News Scrapbook 1959-1962
~;ggeut; Blftsavecr For Last by QB Club The Quartrr 'I, k Cub '\l;ill 1 and tlw city's college basket mert for th" tlnal tlme Mon-' ball c-oaches will offer brief day noon at Ml !on Valley pr,•views of their seasons. Inn, and th<' biggest and best:Regular memh"rs of the was saved !or last. coaching panel also will be on In addition to a pPak r ' hand. ro ter of Dr. Malcolm A. Love, Each or the prep grid races president of San Diego Stale Is going right down to the wire College; the Very Rev. John tonight for deci~lon. Only Unl- Aherne, principal of St, Aug- VPrsity High ls "In" as South- usline High, and Dick Gri- ern League kingpin. Helix and halva, mPmbPr of thr. Board Escondido have clinched ties of 1-:ducatlon, tltc guest list for the Metro division cham- also will Ii.dud<' a tP<'Ord num- pionships, but Helix could be b<'r of c-oacht/ • tied by Mount Miguel or All o! tb.e area• hll(h school Grossmont, and El Capitan fool haTI c-ham ions will be rep- still has hopes of deadlock- rrsentr-rt by their mrntors, ing Escondido.
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Tunes fpr j Cage Opener The Untveas,ty ot .ljan Diego varelt · ba ketpi,I t con- tinued heavy • dnll .th week pointing to Its .1!160,61 sea.~on openel' w1th the Nnvy Phibtra- pac team • 'ovemb 22. Coach Ken Lesli!", former USD star and AAU al!-Amcrice.n, is cond11ct!ng da{Jy orkuuts with 15 var21tty i-.and dates at Muni- cipal Cymna um in Balboa Park. The
,cAmfris ANOPY Crowning, Game Top USDWeek ! By MAUY 0. CHA~IBERS llli1rcla West, homcromlng queen o! the Unlvcrslty of San Di<'go, rrlgnl'd over the celebration ye tcrday. Miss WC' t and h<'r court were pre en ed to the Btudent body at a rally Friday aftPr- noon. The princcsscg w1>r11 Diane Head, Margarl't <;!lf. son, Eleanor Taix, and Joan Karpinski. Preparations for homecom- ing were startl'd Wednesday afternoon w I t h a Porn Pon party hrld In the Lark. The Junior Class sponsored tho event, with f;targarr.t Glllson and Margaret D'Agostlr.o In chargl'. Halftime fl'stivltl!!5 at the homecoming game with Cal P o I y Saturday Included a presentation of the qucc-n nnd her court and a skit by the M11squPrs o! the College for :Men. A dance followed ln More Hall, where the queen was crownnd at midnight. On Friday evening the Sop!J. omore class held a decorating party In More Hall tor the homecoming dancr. Donna Zuc-gc wa!i In charge. I
The Western League crown could wind up on the head of Point Loma, La Jolla or KC'ar- ny; San DiPgo High and Lin- coln play tonight for the Eastern League title; Vista, San DiC>gulto. Oc<'ansidr, Co- ronado and Mar Vista all still are in the Avocado running. Basketball c o a c Ii c s are George (Ziggy) Ziegenfuss, San Diego State College; Lt. Don Jones, Marine Corps Re- cruit Depot; Bob Klopp<.>n· burg, Cal Western; Ken Les- lie, University of San Diego, and H!I Crosthwaite, San Die- go Junior College.
n S hamm
L• a lransf College n a 17;3 p In hf back l:l
Phoenix r!:,. He was named all-Phoenix and all- Arlzona high e~hool teams for 1958-159 eMon Other top prospect.a Include Bob Trlt,z •5•9) from Pius X, John Robbins (5-11 l from Trinl• dad Junior College. Art Wic&I f 6-4 l, ke O'Connor r 6-4) from Aquina~ High, San Bernardino and Charle11 Wical (6-4).
