News Scrapbook 1962-1964


Helix, 65-'

hrough *

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h • Woo per amed Ca


}f Hilltop, 58-32

Hampton Te ) Hoover Jayvf B)' J E RRl' MAGEE its ,•arslty for the Hoover warmed ul~ ·oft semifinals and I Section basketball P ) while cruslng to of Helix on the Cardinal court. - \ for next season yesterday dlnals won w1th1 'The Car ach Charles ton's smooth such ease co I t h · t the finish had anlfina ma c Hampton a . ct a num• in Cal Weste opportunity to ,nspe h have Friday at 8;' l ber ol youngsters w o been serving all season on the I A lea~ue · •vees elimination Ja~he ~ictory. Hoover's 23rd budge Helix in 25 games, m o v e d HamP·\AA playoffs landers, It W \ were living i CaI estern 1tr~i:;,e~ o C h US O 1~~~~1::s~t( rus es \!:Jte;;fen~ (Coiitlnued) pions. Heli1 Ith a Monarchs The T01:e~os hel~ w West- by a tie wh 11-9 deh~1t. The l0 straight the Grosslll erners p1ck~d up hion they locked, 7-7. points to gam the cus mine its c needed. . d sentatlve. To,ero !ouls werP conve1 t~ Helix m, ·nto valuable points early '" keeping Pal ~he secgnd half. Le~vls, for In- favorites. stance hit seven m a ro~- Helix got USD iost Bob Tritz early m draw on th the second half a nd ~ad t~ the taller send Russ . Craf 1vens r~onals trailed just sidelines with ve pe The H with six minutes left. 1 b ever coul~ . th e two c u s a • Th1s gave . power to split for the season b~t it w~s ter Bob f Cal Western's fiHh ti:iumph ;~ tin~ guard six meetings with 1ts cro . Jim Surb town rival. . with points wit John Robbins, playing h with 12 . j red ankle most of t e • an m u th steadiest player fast brea way• wat 'k collected 12 around t !or USa~d :elped generate Potter a points ff t h e Toreros Sur ber 12, wh at o ense 30 st all u ld muster. Hitting only mo co t 1 their shots the blank ra ~':re;~~ p~oved no match for around

Co C former USF Woofper ew Mentor Also ToreroCoach, Athl tic Boss Af h f~!~~ uu ss BJ J OH.·. ·1: ~rt-DOXALD good boy back ea try to get hlir _The Vnin?rsity of Sa n The 46-~ ea r old mentu sai d Diego took a major step in he wuuld h,re " a Jocal man the direction of big time \\ho was wi th him at l!::-F a college ba!"ketball vester- 11is lre-hmrn coaeh . ~h t , day whPn it ·igned "phi I could be John Cunningham. Woolpert to a three-vear one-rime Sa n Die:;o ,. o u n t contra t as athletic dfrec- ,corln" champion at St. Au- tor and coach. gustlne and later a cavtaln on Verv Rev. John Cadden the CSF !Pam pr<.'S1dent of the college fo~ W men, made the announ~ement ha ol the ~lgnfng and introduC<>d s p \\O\Jd out a 1962-63 · ated tlw le\'- \\ emir! 1~-

