News Scrapbook 1962-1964
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Toreros Fire,
EVENING TRIBUNE h-8 SAN DIEGO, CALI FORNIA Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1962 General New Toreros Debut; Aztecs Face Waves SPORTS
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USD Debut Spoiled by Whittier San Diego State College and University of San Diego both fini hed with a tW;h last night but their rallies !ell short and they took it on the chin in basketball play. Whittier spoiled the debut of USO, under new coach Phil Woolpert, with a 66-61 deci sion in the Toreros' gym. ThP Aztecs, who will play at Whit tier Friday night, bowed to Pepperdine, 74-66, in Lo· An geles. :Free Throw~ Costly SDSC and USD will meet for the first time 1n basket ball Saturday night in the Az tees' Peterson gym Both the Toreros and At. tees outscored their oppo nents from the field but were beaten at the free-throw line Tile Poets canned 22 charity points to USD's 11. Pepper dine had 34 free throws to 24 for the Aztecs. Williams Top Si'orer Whittier opened up a 41-30 advantage at the half and led by 12 po111ts, 50-38, early in the second period before USD started chipping awa} at the deficit with a full-court press. Tom Freese paced the Poets with 19 points, and Steve Haves contributed 17 to the winners' total. However scoring honors went to L) mond Williams, a 5-foot-!l transfer from San Jose Cit) College, who collected 20 fo1 the Tereros. The Aztecs, who made on!, eight shots in the first half when they fell behind, 38-24, dominated play in the second l half but they couldn't close the gap. Four players fouled out in San Diego's desperate effort to catch up. In the preliminary games, the Aztec freshmen lost to the Wave yearlings, 76-64, and the USD frosh bowed to Cale wo, 57-54. Summaries: SAN DIEGO (66) PEPPERDINE 1741 gfpt gfpt :ilifhero 1 5 4Mc0innel i 5 2 7 f f t ~~~fn"nel f 6 J i ~eek 5 3 5 "J Warwick A. 15 2 23 Tennev I O o 2 Bridges 2 8 2 17 ~ockey 1 3 S 5 LefeYer 2 1 2 s Roberts 1 O .C 2 Tinsley 6 O 4 12 Bowers 6 s 3 17 Smith 2 , ' 8 Sonkset O 1 1 l Leroy O O 2 O ~adlev J 7 3 13 Totals 21 24 ll 66 Totals 10 34 10 7 • Halftime scores; .Pepperdine 38, SOS 24 WHITTIER (66] USO (61) gfpt gfpt Hayes 6 s 2 17 Williams 10 0 "20 Desborovgh 6 1 2 13 Cravens S 3 3 13 Elli-,. 1 l 4 3 Mover 3 5 .f 11 Freese .f 111 19 Tetsman 3 3 5 9 Hill 1 2 2 4 Jackson 1 o .f 2 Jackson 3 l t 7 CaPt.>to 1 0 l ? ~°cJhv/ii I i~s 8Y i OOfcda~en g f Lincourt o o 1 o Holsey 1 o 1 2 Weister O 1 0 1 Tclcls 22 22 14 66 Tolcls 25 11 23 '1 Halftime Score~ Whittier 41, USO 30 Preliminarv-CALEWO 51, USO Fr-os 54.
University of San Diego makes Its bas- ketball season debut tonight under its new coach, Phil Woolpert, in the n e w USD gym and San Diego State College's Aztecs make their second start in Los Angeles against powerful Pepperdine. The two San Diego colleges meet for the first time in basketball Saturday night in Peterson gym. USD's foe tonight, Whittler, will face the Aztecs Friday night in Whittier. The Aztecs have one game under their belts. They whipped Cal Poly of Po- mona, 68-58, in their opener Saturday night. Woolpert, the ex-University of s an Francisco coach, hopes to improve on the Toreros' 6-20 record of last year, He complied a record of 173 wins against
86 losses while at USF. The Toreros will have a new look with four newcomers to the starting lineup. They are Mark Teismann, 6-4 forward transfer from Marquette; Mike °Jackson, 6-6 from Valley JC; Lymond Williams, 5-9 guard from San Jose City College, and center Larry Moyer, 6-6 sophomore. Russ Cravens ls the o n l y holdover starter. SDSC Coach George Ziegenfuss Is ex- pected to open with Bob Mackey at cen- ter, Tony Garnier and Larry Meek at forwards and Jim Bowers and c I yd e Hadley at guards against Pepperdine, rated one of the top teams on the coast this year. The Aztecs beat the Waves in an over- time thriller last season.