FROM PLAYER TO COACH 1 071,( -.:___,-___, ie to Preach What He Practiced By l'A L COOR K<'ll L l i !! 's ba kr.tll;lll eligibility has run out at l"ni- • ·cr~ity of a'1 Di go, b u t ·1e Pionr<>tS ,-ou dn'l hc•ar to rr the fut rrer AAJ ;ill- .American Jen I' So, th c Y named him I eHd ba~l;etball <'Oa< h th y·,, r. II L ii<' 1 uh· off 011 his playc1 this could lw a sur- e, ful sea 01 on the cage court for tlw PionN'r year's team, which compikd a 10-18 record, form the nu- cleus of Leslie's first team. Ed llaran, two-yr:ir lrtter- man, and Jim Fleming, a one-striper, will open at guards, and sophomorrs Russ Cravens and Tony Cnputo al th<' forward,.
LUGS FOR USD--Jim DeSantL, rugged 'Cniversity of San Diego fullba k, i Pioneers' leading ground- gainer ,1,ith an averagr of 4.5 yaids per carry. He'll be going for yardage again t Cal Pol ' of Pomona in Saturda night'. Hom c min game. Story, A-62
uti~st· Picks Name for ampus SPttlal to The Saft D/ffo Uniol\ BERKELEY, • ·ev. 18 The name "Unlver lty of Cal'for- nla at San Diego" was adopt- d unanimously today by the UC board o! regents, which deliberated In dosed sc slon here for morC' than an hour. Dr. Clark Kerr, unlver. ity presid!'nt, said the name \I ill apply to all t;C prope11ies In the ari'.'a except Scripps In- stitution ot Oceanography which wtll retain it La Joll~ designation. • CRIPPS WF.J.L KNOWN Kerr said regents decided to leave the La Jolla designa- tion for Scripps "because everywhere around the world it is known that way." .!_(err _said that although the university campus would be drs!gnated a~ San D l e g o, mail for It will arrive at the La Jolla post officr. Edwin Pauley, chairman o! the regents, said the chic! re- gret o( regents in making this d e c i s i o n was that it would cause po::.sible conlu- ~lon with the University o! San Diego. '·We have very grave ren-rets tor the l'niverslty of Sa; Di- ego," he said. "This was very carefully considered and we regretfully stepped on their toes." YIEWS EXPRF.SSED Re;&enl~ acted follo\1irg a hearing Thur ·day at which proponents of the name UCSD and UCW expressed their views. Regents today also voted approval to seek a $li9,959 contract tor the San Diego campus to CO!'duct research In hlgh energy part\ le phys- ics. T~e regents authorized ad- ministrator~ to solicit and ex- ecute. documents with the Atomic Energy Commission for a one-year study which would be conducted under Dr Ureste Pipcioni of the phys: !cs department. Dr. Keith A. Brueckner professor ot phy~i<'s, was ap'. pointed chairman o! th e UCSD physics department for 1960-61. Regen s o appropriated $S,OOO m gifts and endow- ments for the campus and al- located $400 for a partial fac- ulty scholarship next sum- mer.
Fleming was the c I u b' s kading scorrr Inst y••ar with 4;;«; points for an average of 15.G points prr gamr.. Bar- an, 6-1, scored 120. CraV<•ns, 6-2, was second in rebounds with 193 and fourth in in• divldual scoring with 243 points. Caputo, 6-2. tossed in 155 points in 21 games. Other t o p prospects in- clude Bob Tritz, 5-9, f r o m Pius High; John Robbins, 5-11, from Trinidad JC; Art and Charley Wical, 6-3 sopho- mores, and Dick Madsen. Leslie will employ a fast- break offense, mixing it up with about four patterns. ''We'll press on defense most of the time," the rookie coach asserted. The Pioneers should learn a. lot from Leslie. He can s t i 1 I practice what he prraches. It'll eeem strange to him not to bl' out there on the court w n the horn sounc\5 If mp ball in USD's fir t l: e of th c Sl'ason next Tuesday night at PhibTraPac. .· Twenty-one games and two tournamrnts are on the schedule w h i c h follows (h o m e games played at
• ecom1ng
"We'll have- pretty go o d halance het\\een speed and l1!!ight " the star of thP Pio- D<'CI s during the 195n-59 sea ons admitted yesterday. . Leslie played AAU ba ·ket- bal! for 12 years before join- ing thP Pioneers to qualify him as probably the most st•a oned <'ollege cager ever to lace on a gym shoe. " The 5-9 former guarcl rnal- lz.e~ the importance of the big: mar in today's g a m e and that's why he'~ anxious for February to roll around. Dave Hinds, a 6·8 tran~fPr 1rom t:niversity of San Fran- ,.. co won't be eligible to piny with the Pioneers until ht>n. lTe enrolled this fall. Illnds i a former Mission ) High pivotman. 'r 11 ii,ds is eligible the t probably will be d by 111ll Schammel, homP, C' traru;fcr from "'-""-"''.._.,r:,.,n nior C'n I g in lk!' 'Connors, If faom Aquina H{gh in San Bo nardino. Four returnees from last
A dance and football game will conclude homecommg to- day at the Unl\ersity of San Diego. A c t i ,._ itic-s began Thursday with the
\\'e. and her prince . es will b" dinner guests at he Col- lege for Men. Jan Chap- man, College for :--1en asso- ciated student body prrsi- dPnt, will escort the queen Escorts for the princes es 1 ~,n be Bert Degheri, DPn-. ni Halloran, Dave Cox and :Mike Ferson, all Col- lege for Men tudents.
