News Scrapbook 1962-1964
College for Men Awarded ditat·on Until '67
Examiners Voice Highest Praise For Administration The glow of uratse shu e In the report. Marked progress was noted; presid nbal I adersh1p w11s admired; teachers were commended, and students show d good academic promise. It was the report for renewal of accreditation of the College for Men, University of San Diego It was approved on January 4 by the AccredJting Commission for Senior Colleges and Urtv r itlet1 of the Western Association of Schools and Colkges. And 1t earned full accreu1tation tor the Alcala Park school The Most Reverend B1Shop, university pre ident Md chancellor, announced that the commission awarded a~rcdi• tation for the years 1963 through 1967. Detailed Study of De partments Made V1Slting the men's coll!'ge in November, a committee or exammens for the accredlllng commission spent th,ec days in a detailed ~tudy of its departments-its administrative, an,demic, social, a'ld fiscal affair•. Its phy~lcal !acililies, and tbe caliber of its students and its teachers. !<'actor · that unpressed the examiners Include: * Strong admlnistrati\'e leadership. * Efficient management of fiscal affains. * High standards for admission to the college. * Facilities for superior service In the library. * Con ide1-able improvement in the services fot• guidance and counseling of students. * Educat,on or unq stioned values for lhe 1tudent. * Adequate programs for the 11tudents• 1oclal and athletic activities. Strong adn 1111 + tl\'e Icade hip the t'xamlners noted, has re:.nforced the organizational tructure of the llege. An academir. d n and a comptroller have been added; a competent faculty has been provided; and an efficient pro- gram for the r<'cn1itmert of l!taff and for their a.ssignment in respon.,1bilities tor w1uch they are prepared has been instituted. The ~xammers commended the efforts made to produce these results. They also paid tributi, lo the administration for the new financial vstem installed in the college. They ~atd the procedures it specifies are in practice. A reputable fhm of accountants re,·iew monthly financial statements and prepare an annual audit As a result the president at any given moment can determine quite accurately the fiscal condition of his institution, the examiners added. Careful Appraisa l of Polities Cited The report eontains a careful appraisal of policies and standards for admismon to the college. It asserts that both have been substantially upgraded and sees the results in a more able student body. The report congratulates Irving Parker, director of Admissions and Records, for hls adher- ence to high standards and defensible acad .mlc policies. Progress in the library was accla med by the examiners. The addition of a second professional hbrarian enhances an already good service, they said. .Mentioned m the report is the greater and better use of the library made by ~tudents and faculty. This it attrib- utes to the "'superior service" rendered by the director, Father Charles Dollen, and his staff. Noted also are the roomy and attractive library quarters and the excellent relationship between the staff and the college faculty. Improved Service5 Noted The examiners commended the administration for the ••tremendous" improvement in the services provided for the guidance and counseling of students. They are under the leadership of a well trained and qualified psychOlogist, they said. Further, the program, which reaches more of the stu- dents each day, is enhaneed by the addition of a faculty member from the Department of Sociology. The examiners called this a strong phase of the Student Personnel Program. Reviewing the various departments of education, the examiners saw in the Division of Business Administration and Economics one of the strongest areas in the college. The division has been overhauled for the better, they said. The DivLSion of Social Sciences is under the capable direction of an experienced chairman. Mathematics, in the • • • Division of Sciences and
or San Diego State College; Dr. P..alph Prator, chalrrnan, ,, Im (, pn-, ident of ·an Fnnando ~tatP. C'•)llf'gf'; Dr. Ed\\in T. Sus,nort Our Adv ,risers-They Support us • Mathematics, is commended for its compleicness and var• iety and regarded as an ex- ample for the rest of the de- partment. In the Humanities, the committee admired partici- pation by students in the classes in English, foreign languages, philosophy and theology. Students were at- tentive and often eager to take part in discussion the members said. • Social Program Requirements in the field of General Education meet the needs of the students and aim at unquestioned vaTues. They provide an acquaintance with a variety of disciplines and with useful ba~ic information. They also encourage facility of eKpres- sion, it was noted. The ex- ammers' general impression is that e.mong the students are potential members of the faculty. Additional social fraterni- ties in t he college and the program of social activities with the College for ,vomen won the approval of the visit- ing educators. Other activi- ties such as student govern• (Continued on Page 3) DR. T. HILL c\ RD COX Chairman, Economics . . . DR. JOSEPH RL'AXE Chairman, Sodal Srlences • • • High Praise l-'oif•e d College Awarded Full Accreditation (C:untlnu•d from I' !:" I) mcnt altral'ted very able st 11 • dents, the exa1 1 era said, and youn;;- rue11 of lh high- est caliber 1:1ey viewed the new ;;-ym- nasmm with Ill! complete a.rray of fac11it1es an im- portant asset, the swimming pool of Olympic ize, the basketball court which is College In a Jetter to FaU1er John P Cadden, pre~ident of the college, Mitchell P. Briggs, secretary of the Accrediting Commission for Senior Col• leges and Universities, offer- ed his "per..onal congratu- lations on the development which the college has enjoyed under your leadership. ' more than adequate, and the othl'r feature3 of the gym- na. 1u1>1 wh1c l hey consid- ered modern and 1ted to the educational needs of the mst1tutton. The comm,ttee of cxam- lnc1-s I n c I u de d Dr Ralph Prator, chairman, president of San 1'' e r nan d o Valley State Go 11 e g c: Dr Alex A Iola of the educ t1on fac- ulty M l..oyola Uni vers1ty, l ,os ngel s, Dr ~~dwin T. Coman, library Chl'ector, Uni- v r ,ty or C hforrna at fl.1ver- Blfle; Dr t h n W. Dana. 81:'lcnc faculty, Un.,·er ,ty of fl dland and Dr SI ey L. Gulick, d an of arts and s<.>i- en · , San D I cg o State DR. LOUI S RAI:CH Cha irman, ;lfat hematics •
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