THE SAN DIEGO UNIOH PEPPERDINE ROLLS, 82-66 Toreros Suffer 4th Cage Defeat Sotclcl loTheSen o,110 Union - f d d . the LOS ANGELES-University of Sa': ?1ego a e m '. second half here last night and dropped_ its fourt~ basketball• game ot the season without a victory _m an 82-66 defeat by Pepperdme. . FACE PEPPERDINE TONIGH USD Cage Coach Plans Changes Sp,ciol to Tht San Otego Union LOS ANGELES-Phil Wool- USD will play Whittier Col- pert, the University of San Jege Saturday night, in a re- Diego basketball coach, ad- match at Whittier mits plotting "certain adjust- Complete three game sta- ments" for tonight's game tistics: with Pepperdine College but INDIVlPh~:.L JJ:~~/sTics avoids specifics. Lvmond w, 1110 ~~ 0 3 '1% 11 1 1 r' ttlffl.o The game s t a r t s at 8 borrv Mo,er • 31 u 20 12 12 1l ,o 13.J o'clock in the Los Angeles CT~l~~~nn 1 ~ n 16 lt 1, re N school's gym with four sopho- Jl'~kJ;'; . n l 1 1 ; n H mores scheduled to start for Jerry Hcfsev 1D A D D .I 1 e 2.7 USD, along with team cap- gh~~1.~ 0 e.'fc~1 8 g g ! ! 8:6 tain and senior guard, Russ 1"s"om Rebcu nd s 151 •1" 311~: um sa.o Cravens. OPPOnenr, . .. 15Hlf1 6f 10949 212 10.1 San Oicvo Union F'hoto by Thane, Mclntost'I quPPZP rm anolhPr WhitliPr !T',in in last ni<>hl 's season opPm·r· or the l'o- l'Pros in their gym. , The Waves, boasting four starters from the team that won the Western Collegiate Athletic Conference title last year, traded leads with the Toreros several times before grabbing a 44-34 halftime lead and never trailed from that point. Mark Teismann scored 15 points and Russ Cravens 14 but could not offset the 25- points tossed in by Bob War- lick and two mates who also hit th<' double figures. The Waves won the game on the backboards as they grabbed off 65 rebounds to only 28 for USO. The Waves also managed numerous more shots from . the field, putting down 31 of 79 attempts while USD was collecting 23 baskets in 58 shots. USD continues on the road for its next engagement against Whittier College on the Poets' court Saturday night. Poets Spoil USD's Debut Here, 66-61 WOOLPERT'S DEBUT Toreros Face Whittier Toni ht B,Y ,JOH.". Y ~IcDONALD Introductions will be In order tonight at 8 wh n the Uni- Vf'r~lty of an Diego ba ketball team open, i ea on agains Whittler College at U D gymnasium. The spotlight will b fo ·used - - - on; from the home court The 1-Phil Woolpel't a two- Toreros face Loyola in Los time National Collegial .Ath- Angeles Friday and San Di- letic A sociation coach of the ego State at Peterson gym year while at Univer8ity of Saturday. San Franci co, who will bow Whit!ier I l th . t . USO' . Hcvu 1~21 n O e jllC UI e as S ne\\ Dfil-°"•h (~2) ho :-i. ~;'t:,C:"ti,o, 2 Fou1· ne\, starters. Thes!' Hilt ( 6 ·01 will he Mark Teismann, 6-4 forward t r a n . f e r f r o m * Pos F F C G G • Woolpert will st a rt 5-9 guard Lymond Williams at the other backcourt spot, Lar. ry Moyer. 