News Scrapbook 1962-1964


, THE SAN DIEGO UNION 65 Sun., l<'l'b. 2.,. 196'! SAN DIEGO, CALl~ORNIA BASKET~O~L~: SCORES! Cal Polv (Pomonol 69, USD . Col western 64 W t I 62. El Camino 71,, Son Diego CC 70, Palomar 75, Son Diego S1. Frosh 68. Seattle 9&. Washington St. 74, Orewon SI. OS, Idaho SO. New Mexico St. 93, W. Te-xo~ St. 66. Niogoro 63, St. BonovPnlure 69, JCL-A 7S. Stanford 65. H lU~ton 16, southern Col 68. Santo Borooro 77, Son O eg Stnle 15, MississiPl)l 83, Tulane 76. Bradley 93, Noire Dame 87 St. Mo, v·s 6S, Lovolo tLos An Woshin91on 67, Oregon 19. Fresno St. 76, Col Poly tSLO ! tl. Ohio State IC2, lllinols 79. Armv 47, Novv A6. Duke 87, North Coraline 7 • Purdue 94, Minnesota 80 1'~~?~1l'g';iJ~~~~d~gna es. St. John's 76, Fordham' Penn State 63, Plltsbur" S5. Wes! Vtrgm10 101. Furman 86. Woke Forest 97, South Carolina ~tri~~~"A1af! 0 J$. ~k~ 9 "~ci ll: Yale 65, Columbia 40 tfn~1~~~~Y~f. ~·ic~fl~"t~ os. Georgia 68. Georgia 1"ecti 61 Clemson 75, Morvlond 68. 1--o0:g'is!~ 1~gf 51 oJn9!J Marqurtte 8-' ~r~~o~tin 5 ~s,F~°o~~h;.~,Pn~ • SMU 96, TCU 86 Auburn 60, Tennessee 5 Dovton 65, Loulsv lie 59 8!-':,~e~°tt.B~i:,:oZ'eii~ 81 101 DtPoul 77, Western Onloria 59 Droke 63, St Louis 60 Princeton n, Dartmouth 66 V111onovo 65, LaSalle 61 Texas Tech 8.t, Texas 71 Rice 77 Baylor 69 Mlssl,sfpol S1. 58, LSU ,a Kentucky 73, Alooomo 65 Florida 78. Vonderb111 68 WIiiiam & Morv 5', Richmond At Holy Cross 9/, Bo ton U 66 Bowl,ng Green SA. Western Michigan 6.t ~o%"a,e9i 7 _egwdo1~!. n.t 3 ~g~:!d~ 1t. i troitJtomln9 4 lll~w Mexico rn 74 ri1ona 70 ts) 6 • S.S.

~- ;./ ?.4/P

FE81tUAIY 1, 1962

Cal Po y Trips T oreros, 69-52

1 I USD, Cal Poly Play Tonight

Tourn.- · Torero Cagers Vie In Pomona Meet tr v Jing '!orcro ba ketball team froon the Unlversl Y Die u contlnu s to fulf!II ltll road engagements this , m lln th powertul Cl,.I Poly of Pomona cage quad (tomorrow) ght to kick of! action ln the Pomona le th r l mll mtcr d n thc·~------------ f ur•t m to u r n Y Incl• d I extend U1elr lo s atrlnlZ' to four Whlttl r llnd Chapman. tre.lght. The San Dlegans had The Co c h li:d Baran• d I st enc o u n t e r II to Orange Tur ro flv re<"enlly comp! ted County. Phlbpac and Grand a flv d y tour throu bout Call• C' nyon Coll~gc prior lo making foml v. h re th Y complied a the trip northward. 1.:: won lo m rk to brlng 11 turday, the Toreros auf. th 1' n I rd to IK win. t I d th Ir fifth consecutive d ,1 lo toss, thlft time by n 74-60 mar- Hookm n to Chico Stale College at Chico. d!J1g orer Russ Cravens and tarting t o r w a r d Tony ~------Jc puto r celved injurlr.l! during 'I I of San w kn I rl y I

Cal Poly of Pomona, bristling ~1th San Diegan , enrl<'d ,ts regular basketball s<'ason with 69-.52 \'ictory o, er Uni, <'r- sity of San Diego last 11ighl in Clair!'mont High's gym





