News Scrapbook 1959-1962

USD Mother I uild Will ponsor how Thr Mothers' Guild of the Opri-a will present ~on g l'•1i\·prsity of i,;an D l e go High School will ponsoi a •· Rell Ringmg" fa h I o n show aml c·ontinl'ntal h1 <'ak- fost al JO a.rn and Al CuupJJr'c, spo,·ts com- m!'nlator, 11 ill lw :,p1•<'ial 1 guest.

Funds will uc used to pur- eha<1• patio iun!'h tabl1• · and hrnehrs for· th,· ·chool, ae- c·ordlng \



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old .

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ow d 'Toreros' c·h,111gcd to "ole " at the L'niverslty o! San/ · ll Sl'a. on. I -- lhr pioneermg_ look and announc d hi start-I ool nickname Ing llncup. olllclally la ti Junlor Pat Hemenger, a peclal 6-0,_ l90-pound junior, has been a 1gnecl the No 1 quarter- he'll/ 'l of the chnngc need a mulctta to ha die the !flee o! Bl h- on-ru )ling linl' men was not Buddy, presi- mad clear by P carovlch. v r lty which[ Don Dorkow ki d Jim Pioneer toot- Desantis will b at e hall-, back s pot~ wh le Duane/ red cap and/ !Rudy) Rud a 210- coach .\like Pc- pound charger, w I open at otballers will op. fullback. Last s high new handle corer, Joe Gr ·,II spell t in the se son/Dorkow.k1. ctlon. /backing job. Wheth r Lo schnlg and Jim Gabriel at o o st er s and ends, Guy r ·ent la t night O'L ary at tack! or Dr. Rich- coplo or Wail Joo and Logan ell k and Jim I , Tony Pro- Pec11rovir!? ll d e tollow-1 t . Id. Game ing line a lgnments: Joe O dock.

MRS. PARRI SH music. ::\lbs Ann 11[. Tyrl'll will bl' commentator. .\11kr I3ogl,• of "ta1 ll;,:ht

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- Son Diego Unlan s1011 Photos Univers ity of San Diegq toda)'. at Balboa Stadium. Pat Heminger, right, ·11 open at quarterback for Toreros. I

i~ 1hf' big

Kelton Winston , lef1 ,

offens ive weapon o_f Marine Cor~R Recruit Depot Dev1ldogs who face • ( Marines Seekmg RevenQt,;,..,._, : Against TorerosTod~!, .~~!~~Im . marting from th!' 1 -l!O u1;- t~f~ed that issue by catch- s<'t_ at the hiuid Df 1 ~h~~~ 1: ~g an extr a-point _p~ss in w1

rt'A,..X,...,a at 8

Batt!!' llnPs have been a~- u tecl by both :sidP~, spirit is high and a tough contest ~hould be In , tore for Bal- boa Stadium customers to- da as the Marine Cor ps Rerruit Depot football PO"'.· Prhou •e rolls into the Um- ve rslty of San Diego. Kickoff is SChf'dU) Pd o'clock. for 2 ThP Marines' objectivP ls n>venge. They are t i I I

the end zone at the fm1sh.

leg1ans la.


.a.~a.t Whltti r Col-

power-driving i n st o n a



gatl' P Und sta nc<'









today , USD w m

~n ound halfback ' who has t?e qualities of being a great one will h ead the ground offe~se tor the ~a- rines while Tom Maudlin, a n All-Sea Service quarter- ba ck will handle the pass- mg, Ma rine coach Scotty Har- ris said his boys "really want this one and have been pointing for it for some time." Harris said he intends t_o use as many men as 1>oss1- ble. " I thlnk that•~ t_he. re~; son we have no mJunes ,, Harris said. "We don t have to play boys who are tired." The Marines hav e made two switches In t he lineup. Tank Moore, a 210-pounder I with only high school ex- perience, moves ii:ito t he No. 1 fullback spot m pl~ce of Tom Rodrlgue and Dick Faris, a former Penn S~ate end, will open at the nght wing spot in place of John Lee. CRD ith the big squad, M • uld have little trouble u~der the accepted free I su tilution rules for the gam. However, the T?rer?s must go both ways with six men . They'll be Guy ~el- leck , Logan Elliott, Mike Gurr ola, Jim Gabr_1el, Ray Yoa st a nd P a l Hemmger. Hemin ger , by the way , gets the sta r ting call at quarterback and the Torer- r os are expected to ope~ate from the spread formation . I He'll be accompanied in the backfield by Don Dor - kowski and Howie Willia~- son at halves and captam Jim Desantis at fullback. Torero coach Mike Pecaro- vich, who has reported~y worked his club harder this week than for any . ~ther game is starting W1ll1am- son a~d Dorkowski in pla~e of r egulars Joe Loeschmg and Joe Gray. . Two USO 1inemen- B1ll Kugler and Leery Pendray - definitely will sit out t~e contest while Jim Davis and Tony Procopio will see . • ' Architect.1.7: 10;~ 't./ es I R_i,.,p 6 . USD Girls Architect Fr a n k L . Hope yesterday lectured at the Uni- versity ot San Diego, College tor W o m e n on the Spanish architecture of the Renaissance (16th century). He also conducted a tour of the campus for art students from San Diego High, noting that the College for Women is In the Sp an ls h Renaissance style. Hope, who heads the firm of Frank L. Hope & Associates, architects and engineers In San Diego, designed the college 10 years ago. The buildings Include planted patios, Ironwork and c a r v e d woodwork in the 16th century Spanish tradition, he said. 1 "We tried to combine modern teaching facilities with the old world culture," he said. limited service. uso MCR D Holl'sheod tnlhon~ freme Pis, E (190) McOevitt LT (220) Selleck (20S) LG (218) Elllotl. c (190) Gurrola !225) RG (185) Joos. 245 ) RT (225) Yoast. (20S) RE (218/ Gabriel. (l80 QB (190 Heminger. ( 2061 LH (l 90) Willia~ 1 n. (lSS RH (205) Oorkowsk.l (210) FB (185) Desantis. c\~1~ (.2 251 YBohn runo Fritsch Faris Maudlin Winston ~~1:s

