Other new officers are Mmes. Ger- ald l\Idfahon, first vice pres- ident; William Draper, sec- ond vice president; Gayle Anderson, secretary; Werner Steffen, treasurer and Wil- liam Blank, historian.

l.lHH \J:\' I ,I'\ ·~·10:--.- no1l11•r ,t,.11 \la, fal,1·11 to nlt'd groning n,•plf, ,1Iwn fhp l'nin•r• ,it} oi ~an Uir ,..o Lihr.u., open<·d lht> ,n·o11<1 floor thi, w.-Pk to ,tutf Hnd ,tud"nt..,. Thf" 1wn 'P(·tion, part of \\ hkh i, ,ho,,n lwr,-. \\a1., prf'p:1r1•d 1o ;t<·<·,,mn1odatf" 2,5:.000 \olunu-.... Th~ nP\\ n•a lin:: arul 1« frrt-tu-(- ,t•£·1inn ,,111 h,· dP,·otP1I to hi ... tori•• and <·11rrt•11t f'\(•nt, a11tf al,o ,,ill hou,t• tlu- 1lhra1·.,·... [H·riudkal •·0J11•<:tion. 1'11,• 111i,•10Ji1111 11,·partnH•nt al"io \\ill bt.• ,uln1i111"'lt•rN..I I rum Uu"' .bl"C lion..

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