University o

n Diego re-





It was th!' Broncos 18th \ 1c- lory against eight losses and C'auscd l 'SD's 19th Joss in 25 starts. Tht> Toreros ha ,·e onf' morl' gamP against C a l WC!stC'rn in Golden G,·m Ttlc-s· day night. • Cal Poly's Ed Black, a uh- ,lltute for San Diegan Art tHamhonel Willi11ms, was the> game's high scorer with 20' points. HC' firC'd in all of his nine• lielcl goals' from fairly long rang<' I Williams and USD's Russ C'rav<'ns w" r" <'JPcled for fighting with 15 minutc•s re- 1 maining. Cal Pol) 's olln•r San Dirg11ns Ed Johnson and Art- i ·t Gilhrrt scorrd 15 and 14 points. l"P~peclivt>l~- Pomoua U91 G F p T San Diego U2J ,= p T G1lbcrl l O 1 14 Robb1ns 4 1 1 9 Johnson S s 3 15 Tri1Z 1 o 7 '1 L~ m 1 1 A 2 Mover • 5 5 13 w,1 oms 2 I 1 JCrovens 2 1 J s 9urJC:mes • i l 'J ~-of ~~al J J i 1 Bunch O O OCOPUIO 7 I 2 5 Block 9 I 2 20 O'Ne II 1 (I 1 2 Frazier O 2 0 C. W col O 5 T 5 G James 0 I 2 tfolsev O 0 , 0 Totals 2f 11 19 69 Totals 11 , It St Halftim~ s re Pomcno 31 U D 71 Prellmlnorv · Pororhlol All-$tor1 A1, Clairemont BOY5 Club 36.

against tou

Cal Poly of Po- tonight at Clairemont


High gymnasium.

Tipoff is slatea for 8 o'clock A 6:30 preliminary game matchf's the Parochial Ll'ague all stars against the Claire- mont Boys Club. The Pomonans will he 1 paced by ex-San Diego J.C. stars Art f!Iambone1 \Vil-• Iiams, Edward Lc-e Johnson 1 and Artist Gilbert. TorPro coach Eel Baran listed Tony Caputo and Dick :-.radsen as hi::: starting for- wards. Larry :\1oyer at cen- ter and John Robhins and Bob Tritz at the guards. Russ Cravc-ns, who has been on the sidelin!'s lhn•p weeks with a torn ligament in hi< right l!•g, ls scheduled to se(• some ac- tion. This is lhP se ·ond meeting between the two lubs. Cai Pol\' d featcd ·so 83-55. aft- er b held to a slim 21-17 half has USD Jars Err' g Mugu Nine l~l base- ball team collected only three hits here today but took ad- vantage of J;: walk~ and 12 errors to coa t to a 12-1 tri- umpll o~er Pt Mugu a\'al Station. USD 020 301 6-ll l 1 Pl, Mu,u 000 010 0- 1 l 12 Goddard, WIibur (6) ond Faris, Rud• zinskl (6); Rosero, Brown {S), Angland (7} and Rivera, Hillard (5). te. Uni- \'ersity of San J;)ie

the conle l w h I c h sidelined them for tho remainder of the trip. Cravens, who hart been averaging 15 polntft per game this sen on, 1n1ff~red a po~•lblr. chipped bone Injury lo hls 11nl

Coloroefo 74, 10 Droke 6,3, SI Lo Cornell 66. Brown 2


c ndnnot1 118. Los Anc;cl1 Boston 109 PhllodelPtlla U t~rg~~~e ~ll· ~t.w L~~k \¼ ABL Kansas Cltr 119, Son Fronc SCD ?O. New YOfk 14 P ft urgh 12l