6-6, at center and Mike Jackson, 6-6, and Mark Teismann, 6-4, at forwards. Lack of experience has hurt the Toreros in their f i r s t three games. They dropped contests to Whittier (66-61 l and Loyola (78-64) earlier last week and lost their third straight Saturday n i g h t against San Diego State Col- lege, 68-49. the team's offense are Williams and Moyer. Williams has a 59 per cent shooting average I from the field and a 14.0 point-per-game output while Moyer has made 45 per cent of his shots and has contrib- •' uted an average of 13.3 points- per-gamf'. The Toreros as a w h o I e have averaged 43 per cent from the field and 63 per cent from the free throw 1 i n e while their three opponents have hit at a combined 48 per cent clip from the field and have made 73 per cent of their free throws. Pepperdine is currently 3-1 I for the season, having lost to Arizona State University, · 83-71, Saturday night. Vic-1 tories have been over San Fernando Valley, Redlands • and San Diego Slate. 74-66. seco d half y 'CSD's e -court press, but wh n Mark Teisman and Mike Jack• son receive four foul!:, Wool- pert had to nsort to o t h e r techniques to contain t h e Poets. Although small consola~ion, this was the closest USD has been to a Whittii'r squall in the last four meetings. CALE\\'O of the local AAU league, dcfea•ed USD's fresh- men, 57-54 in a preliminaQ game. WHITTIER (66) USO (61] g f p t Haves 6 S 2 17 Wi Iiams Desborough 6 1 2 13 Cn;n,~ns Ellis I l 4 3 Mover Freese 4 11 119 Tetsmon Hl!I 1 2 2 4 Jackson Jackson 3 , 1 7 Caputo ~°ar;~li°as b g Y 00?~,en Lin_court O O 1 o Halsev We1ster O 1 0 1 9 f p I 10 D 4 20 5 J J 13 3 5 4 11 3 3 5 9 1 0 4 2 l 0 1 2 I O O 2 0 0 1 0 l O l 2 &1 ~~!'1~~c ~°'/AufwJt ~, 4 hs& 5 ~r~ Sd. Currently I e a d i n g tive Totals 22 22 14 66 Totals 25 11 23 Toreros Face Two Rugged Cage Te_sts Two Important contests hlghl(ght U1e ~penu week ~f ba~ketball for Coach Phil Woolpert s Umvers1 y of San D1e.,o , . teall'. or( then· opp nents ~our Both games "'ill be pla~ ed lo Los travel (l<'ridayl night, the Tore1 Tomorrow Angeles for a clash w i th • Lovola Univen;ity and Satur- day Woolpert's forcP~ return to San Die{o tor an intra- city fray wi h the San Diego State A z t e cs at Peterson Gym. The Whittier College Poet~ spoiled the USD cage debu by scoring a 66-61 victory in the season opener In the new USD gym here Tu es day night. The clash attracted a near-capacity crowd of S00 the Toreros dropped 20 of 26 contests, one of their losses being to the Loyola Lions by a 61-39 count. \Voolpert, who II arred for the Lione in the late 30s, would like nothing better than to pick up a win over his alma mater and a win in Saturday's Aztec game would also be a feather in t h e Torero coach's cap. Fol'. the former University I of San Francisco cage men- tor, this season marks his return to collegiate basket- fans, Last season, ball after a, three-year layoff. Woolperl 11lready has made the annals of his mark In basketball accom- for lis pli hment11 with t h,e USF t t P p. (12) g f P 1 4 4 6 11 3 3 2S 3 3 2 9 -4 0 1 8 .C 4 3 12 o 2 1 2 1 2 1 4 6 l 2 13 f p t USO (66) Cravens Holsev Jackson WlcQI f1~ms et tle 1955-57 during teams 3 8 3 14 H. Dlnnel 3 0 4 6 Warlick 6 Dougan 2 2 2 6 R. Olnnel S I 4 11 LeRoy 3 2 2 8 Bridges S S 4 15 LeFevrc 2 2 l s~asons when the ;:ions swept through 60 stralg t foes for a national collegilt!' record. They were voted the top te, n In the natian for two consecutive years nd pla(' ann Tln$ICY Smith 1 l • J Totals tols 23 20 20 '6 31 20 21 12 time score: Pepperdlne «, USO 34 ,. , Marquette; Mike Jackson. 