Woolpert tu members of the l pre s, r adio and television at the ~rts an? Se1t•nt•e building. I This confirmed a story that! appeare? Ill The San Diego Unum Feb. 28 at which time i was reported that Woolpert was the man l'SD wanted. TAKt;s PO ' T APRIL 1 Wool)Jert, w h o formPrly <'_oach~d the University of San F ranc1sco and the profession- al San Francisco Saints bas- ketball teams, will assume full-time duties April 1. The• new athletic director said he Intends to stress dr- lense, develop a strong fresh• man program and install a l bask!'tball program compara- • ble to that of West Coast Alh· letic Conference teams How<~\·er, the San B r u n o resident said he had "a Jot of catching up to do," "I'm getting a late start if I intend to recruit so me players !o1· next year's club," he said. ''I'll be receiving mo ·t of the boys on recom- mendation and s ight unseen." WON 60 STRAIGHT \\'oolpert said he had not viewed much basketball since he was fired from hi s Saints' post. He is remember ed , how- ever, for his great teams at USF during the 1950s when the Dons won two National Collegiate Athletic Associa- tion crowns and captured 60 straight games. A former two-time N' .AA "coach of the year." W o o I - pert pointPd out that defen- sive basketba ll was his style uf play and U1at he intends to teach these fundamentals 60 per cent of the time. " I haven' t discussed it fully with Father Cadden. but I know tha t scholarships w i 1 1 be expanded," the new ath- letic director said. "I'm look- ing forward to getting back into college coaching . . . in pro ball _you aren't a coach, you're a manager." Father C a d d e n acknowl- edged that scholarships would be improved. "Athletes w i 11 receive tuition, room a n d I board " Father Cadden said. j But he would not say h o w many athletes would be in- cluded. :-EEK. (T~""NINGHA~I? Woolpert believes 'he c a n obtain most of his players from California s ch o o I s . ''There 1s nothing wrong w ith players from California high chools, r ,e n some fine boys in t he t," he said. 'Howe,·er, if ,,,e hear of a (Continued on b-8, Col. 1)

to t at of the U ky Dow- Ill ,aid h<•


f -62 sea ·on. ' Pli Pepperctlne co

woul(l lw laughed. "All he did was win IIH• \\'CA<.: championship this year:' llo\\r,rr. this srnl'd n ,- tkc that \\'oolpert would have l i l t l e diffil'Ulty se'wdulin~ l"SF, Santa Clara . St. .'\la1-y's a al PPpperdine for 1uturc ~easons. to hav clubs that run a great deal .'' he admitted. "I belie,·e. ho\\. e,er, it will take at least two ) ears to drill most of the playl 1 l's on de1Pn~P." \Vool- µ,•1t said he prefers the man- fur~man o\·e1 the ltme. "I can 1·,·m<'mhPr w h a t Hank Iha 1Oklahomu A&~! ,·oudtI once . ·aid.'' he arlclPd , .. A l'0a<'h who practices cle- 1·cn~.- l'an ha, e n joh for a long tinw. " \\'oolpert saul thP oµposi- tiun will ha\·e to earn '-'' l'J'\' bi\sket iL ltt>ls. · "f would like tu sep I 'SD admitted into tlw WCAC," he said. "I'm sure they (the con- ference I would be better off With eight lPams than seven. The only problem ls that il may be difficult for another Catholic school to get in." ) IOVED TO U'-1" Woolpert·s firs t coaching assignment was with St. Jg. natlus High in San Fram·isco from 1~46 to 1950. His teams had an O\'erall record of 63 wins and 29 losses and rap- tured one city t)e. He moved on to I 'SF < frr~hman coach.. In l(l48-49 b fore assuming the head j< in 1930. During JO yrars thcrr hi> teams won 179 games and Jost 86. They captu red four con- ference titles. ,von t wo • 'CAA title· 0955-561 111ul placed third in 1957. Ile coached such outstanding players as Bill Russell , K C. Jones and .'\like Farmer r all All-Ameri- cans I, Fred Lacour. Gen c Brown. Jerry Mullen and Cun- ningham. like to play 11,." "I don 't Intend

-San Oietao Union Statf Photo

Phil Woolpert, one" ·m rsit\' of San Francisco coach, left, yeste1:. day signed a three-year contract as athletic director and basketball coach 'nl

a_t the University of San Diego, effec- tive April 1. Very Rev. John Cadden right, president of the College fo~ :\Ien, made the announcement.

-San me;o Union PMI~ by Bob Redd!ff snapped during pla)'.O game yesterday in Grossrnont Ht\;h t ture was


he Westerners this time.

Forwar tGhueaLrda ~j

-JohnnY McDonald.