San Diego Union Photo bv Don Tichonchuk The ball, quite p1op rly, is the ccnt<:'r of attraC'• tion as Santa ~rbara's Ray Bosch, No. 35, and San Diego State's Carl Hunter, No. 22, battle for posse,-sion with 1he edge_ going 1o Bosch. ~taf P wound U[) its season agnmst the Cmwhos with a 77-75 d at. Their record is 10-16. C-W ONLY WINNER rea gers Have Bod Night It was a frustrnlin" finish lo an equally frustrating season for the San Oil'go State Aztec baskelballers Saturday night wh!'n they dropped a 77-75 dN•ision lo the Santa I3arhara Gauchos at Prt!'rson Gym. I The Aztecs <'ndc>d the earn- ll'ading thl' way with 17 and paign with a 10-16 r!'cord and 14 points, respectively. a 5-7 California Collrgtatr USD dropped its 19th game Athletic ConfPTPllC reading. in 2~ starts /\t C'lairrmont High Saturday night's c nte t was Saturday night, by losing to the fifth i<'ag e ,;;am 1 h c I Pol; of Pomona, 69-32. Azt<'cs hav(\ dro(lprd by four Cal Poly s :1'.:d Blar-k, a sub point. or lr s. for San DiPgan Art (Ham- The local ragrrs managed hone) Williams, was the high to out-perform tlw Gauchos scorPr with 20 points. with field goals but were C'al WC'st<'rn and the To- nailert fo1• morr infractions, r<'ros close out 1reir se,.sons 30-21. San Dirgo los1 seniors Tuesday night at Golden Gl(m. Carl _Huntrr. Norman ()~ a• In othl'r basj{!'tball action, pmsk1 and Danny Hendrick- ILWU won the San Dirgo arC'a son and hUb center GC'orge AAU basketball championship 1 Roberts on f O u I S and lhl' by beating CALEWO for the Gauchos took full advantage second straight time 82-70. : of the "crimes." Santa Bar- JLWU qualified to rr:r!'t thP · bara collected 2J3 free throws. AAU champs of the Los An-1 Guard Larry Redfoot. a geles area in Muni gym March form er Chula Vista High 3 to dC'tC'rmine thP Southern ' 1 lcager, helped lead the Gau- California representative in chos with 20 points, Including the National tourm•y in Dl'n- a tremendous 50-fooler just be- ver. fore intermission. Husky Gary In a preliminarv to th e Davis, the Gau~hos main Aztec-Gaucho con.test, Palo- boil:rd ma~. was high for thP mar College toppled San Di- v1.s1tors with 22 but Aztec ego Slate Frosh, 75-68. 0 uard Dkk Maureau was top ';nan with 26. Sen Diego (75J F P TScnla Barbor~ \,71J T 1 San Diego Junior College, ~i~'n•;k l 81 H~rirson i : and University of San Diego 6°ft•i~skl i Jg l 6 o 1 ~ a 2 ~ also dropped Saturday con- 15 212: ~f;::n & i tc>sts while Cal Western came l l J 1 8 ~~to 1 i ! !f up with the only local tri- Tota~s 29 17 JO 75 Tot9Ps 24 29 21 77, h Halftrme score-San O1e90 34, Santo ump . Barbero 31. El Camino College tied the Palomar (75) G F p TA,tec Frosh i·~ p T K · ht · f th' ·d · th M t Reoa 3 3 2 9 Z•gnfuss 2 1 2 s mg s or II 111 e c - ia11ond 7 7 2 21 WIiiis s 2 1 12· ropolitan Conference's final 6 ~~~lev i Z 1 1 l \1~Z~ i 1 i 1; standings with. a 74-70 ,·ictory ~~/i~;';' JJ 1¾ Gorrell a • • 20 over the San D1egans at foglr- tR 6 t,~•I i z J ll Wood. The Knight. fl !Shed Total~ 30 lJ 15 75 Totals 26 H 17 68 the season with a 17-12 r!'COL'd 28~alfhme scor'e--'-Polomar 3<, Son Dleool and 8-6 in the league. Pomona t,9) sen Di..o cs21 The Westerners pulled from Gilbert Y 6 {1~ Robbins 'l j f behing to hand Westmont Col- r 5 J 1i w~•., 1 ,I Inge 1 ·ts fi"rst home-floor Joss w1i1Jams 2 1 1 s Grovens 2 1 3 s '-:" Gunch 4 1 l 9 A. Wical 1 1 2 3 of the season' 66-62, with Chet I Jun{r•· J 8 f g ~~Jfu" ? ¼ Lewis and Norris Greenwood Bicek 9 2 2 20 O'Neill 1 o 1 2 ·=-~ J Frazier o o 2 OC. Wical o 5 1 s G. Jomes O 2 1 2 Hotsev o o l o Totals 2911 19 69 Totals 18 16 19 52 Halftime score: Pomona 31, USO 21. PrelllT'inarv: Parochial All•Stors .f2, Cloiremont Boys Club 36. Cal Western (66) Westmont (62) GFPT GFPT t~~rs'· # 13 ~f ~~~~rson 8 i l H ~oc::,~~m• 1 1 i Greenwooo 7 0 • 4 Hall 4 5 3 13 L~1rhashi g 6 h ~nv?eP l gg Totals 27 14 1S 66 Totals 22: 18 14 42



st,T <"t el' 1· OR PL.\ l -Tor<'ro r,:prrtpd to .. start. for 1 nherslty of San D1Pgo a 8 Y tomorr,m (Friday) whrn the)· tneet thr, tough Bronco~ of I th