. , lts. ~rargit MacR c, as-, sistant sup isor of conv · sataonal Spanish for c I t • schools, said more than 161 t~achers have made resen·a- tions to:- the luncheon.
crowning of :Marcia West o! the Col- as ho m ecom- ing qucc:i. Her prim·ess- lege \Yomcn for
)I!ss West es arc Diane Head, Margy Gillson, Elli Taix and Joan Karpinbki. A pro<'lamation by Miss Wt>st \\ ill officiaJly start the football game at 8 p.m. in Westgate Park between the USD Pwneer and Cal Poly of Pomona. The dance will follow in the campus auditorium with Miss West to be crowned at midnight. Before the game, M i s s
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U~lon's EducaiJon wr1 11,
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California their new campus fo:: San nt ~ buildings com- e!'(o resultC'd in mixed reac- h aJe• ½ kh conducted a t10ns yesterday d ng on the name Thurs- Iayor D ·1 d th I ay, voted either 5-4 or 6-3 in . ,..,1 e e de- el , ' c· ·10n on the UCSD o~ed ses 5 ion m favor of the ., name as La Jolla nam \ery gratifying," and H., , e. Ball<"y Callison, executive UN,~"J:,1O S ;IIOYE manager of tbe La Jolla Dr. Clark Kerr universit . ;~wn. C~mncll,_ described It 1-1s pre ident, m ann~uncihg ri. \er_y dumppomting." suits of anotlic-t" closed meet- DECISIO OF REGE. 'TS !:g by all regents on Friday, Regents, meetin, ;n er!-- m ,d th c declslo,n was unanl- cley, drclded Frid;., to de•!g •. O .ous In favor o! the Sa n t , • iegoname na c t e To rey Pines tam- · . "Un·ven,ity of Califor. Seth Brow~i. La .JcIJa Town r,a at . n Diego" Instead of Cou n <'il presidl'nt, satd of the the • l nl',; r ty of California regents' .i ct lo n. ''They've nt La Jolla. • made their decision and I The i\. rs! crlpps In- guess that s !ma! . . I think shtution of O eanography th at 8 e on out h t'.t! feels \\ iJl retain Its La Jolla des- U:e s a m c \ y. They re aJJ ignation. ki~d r,f • Ill.wised arid disap- Dail, recalling the C'ontro-/ pointed • \ ersy over the name in re- Dr tPr t Furna .a La cent months, .said he believes J O l a "Ibwn Council trustee t'le rege':ts' dc_ci Ion obvlateslwho ~ddl"t>ssei:l regents Thurs- farther discussion on the mat- day m favor of the La Jolla tc;; de_sigration, yesterday Issued I think lt"s very gratify-1 thlS react16n: fog," said Dail, who spoke llTI.L BACH: SCIIOOL to regents Thursday In favor ., , . of the San D,ego name "I We re gong to have a think the prople of San Dirlto \~o~derf~ sohooJ here a n d nrc pleased with It." \\C re go!ng to back It 100 per NO ACTIO~ PL.! .• D ~~nt, We re .all natives of San . · · I iego an we are all proud Callison, _although express- of San D go and we're going fog disappointment, indicated to do alI we Cf!n to mak,:, it t 1 ['. La Jolla Town Council, 100 per ce successful." chief proponent of the ucwj Dail yest rday said he un- name, has no immediate derstood fmal come •ance of plaf! 1 S for posslbl,. additional 450 acres of c 1 -ow;ed 'and ac 10n. jt th · · • . ' .o c umve_rs1ty for part of t I don t know what else its new campus w.111 reach th .wre 1, 5 to d~," Galli. on said. City Council for action in 1 e Galhson said the regl'nt at: lmmadiaLC' future he a 1957 meeting at Lake Ar j H . · rowhead, designatc•d 1 h th ~s~d the comeyance, au- ca.1;1pus as being at La Jolla. be~l 1:58 ~,;,l~tr:s In ·ovem No, , thr e \ cars latPr . · iavr no brar they've ehange I it to the Uni: ;"g t~n t_h; r gents' dec;.,ion \ r. lty ot California at San or e U~Sf? name, although Dil'go," he said. th e council is empowered to G a I I ls on aid he under petbl!raln for terms "in the u 1c nter st." rege!lts to namof. the re g e n t s' 1~~ nds