6-6 (on1mnl transfer from Valley JC; Lymond Williams. and- out 5-9 guard from San Jose City College, and c c n t c r Larry Moyer, a much-im- proved 6-6 sophomore. Rus Cravens, a 6,4 forward. is the only holdover on the starting unit. ~The new gym which will feature its first college con- test. However. the USO fresh- men will start the festivities with a 6:15 preliminary con- test with CALEWO. f In Whittier, the Toreros will he racing a smallpr and faster group 1.1.ith fine shot-making guard Tom Freese (~-101 and John Hill 16-0) leading t h e attack Rounding out the starting five foe the Poet \'111 be Steve USD, Western Prepare For Holiday Tourneys · 1 The University of San Di- John Carlyle of Western had ego and Cal Western Univer- another good night Saturday, sity basketball squads today Potti~g point~ towards his . . team s 1mpress1ve runaway. launch preparations for hoh- Jim Hefner chipped in with day tournament competition 15. Carlyle and Hefner, be- following varied fortunes last I tween them, scored 26 of the weekend. 1 33 points Cal W e s t e r n Cal Western, which Satur- arrrnss~d in running up a 13- day blastrd C'al Tech, 70-43, pomt first half lead. plays host to the third annuall If lSD has improved i_n Holiday tourney which opeos, any phase of the game this a three-day run in Golden young season, it is in re- Gym Thursday. I bounding. Though beaten Sat- The Toreros, who droppe urday night, the T_ o r e r o_ s a heartbreaking, 52-51 deci- shov. ed a 40-32 ad\ antage m sion to Whittii,-, will go to the re~ound~. Chris Kringle tourney in Ana- We Just made too many heim Thursday. Their first errors," said coach Phil Wool- opponent will be Sacramento pert. "We outshot them .430 State at 4 :30 p.m. to .333 and out-rebounded Hayes (6-2) and Ian Desbor- ------------ ough (6-2) at fo1wards and Henry Ellis (6-3) at center. Whittier dropped its opener to Arizona State University Saturday night, 94-53. Woolpert hopes to improve upon la t ear's record of only them but still lost. We ,iLo were guilty of 25 peri;onal fouls to Whittier's 15." Four college teams a n d four service clubs are en- tered in the Holiday tourney at Western. The two types will play in separate divisions un- til tile finals when the sur- vivors of the two groups play for the title. I USD 51] G F PT Whil. (52) G F PT Gravens 2 2 5 6 Freese 2 7 0 11 Williams .ol 2 3 10 Hill 1 1 2 3 Mover J J 5 9 Ellis 4 J 3 11 Teismann 6 2 5 14 Oesborough o 3 1 3 Jackson 3 O 2 6 Haves 7 o 3 U Caputo 1 O 1 2 Lincourt 1 o O 2 Wical O 0 1 O Jarvela 1 2 4 4 Holsey 1 0 2 2 Weister 1 2 2 4 Madsen 1 0 1 2 Totals 21 t 25 51 Totals 171815 52 Half1ime: USO 29, Whittler 23. J ;i.-17-u :J- six victories and 20 losses. At . USF he complied a 173-86 rec- ord. claimed four West Coast Athletic C'onfrrenc!' titles and two national championships In a sense, this will b1• the start of a bnsk tball come- back for both Phil and his squad Hu last roaehlng a·. 1gnnwnt wa \\Ith the ::ian Francisco Saints in the AmPI'• lean Basketball League 111 1961. He l1•ft USF in 1959. USD will have two other th week, both away HITS 90 Ly nonel Wll11,.ms, a spark- 1111 ' •11 trrl from Sar Jo C' C ,!leg, playPd I he rn- mP and It II the 'rol'er,, :./0 point ill with Jump hot <.'apt Ru <.'raven , who handled him pJf well m1 thl' 11 01 cnntrin11tu! 13 wh IP <'<'Ill< · Lit ry Moyer plckNI up 11 \ ltt r ,... a in Hw
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