News Scrapbook 1959-1962
a e USD
T oreros Seek First Win In Grid Clash With·Pepperdine With three ln~tallmonta ot a against Chico State tarller thla
murderous schedule belunc:, the Cniversity of San Diego Tor- eros look to Saturday'11 8 p.m.
year. Saturday' • conlesl shape~ up as a rugged match between two evenly matched teantR, ra<'l1 I one fighttn 6 dt~peratelv to take the first 1tep on the win- ning t ra.H. 1 Starti ng Line-up •: , Wa, u Po• ..,ou•ui Z1mmtrman (200) O OurrbJ& 090) Jepnn • 18~J o Joo1 , ,,
1 A \ t,L CLl:B OI·"'FJCl:R"-:\'r \11~ " leclt'd o!fl,,,.,_ of the Ga., rl Club are ~liown plan, for the l'hool year. Thf' debate url(Unl,at lon ot tht' U"niver,lty of . an Diego•~ C'olleg for lllrn recrntly \la, organized, Offi<'ers are, left to right, ,Joe :-.nadom,ky, president; Roy !,olunum, vke-pre !dent; Terry Kettenhofen, eeretary, and John WIid, treasurer. l t ti
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team• ra.te allot.t even, USD lost to Whittier In the eason opener, 0-27, while the Poets last week bea.t Pepperdine, 28-11, Both are looking fo1 their tll"llt win. San Dt go f_arlnes last week took the measure o! USO, 37- 0. The Marines sprinted to a 30-0 halftime le3.d bel1ind the passing of former University o! Southern Cal a c e Tom Maudlin before the Toreros buckled down and played the powerful . farines on even terms the 30, ;-,.faudlin clicked for 152 yards
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Have Edge-;
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Torcros have brrn work~ng on it all season In practice
Statistically, indications have an edge over the Tore- they may spring it tomorrow ros on the eve of the first night. Intra-city football rivalry bC'- The offense features two tween San D_lego State Col• quarterbacks - Nelson Mur- Jege a1;d University o! San phy passing and Pat Hem- Diego m Aztec Bowl tomor- lngcr running, row night. Weak on Passini{ Coach Don Coryell's Mon• USD's Jack of passing has trzumans have piled up a h<>1>n a wcaknrss all season. total of 2,561 yard rushing The Torc>ros have completed and passing to USD's 1,594. only 33 of 132 passes for 343 The Aztecs le a d too in yards. The Aztrc;s, by com- these other dl'.'partment : parison, have hit 47 ot 100 First downs, 111 to 76; rn•t for 849. yards rushing, 1,712 to 1,251; J un Desantis and Joe Gray net yards passing, 849 to 343: arc the heart of the Torero average yards per punt, 34.5 offense. Desantis, the plung- to 34.3 and record, 5-2-1 to ing fullback, has averaged 4.3 2-6. yards pe>r try for a total of Toreros Lead Fumbl s 489 yards and Gray 4.3 and The Toreros have the dub!- 326 yards. ous honor of leading in !um- Carson Pace~etter bles, 19 to 17· fumbl s Jost, Kern Carson leads the Az- 11 to 3; penaltl , 40 for 384 tee offense with 537 yards net yards to or yard , and rushing, second highest in punts, 56 to . On the credit the California Collegiate Ath- slde of tpe l dger, the Tore- letic Association race. He's ros have run"more plays, 573 averaged 6.5 yards per tote. to 448. Only Joe Womack of Los An- What docs all this mean? geles State has gained more Caryell s a y s "Statistics yards, 668. Comparative sta- don't mean a thing in this tistics: game or any othl'.'r natural Flrot Downs Rushin• . .. .. usof SDSal rivalry." . ~l~:t gg:~: ·.:.::: l 1 ; USO coach Mike Pecaro- Toto! First Downs .. .. .. .. 76 111 vich, a gentleman ot the old i~~Js ~;,~ 1 ~3 rfJ~~ro. ·. :.. :, 1t1 1m football school is satisfied Yards Lost Rushlno ... ... 194 115 , Net Yard$ RU!hlng .... . . . .. 1251 1712 with the role o! underdog. He Passes Atlemoted . .. . . . 132 100 . l d Passes Completed . . .. .. . 33 47 likes the psycholog1ca a · Passes Had lntercapted .. . . 8 3 vantage that goes with it. He ~;{a, Y8[,~~.,~~•5;l?iv, .. ... .. . m 2J: recalls the statistical edge ~g'. Rush'.n; and Pass, 15;: 25g~ was more lopsided a year Yards_ Per Punt 34i~ 34,~ ago when his _Toreros 1 U~rn ~~~~/fl, Lost • 1~ 3 i Pioneers) defied stat1st1cs Yards Penalized J84 363 and upset Marine Corps Re- SDSC SEASON RECORDS OPP. cruit Depot, 21-20. 