News Scrapbook 1959-1962
nual San Diego Holiday basketball tournament. Brenda holds trophy, which will go 1o the m r.t's winnl'r.- Tribune Staff Photo by Le Herling.
n ESTt-:R,' BF.A T -
Cal Western
ta1 Harvey Hall, left, and Barry Cunnin ham, right, beam as they talk with ;Brenda Hall, queen of first an-
Marines Favored lor Title in Opening Of San Diego H liday Hoop Tourname t Fa\ored Marine Corps Re-, 1g I 1 •ralgJ-t ,~Ir, may Cal Western will enter th c and Artist Gilb '"t will make crult Depot wa. chedulcd to a l t e too strong for • an me t with a 5-1 record. Its their n D e o d but~ for rreet San Fernando ~tate at Fernan tatc although the only lo s came to powerli.l Cal Poly. ThP Bronco pal r 4 today in an opcning-ro• nd colleg1aru boa t a Little All• Arizona State Univer tty at f a t II • re t m blessed game of the first annual ~an Aire lean ana.idate In 6-3 for- fempe, 71-47. with -height ·n 1hc form of D leg o Holiday Basketball wa d Jim 1alkin, ·who is av- Barry Cunningham (14.3) H nrr RapP. (6-5), J a m es Tournament at Poii,t Lo m a eraglng more than 19 point and Frank Fugate (15 ~l Dorsc-y l6•G I and Mike Dun- High gym. a game. We tern coach Bob Kloppen• bar (6-61. 1 There were four other first- The Mariners, as usual, will burg's .eading scorers.
round matches toda:,. Un 1- rely on the one-two scoring USD earller lost to Whittler versily of San Diego and Whit• punch of 6-4 Lou Gibbs ard i!l a thrlller, 88-82. The Pio- tler were scheduled for a 2:30 center Joe Miller. neers have a fine scorer in tipoff; N'a,al Trainmg Center T 1e cal Western-Westmont Russ Cravens nd a good opposes Cal Poly of Pomona sunh or might pr •e the floor leader In J1 FIC'mlng. at 6. and Cal Western meets tourney darkhors estmont Whittier's ace r forward Westmont of • anta Barbara already has beaten ',Vhittier, Bill Johnton 16 and guard at 8. U. D and San Fernando State Paul C.ollkr (5-10 , returnee , Winners toda) meet in to- and al o t-as beaten two other from the team which aJvanced orrow night's two s e m 1- mall-college powers In Red- to the National As oclation of final games, \\1th fir t-round, lands and Chapman Intercolleglate At h I et I c s losers clashing in the after- The Warrior. are paced by tournament semlf nals l as t noon. The champion,hlp willjStan Ander on, a rugged, 6-4lseason. be at 8 Friday night. center, and 6-7 Ron Mulder, Ex-San Diego Junior Co 1- MCRD, which will be seek- former Helix High star. lege stars Eddie Lee Johnson
and Joe Treaster and We t-
· Dick Bauma
mont's t n Ander on (53) and Tom Tum r (41). De pile the antic , ball caroms out of bounds. Cal We em won, 53-52.-Photo by John eep1.:m·t1-i tern, ecr its ifi no s Ber hs and the srore \\ as knottl'd fi\ e more time
tma. week, and ain't it wonder- the encouraging word that the Los II r · d to negotiate for a ft r a . 1. And now good r. , i.l i.' local coll gcs. i\Il!Ul•Kril1.W+l-ll t in that th Union- um h n will require
Well ... it's Ch
l n
a larger h
taken to move the sh v fi'o across the street to the o\Wl and Country Hotel and it's hopes the house will be big enough to accom- modate the crowds. The combination of a Charger frand\ise, the San Diego Statc-USD ivalry and a new ii.ztec football coach should create as much excitement in Mission Valley as the ffc:io of l!ll6. It's a little early, of course, to gua:ra'n , delivery of Charger coach Sid Gillman for tli Mor dar 1unchcons but the prospects are excellent. • Gillman and h o s, yomlg Barron Hilton, ha,;e been fonnallv u\V a to meet with San Diego city and civic om<"ial~ as e,rly e6nvenient after Jan. 1. And, denials to tbe contrary, this could have imme- diate and.rewarding ('O!l equ 11!'£> •• For the purpos Of clarifi at;on, it should be mcri- tioned that m1ton currently I m an awkwarrl post· tion. He can't afford to admii h interest in San•Di• ego while-the Chargers are prl'par!Itg to play IIou~ton for the Amerkan Football Le &":Ut.' championship on Jan. 1. He dare not run the ri l, of further jeopardiz- ing himself in Los Angeles unll 1 b ·ure San Diego wants his t1? and will meet hi tt'rm!