'Pitchf.;Q~Duel--F~~lball Variety-- X Slated for Westgate Park Saturday Pitching du }, are nothing hasPhall and thr Unh cr,ity Anotlwr pitching ~uel is ~n 1 new to Westgate Park where of San Diego Pionrrrs play prospect Saturday m?ht, this the San Diego Pudre play foolbaJJ on!' of the football varie_ty. Pitehing for the Pioneers will be Jan Chapman, a righthander with a prelty good record for throwing
' -- USD To Host X I1&~I1~~,. last week"s game, and Wally J_ 0 0 s, bothered by injured ~i bs, a_re expected to see ac- tion With the University of San Diego tomorrow night when thP Pioneers b a t t J e tough Cal Pol · o! Pomona at Westgate Parle ZunJga, ho\\ e\ er, w i 11 not be. ab!~ to pla), on defense. This will hurt coach M J. k e Pecarovich i force becau::.~ Zuniga is one the P10neers' best lineba.::kers. A study of the • 'ational <=:ollegiatc Athletic Associa- tion statL tics for small col- ' leges. tflough, woul(l indicate t 'It .tl;l.e Pionn;,r must havc , ma P,lar s as possible 111 the . eL'on
l_ff(f1~t~r~ At Language Teacher Meet More than 100 foreign lan- guage teachl'rs from city and county schools and colleges are expectrd at the annual Joint Language Day Luncheon •today at the men's college of the University of San Diego. Mrs. Else Linda Lindt, Swiss traveler, linguist a n d authority on the United Na- tions' organization and opera- l tion, will discuss ·'The Hu- man Side ot the U.• ·." in the main JunchPon addr<'ss. Preceding thl' luncheon will be section meetings on each language at 10 a.m. in the Hall of Science Building, accord- ing to Mrs. Margh MacRar, l assistant supervisor of con- versational :;;pamsh for c i t y schools. who i spokesman for the ev<'nt. Dr. Elizabeth Brown, pro- fessor ot French at San Di- ego State, wil! ; ddrPss FrP.)'lch teachers. Dr. Volkmar v on Zuhlsdorff, prc!is information officer of the Gc-rman C o n- sulate Gcnrral in Los Angeles, will speak to German teach- ers. Thcrc II also be meet- ings for Latin" a!lll Spanbh trachC'rS.
s t r i k e s. He's tlu·own 1~0 times and connected on, iH passes for 768 yards and SP\ - en touchdown,;. Si.· of his aerials have wound up in \\110 has completed 35 of 88 passes for T15 yards and siK TD s. The occasion I\ ill be U ·o•s fifth a n n u a I 1-lomcC'oJtllllg game. Kickoff I· at 8. There's power in the Pio- neer lineup, too. Rugged full- bal'k Jim D ·antis has bulled his way for a ne't 505 yards in 112 car ·e. for au a\ crage of 4.5 ~r rry an one touchdown Joe 4)e clm11t is another of the "bread-and hutler" \)o~ \\ It l a 11 t 2 ,, vards ln Ii~ ('arrl for an average of 3.6 and ort(' touc • down enemy hands. Chapman's pitching op O· nent will be Cal Pol) of mona' s George Swade, o-
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