News Scrapbook 1962-1964

Toreros Encounter Tough Foe

USO Still Seeks First Hoop Win; Aztecs, CW Idle


University of San Diego bids for its flrnt basketball victory of the season tonight in Ingle- wood, but it's a big assign- ment for the> Torcros. Th c y tacc> strong Prpperdlnc. The Wavl•s <.1-1) who play in the fast West Coast Ath- letic Conf<'rrnc,•, whipped San Diego State CollegP last week, 74-66, and the Aztrcs turned around lo beat USD, 68-49. Off those l'<'sults, c•oach Phil Wool- pert's San Dirgans figure to have thrir work cut out for tht>m, Williams Pac<'s USO Ly m o n e games. Williams has scorc>d 42 points, an average of 14 a game, and Moyer has scorrd 40. California Wrstern, which cam<' home Sunday from the Pomona College• Invitational with a l •2 r<'c:ord , returns to action l"riday night in GoiclPn gym against Arizona (J,'lag- staff) Sta tt>. Th c> WPst<'rners, w h o whipped University of Califor- nia al Riverside, 60-54, but lost to Pomona, 56-51, in I.he North, are led in scoring by 6-1 junior Jim Hefner, a trans- fer from Santa .l'.na JC. Aztecs Face Denver Hefner, with 51 points, is hitting at a 17-point-a-game average. San Diego St at e, with ( a 3-1 r e c o r d, starts a 1 four-game trek through the r Rocky \1ountains tomorrow night at University of Denver. 1 ; Center Bob Mackey leads , Aztec scoring with 50 points ' and a 12.5 average, followed by Clyde Hadley, 11.8, an d Larry ?v11•<•k, 10.8. Top SDSC 1 rebounder to date is Tony Garnier, with .17 caroms. Fig- ures: USD fga fsm fta ftm rb Pf fp av. Lvmond WIIHams 32 19 7 -4 8 14 42 14.0 c~t::~, al H ?? 1 : H 1 i 1 i} Mark Telsmann 25 9 15 10 10 13 28 9.J Mike Jock,on • 11 5 ; 3 13 9 13 •.3 Je°r"r~ :. M g f 1 1 tY B~~~le~ai,~~I C J 8 8 ? S8:6 Te-om Rebounds 34 USD 151,860 38 108 65 174 51.0 Opponents 15l 7l 91 6' 109 -49 212 70.7 San Diego State Plover fga fgm fta ftm r pf tp ave. Mackey •o 18 21 i, 28 i, so 12.l Hadley .. 33 12 29 23 6 9 47 11.8 t~;~ier 1i g l~ g J~ l&:i Bowers 31 14 10 10 4 6 38 9.5 Glltnero 16 7 11 8 20 10 22 5.5 Roberts 10 4 J 3 12 5 11 2.8 Jon

C.'a,p ·, and gnartl Ton.r Caputo. Ba('li. ro,\: for\\ard '\1..!rk Tt·l,nrnnn, guurd ,J,•rr~· Hal-,·y, center Bill Jon<, crnt..-r .\like Jac·k"'on, ('t•ntf-'r h.Pn h..ull~r,::. ('f-'ntt•r Larr~· ,10~·..,r, and for~ \\&rd C harlr~ \\'Ira!. \ s<'hftluh•d gam,, \\Ith the l :,.I.) :\luuu11 De<·1•mb,•r I ha, 111•1•11 <'llllCt>lrd. • • • -------,..,==-=

Toreros to Tackle Whittier in Opener Th Unh-etSllY of San Diego s b ketball t am Wi.l hase to wait a !e ,· Jays before the season opener It v.a announced Tue d y by hencl coach Phil Woolprrt, who bv mutual agree- ment with the USD Alumni AB!lO•'ialion, canceled the game \\hich hat! b<>en scheduled for this ·atul'd_,,y, December 1.

Torero Five On Road Trip Four ruggrd games- ~in she: days a-,,-alt Coach Ph11 Wool• pert and Ins Univer~lty of San Diego basket.ball squad now on a trip through North- ern California and Nevada, The To1·cros. who took a 2- 10 record Into laat. night's game v.,th JlfcClelland Air BRSe near i;acramento, will rest tonight then tra,·el to Woodland, Calif., where they will play the C niver~ity of California, Davl (Cal Ag- gies 1 ,n that uea's annual l\larcll of DimeR benefit game too1orrow night. Saturday, the Torero~ cross over to Reno, where they will take on the University of Ne· vada Wolfpack, recent con- querors of Portland Univer- > ty by .7•69 and 49-46 counts. Woolpert's crew v.ill return home Sundav night for a day's rest then \\ill take to the road again next Tuesday for the Pomona Classic. The Toreros drew a fast-moving Whltuer College five for their fir ·t game Tuesday, starting at 9:30 p.m. The host Cal Poly of Pomona team will open the tourney at 7:30 p.m. against San Fernando State roJIP2"P /-J..c.f-(; 3

The Torrro will open their se on at h me at 8 p.m., Tue day, Deumber I, against the powerftll Whittler Col- lege Po t With on week or practice lert before the opener, Wool- pert ha r t !fled h start- ing line-up with orly two starters from las year's five 11 led on the first team. Re urne Include 6-3 Ru~ Craven and 6-6 center Lany Moyer. Jerry Hal ey a 6-~ re erve forward l as t year, ha moved to a tarting posi- tion as gunrd. Tv,o new f 11 c es dot the Torero squad -5-9 guard Ly- moncl W !hams. a transfer from San Jose City Colleg-e, and 6-4 fot , ard, )fark Teis- man!' who wns a starter 011 the Marquette Uni,•er tty fro h team. Others expected to see ac- tion against the Poets are a pair of lanky centers, Ken Kullberg, 6-7 ophomore and ;\!Ike Jackson. a 6-6 sopho- more. Re crve• at the guard spot Include three-year letter- man Tony Caputo. 6·2: two- vear letter 1nner Dirk Mad- sen. 6-2, and six-foot ~opho• more Walt Casey. Charlie Vtcal, a 6-4 senior, out Jaat. year ,v ith hepatltl , will fill ln at the forward ~ot alon~ Y.1th 6·6 sopho• more Bill Jon s.