The UmYers1ly of S Diego this week took ita /lrst step toward big time collegiate ba,ketball with the signing of Phil Woolperl to a three-year contract as athletic director and basketball coach. The signing of the famou. coach to the three-year contract

to w l n

Foothillers went on

Cal Wulern (16)

o,F, Sp Ts

USO (50) \ \ cravens 1 • 1 11 A. Wical 2 4 2 8 Mover

Gy rn

roul 58-32




v 1 i g ! i a strong ( Helix ; the hrs 4 Hoover 801 & 33.20, Sc 1, ~2°J 5~ made ea .«I, in the t were no { i .. 4 2 12 l 3 S S 3 2 \ . t


-· ---lcarlr, 1•

Class AA g~ m


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mar Snaps String eruvians, 81-70 T s n Diego un ion • RCO~ ·~~i~:a/c;llege broke a three-gagit Wlr . the barnstorming former Peru Y,:"P c


G~e~n~ood Tak.ahOshi ~"a~?i~s

61 {

6 3 1 15 Caputo

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beginning April 1 wa.c. &n· nounced by Very Rev John Paul Cadden, pre ident of the College for 111,n. Woolpert was coach or the national champion University or San Francisco baaketball team and more re ,c e n t I y coached the San Francisco Saints of the professional American Ba.,ketball League. Record Cited

t i i 9'tt,jl~~1 40 A BSu+1!rg1~ !~a~~: 96 cat

newed vigor to our athletic


e 31


Woolpert Indicated that next year's team would face much the same level or com- pet ition as the squad In the season just completed. Time Re quired "It takes time to develop a. strong ba.sketball progl'am." he said. "'It's not something which can be done over- night.'' The new 'CSD roach said he intends to 8lress defense, develop a strong fr~an program, and install a bas- ketball program comparable to that of West Coast Ath· letfc Conference teams. "I have a lot o! catching up to do, 0 he ~aid al the news conference Tuesday at ,vhich his .signing wa.s an- nounced. 'Tm getting a late start if I intend to recruit some players for next year's club. I'll be receiving most of the boys on recommendation and sight unseen.'• 'Coach of Year' \\'oolpert is a former two- time NCAA "coach of the year." His first coaching a..ssignment was from 1946 to 1950 at San Francisco's St. Ignatius High. His teams had an over-all record of 63 \\;n~ and 29 losses and captured one city title. After a stint as fre:-;hman cage coach at the Umver ·ity of San Francisco. he look o,·er as USF head coach. Dur- ing his 10 vea1.,, "" head coach there his team, 179 games and lost 86. They captured four oourer- ence titles. won two .,. • titles in 1955 and 1856 and placed third in 1957. I Woolpert coached such All· American t._rs B l Ru~- sell, K. C. Jones, &nd • like _!_arm~r.:J'


who ran




oo o-• ' , H•II• m>

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, Gowins \i~i,: eealtv (71 Muerdler Qplot; Webster

····:··· Ste°rnberger

. ing an 81-70 victory here last night. Escondido


x-1 7


y SCO~

and Reyes, HoY


El Cafg~


-- - -


(A), Hall

17 9 season s1?~: u ): porter, HIii


a. ex-San D1egu1lo



r and former Vista ence champions a ' George HarUiel record

000 0--, 5 2 141 x--1 1 ,


and snow. Clalremon

They face American oceansf•• ,

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and 16 points re- Rl·vcr in the first round of t e Armstron; 0,

hAes,t,or~~> Powers

s1ocurn Lorenz.

(4) and




m ,,_ 11 , , voo•~ ~J 5 ~r;3afs" 001 1~ ~ 5 : (3). Lu Si warrum HeU< i;,'!"~"iin (3) Hoovor 230

junior college m Thursday, March X~::r~~ty ·::.. ·:.·. tourney schulrz.

for Paloma•:• ttc of the Peru qu~n- scorers with 29 with at 3.30 p. 1 - state .