-5. Charge·rs Get Warm Respon~e It's an a\\ ,,ward story to write and I haven't at- tempted to o otr Hi'ton, though that's the usual pro• cedure. l\1 · i· loon tion is solid and reliable but I know Hilto 1, if asked, must dmy it. Hilton nd Gill• man are ~o ke non 'he idea of moving to ~ao Diegq that, as a snurce close to lh<> dub explained it,, "They'd e willing to fly dll'ectly from Houston t.o San Diego after the tille game and start talking." There is confiden e that thE.' Charger will lose Jess money in San Diego th:m in Los Angeles. They might even break even. ln time, 1hcy'd figure to money. Ev~ntually, if San Ulfl suppol'ts this 1 it will become mernher of the National Fo League.• That, as Hilton h'11ow~, could never h in Los Angele .· Nat ur I~ ', I can't a1.1,~u.,,ce.-l,li mak it big here. But th Alr dy th nthusiasn1c i arating. NY. telephone ha past two r1y· 11d I •c peop hry want to ialk offer '10 ht'IIl., oth rs ar(' ag to the ulJ, other ar a~J-in~ :i:liout r other are just fan~ \Vhp he 're want to express iheir plcasur • I've heard {rom the ("ynics, too. 'IM knockers who say San Diego is a 1wo-bit tmrn, the peo11le who can find nothing to admire about the city or the prospect of a big league football team. Bllt I JJon't seein to hear them very wl'll, I'm not a native, but I ·ho e t . a· a pla<·e to live, worlt and raise m~' fami}y. t ink it's quite a place. U Hilton gives San iego a t'hance, I hop he reach · the same conclusion. · -------~~--' . on alley Inn
ivalry A Fine Beginning For Al Olsen If I remembrr the story correctly, t,pe late Kn u t e Rockne once became vexed with tbl' qo(lduct of a mischievous 'otre Dame football Player name Jim- I my Crowley and sought to :;qµelch him vith :ci biting comment. "Jame ," a ked the famou t ch, ' did you know there ,I/ nothing as dumb as a Hum"U ri hm~m?" Whereupon, ~row! y rep I e d sw etl tI agree, i 1 unless · 's a sr.1art w de." This tp la er com t mind of esterda. 's p,,.~.:wtt~
throughout the second half. Dick B a u m a n n's Irec throw in the d ·Ing second gave the Westerners a three-point edge, \\hlch i< ed it for the Point Loma s hool. Westmont managed a'!othe baskl't, but time at :;._-:i..32
announcement that San tate and th Cniver ity o Diego have agreed to play a football game in the 1961 ~cason. It's the fu-st important act of the new Aztec administration under :A.I Olsen an positive ·evidence tb t SJ¥.!:t \ -~do is 011 he jbb s a letil: tilre-ctto~.a After bare y :U\ o ' eel;{s of his nrw role, Olsen }la wed the ce betwe the t, o hools and that should enm en1hu iastic re's bel'n a growinci demand ry ever $ince the University
advance ot
made po
ti. i::e.rl
r Hit J eds
commµni y upport. for thi cro ·- o n l'i of San D1e"o fielded it parti • n of bot the & me um , howev• Ol·en c
l'ars ar,o and
irst teatp five
hoo will be deJiuhte,U.
d scarcel ha\e· a ltetter ·tart At . it should be noted Urnt im-
Paul Governali, trio .of Father
done h
formel' Azt e ·oa ·h, and the FSD extop and Mike Pecarovieh. Go\"emah repeatedly voiced his frienB ·hl_p for the new school and ga\ c his support io a football series. Thl' l1SD people, in turn, did everything po. iblc to foster and maintain 1.;ordial relations with th Aztecs and tl)at often .mfilllt ignorini; extreme, if "' JI-mean- ing, elements in in boo ter group. D.eserved Recognition For USD The t;r.iversity of Sim Diego has done a rl'm rk- ahle jo of building an excellent academic and letic reputation in a few ar . It standards high, and still rising. IL,; footba1l program is b sensil:)le and competent. USD deserving of the cognition this c 01 t t w'tb Aztecs will provide. It's hoped thi the be nn n of a long, h ppy and eventful series. Un th "fP{Jdi icn that prevail, nothing could do mor to s tmul e intere t in local football. It's as logical as th ,rivalry brtween USC and UCLA and, on a smaller scale, will be just as exciting and meaningful. In time, this surely will be- come S 1Die ,o's version of the" · 0 G e. _"---~~ Wal;;he Mu ray, Boo
a II
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