Following next Tuesday·s contest, the Torei os wlll be on the road for seven straight )(ame , t>eginmng December , at Loyola December 8 at !;an Diego State December 11 at Pepperdine, December 15 at Whittier. and Decem- ber 20. 21, and 22 at Ana- heim for the annual Kriss Kringle KlaRsic. Prior to the WIUtt ier con• te,t, the Torero fro,;h, under Coach John Cunningham, wit me-et ca I e w o of the City Leagtle at 6 .rn P·"'·

17.0 11.0 11.0 9.0 6.7 3.0 2.5 2.0

SI 33 33 27 20

13 3

19 15 .16 .13

Joerndt Lemons Treaster Co IYle Crowell te:r~!~

1 l 6 0

. 7

6 S < ij

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3 0

.. 2 ······ · 6 8 i:8 Won 1, Lost ,. Points for, 181 J Oppo-1 1ents' points, 181. @~~~lnghrmi

I~ -11-u;z

Teismann Paces USD Win, 52-50 SMclol to,,._ San OiHO Union WOOD ND, Calif. -:'.',1ark Teismann brought University of San DI o from behind a ~TI de11 1t with a fielder late In th cond hair 1 a s t night and he Torero defeat- er! Unlvcr ltY of California at Davis, 52-:SO, in a wild, non- cont1•rence ba etball game. T •lsmann Jed Torero ~cor- 1•rs with 12 points and Russ Crav eru contributed 11. Ja k Steven on and John Ind11rt each tabbed 13 points or the losers, who rallied in he second half to go ahead alter trailing, :.18-:.15, at inter- mission. It wa the fourth victory again t 10 defeats :for the Tor- ero , who move on to Reno to play University of Nevada to- night USD (51) u. Cal oavl• ~$0~ T Toi mann P r 11 Deon O 0 3 3 l w 111am, 2 l 7 Stater 5 2 3 12 Mov , 3 ! .5 I Stevenson g 3 3 1l Jrovtn, 3 f 2 1~ ~~'ii~ on 1 i J 1 oo ! o Vukoich g A Cap 1 utt~ 6 1 5 5 3 3 tJ l 1(¥~~ 1 9 17 1111 52 Total• 1114 20 50 1 t-alttlme Scor.,_u,o 28, \J. Col Oow,1 25

T oreros Hand McClelland Five 60-56 Defeat SACRAMENTO Lymone! Will iams hit 20 poln anc! Mark Teismann ac!ded 17 here la~t night to pow r Univer- . itv of San Dir>go·. basket. bail 1 PTT m to a 60-56 triu ph ovC'r • !C"C\ellan Air Force Base. . It was only the third victory m 16 games for the Toreros. McCIPllan drew 16 points from 6-1 Walt Sosnowski a former Dartmouth perfor,..;er. . USD: held to a 23-23 half. time tie, drew out to a six- pomt lead with five minutes t? . go and nursed it to the f1msh, largely on foul shots The Toreros oppose thC' Cal Agg1<'s tomorrow night in Woodland in the s<'conct game of a three-game road trip use (60) G MCCieiion AFB. (56) T . FPT GFPT e1smonn 7 J -4 T7 Vel~nto 2 o 2 4 }X~ti~p 1 s f j J ~o DeNoPO/i 2 1 2 5 Cravens O J O -4 Fitchett l o ' 2 Jackson O O 3 1 Turner 2 ,t ,t 8 HI 0Meed 241B 0 sey g i 0 Sosnowski 7 2 2 16 2 12 Windley o o 1 o Kullbero o ~hlllops 2 5 ; 9 ~o~r:r 21 11 20 60 ~~fs 1i ,, 23 ,: o me score-USO 23, McClellan 23

t:CLEAR-PO\\'ERED SAYAN:',AH \ 'ISITED -The Most Re,·erend Bl.hop, ,;e<•ond from left abon•, and \'1.'ry Re,·. :11,gr, Donald F. Do•de, Bishop', ·ecretan, are -,hown aboard the sa,·annah, the world's fir,t nuclear-powered merchant ship, I as g,ii>,ts of Commodore Gaston R. DeG1·ooh.•, c·a!)tain of the "avannnh, centt>r, during the hip', visit to 5-lan Diego. Other, are ,lnmr., )forrh,e), chlt>f engineer, second from right, and Dr. P<'tPr,, th,• ~hip's doctor. Rt. Re,. )hgr. J. A. C. \'au --- ---- ----- . . .

\'r-ggr-1, pa,tor of St. Brigid's parl,lt, I~ ,hown below pre,entln_g a diocesan citation to CommodorP DrGroote on hehalf of His Ex<'ellenc~· for the Commodore', dlstlngui,ht>d roll' in th.- field of nudear .,clence and his out,tanding \\Ork In the use of atomic ener1,')· for the benl'fit of mankind. Dr. Peter~, cenlPr, joined in tht> pre-.entation ~ert>mony aboard the "UH11111ah :llonda). • • • • • •

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