t In

t n t 8

their rtnal ro J

q u




I< orward Jerry


l<'d the Tor<'ros v.1th a 16-polnt aplurge whlle El Bento. a pre•1 Cal

(P O mo n a)



a on pick for All-American Pomona ·1n Jude, .from top to honors, paced the Los Angeles bottom, Ru~ cra,·,•ns, Bill team with 25 markers. 111 I, Did, Mad •n, John Loyola I currently In the top Robbin and Bob Tri 1:. <'oach pot among w t t.:oa t Ba ket• l:d naran \\Ill I d a JO-man ha.II Conferen teams. c-ontlngPnt to the t\\o-day Th Torero will ho meetln toum:111wnt. one of the top small college •. • • ge ams In the Cal Poly st , wlnmng 120-117. Bronco . Paced by torm r San The S n Dlegnns ti xt home Dl('go prep 11tar1 Art Williams game will be February 10, when 1tnd Artist Gilbert, the Pomon- they piny h05l le, Vandenburg an~ r cently nitpped a 21-gRme Air Fore Base at Cle.lremont San Diego Marine _c_o_rp_:_s_ w_ln..:..::g.:..ym_.___,________

THE SAN DIEGO UNION Sat., }'ch. 8. 100·• 1 SAN OIEGo. CALIFORNIA a I 9 Cal Poly Rips T oreros, 58-36 Special ro The San 01190 Union PO~fO 'A. Feb. 2 Cal Polv or Pomona ad, nncl'd to th~ finals of the Pomona basket- ball cla. ic tonight by pulling a\\ay from the Univer ·ity of 'an Diego In the second halt to win, -36 t.: ·o n ill face the loser of tonight's \Vhittier - Chapman Coll,•gc game at 7 o'clock tomorrow night. Ed Johnson, Tom Black and Alt Ilambonel Williams each hit in clOUble figures to pace lhp Pom ans. Johnson and \\ 1lliam both former San Dirgo ca I hit 13 and 10 point·. r p ctively, while Black .ha , I J rry Hal.-ey was high for the lo~ r with nine.



SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA l .. I rhlay, l"'t•h. 2, l 6:!


Toreros, Cal Poly To Meet

re 12-13


With two starters definitely idelined and another listed as "questionable," University of San Diego travels to th e P o m o n a Classic basketball tournament today to take on Cal Poly of Pomona In t h e 6 30 game tonight. Russ Cravens, the team's top corer. I~ out with torn ligament in his right ankle and Tony Caputo, also a big point maker, has a fractured finger. Guard John Robbins ha a knee injury, but may l see some action against the Broncos, who earlier th! year took the measure of po er- ful Marine Corps Recruit De- pot. Jerry Halsey will be a start- er but won't be at full trength because of a pulled groin muscle.

Westerners Find Secret of Scoring the Toreros with 12 Cal Western's public address points as both teams closed th~ announcer was boasting of the hoop season. Summary: ha ketball team's defensive Col We,tern 11·~ p r USD (SO) record. Today the Westerners Carlyle 1 3 1 s Craven, G2 f 1 are puffed up over the offen- Jg,,-:;:,,. : 1 A ! 8 i sive performance by their ¥~~i~m ~? 1 a ~~i~~in, 1 ~} ll team as. it routed University ~':,'lfi~, f i l 1~ ~ 0 .fc,"~ ? A of San Diego, 86-50. V ! j g?J~(i 63 Th terners were_ seek- J.:,.~dt 8 i fu1m~~ 1 8 86 g ing reven fot an earher 64- Totals 31 2• 15 " Totcis 1, 12 26 so 63 l o s s to U S D and this utcl'lf/km• score: Col Weslern ,o, Before last night's game, topped

Toreros Host Vandenberg lnugh Vandenb<•1g Air Force Ba ·e tonight at Cla1remont High. 'f1poff i chedLIINI for R o'l"!ork \ nllenh,•1 g. ,, ith a 20 4 re orcl l pacNI hy 6-., '!'om J elkr on. who wa. nil-Ah· For r-1• ron, anl In t ear. and Ii I ton, 1ircl Wn) m• Gaskin. Uulh ha\e aH!1ag, cl 22 points. The Tor f'l'Os h•a1llng s1·orcr, ltuss t 'raven , \\ Ill ml the aC'lion he<'all 1• of an injury. t D tartPr are Pxp,•cted to be Tony · pulo and J e r r y Hal PY nt torwanl ·• Dav" 111ml at n,,.., n d John Rohh111 and l Wical at gua1d. U D ha tno games rem11lnlng on thl' chedule - \' Ith Cal Poly of Pomona, Feb 21, anti C'al Western Unl- v,•r~itJ. F1•b. 27. an D1 go's \lnnl'r or n 2:1 meet- me, Ing . goes up again. t