into the '69 cont h~l as a de- dcrdog gu~ f ~n C~a:;~n; cided four,touc own un-


t th!' 1·


and ::\Hckey Ui~..:...= -~-.... ---s.....-.

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!dent of the F:IJiott at g the for- Frank, a 2 the at renter. ol

rd Llither, pr USD !;loo. ters, 1,1,h1-n nounrement ma!

eary rom

Bourque and J im turned the tl~e.

. ou nd freshman,

k f

Only Gabriel ls bac

Saluting change of University of San Diego nickname from P ioneers to Toreros are, left to right , Dr. Rich- ard C. Luther, pres i dent of USD

-San 0 Boosters; Bob Sex ton, a

ch:1110-e wn made Whittler, a 20-6 vktor over l'ec11ro\1rh hrl fed the USD mm la t year, will be as followers of the sea on's out- tough a rver.

tor ; and Fr. John C. Cad en, dean of USD College for 11en. Announce- ment was made at Boosters' party.

1 Mau lin Passes llt~<-( ii., Uy ,TOIi , N\" .)I<-DONAI. D 10 /1 I &J last ),Car's All-Sea s rvice quarterback touchdowns and scored anothC'r on a sneak yest rday to lead the unheatcn Marine Co1·ps Recruit Depot to an en y 37-0 v,ctory over Univer~ily of San Diego at Balboa ' ad1um. • • * crowd of a 500 a t In STATISTICS Fir1t downs Yards rust11n9 Yards Petuin1 a\ n ~:::; lnterctPted by tf"e oenalbed MCRD II 11S ,u 11-27 bv 0 10-J4A IS USO I •• 70 "" • Tom M uc h!l, pass cl fo thr

Marines Past Toreros

Ailing USO Encounters Long Beach StNc,lal lo FVENING TRIBUNE L ll 8ACH - Univer si- ty of , an Diego, missing four °kry men from Hs defensive lineup, m<'ets Long Beach Sta te tonight in what Torero coach Mike Pecarovich calls anothe>r tep up in class. Game timr is 8. The Toreros a re sporting a two-game winning streak and a 2-3 ea son recor d. Long Beach late has a 3-3 r ecord , but like USO, the 49ers have lost to r uggPd opponents. in- cluding Um\'ersity of Pacific, San Francisco State and Cal P olv of San Luis Obispo. Long Beach owns victori es ovrr Sa cra mento Sta te, San Diego State and Univer sity of Califo rnia at Santa Barbara . E lbow injuries s uffered in USD's 20-18 win over New Mexico Western last Satur- day knocked guard Jim Davis and halfba ck Larry Strohmey- e r out of act on for at lea st another two weeks. In a d d I t i o n linebacker Duane Rudzinski wl\l be out with a knee injury and Mike :\1:anah, another linebacker, :suffered a n eck injury in pr a c- tice this week.

5-35 4 .,



and Maudlin hurled 20 of the But, :.-.taudlin was lhC' big

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<' c rtaln 28 passPS.


that no upset _would be m the m kl'lg this time a up a 21-0 lf'ad In th

for the Leather-

they ran dlf!,rence

t I rs t necks yesterday. He c O attack pletcd 10 ol 20 aerials tor 263 m- Talented K e It O 11 Win ton the workhorse on thr a tt ck ground, picking up 41 yards half, in 11 carries. He scored ·o the touchdowns one on a se en- yard run and another on a 68- coun.lyard pa ·s from Maudlin. was tartcrs


The d down

p r d

om what after yards.