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Timms, wamer l (Sl ond segerow, cralo; wa1tm,

st College in




8 at Orange




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nquc a ~,mg


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Palo· Costa



th ~ent~al Confer- \


F p T Peru (70}


1 3 19 J.Guzman A 3 3 3 7 e.ouartt 7 0 B R.D'rle 2 1 6 Petula \ 16 conero s o n Cipriani 3 O 1 t 6t~i~;~g~ bi,o o 2 6 P.G'z'mn O O 3 O 1 i 11 11 Totals 2, 12 14 70 ore: Palomar 46, Peru 37. 10 8 4 , 2 0 1 ' 6 2 1 l 5 l 1l, l l9 8 o .,4


27 hree different men three runs apiece to- CLA exploded for lnnings to crush Val- 1 r College, 13-0, in a baseball game on \ ins' Joe E. Brown ng pitcher Ezell Sin- 2-0l of San Diego, out- Tebbie Fowler - who\ triple and single-a nd Adams all got three UCLA won its second !the year. _ nals Wallop \ s Gain Playoffs 1 I YORK, Feb. 27 l<'I - acuse Nationals over· 16-point deficit and a spot in the Nation- ·kctball Association I for the 13th straight ith a 130-120 victory New York Knicker- befor e 5,138 at Madi- re Garden. \ G F p T N.Y. (1'10) G0 ~ f 1 5 3 3 13 Buckner 2 0 1 4 7 4 :t \8 Budd O 2 l 2 & f 1 ~ ~~if~rer 9 3 4 21 8 3 3 19 Gree[" 3 7 2 12 2 4 6 B Guerin ' ij 2 ~ 82--418\mhoff 62514 15 4 3 34 ~°,!J8r 18 6 1 A2 Stlth 0000 51 28 29 130 Totals 47 26 21 120 27 3B 1:8 37- 130 · 3, 17 27 27-120 OTTOM ISHING . 8 a.m .-Ret. 4 :30 p.m. 75 U~~:R M SPORTFISHERS t. & Res, AC2·1144 $400 ea. 16 - · -

TOYOTA CRUI' R::~.~.e..,., •" ........... - h ed to drive,,. Sportsmen, ranchers, contractors w one before...appreciate the extra power.

• Extra lolf 1etr of • SEE tT,

• 135 h.p., &-cylinder engine • sure•footed, hard workina:


·,er tod•Y


~G~:J/1q [br USO Romps, 12-0 TI1ree l'ni,·e ·sitv of San Die o pitchers co.mbincd to hold Pt. .'\lugi Na, al Air Sta- tion to one hit ycstcrda~· at Beeson Field as the To,·eros .-om1,ed to a 12-0 \ ictory, its srventl1 in 10 gamrs. Pt. Mugu NAS 000 000 000-0 1 t

Come in and drive a Land ,, ROSE AUTOMOTVE SER!! A1 5921 Fairmount Avenue Ext.. SAN DIE ,th•'',, t these 5 • Complet e Pa ri s and Service facilities also a A SANTA AN . 1" HOLLYWOOP LONG BEACH co•e.J:•nd 1t•J/f;,, Hollywood Toyot a fs9~ k V~t1~rc coa,5t, 32 1 ici'l\1 23 ~b~~ 0 'i101I~iOod Blvd. Ht4g;i;96 oa...tOfil-' HO S-351:5 " '" tron·s LOS ANGELES NO. LONG IEACH iiW;ti• '/Jf'J~••' Brandt & :arrant Re.ncho Jeco S~P§\td. 740 ~/8~9'16& 1244 8. LaBrea Avenue 6309 0 P,_t.rJ.rsff: w,, 1-1711 -- ru1

Dll 410 30..- 12 14 (J) and Bess; Hemin- (7l and Rud- 0


:-JEW TERERO BOSS-Phil Woolpert, Sonnrr I nh-.rslty of San J<'rancl<;<-o basketball roach, left, and Yery Re,. John P. Cadden, pre,irl, nt ot the College for :'lien, a re sltown at pre conference TueMlay a.t which Father {'adden annul·nc-ed the "'igning of \\.·oolpert to a. three-year contract a• athletic director and head basketball eoath of the Unlver ity of San Diego.

Browr, Rosero g_er, Wilbur Ul, Gc>ddard Mki HR· -Codv, USO, 2nd, one on.

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