Ca.I Poly C PmGaF





'J J Horself J J 1i ~,%~' i g & 1g ~~~:ns f J l I 5 A } I~ Tritz 24 10 U .s, Toto!$ .fO,y 21, IJSO

'tf~~~{:15 ~~"f;m., i 10 5~n, s Totals

, ',,) ,~ t i, . -


time there was no doubt of the outcome. The "little guys," Norris reenwood, Frank Fu- gate and Jirq Takahashi, each popped in 15 points as t h e Westerners cohnected on 52 per cent of their shots and just couldn't miss from o u t- side. Guard John Robbins, play- ing with a p a i n f u I ankle, _________ ,



US Nine To Open Play Eight m er, 0f ast year's University at an Diego base- ball team will um for an- other session under Coach Mike Morrow as the Toreros continue pt~ps for th~ir son opener tomorrow (Friday) at Miramar Naval Air Station. netuming lettermen include catcher "- ayne Fans, pitchers Tom Goddard, Mfke Heminger, Dick Wilbur and Denny Shields; infielders Tim Leyden and out- fielder John Baumgarten and rrerry Lorenz. Newcomers to the squad in- clude freRhmen Pat B arr y, pitcher; Tom Sollers, Ron Cady and Richard Farrell, all infield- er~; an d Tom Ferrara, out- fielder. Others on th roster are third baseman Rau I Martinez, a sophomore; c11tcher Rudy Rud- zinski, a Junior, and outfielder Kurt H11rt, a senior. The Toreroa will meet the U D alumni team Saturday In their annual get - together at Bee5on Field, Marine Recruit Depot, starting at l :30 p.m. Startmg line - up for the alumni nine will be catcher Dave Cox (1960), pitcher Jan Chapman (1961), first base Lavon Baker r1959), second ba e Hal Mltrovich (1959), third bn~e m Wilbur r 1960), shortstop l orenza /1961), left ti Ron Chi¼ 11959), cen·- tcr le Bo Keys /1960), and ~ht lleld. Wally Keogh (1960). Cox and Chapman will man- age the team.


USO Gets tar Back For Broncs Forward Russ Craven will rejoin Uni'iersity of San Diego tonight after m1ss111g six basketball games \\ith a leg injury. The 6-4 for- ward is he club's top scor- er with a 14 2 average and the Toreros will need his punch as they enterta111 Cal Poly or Pomona at 8 in the Clairernont High gym. The Pomonans hold o n r win over USO. That wa · a 58-36 decision at Cal Poly. The Bronco list threr San Diegans - Hambone WI !- hams, Artist Gilbert a.n d Ed John on - on their tart- ing five. The Toreros will be with- out 6-7 center Dave Hinds who was lopped oft the s q u a d for the last t w o games off the sea on a disciplinary action by h Ed Baran. A 6:15 gam b - tween the Parochial League All-Stars and the Clairemont Boys' Club All-St r~ ~tarts th!' action.

Halftime-Westmont 32. Col Western 26. San Dle90 (7~ F p T El Camino (7~ F p T Bell 8 5 3 21 Dlnnel 10 3 3 23 ~~~hfs ! 1i rJx1eman 1l b ; Glithero 6 4 2 16 S<:~rader ,t 2 o 10 Cotlln 3 3 4 9 Erickson 3 2 4 8 Yetto 2 2 2 6 BOsh O O 2 0 Barkett 1 0 2 2 Korovas 2 S 2 9 HOiie O 3 1 3 Brown O '.l 3 3 Lewi, o o 1 o Totals 26 18 17 70 Totals 2710 17 74 caH~/~tJ~:. score-San Diego 39, El JLWU (8l) G F p T CALEWO (7Gh F p T ~~~r,on ~J 1 1 ~ =~~ies i : : Brown I. .ti 2 16 Brandt 3 12 3 lR Lake • O • 8 Bocko 9 6 3 ~4 Gilbert 7 7 1 21 Inman 1 4 3 6 Coin • 22lOBaYd 52112 Harper 1 2 5 4 Sanchez: O O O O, Joyce 1 1 3 :3 Totals 29 24 23 82 Tolols 22 26 19 70 Halftime score-lLWU 41, CALEWO JO.

~'- J/t1/~:i.. Vandenberg Defeats USD


..a,·'1 th<' sra

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