t at cv n though the pla d much ot 11' Al hough MCRD put ered In the • Tor ros 1nlrly en lly, t; D r ached Marin try only th re 11 1 n ive unit han I 0

tlm s, the Jim Desantis did a fine jo decpe t penetration b 1ng thC' on the ground for the batter :l3 In the fourth p 10d. The collegians by picking up 42 Torcro had an a 1st t h c yards in 11 carries and Don two othrr time with a fl m- Dorkowski h a d 22 for six blc rrcovcr} on the MCRD 36 trips In the third period and n pass The Leathernecks lntcrfrrence call on the Ma- each time they had posses- 11ne 42. slon in the first period, Win- Thl' :\farlnes, \\ho have won ston's run capped an 80-yard !our /;lralght conte ts, appar. march for th<' first tally, the <'ntly had no plnns of letting 68-yard pass play accounted up on their flpponents, They for the . econd and a 31-yard u cd th first Iring backfield pass from Maudlin to ex- for 24 of the rushing pla_ys (C-ontin ul'd on h-6, Col. .:ll___

Sor, D1eii F l'itsch falls on USD's Joe Loeschnig, who mi ssed t he tackle on Torero 47. 11arines won easily, ~7-0. .. ff day at Balboa Stadium. .\1arine tbckl

Marine halfback Bill_\' Charles (40) slips through for eight-yard gainer on MCRD's first touchdown march against the University of San Diego yestf'r-

M Jid · Hurls M rin sPast Torero , 37-0 the Marines tw H'l' Jr !lie econd period be- fore a fumble on thr Torero 13 .·et up the fourth touch- down. With ·48 cco~d.· left ln the half, • rnudlin went in from th one . I'~e Marine drove 47 ya,ds m five P I a y s for the last to!1chc!o,\ n \\ ilh I: 20 left In the th ird PPrlod. A pa~s lnterfer- Pnte /'Pllalty plal'Pcl the 1a- l' • n e on l so·~ 14. Then. l\ 'llm Pllchl'

SD Boasts Near-V He rcc,mtly knocked

r THE SAN DIEGO U!JIOtl · Tues., Sept. 5, 1961 <'i SAN DIEGO. CALIFORN IA



By -JOHNl\'\" ~lrDONALD Except for quarterback, coach l ike P ecarovich is in the enyiablc position of naming an all-lettermen starting linrup for his Uni - versity of San Diego foot- ball cam th! ·eason. Thi! on exception is un- po h d '1.'l on Murphy, a 6-1, 1 •PtlUDd signal-caller, who p;-rformed only briefly as a fre hman last year. Act all> a I Injury held hi m, ba of the sPa .l;);.,....,..,,~- stood or fell \\ tfan Chapman last S""""'"-''NOWever, Cha p- man has used up his eligi- bility. \furphy shows fine prom- ise and has a good arm. ,____

Pat top

in the Army. He is 6-0 and 210. Line returnees and num- ber one candidate at the mom ent are ends Mike Mc- Devitt, 6-0, 190: and Wayne Blake, 6-1, 188; tackles Lo- ga n Elliott, 6-0, 218, a n d Tony P rocopio, 5-10, 210; gua rds :11:ike Gurrola, 5-11, 195, and Bill Kugler, 5-10, ~3 a nd center Jim O'Leary, 6-3, 240. Three additions are ex- pectl'd to juggle this "start- ing" club. Jim Ga b r i e I, a glue- fingered end who caugh t the two-point conversion pass that ups t MCRD last year, is back in uniform while last year's first string tack- le Wally J oost just checked

in from Quantico, V he has been und :rgo1 rine reserve tr aining. Both of these ff"l!Qw ould send somebody to thP bench. The third performer of the late arrivals would be Ray Yoast, anot.her end. Yoast . the Marinc>s and station ed at MCRD, is soon to draw h is release. The Pioneers C'ame up with an injury and a nother drop from the ~quad. Half- b a c k Don Dorkowski, a strong s e c o n d stringc>r, twisted an a nkle a nd may be on the s·drlines for a week while hallback Jim Larkins tu rned 111 his suit and returned to Redondo Beach. USD has schc>du lcd a spe- \\. hC'rc Ma- currently in

Heminger out of quarterback post. Murphy wil enced compa field in halfb and Jim DeSa"!lllk>!''-'1,1 back Duane c R zinski. the

campus. cial booster day progr Wrdnesday afternoon at ti Naval T raining Center. Fol- lowing wo rkouts, guests will be -able to meet the coa ches and players on t he P ioneer


Gray, a scrappy 5-8, 190- pounder, wa~ the club 's top ball car hile DeSantis, 5-10 1 190, ha b e e n switchrd to the right half pot. Desantis, the team aptain who played fullback last year , has pushed Joe Loeschnig, another letter- winner, down to a No. 2 job. Rudzinski. a former let- terman at USD, returns to action after a two-year hitch

MaUdl n POSJ. from M0!.10'· .-, 1 ~s trem

h~an 7 run

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MCR D - Hol ngsheod 3 A\oudlln. ('-\otJdllrt f0 5 f-> (P~f,R~:OUdJln quo,tt,~c1SIS ·:~· ' MC~O-Maitn~s 1' oou 'rom Maud n (Raney k ckJ.

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