1 ? /;gf t~,i•'tiLt1; .. . .. . . .· 1~ Shotgun Possible l~ b~Yan~:ach st ·,....... :.:::: :.: ·: !( 21 Santo Bcrbora •• . . • . . 6 '.Th• Toreros ma_Y come u P 2 t .'.' .::•:.:.:,.... .. .. 2~ with some surprises m an 54 Cal western .... . .... , . . 34 all-out effort to turn back l/, 5 ~hlttier . . .. .. . . . .. . . . _oP~ 7 their crosstown rivals. ~;~v.Dl~~~ 11 ~arlncs :: :... :.: News of a double-barrel i8 ~:';,"•~~~~co wcstcri, ... ·::.: ::::: :· 1 f shotgun offense has leaked 12 Lons Beach s1. .. "... .. .. . .. u out of the USO camp, The ~;r,ncl1fgm~~·al .. .. . . . . . . . ~{ the A z t" Cs and there are
CHARGING TORF~RO-lulr• back Don Dorkonsld wlU be counted on to lead t he L"nl• \er~lty of San DleKo lfl'lddera on aerials in the first period. ~aturday w It en Peppenlln" Collfge come to town for a Over-all, he completed 15 of football cla h. Dorkow•kl 1, 20 passes-Including a string currently porting a 6.8-yud o! nine straight-for 2i4 yai-ds. per carry average ovf'r thr Capt. J Im Desantis, last game · • • • year's top r~d-ga,ner with 532 yards an 4 _22 average bulk ot the load tor the Tonroa per carry, led the Tonro ,-u h• whp Jost ace signal-caller :Jan Ing attack against a rugged Chapman vta the gra USD's ray Fl irts iWith 1,000 Ya rd le J oc Gray ha a good chance o! joining fullback d: / Jim Desanti Saturday as the only gr dder. in the x- year hbtory o! the Univer- sity f San Diego football to ain more than 1,000 yard career total. D ·aints, a senior, en- tered the charmed circle !ast aturday night by pick- mg u yard. m 18 carries again t Long Bl'aeh State. He ha. a care r total of 1,003 yards on 235 trie ·. That's a 4.3 average. De- Santis is in h1s third srason at USO. Gray need;; 86 a r d s against San Francis(:o tale Saturday to pa s t e 1,000 mark. He has 915 on 199 carries In hi year o! competition. The Torero w!ll be c Je- b~at!ng their homecom g with the 2 p.m. game at USD Stadium a Francis- co State arrives tomorrow afternoon and ,v1n stay at Marine Corps Recruit Depot. I ' I cw 11 17J ,. J-1> I U7.J I 30 " - Flt0"'1i f.\ T-..:andra ll' i\gn,tino. l~tt. and )fory Wlllirun, an• :-.1Hn, n _c, th~Y 1,r r•aretl ror the f'rP.. hman f'otliP, ~ta~f'd 11l th.. ('oll•:"' for \\ nmrn \loncla). 'l'h• h~o co-chairmen gathered togt:lhu 200 girl for the progr_a_m_ .________ REHEARSAL - Bevel'lee Cenda.U as Lavinia the Emperor are shown r r hearslng for "Andro~les and the Llu11," the Shaw comedy whlc.h will be staged by the Alcala Patk Play n; this F riday night November 17, and Sundas afternoon, November 19, In t ile College for Women theater on the Alcala Park campus. . .. . . . 'Alcala Park Players To Stage Comedy Shaw's sublimely innocent Androcles will waltz again with the lion in the Alcala Park Players' pi oduction of "Androclea and the Lion," to be presented at 8:30 p.m. this Friday Novem- ber 17, and at 3 p.m. this Sunday, November 19, In the s'an Diego College for Women theater. Cast in the i})art of the he1·0~ _._____ Androcles is Jo'1Pph Gillen, a and the part ot the intelligent freshman at the College for mar y, J.,s vinia has been doubly Men and newcomer to the Al- cast to Kathlt-Pn Murphy and cala Park Pjayers' productions. Beverlee C,mdah. George Primov, sophomo,·e at Other men1')ers of t he Shaw the College for Men who made comt>tlv en t are Francesca Hal- his debut as Malvolie in the ligan, · tilol'f Bangas~er, Nancy Players' pres en t a t i on of O'Keeffe, Sharon Steeber Don- "Twelfth Night'' last yea~, will na Brower, Suzanne Farrell, portray the hon. Judith Row land, Martha P a- Michael atley w 111 play the lacio, Frank Lisi William Wil-1 saintly fighting man Ferrovius ste10nan, and J a;,.,es Lorentz. and James Lorentz a -
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